Chapter 12: Afternoon of Training.*
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After the exercise most of the student went to eat to the cafeteria. While we are eating at a table that was brought to serve the royal family, the saint, on this occasion Sakura and Carlos also joined us, being at the table I realize that I am the only one who has multiple partners, I can't even mention that Marceline has had two in her life because the prince proposed to her when she was already a widow. Does it make me feel special but at the same time carrying a greater responsibility? maybe this feeling is what makes most people only have one partner. Even so, there are several men in my position since the population is 63% women and 37% men, although I have heard that there are several pairs of women as well, and a few of men.

-Luyira: You have nothing to worry about.

Luyira tells me while rubbing my hair.

-Luyira: There's no reason to think so much.

-Sakura: That's right. I'm not sure what you're worried about, but we're all here for you.

-Carlos: We can always count on you, too.

-Saint Mary: Indeed. I trust you will do your best in your current circumstances.

-Alidia: My dear child, your behavior was unexpected. Despite your calm and composed demeanor, it appears that there is a strong, yet volatile energy within you. Unfortunately, we do not have a means to visibly or quantifiably measure this energy. Only Retter Messiah may possess the ability to sense the state of a person's body, or perhaps only Mary could do so.

-Aido: But it is mine or it is Destroyer?

-Destroyer: Both, my energy can be use by my wearer, mean also control it.

-Aido: Is it mine or is it the Destroyer's?

-Destroyer: It belongs to both of us, my energy can be harnessed by the one who wears it, allowing them to both possess and command it.

-Luyira: If we had the ability to quantify the power we wield, our lives would be much easier.

-Saint Mary: I agree.

-Alidia: Aido, you must remain focused.

Sakura pondered.

-Sakura: Will we conclude our day at six in the evening as planned?

Saint Mary reminisced.

-Saint Mary: If memory serves me well, we have a hands-on private lesson post our classes.

Alidia chimed in, praising her children.

-Alidia: You all were simply splendid this morning.

Luyira, with a gleeful grin, replied.

-Luyira: Indeed, dear mother, I feel like a renewed version of myself.

Aido playfully teased Luyira.

Aido: You're beaming now, yet just a few hours back, tears were flowing.

Luyira, with a twinkle in her eye, retorted.

-Luyira: A woman's heart is a mystifying realm, who wouldn't shed a tear over a missing piece of dessert?

-Aido: Am I sweet, then?

In unison, three voices confirmed, "Yes!"

Followed by surprise

-Aido: Really? I had no idea.

Carlos philosophized

-Carlos A woman's emotions are akin to a roller coaster ride.

Sakura prodded Carlos.

-Sakura: And what about you? Are you sure you're not a woman at heart?"

Chuckling, Carlos confessed.

-Carlos: No, I may be a man, but a deeply sensitive one at that.

Luyira mused.

-Luyira: I would love to ride the roller coaster with Aido.

-Aido: Now you meantion, we have only one in the capital, I will like to ride it once.

-Luyira: Ohh!

Alidia inquired.

-Alidia: We have a plan, right?

Saint Mary assured.

-Saint Mary: Of course, I have already made arrangements with the queen.

Sakura wondered.

-Sakura: What would you like to do after the lesson?

-Luyira: I would love to go out for ice cream.

Saint Mary interjected

-Saint Mary: It's likely due to our evening lesson with the four of us - Aido, Alidia, Luyira, and myself.

-Sakura: Ah, yes. You're correct.

Luyira pouted.

-Luyira: I'm afraid there won't be enough time.

Aido thought aloud.

-Aido: Perhaps we can visit the amusement park on a day off.

-Carlos: I will make sure to accompany you two.

-Sakura: I'll come too, it's a promise!

While I value candidness in discussions, particularly on intimate matters, the occurrence from just the previous night leaves me slightly flustered. Sakura and Carlos exchange knowing glances, evidence that they're aware of our clandestine rendezvous.

-Luyira: You're blushing, Aido.

-Carlos: You know what they say, it's good to blow off steam every now and then.

-Sakura: Indeed.

The air was filled with chatter, as Sakura engaged in conversation with Luy and Carlos, while my mother and Mary earnestly discussed ways to enhance my abilities. Meanwhile, the royals shared remarks with one another, with Sasari displaying remarkable skill and Prince Lasui demonstrating adept energy management. They seemed to be like twins in their synchronization, complementing each other effortlessly.

-Aido: It looks like I've got a lot more to work on.

-Sakura: Oh, Aido, don't think too much, your effort is already admirable.

