Chapter 10
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“What are you on about?” Jack was confused.

Then it hit him. Jack looked at his red skinned hands. He had horns on his forehead. Of course he was a demon.

The surrounding tents quickly opened. Young men with spears in hand jumped out to confront Jack.


[Warrior lvl 11]

[Archer lvl 9]

[Fighter lvl 8]

[Axe Wielder lvl 6]

[Spearman lvl 10]

As Jack read the class levels of each of the men who approached him, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

He didn’t even need to summon a monster to fight these guys, they were that weak. He could use his own spells even though they weren’t top tier level to defeat them all.

About 15 men surrounded him.

He could see the women and children peeking from inside their tents to get a look at him.

Jack groaned loudly. “I’ve no interest in fighting you all. I came here to ask whether you saw a [Scout] of mine.”

“GET AWAY FROM HERE, YOU EVIL FIEND!” shouted a man holding a spear. He approached Jack carefully, his eyes filled with anger and disgust.

Jack crossed his arms, “Make me.”

The spearman raised his brows at Jack’s response.

Jack didn’t want to fight these humans. He wasn’t looking for a fight.

“Holy Water!” a guy at Jack’s side carrying a clay jar threw cold water at him.

The water splashed Jack in the face.
But nothing happened.

“W-Why didn’t that work?” the man carrying the empty jar looked defeated.

The Griffin wasted no time at charging and tackling the man who dared pour water at Jack. The Griffin used its powerful beak to tear into the man’s chest cavity.

His neighbours watched in horror as the Griffin made quick work of him.

Jack pulled a towel from his [Inventory]. He dried his face.

“Anyone else who wants to be cute?” Jack glared at them.

No one moved.

“Father, I’ll avenge you!” a young man of no more than 16 years charged Jack with a dagger.


A ball of fire shot from Jack’s hand and into the young man charging at him.

The young man was quickly engulfed in fire and a moment after, he was nothing more than a heap of ash.

Jack didn’t want to offend these NPCs but they had no chance in defeating him. If they keep on attacking him then he’ll defend himself.

Jack looked around to see if anyone else would attack.

Then an old geezer fell to his knees.

“Spare us, Demon. We’ve done you no harm,” he cried before Jack.

“You’ve attacked me twice. Is this how your people treat guests?” Jack responded.

“Then please forgive us and spare the lives of the innocent. If you so desire, I’ll offer myself for you to feast upon.”


Another young man, who looked to be the most physically fit in this group, fell to his knees next to the old man.

“Eat me instead, Demon. I am young and the best warrior of my village. I only ask that you spare everyone else,” the fit guy begged.

“Do you take me to be some kind of monster who eats the flesh of people?” Jack asked rhetorically.
Everyone looked at him as though to say ‘YES’.

“I’m curious, do the demons from this world eat humans.? If you lie to me, I’ll kill you all,” Jack growled.

The old man looked up at Jack, “Indeed. That’s what your kind does and we’re begging you to spare us. Or at least choose some of us to eat so that the rest are spared.”

Jack chuckled. These NPCs are crazy, he thought.

“Please don’t laugh and kill us all,” the old man cried out with tears rolling down his cheeks. “We’ll offer you our daughters. You can pick as many as your heart wants.”

Jack’s eyes glazed over the sheep and goat enclosure of this settlement.

Goats are good for milk and meat. Also their skin is good for parchment. Parchment is needed to make higher tiered spell scrolls.

And sheep have the added benefit of producing wool.

“I want 20 goats and 20 sheep from you. Then I’ll spare you all,” Jack gave them a generous offer. An offer that benefited both sides.

The old man scratched his beard. “How about 10 free women and 5 of our finest warriors.”

“Come again?” Jack was taken aback.

Did this old dude just reject his offer and instead give a counter-offer of humans to be eaten instead, Jack thought.

“Yes. 10 virgin women and 5 warriors with levels above 5,” the old man responded with a straight face.

Seeing that Jack wasn’t a cannibal, he wasn’t going to take such an offer.

“I want 20 goats and 20 sheep. Either you give them to me or I’ll take everything from you.”

“B-But winter is coming. And the [Soothsayer] has foreseen that it will be harsh. We need those livestock to trade with the elves for firewood and flour.”

Elves? Trade?

This world felt bigger with this realisation.

“And where are the elves?”

“In the south, you’ll have to cross the Crystal Mountains and pay a toll to the dwarves for safe passage to get through. After that, the kingdom of the elves will be waiting on the other side.”

“You speak of winter. When is this?”

The old man looked confused at Jack.

“Answer my question.”

“In 40 days! Surely you know about this as your kind never spawn in winter.”

Jack knew nothing of this world and he wasn’t going to go around telling these people he’s not from this world.

“Very well, I still want the livestock. I find it too suspicious you’re so eager to give me your people for slaughter.”

The old man stood up, “With my full honour, I swear there’s nothing wrong with them. They’ll understand the sacrifice they’re doing so that the village lives on. Please, I beg you not to take the livestock.”

He paused and then continued.

“I am the [Village Chief]. I’m willing to offer you my eldest son and daughter to show you that the human tribute is not a scheme to swindle you.”

The Griffin glared at this [Village Chief]. Frankly, Jack didn’t trust this old guy also.

Was Jack being greedy? The demons weren’t running short on food just yet.

But then again, Jack would love to eat a nice roasted lamb shank. Fresh food always beats out preserved ones.

Or he could spare them. These nomadic villagers seem to know more about the world and could help in illuminating the [Map].

He stared at everyone surrounding him. They all had put down their weapons and were looking fearful at him.

Jack had to make a decision.

Must he stand his ground? Or accept the [Village Chief]’s offer?