Chapter 8: New Records
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Within the span of thirty minutes, Xiao Bao had returned from the bank and was now standing in his living room. It was 14:00 in the afternoon, and Xiao Bao decided to visit the gym. He was determined to reach his goal of bench-pressing 200 kilograms.

He pulled out his phone and dialed Zhang Da. "Fatty," he said, "want to go to the gym today?"

Xiao Bao's best friend, Zhang Da, let out a soft sigh on the other end of the phone line. "I can't make it today, brother," he said, his voice tinged with disappointment. "My mom's been planning this trip to the mall with my sister and me for weeks now. She's been saving up to buy some new clothes for all of us, and she wants to treat me."

Xiao Bao's face drooped as he heard the news. He had been eager to hit the gym with Zhang Da, pushing each other to new limits. "that sucks," he said, trying to mask his disappointment. "But no worries, brother. Enjoy your time with your family!"

Xiao Bao ended the call, tucking his phone back into his pocket. He let out a small sigh, reminding himself that family time was important too. With a shrug, he headed out of his bedroom, making his way downstairs to grab a bite to eat before hitting the gym alone.

Determined to stick with his workout routine, Xiao Bao shouldered his gym bag and set off on his own. He strode purposefully through the familiar streets, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows ahead of him.

Xiao Bao arrived at the gym, and walked past the reception desk, where the bald man working there looked up from his phone and gave Xiao Bao a nod of acknowledgement.

Xiao Bao approached the bench press with a clear goal in mind. He had already managed to lift 40 kg, but now he was aiming for 50 kg. He lay down on the bench, adjusted his grip on the bar, and took a deep breath.

"Come on, Xiao Bao," he muttered to himself. "You can do this."

He pushed the bar off the rack and began to lower it towards his chest. He felt the weight of the bar in his hands, but he knew that he could handle it. He pushed the bar back up, grunting with ease.

He had done it!

Xiao Bao felt a surge of pride. He had managed to lift 50 kilograms, beating his previous record by 10 kilograms. He was making progress, and it felt good.

He added weights, one by one, pushing himself further with each lift. The weight increased to 60, then 70, and eventually 80 kilograms. Each time, he gritted his teeth, lowered the bar to his chest, and pushed it back up with all his might. The strain was evident on his face, but he persevered.

As he loaded the bar with an additional 5 kilograms, bringing the total to 85, he knew this would be a challenge. He positioned himself, took a deep breath, and began to lift. His arms trembled under the weight, and beads of sweat trickled down his forehead. He strained with every ounce of strength he had, but the weight proved to be just a little too much. Disappointment flashed across his face as he realized he couldn't lift it.

Despite the setback, Xiao Bao felt a sense of accomplishment. He had pushed himself further than ever before, and he knew that with time and persistence, he would reach his goal of 200kg. It was just the second day after all. He had six days left for his quest.

Xiao Bao took a deep breath and rested for a moment, his chest heaving with the effort of his previous exertions. He looked around the gym, taking in the sweaty, determined faces of the other people working out.

His eyes were then drawn to two girls in tight yoga pants and crop tops. They were squatting with a barbell, their every movement accentuating the curves of their bodies. With each descent, the girls' asses looked even more perky and inviting, he could even see that they were wearing a thong. Despite knowing he shouldn't stare, he found it difficult to avert his gaze from their tempting bodies.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. Why was he being distracted? He had a goal to accomplish. He lay down on the bench again, adjusted his grip on the bar, and took a deep breath. He pushed the bar off the rack and began to lower it towards his chest. This time, he managed to push it back up quite easily

Xiao Bao felt a surge of pride. He had managed to lift 85 kilograms, beating his previous record by 5 kilograms. He was making progress, and it felt good.

Xiao Bao wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and stepped away from the weight machines. He had pushed himself to the limit today, working on his biceps, triceps, and shoulders. The burn in his muscles was a familiar reminder of his hard work. With a satisfied smile, he made his way over to the mirror.

Standing in front of the mirror, Xiao Bao flexed his arms, admiring the definition in his biceps. His arms were thicker and more defined, and his chest was starting to fill out nicely. He was starting to look like the kind of guy who could handle himself in a fight. He could see the progress he had made since he started working out seriously.

Xiao Bao slung his gym bag over his shoulder and made his way towards the door. As he walked out of the gym, his eyes fell on a measuring tape lying on the reception desk. He reached over and picked it up, considering how it might be helpful in tracking his growth.

Xiao Bao had always been curious about his height, wondering how much he had grown since yesterday. He slipped off his shoes and stood tall, his spine straight as an arrow. Then, he took the measuring tape and pulled it straight, and aligned it with the top of his head.

He looked down at the tape, expecting a number in the 170s. But to his surprise, the number displayed on the tape read 178 cm!

Xiao Bao's jaw dropped in disbelief. He had grown 8 centimeters in just a day?