-Carlos: She's right, Aido, you should enjoy this moment.

-Luyira: Yes, you have done well, my love.

-Aido: Thanks guys, I'm just glad to have such wonderful people by my side.

-Luyira: Aww, I'm flattered, you're such a charmer, Aido.

-Saint Mary: Yesterday, when I was alone with Aido, I did not feel the same energy. Now that he is with Destroyer, I still see the same person with the same behavior, but the aura has changed. It feels like a dark well, calm yet unsettling, like an abyss.

-Alidia: So, Aido's power is like the same as Luyira's, that means when Destroyer's armor is not worn, it is the same as Luyira, but when it is worn, the power of the wearer is amplified to the limit, to the point of destruction.

-Saint Mary: You are correct, Aido is very similar to Luyira, only the power of Destroyer is so great that it changes him, I hope Destroyer can learn to control this power. Or, he is like an awakener, he can use destroyer energy, but cannot control it, at least he can control it when he uses it to protect someone.

-Alidia: I am proud of him, in a sense.

The bond between Marceline and Lasui struck a chord with me, akin to the relationship I share with my mother - a mix of love and maternal care evident in tender gestures, like wiping his face or listening intently to his thoughts on training. Marceline's expression hinted at a subtle concern for Lasui, as he expressed his determination to prove himself in battle, showcasing a newfound eagerness.

-Prince Lasui: I am confident in my abilities. I will continue to train and study to become a capable leader who can protect his people.

-Marceline: I believe you, Lasui, you are a great man.

The way they look at each other shows me how much they love each other, the love between a man and a woman is something that I have seen since I was a child and I have always wished that I could find that kind of love, and now that I have it, I hope I can be worthy of it.

In contrast, the dialogue between Queen Jessica and King Arthur exuded the comfort of a seasoned couple with a shared history and children. Their conversations oscillated between trivial matters and intricate topics, with Jessica serving as a pillar of emotional support for the King, as they both harbored aspirations for the future

-King Arthur: I will do everything in my power to ensure our kingdom prospers.

-Queen Jessica: We must remain patient, my dear.

-King Arthur: Yes, yes, I am well aware, but this does not change the fact that I would prefer to take action rather than sit idle.

-Queen Jessica: I am aware, but we must follow the rules.

-King Arthur: I know, but I still don't like it.

-Queen Jessica: We will prevail. We are in better times, the history would not repeat again.

-King Arthur: I hope so, we must never forget the past, so as not to be condemned to repeat it.

While I find it reassuring that the royal family seems to have a strong relationship with their subjects, I can't help but wonder what exactly happened in the past. Perhaps this is an interesting story that I could hear from them.

-King Arthur: Our people have suffered enough, I don't want to see anyone else die. But we keep losing people.

We finish our meal and continue to the training grounds, where I notice that the students are already starting to prepare. We can notice a obstacle course, there are several platforms separated by large spaces with different types of obstacles, we will have to jump from platform to platform without touching the ground, this course was designed to test some new ability?

-Alidia: We have learned how to be offensive and reinforce a weapon in the morning, now we need to focus on being more agile, like a cat.

Sakura inquired with a face of expectation, her eyes shining with anticipation.

-Sakura: When can we try it out?

Saint Mary responded.

-Saint Mary: Once everyone has gathered.

Luyira pondered, and then spoke.

- Luyira: Like a cat?

-Carlos: I am unsure of what she means, but we all need to be quick to catch a cat.

-Luyira: Mother, if you were a cat, you would be a tiger.

-Alidia: Thank you for the compliment, but in this context, that is not what we are referring to.

-Saint Mary: This technique involves moving faster than the naked eye can perceive of a normal person. To enhance attack speed, one must utilize this visualization. It will be interesting to see how Luyira responds next, it will be surprising.

Luyira it is overconfident like a child trying to impress her mother, and brother, her actions show me that she is a strong woman who cares about those she loves, she is so beautiful, I wonder how we could get along better.

-Saint Mary: Do you want to try it first, Luyira?

-Luyira: Of course!

-Aido: Good luck.

Luyira smiled.

-Luyira: Don't worry, I will put in a lot of effort.

-Aido: This time, I will give it a try. It is similar to the previous exercise.

-Alidia: Is everyone Listened?

-Students: YES, MADAM!

-Alidia: Excellent. The second exercise will focus on agility. This is the first time that everyone will be training in this method, so I encourage you to seek help from Sakura, Carlos, Luyira, and myself. Let's begin. Luyira, come here.

