The Secrets of the Rat
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     I blink hard as I must be dreaming, but the man standing in front of me is real; he offers me hand hoisting me to my feet. I take a couple steps back not sure what to do "You know Son I thought you'd be happier to see your old man." my father says. I swallow hard before walking over to him standing in front of him, I punch him hard in the face "That's for letting us think you were dead." I say. He stumbles from the force of the blow, my fist imprinted on his face; before he's able to react, I pull him into a tight hug, I but my ear against his chest and listen to his heartbeat. It was him, he was alive "I deserved that. You know I don't think you've hugged me like this since you were little." he says and puts a hand on my head. But how, it doesn't make sense he was a dragon and not a rat, I've seen his dragon, so I know he is one. I let go and take a few steps back looking the man from head to toe.

     "No, you can't be real. My father is a dragon." I say, looking at him. But he was my father; from the jet-black hair that matched a thick beard as if he hadn't shaved the entire time he was missing, the eyes that match mine, he was still muscular with only a handful of new scars I could see on the exposed skin of his arms. He looks at me with amusement, before turning his attention to Rose, who was already walking towards us dripping wet from being in the water. "Ask her." he says, Rose blushes before growling slightly "Maybe if you weren't a stubborn old man." she says. Everything clicks in place; Rose had said something about a stubborn old man before I got out of the SUV. "I have the power to change peoples morphed forms. Your father was poking his nose into the market, like I said before they know who you guys are. I saved your father's life when I turned him into a rat, he was the one who tried tempting The General with his powerful dragon form. I stopped him from being captured and turned into a weapon, my team was the first to arrive so I turned him into a rat before he could react. Poppy caught him before he could run away and we hid him, we snuck out one night to free him but for some reason I can't turn him back to a dragon. So, he refused to leave his pride too big for his own good and is waiting for me to turn him back. Now that we have our freedom, I can do research and hopefully turn him back." she finally finishes.

     Hours later I sit in my office looking from my father to my mate, Rose hasn't said a word since her explanation at the riverbank and has only given me passing glances. She had even refused a fresh set of clothes and I could feel the guilt radiating from her "Rose thank you for saving my father, I do not blame you. You're right he is a stubborn old man and I know he still wouldn't be here if he had a choice, he doesn't want anyone seeing him as anything other than the powerful dragon he is." I say getting up. I move around the desk; I pull Rose up gently and give her a hug. "You did the right thing in a terrible situation; it isn't your fault and together we will find a solution to this. You have all the freedom in the world now, you can research to your hearts content. I'll help keep control of the stubborn old man for any experiments you need to try." I say and pull away. I lift her chin, so she has to look at me, and I gaze into her eyes. Behind the tears she won't let fall, I can see the determination. She blinks the tears away not letting them fall, I give her a sad smile knowing that because of what she went through. She'd never let herself actually cry "I don't like this mate stuff; it makes me feel weak." she says softly.

     This time my father speaks before I can "You are not weak for having emotions Rose, I chose to stay with you guys because you care. You have saved so many shifters, from certain death. You are strong and with Anubis by your side with the mate bond you both will only get stronger. I've seen your conviction, once you believe in yourself again, I know I will be restored to the majestic creature I once was. You're also right I have been stubborn; I saw children risking their lives to help as many shifters out as you could." he grabs Rose before I can stop him giving her a bone crushing hug "Besides I think I like you even better now that you're my daughter in law, my son deserves the strongest and bravest and that is what you are." he finishes. I can hear Rose struggle against my father's grip, he lets go laughing when I can't stop the growl that escapes my mouth.

     Rose stands between us silently for a few moments and I am almost scared she may reject me after all, but she looks up at me and nods "I believe we have a ceremony to prepare for and I am not suitably dress. I believe it would look better if their new Luna wasn't caked in mud and smelled of river water." she says smirking slightly. My father laughs even more "Son you're going to have your hands full with that one. Trust me I've been putting up with her for years." he says walking to the door. "She is right though you promised them a ceremony, I hope you don't mind but until I am restored to my former magnificence. I will be hiding out with the one you call Poppy she's my favorite and I don't want anyone seeing me as a rat." he says. He pulls the door open before shifting into the rat again and scurrying off to go find Poppy. "STUBBORN OLD MAN!!" Rose yells after him, and she actually laughs a little. I take her hand and smile "Come on I'll show you to our room." I say.

     Rose doesn't move right away "We're going to share a room already? I mean I get the whole mate thing but like we barely know each other doesn't that seem a little weird to you?? Or is that just like how things are done? Cause in the human world they don't move that fast." she says skeptically. I pause a moment and push away the hurt that threatens to hurt my heart, she wasn't used to our ways "Normally yes but I'm sure we can figure something else out until you are comfortable with me." I say trying my best to hide the sadness in my voice. She looks at me deciding for a moment "You saved mine and my friends life, I'm comfortable with you. We can sleep in the same room, but I would like to not be intimate until we know each other better." she says nodding "So lead the way your highness." she says gesturing for me to lead her. I cringe a little "Please call me Anubis." She nods "I like to call him BiBi if you don't like Anubis." James says as he leans against the wall in the hallway "Sorry Orchid wouldn't let me stay while she washed up and changed." he says sounding not the least bit sorry. I roll my eyes, but the smile that creeps across Rose's face tells me I'm never going to hear the end of BiBi.