The Onyx Crown
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     Rose and I headed upstairs to my room, when I opened the door, we are greeted by the room being decorated for an extravagant night of romance. The room was dimly lit from the flickering flames strewn about the room, red and black rose petals littered the floor leading paths to the bed and bathroom, and the sound of running water that flitted through the room told us a bath was being drawn. I let out a stressed sigh "She really doesn't take get the fuck out of my life seriously." I say miserably. I turn to Rose who is looking at me, both eyebrows raised in silent question "I had an arranged marriage of sorts, there was an agreement it would be called off if one of us were to find our fated. Per her request, the night we met I broke things off with her. I was so caught up in my thoughts about you and the information you had given me, that I didn't find her and break up right away. That night she came knocking on my door trying to seduce me, but I broke things off. Out of frustration I was going to go for a flight when I saw you in the field waiting for me, so I flew over to steal a few more minutes with you. She still refuses to stop; it's gotten to the point that I am sleeping on James' floor most nights." I explain. She stands there nodding in consideration for a second "If you're telling the truth, then you should be okay with me handling this yes?" she asks.

     I have the feeling things aren't going to end pleasantly for my ex Sammi "Just don't kill her it would cause bad blood between our pack and hers." I say and step back motioning for her to go ahead. She nods her head again "That's fair." is all she says before heading into the bedroom slamming the door shut in my face. I mind link James to get to my room quickly I may need help breaking up a dragon fight, when I hear screaming from inside. Suddenly I hear the sound of furniture getting knocked around, as I am about to go in and put a stop to things. A wet blonde head gets shoved through the center of the door at eye level, sending splintered shards of wood flying in all directions. There is no noise or movement from Sammi, and I almost feel bad for letting Rose handle this, I wince slightly as Rose swings the door open causing the top of Sammi's head to slam into the wall. I hear her groan letting me know she's alive, she is definitely going to have a headache when she regains consciousness. "We're going to need to get a new door, this one is broken." Rose says nonchalantly, the thick black smoke that billows from her mouth and nostrils both terrifies and excites me at the same time.

     I look behind her at the carnage that was once my room and look back at her "I think we should just get a new room." I suggest, regretting it immediately. Her eyes burn with a mixture of rage and desire, she walks into the room "What am I not enough of a whore to fuck in your room? Do I need to be more sleezy to meet the requirements?" she asks haughtily. I open my mouth to say something, but my words fail me, the tent that has grown inside my pants speaks louder than I ever had. She looks at me "Well are you going to stand there with your mouth open looking stupid or are you going to come in here and fix the mess you made? You know it's a bit of a red flag not taking care of your chores, especially one as simple as taking the garbage out." she says. I was two feet inside the door when James whistles loudly announcing he had finally arrived, I groan inwardly I shouldn't have called him. "I'm severely disappointed I missed this cat fight." he says examining the door. I look over and am reminded of Sammi who is still stuck in the door, she was embedded in the door high enough that her toes were the only thing stopping her from being considered hanging.

     "Are you usually the jealous type? I'll make sure to check with you the next time I require a minute with your boyfriend." Rose says her voice strained from pulling on Sammi's body, while we pushed her head through the door. James laughs and with one finally push Sammi is free, I hear her body hit the floor and the distinct grunt as if she were just kicked in the side. "Ah man I tripped." Rose says moving to the side of the door she uses it to hold herself steady and she looks at the bottom of each of her boots. "Oh, good they're clean I was worried since I stepped in shit." she finishes, setting her foot back down. James roars with laughter "I like her. The fates did a hell of a job choosing a mate for you." he says. After a few minutes the pack Dr arrives with a few of his nurses, they load Sammi, who only has a handful of splinters from the door, a few minor bruises and a nasty looking black eye, onto a stretcher and carry her away. Maybe she'll have gotten it through her head she wasn't welcomed anywhere near me anymore. During that time Rose had disappeared into my room to change for the ceremony, she comes out as they start carrying Sammi down the stairs. She wears a pair of my black sweatpants that are a little baggy on her, one of my green hoodies with golden yellow trim and her black boots. James chuckles "What nothing flashy to show off as the new Luna?" he asks teasingly. She sticks her tongue out at him "No I already put a woman's head through a door I don't need to dress up to prove anything. Unless you are going to dress flashy to outshine me for your boyfriend." she shoots back. I groan inwardly the only thing wrong with her outfit is it made my self-control waver, its feels as if my pants are going to rip open from the mounting pressure.

     We head downstairs as a group and meet Orchid on the landing that leads to James' room, she wears tight fitting black leggings and a crimson red shirt that accentuates her features nicely. The other three meet us at the bottom of the stairs all of them dressed nicely for the occasion. Anti had tracked down some black cargo pants that resembled his old uniform and a black button up that hugged his muscled chest as it was a little too tight. Dahlia is the first to change up he wears tan dress pants and a nice white button up that is slightly too big for him, maybe him and Anti should change shirts, but I know better than to say anything. Poppy wore red leggings and a black hoodie, the large bulge in her pocket told me that she had my father in there. I try to shake the uncomfortable feeling I get thinking that, this was definitely going to take some time getting used too. "Oh, cool I don't have to babysit the cranky old man." Rose says with a smile. Poppy rolls her eyes "Why must you antagonize him?" she asks. Rose chuckles softly "He wouldn't love me nearly as much if I didn't" she shot back, which was greeted by another eye roll from Poppy.