-Luyira: Present!

Without warning, my mother grabs Alidia by the leg, twirls her around like a whirlwind, and tosses her into the air. Everyone is shocked and terrified.

-Alidia: Uaaaaaaah!

-Aido: MOTHER!

-Alidia: No worry she is going to be alright. Most likely she would fall here, unless she does something.

My mother was not lying, Luy's body is coming down, and at first she was spinning like a top, but in a matter of seconds she was already moving her arms and legs, and she is trying to land on the ground, the closer she gets the more I can hear her scream, then a big dust cloud comes from the impact of her landing.

-Luyira: HEROINE LANDING! Praise me!

She is growing to a incredible speed, I can not be let behind.

- Alidia: Good job, I knew you were going to land.

-Luyira: Haha, I have no idea how I did it.


-Luyira: Never been better, hahaha.

-Aido: Are you really fine?

-Luyira: I was just excited.

-Alidia: As Luyira said, she is fine, she did a great job landing.

- Luyira: What should I do to move more easily, mommy?

-Alidia: Think about yourself as light, as light as a feather.

-Luyira: Yes!

-Saint Mary: As you reinforce your weapons, you can also reinforce your body and your actions too. As Retter Messiah is easier because our instincts are different. Anyone can see my wings, right?

-Prince Lasui: Yes, her holiness!

It seems the prince wants to be noticed more to impress his Marceline, and the rest of the people, I get it, expect too much from us.

-Saint Mary: Could I be able to fly with them?

-Luyira: No...

-Saint Mary: But you could if you tried, I know it's impossible. or it is?

-Luyira: Ehehehe.

The small and beautiful wings of Mary started to grow to a much bigger size, her tail feathers usually hide from the view of people also appear and looks like another dress.

-Aido: What a beauty.

-Everyone: Agree!

-Alidia: Now I understand why my kids love you, you're really a beautiful and cute girl.

-Saint Mary: Thank you. The reason why my wings and tail feathers are hidden is because I usually walk everywhere. Also,  I did not know I was able to fly until, instead of using my tiny wings, I tried to change my own.

-Luyira:Does that mean I can grow wings too?

-Saint Mary: I'm not sure about that, but I can't deny it either.

After saying that she started to fly, we can see her around the academy. It is hard to miss her, and I can bet people outside the academy are able to see her too. A few moments later it descends back to our position and its wings return to their usual size.

-Saint Mary: The way to control the flight is simple, it is just a matter of will.

- Aido: Then I will have to fly.

-Destroyer: I'm afraid that's not the case, the flight that the saint uses is thanks to her own structure and body, apparently she has characteristics of a bird, just as Luyira has characteristics of a rabbit.

After hear what Destroyer said, Luy started to jump, she could not jump pretty high her first dozen of tries but little by little she is jumping higher, I can hear the S-rank hunters saying it took them months to be able to jump like that. But besides the fact that Luy is a genius, the Retter Messiah have infinite energy, they only feel tired when they mentally feel it, which means that she has a huge advantage over us.

-Saint Mary: Aido, can you feel the nature, the earth beneath your feet?

-Aido: Yes, I can, is that important?

-Saint Mary: As Destroyer mentioned early, to do something, we have to balance the forces. Jumping pretty high without knowing how to land is dangerous, and Alidia risks it because Luy would not end up hurt even if she fell in a horrible way.

Well, like everyone else I am trying when the genius of our class are already having results similar to Luy they jump high and land without a sound, meanwhile I feel I am gonna explode again.

-Saint Mary: When we are walking, we use the force that the earth produces to lift our body, so it would be easy to do something like jumping, but it is necessary to have a perfect balance.

After say that, the Saint jump in the air and like if she is floating also fall without a sound. She is like a feather, she moves like she was dancing and is beautiful, her blue light clothes move and the wind hits her wings, and her hair, even her tail feathers are now touching her butt it is kinda sexy, I can see others watching her including women.

-Aido: Wow, is she a goddess?

-Saint Mary: Not, but thank you for the compliment, you are the god here.

I am not used to those compliments, even though I gave them a moment ago. Still,  that shows how much is expected from me.

-Alidia: I think we're ready, it's just a matter of concentration, and the Retter Messiah have that skill.

-Luyira: Yeah, the rest will have to practice to do something like me.

Luy gave me a look just now, but I can't help it, I can't compare them either, I can only feel that I'm lucky because 3 beautiful women out of this world love me as much as I love them, and that's why I can't fail them, or the others.

