Chapter Sixty-Seven, Part Two
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Check out my new novel ‘Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun,’ set in the Dragon Ball universe!


Now, on to the chapter!


“So, you want us to burrow into a living planet and reprogram an ancient device,” Tony scratched the back of his head, brow furrowed as he scanned the data on Galactus. “All while you and this featureless automaton keep it from killing us. Then we have to summon a planet-eating herald of universal destruction and shove him inside?”


“That about sums it up,” Dan repressed a smile at Tony’s unimpressed expression. Despite Stark’s Kryptonian biology, he rarely ventured beyond the lab. It was time for the future Ironman to see a bit of action, a motivation to create a suit of armour to challenge the Gods. “Silver Surfer and I should be more than enough to deal with Ego, and Cal has already begun preparations to deal with Galactus.”


“I don’t see why Richards can’t deal with this one, he’s just as durable as I am after he took the serum,” Tony snorted and leaned back in his chair. He released a sigh as he waved to the other scientists in the room. “It seems like overkill, bringing all of us to complete a single task.”


Dan shook his head and raised his hand to stop Tony’s words. Both he and Richards were the most intelligent beings he’d ever encountered, but their progress on Celestial technology was slow. Lifebringer One was potentially just as advanced, created by a being that stood above the Celestials in power.


“This will take everyone working together, including the rest of the League,” Dan turned to Namor, who’d remained silent throughout the briefing. “Ego can create sentient guardians that he calls ‘Anti-bodies.’ You and the rest of the senior members will be tasked with defending the machine while Tony and the others work.”


“What about Juggernaut?” Namor motioned to the giant’s empty chair at the oversized roundtable. “His power would let him defend this position on his own.”


“Cain has another job in this,” Dan shook his head. Juggernaut’s power had grown enough for him to join in the real battle against Galactus. “With the support of the x-men and the strongest in the Order of Krypton, the defence should still be easy enough.”


Logan’s power alone might be all that was needed to hold the line. The training with Stormy and Bear had honed the Wolverine's already razor sharp skills to another level. His newfound mastery over his Kryptonian abilities had made him one of the strongest under Krypton’s banner.


“Understood,” Namor rolled his shoulders and gave a glance at the report on his display. “When do we begin? It would be good to have at least a day to coordinate with the Primes, they’ll need to fill our roles while we’re off world.”


“You can have three, Cal will need about that much time and so will I,” Dan rose from his seat and gave a nod to dismiss the gathering. He had preparations of his own, safeguards in case either Ego or Galactus showed more power than he expected. “We’ll regroup at the Fortress, Prime One will have a ship large enough to carry us prepared when it’s time to go.”




“What do you…”


May snapped her fingers, a signal that interrupted the Father's words. Runic scripture unfolded around her, a starlit web of draconic magic that dug its talons into the skies. Morris trembled beneath them, shaken to its core as her spell syphoned power from its surroundings.


“Rise up! Awaken and defend yourself,” the sword in May’s hand returned to a golden blade as the dragon within it pulled itself free. It coiled a lazy spiral around her body, its gaze locked on the Father’s narrowed eyes. “Strike out and leave nothing behind… Hand of the World!!!”


Space splintered as her dragon roared in sync with her incantation, broken and recombined into a vast, taloned hand. Black as the darkest void, it extended from the abyss and reached out toward the Father’s grim expression.


A second arm pierced from the void, claws extended as it joined the first. The Father raised his hands, palms outward, pressed forward to release a wave of force. The maelstrom divided against the draconic talons, rended asunder as May’s attack drained the power of Mortis and threw it in the Father’s face.


“You have perverted the will of the Force,” thunder echoed outward as claws crashed against the Father’s defences, gargantuan sickles that hovered an inch from his flesh. Face twisted, he struggled to wrestle control of his realm from the grasp of May’s spell. “This power is not yours to marshall… your spellcraft has heresy at its core!”


“Heresy is defined by the strong,” May’s eyes flashed, filled with emerald fire as she poured her own energy into the spell. It was enough to reinforce what she’d stolen from the realm and slowly shift her talons closer to their target. “Your power is defined by outside forces, strength that can be stolen away.”


A scream echoed through the air, ripped from the Father’s throat as a pair of claws slipped through his body. Held in place and paralysed by the power he served, his eyes burned as May appeared before him. Sword raised, point aimed toward the Elder Celestial’s heart, May smiled.


“You rely too much on the Force,” May pressed the needle sharp metal against the Father’s robe, his defences suppressed by the talons that hooked through his shoulders. “My magic is only a part of my strength, that’s why you lost…”


“Wait!” Anakin’s voice filtered in from below as he rose into the air. Face set in determined lines, he bowed his head toward May, before he turned to the Father. “I am willing to accept your offer, I’ll become the keeper of the balance.”


May’s left eye twitched at the young Skywalker’s words. She’d invested a great deal of effort into this battle, expending much of her reserves to batter the old man into submission. Anakin could have been quicker on his decision and saved everyone a great deal of trouble.


“Fine,” May sighed as the gargantuan hands that held the Father vanished from existence. The Celestial dropped slightly, before he caught himself with the Force. “I’m taking Goku and Anissa home, Merlyn will stay to keep an eye on you. Try not to get in over your head…”


“Please, return the dagger of Mortis,” the Father bowed at the waist, a newfound respect in his eyes as he held May’s gaze. “It will help Anakin control my children after he has taken the throne.”


“I’LL help Anakin control them, if they decide to misbehave,” May shook her head and tucked her newfound weapon into her belt. It was more effective than her staff at magnifying her magic. More importantly, it would potentially give her an edge against Abeloth. “Merlyn will inform me if they get out of hand.”


A flick of her fingers opened a portal home, filled with the blue of Krypton’s star. Weariness hovered at the edge of her perceptions, a warning that she’d pushed her new abilities to close to the limit.


“I just woke up, and I already need another nap…”