Xiao Bao felt a surge of excitement coursing through his veins as he imagined his newfound height. He had always been slightly self-conscious about his stature, but now he towered over most of the guys in the gym and his classmates. His mind wandered further, picturing himself at an impressive 196 cm tall. The thought of being that tall filled him with a sense of pride and confidence he had never experienced before.

As Xiao Bao walked down the street, he noticed Zhang Da up ahead, holding two full bags of clothes. His mother and sister were with him, and they were all laughing and chatting together.

"Hey, Xiao Bao" Zhang Da called out, waving at his Xiao Bao.

Xiao Bao smiled. He walked towards Zhang Da and his family. When he arrived, he was met with the smiles of Zhang Da's younger sister, and mother. "Good afternoon Zhang Da, sister Zhang Su, and auntie Zhang Li," he said, smiling at Zhang Da and his sister and mother.

Zhang Da held up the clothes his mother had bought for him, radiating with pride as he showed each item one by one. Xiao Bao couldn't help but steal glances at Zhang Da's mother and sister, their beauty a stark contrast to the fat figure of Fatty Zhang standing beside them. Zhang Da's mother, Zhang Li, had an elegant air about her. She had a mature charm, with big round eyes, and full lips. She was somewhere in her 40s but she looked like she was in her 30s.

Zhang Su, his little sister was only a year younger than Zhang Da. She looked like a young version of her mother, and had an innocent charm on her.

Zhang Da's mother, Zhang Li, smiled warmly at Xiao Bao, her eyes looking at his well-defined muscles. Xiao Bao couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious under her gaze.

"Xiao Bao," Zhang Li said. "You look so handsome and muscular since I last saw you. Zhang Da told me you've been working out? Good, good. You're strong like a man should be!" She then sighed softly, shaking her head as if lamenting something. "Why is my son not as handsome and muscular as you…"

Her words seemed to hang in the air for a moment, and Xiao Bao felt a pang of guilt wash over him. He felt a little embarrassed. He wasn't used to getting such compliments, and felt bad for Zhang Da.

After a little bit of small talk, and asking how everyone was. Xiao Bao couldn't help but notice that Zhang Da's little sister, Zhang Su, kept sneaking glances at him. Every time Xiao Bao made a joke, she laughed. The jokes weren't even funny!

"Xiao Bao," she suddenly said. "I heard you're pretty good at working out. Why don't I join you sometime and you teach me? I'm very new, and I also want to work out!"

"I don't know about that," he said, trying to sound cool and confident. "I'm still pretty new to this whole gym thing. I'm not the best teacher."

Zhang Su pouted, seemingly disappointed at his rejection.

Zhang Da overheard the conversation and smiled with mischief. He could tell that Zhang Su was flirting with Xiao Bao, and he found it amusing. He decided to tease the both of them.

"Xiao Bao," he said. "My little sister likes you for a very long time now, why don't you go out with her, and become my brother-in-law?"

Zhang Su turned a shade of crimson that would put the ripest tomatoes to shame. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as her brother nonchalantly revealed her secret. She could barely restrain herself as she sprang forward and delivered a swift, stinging slap to the back of Zhang Da's unsuspecting head.

"Ouch, that hurt!" Zhang Da rubbed the back of his head.

Zhang Li arms crossed tightly over her chest as she watched the exchange between her son, daughter, and Xiao Bao. A frown creased her brow, her eyes narrowing as she took in the sight of her daughter's blushing cheeks and her son's smirk. She knew that Zhang Su had been harboring feelings for Xiao Bao for quite some time now, but the thought still caused a feeling of concern to well up within her.

As a mother, Zhang Li couldn't help but feel protective of her daughter. Zhang Su was a bright, intelligent girl with a promising future ahead of her. She had always excelled in her studies, showing great potential in her academic pursuits.

She pursed her lips, her gaze darting between her daughter and Xiao Bao. While she couldn't deny that Xiao Bao was a kind and decent young man, and he even become manly and more handsome, she couldn't shake the feeling that this situation could potentially distract Zhang Su from her goals and dreams. With a heavy sigh, Zhang Li decided that it was best to keep a close eye on the situation, ensuring that her daughter's heart and future remained safe and secure.

She suddenly announced that it was time for them to go home. "Come on," she said, her voice taking on a no-nonsense tone. "Let's not keep your father waiting."

Zhang Da and Zhang Su exchanged a quick glance, then Zhang Su looked at Xiao Bao before turning her face shyly away. Zhang Da let out a quiet sigh, nodding in agreement as he picked up his bags of new clothes.

Xiao Bao waved goodbye as the Zhang family began to walk away. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and awkwardness as he watched them go. The thought of Zhang Su having a crush on him was both flattering and surprising. He had always thought of her as just a friend, a younger sister figure. As Xiao Bao turned to continue on his own way, he couldn't help but wonder how this new revelation would affect their friendship. Would things between them be different now that he knew how Zhang Su felt? Why did suddenly all these girls appear and confess to him? First his former crush Li Fei, and now Zhang Su?