-Aido: So the goal is not to fly but to move fast and jump like a cat.

-Luyira: If we could move in the same speed as Mary, we could win the battle without effort.

The reason that I noticed the looks of Luy and my mother is not a sixth sense; it's that no matter that I also can't help but see them, especially because today we didn't do the usual, Luy's beautiful body also attracts a lot of looks, while although people try to look at our mother respectfully, some look at her huge breasts that contrast with her petite body. I can't blame them; if was for me,  I would be doing things with all of them all day.

-Sakura: If that happens, the world is going to end! Aido would like BAM! BOOM!! CHAS!! RUMPU RUN!

-Alidia: I'm worried about that, but as long as my family and the world's people are okay, it would be enough.

After saying those things, Sakura has started chasing Luyira, who has a remarkable agility compared to others, the two are playing like any child would. It is a scene that instead of making people angry, calms them down and they show a smile, while the other students have been supporting each other both as a couple and as a group.

-Sakura: I am going to catch you!

-Luyira: hehehe, this bunny is ahead of you!

-Sakura: You're fast!

-Luyira: It's in my very being!

-Sakura: So you're a bunny?

-Luyira: Yeah!

-Sakura: Bunnies are my absolute favorite! Come closer, little one, and let me shower you with affection!

Most of the students have found the ability to leap three times higher than before, while I have managed to double my own jump. Not too shabby, I must say. Those who struggled before continue to do so, perhaps not leaping as high but landing gracefully, unlike myself. And as if fate had a hand in it, my worst fear materialized. A thunderous noise erupts from my location, catching everyone's attention.

-Luyira: Oh no! Aido, are you alright?

She looks to where I used to be jumping and standing, but I am ascending to the skies this moment, I can not stop my ascension, I can not breathe, I can not move.

-Alidia: AIDO!

-Saint Mary: Oh God!

-Aido: Oh no, Destroyer, are we going to be okay?

-Destroyer: Even if we plummet like a stone, my friend.

As I soar higher and higher, nearing the clouds, a peculiar sensation envelops me. Fear grips me, but there's no turning back now. Suddenly, arms wrap around me. It's Luy, swooping in to catch me like a princess, evoking both gratitude and a twinge of embarrassment.

-Aido: Thank you, Luy.

-Luyira: You're welcome, Aido.



As we descend together, I gather my courage and gesture to Luy that I must fall on my own. If I want to stand alongside them, I must learn to do as they do. She gazes at me, and though fear lingers, her eyes convey a silent support, assuring me that I can face the world and this moment if I focus.

-Luyira: Aido, I am here.

-Aido: I know.

-Destroyer: Embrace the unity within us, trust in both yourself and me, for together we are one.

I do trust, Luy and Destroyer, her face is the only motivation I need right now, my heart beats fast, but it calms down with the warmth of her hug and the sound of her voice, she tells me words of encouragement that I will remember forever.

-Aido: I want to fall like you.

-Luyira: All you need to do is let go.

-Aido: I'm scared.

-Luyira: I know.

-Aido: But I must do this, right?

At this moment, I am acutely aware of the air within me, the presence of the environment surrounding us, and the chaotic energy within. I can sense how this energy, akin to a force of destruction, is contained within the confines of my skin, bones, and flesh. Rather than become rigid like a stone, it flows through me gracefully, akin to a cat falling and dispersing its energy with elegance upon landing.

As I landed softly, I noticed several onlookers observing us from the ground. For a brief moment, time seemed to slow down, and without making much noise, I lifted my head to see three faces smiling back at me.

-Alidia: You did it, my lovely Child.

-Aido: Aaaaaaah, that was incredible.

-Destroyer: Well done, sir.

-Saint Mary: You possess a unique gift. With continued practice, you will reach the level of mastery like the rest of us.

-Luyira: I will always support you, no matter what.

Despite my initial trepidation, I felt a sense of accomplishment and joy.

-Alidia: It's time to conclude our session. Tomorrow, I will instruct you in a visualization exercise to prepare for the upcoming battle. Please focus your attention as we will repeat this routine daily until you can match my speed.

After a thorough 30-minute lesson, the class adjourned. The students retreated to their respective dormitories while we made our way back to the Crystal Palace.

The women appear to have left to attend to some personal matters, while I have been summoned by the King to his office for a discussion. As I approach the office, two S-Rank Hunters, a man and a woman, stand guard at the door.

-Guard: Your Highness.

-Arthur: Please, come in.

-Guard: Yes, sir.