     Poppy and Rose argued the whole way to the large theater type building that the ceremony would take place, and I paid attention as Dahlia walked noticing the way he tries to hide a limb. The whole pack is gathered and sitting in the theater style folding seats and on the stage is a podium and behind the podium is a table set up. My Gamma Alice is sitting with her fated Trevor at the far left of the table, next to them were four empty chairs, the middle chairs would be for Rose and me anytime a pack meeting was called, James and Orchid would be sat on my right side. I lead the group up to the stage area, James walks over to the table and takes his seat. The Garden of Five spread out in front of the table and stand at a parade rest standing tall and proud, I hadn't told them to do that, but once again I know better to say anything. I step up to the podium and begin "Today is a special day. Not only were we able to successfully rescue five shifters today that we welcome into our pack, but I have found my fated. We will be stronger with this Luna, and I hope you all will make her, and her friends feel welcomed. I accept my fated as a mate, my friend and my eventual family; I accept the people she calls family as part of my own family and as our family. They will be part of The Onyx Crown and if you have a problem with that, I suggest you leave, and not just this building but the pack all together" I pause and turn to the others "Do you promise to try your absolute hardest to protect and better The Onyx Crown pack? Will you do all that's in your power to save shifters and protect them from themselves and other threats? Will swear your unwavering loyalty to the pack, my Luna as your Luna and me as your Alpha and King?" I ask the group.

     One by one starting with Dahlia they accept my terms and me as alpha until they get to Rose, she steps forward, so we are side by side and she addresses the pack. "I accept Anubis as my fated, friend and eventual family. In order to effectively help save shifters from the humans that seek war with us, my friends and I will be taking over The Onyx Crown combat training and everything in between. As it stands you have been losing a war you either haven't cared to try to win or you just ignorantly ignore the problem. The humans will be knocking at the door to The Onyx Crown and as you are now, you will have no choice but to hand it over to them. As you are now if you were to try and stand in there way, they will mow you down like you were nothing more than pigs for slaughter. You all have sat on your ass behind what you stupidly believe is the safety of your walls, while humans have been kidnapping and experimenting on shifters. They do not just keep them as pets, they have spent years torturing and experimenting on the best ways to kill you. Under our training I cannot guarantee you will survive but I can guarantee you will stand a fighting chance; war is coming whether you want to accept that or not. I can tell you this you have less than two years before they will be at the palace walls. You have choices you will train, and you will fight when the time comes, or you will die." No noise is heard throughout the building as the weight of her statement sinks in.

     I grab Rose's hand and look at the pack "I agree with Rose, her and her team have seen firsthand what the humans are capable of. We will all train under her and her team, including myself because I will not die to a measly human. It is time for you all to get up off your asses and either fight to survive or you will be nothing more than meat shields when the humans are at our doorstep." I finish. Rory who was a part of the team that helped save the group stands and approaches the stage, Rose looks at him "Before I allow you to say what you want, I would like to personally thank you for saving our lives. You put your life on the line for a plan that could have failed horribly. You and the rest of the men who put their lives on the line today are honorable men, and even stronger warriors. You will be rewarded and regarded as such, you have earned The Garden's respect." she says and gives him a smile. Rory stands up a little straighter and pride burns fiercely in his eyes, he turns to address the crowed. "What she says is true, I saw it today as did the rest of us who went on the mission. We did everything by what we were trained to do, and the humans still outnumbered and outsmarted us. I personally helped clear the forest not finding or smelling any traces of humans, but as soon as they were given the command hundreds poured out around the forests we had just been in moments before. They were able to hide from eighteen highly trained dragons, which we had even been forewarned that this would happen. We didn't believe, and we almost lost our lives from our arrogance and ignorance. I stand with our new Luna, I am willing to train and learn all I can from them, and I am grateful that they are giving us the opportunity to survive." he finishes.

     We watch as almost every dragon in the room stand and in unison chant "We accept our new Luna, and we are willing to learn from her and her friends, we are grateful for her warnings and for giving us the opportunity to survive." Rose looks at the crowd and smiles in acceptance before holding up a hand for silence "I appreciate you all I thank you for your courage and willingness to do what you need to survive. I thank you all for accepting my family and I into The Onyx Crown and I will do all I can to make sure we thrive as a pack. I understand the need for celebrations so tonight party, celebrate, drink, dance, sing and sin to your hearts content. I will only give you tomorrow to recover though, because training starts for real Thursday morning at zero four hundred hours." she finishes with a smile dismissing the crowd. Cheers flood the air for the allotted rest and relaxation that Rose so graciously gave and people start leaving to go start such festivities. Some dragons approach the stage and Rose happily greets, introduces herself and makes small talk; the rest of The Garden disperse and mingle with their pack members, James keeping close to Orchid's side.