Upon entering the office, I find the King and Queen engrossed in reviewing some documents.

-Arthur: Please, take a seat.

-Jessica: We have received troubling reports regarding the current situation. It is a grave matter.

-Arthur: Indeed, we have done our best, but did not anticipate further adversaries.

-Aido: Good evening, Your Excellencies.

The King and Queen engage in a discussion about the state of the empire, with just the three of us present.

-Jessica: We are discussing the escalating aggression of the enemy, with a rising death toll indicating a pressing need for swift resolution. The enemy's leader, upon identifying the Redeemer and the Saint, will likely intensify efforts to end the conflict swiftly, posing a significant threat to us.

-Aido: My apologies for the confusion. I had assumed that the beasts operated without a leader. Do you have any information regarding this matter?

-Jessica: You are correct in pointing out that this is purely speculative. As observed in our studies and in reports, the beasts exhibit characteristics reminiscent of creatures from zombie movies or monsters. However, their behavior suggests a level of organization beyond simple instinct. Based on the timing of attacks and strategic patterns, it is speculated that there may indeed be a leader among them, possibly akin to a queen or king figure.

-Arthur: Our best course of action is to swiftly end this conflict. It is evident that the enemy is likely planning a surprise attack, so we must devise a strategic response. Unfortunately, utilizing the army to combat the monsters is unavoidable, and the increasing casualties and distress among the populace are concerning. While some regions enjoy years of peace, facing occasional threats from demi-humans, villages like yours are now besieged by a large number of foes, presenting a formidable challenge. There are something I do not like, when certain individuals numbers reach a percent high enough, the attacks of the beasts are more frequent.

-Aido: Do you mean that they are attacking people?

-Arthur: Yes, I do, and this is causing a great deal of distress.

Jessica expressed her concern that the enemy's nefarious intentions may be aimed at decimating villages and towns populated by individuals over the age of 40. It seems as though they aim to hinder our growth and prosperity by targeting those with a wealth of life experience. Surprisingly, in the presence of a few resilient elders like her father, the ferocious attacks seem to dwindle. It's almost as if the beasts have a method to their madness - the more elderly individuals inhabit a village or town, the more vulnerable they become to these malicious assaults.

-Jessica: Aido, share with me your knowledge of the mutant beast?

-Aido: These beasts have evolved into monstrous creatures, wielding immense power and unmatched intelligence. They pose a severe threat to our kingdom, capable of orchestrating attacks on our empire.

That is what is teach in the academy, i am not sure either, but I can not say nothing more than that. I feel they know more than public in general, I think it's related to what the king said earlier.

-Arthur: If we were to classify them, the common beasts would be the canine types, often attacking in packs with firearms protruding from their bodies. These are particularly dangerous not only to hunters but to civilians, causing massive casualties in villages where hunters are scarce.

-Jessica: The world's population has dwindled significantly over the years, making it harder to defend against these beasts.

-Arthur: Then there are the rare mutants, taking forms like bears, lizard men, or stone giants, standing at a formidable 3 to 8 meters tall. They are usually accompanied by smaller beasts, adding to their lethal force.

-Jessica: Lastly, the most feared are the Titanic beasts, towering in size and ferocity. While rare, they lead vast armies of mutant creatures, proving to be the ultimate threat. Fortunately, they have always emerged from the north, where the protective wall stands as our first and last line of defense.

- Aido: The wall is said to be more symbolic than effective in reality.

-Arthur: Indeed, despite its towering height of 50 meters, all beasts can scale it with ease. However, it houses the cannons crucial for combating the Titanic beasts, inflicting significant damage.

-Aido: Why haven't we utilized these cannons against the mutants?

-Jessica: Building and maintaining such powerful weapons require immense resources - gold, magic, knowledge, and time - making it a daunting task.

-Arthur: The tides turned with the arrival of the warrior, and more significantly, your mother. With their unique ability to draw focus away from the hunters through a provoking scream, casualties have been drastically reduced when facing the Titanic beasts on the battlefield. This newfound strategy has shifted the odds in our favor, granting the hunters a safer advantage in combat.

-Aido: What is the vulnerability of this technique?

-Jessica: If they use it continuously, the creatures will eventually stop responding to them. Based on our observations, they need to repeat the process every 5 minutes to maintain control over the creatures, as they tend to ignore them otherwise, except for those already engaged in combat.

-Aido: A 5-minute interval leaves too much room for error.

-Arthur: Indeed. However, it was even worse before. These periods of respite have actually improved the situation. Despite the abundance of creatures that we must eliminate, we are unable to utilize them as resources.

-Aido: Is it due to their toxicity?

-Arthur: Yes, although they are not inherently toxic. Consuming them is not advisable for that reason. It is actually a decomposition mechanism. When a creature dies, it decomposes rapidly, ideally should nourishing the earth. However, it appears that the gases released ascend to the sky and are then somehow collected and used to create more creatures.

-Aido: That explains the continuous regeneration of creatures.

-Arthur: In recent years, we have been attempting to harness these gases using machines. Once processed, they resemble life-sustaining materials containing nitrogen, minerals, vitamins - everything necessary for life. They are not androids, nor can they be classified as cyborgs; they are more like something else. Currently, we utilize them as fertilizer for a substantial portion of the capital's fields. This brings me to another topic. Do you understand the rationale behind dispersing the population instead of centralizing it in one location for easier access to hunters and protection?

-Aido: To safeguard the fields, since a single creature could devastate a village within minutes, and the loss of crops could set back months of work.

-Arthur: Unfortunately, that is not the primary reason. The truth is more ominous. Having all of our population concentrated in one area would result in the gradual decimation of farmland, livestock, and wildlife due to our very presence, mirroring the consequences of the redeemer's judgment against us for our selfishness.

-Aido: How can we be certain that the creatures are not the redeemer's doing?

Jessica: In the ancient texts of kings, it is revealed that post-judgment, the redeemer commanded humanity to repopulate the earth, lead decent lives, and connect with each other. Legends even suggest the existence of beings in the celestial realm, perhaps one day to grace our world with their presence. The emergence of beasts dates back millennia, initially a mere handful, but in due course, they evolved into the formidable threat we face today. In our prime, the global population reached a staggering 50 million souls, dwarfing our current numbers by twenty-fivefold.

-Aido: Another apocalypse looms on the horizon!

-Arthur: Expanding on my previous thoughts, the Kings sanctioned the formation of factions vying for fertile lands as a strategic defense. By dispersing ourselves, we thwart the beasts' assaults from concentrating on a single target, particularly the colossal creatures with a clear directive of their prey.

-Jessica: Harsh as it may seem, the Kings decreed that our survival hinged on spreading out, even if it entailed the sacrifice of settlements and cities.

-Aido: There is no need for remorse; the common folk are aware of this dynamic. Though we live in trepidation of beastly incursions, we revel in many moments of joy. I have yet to encounter a citizen who does not appreciate the government's vigilant efforts.

- Arthur: The majority of our civil servants are devoted individuals with their people's well-being at heart. While most are content with their roles, there are regrettable exceptions, like the recent unearthing of a demi-human sex trade near the African capital in South Africa that shames us all.


-Aido: Are we discussing demi humans?

-Jessica: Yes, demi humans often face discrimination, although there have been recent cases of improvement. Africa and Oceania have seen fewer attacks possibly due to less technological ruins in Africa and scarce fertile areas in Oceania.

-Aido: I've heard about this issue.

-Arthur: Demi humans in these regions are gradually being more accepted, living openly. However, there's a concerning trend of individuals trying to enforce romantic interests against teachings.

-Aido: It's essential not to pressure partners into relationships to avoid creating issues for potential offspring.

-Jessica: Despite this, some people develop inappropriate desires for demi humans, leading to enslavement and exploitation by unscrupulous nobles. This has resulted in a distressing market for such individuals.

-Arthur: Efforts are being made to identify and punish those responsible. My family members are actively searching for culprits in Africa and Spain. Exposing corrupt practices among nobility is crucial to safeguarding society. The distances is a problem, we have years without hear of both, beside reports.

At that moment, there's a knock on the door.

-Arthur: Please come in.

Alidia enters, looking slightly embarrassed. The King and Queen allow her to speak and inquire about her visit.

-Alidia: I've arranged everything and have come to collect my sapling.

-Arthur: Apologies for the delay. Let's proceed with lunch and then address our evening agenda.

We adjourn to the dining room for dinner, observing everyone in high spirits. It appears there's a sense of anticipation and busyness among us all, hinting at underlying matters being addressed.

Despite only a few days passing since joining this new group, familiar dynamics have already emerged. Javier is concerned about Sasari's childish behavior, Marceline enjoys listening to Lasui's cheerful demeanor. King Arthur engages in discussions with his wife and my mother, while Luy and Mary show me special attention, displaying a competitive streak towards each other. However, there are instances of mischievous behavior from both Luy and Mary. They are also capable of behaving like children in my presence.