Chapter 4: Unsanctioned Love
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Date: Present Day 

Location: Kingdom of Trykar: Mountain region in Northern Arla

The Next Morning

It was dawn when Mesyla defied her father’s orders to stay in the palace until the Ascension and snuck out of Majes Palace. But she did leave a note explaining she needed to go back to her own chambers to check on Ges and Xlya, her darlings, and would be back before dusk. 

Unlike other Arlan Kingdoms, here, the children of the Crown are placed in a different palace, away from their parents. A palace hidden and not visible to the general population. This palace is Jasa Palace.

Unlike Majes Palace, Jasa was lively and vibrant. While Majes Palace was washed in earthen, dark tones, Jasa Palace was drowning in bright colors. Inside, one would find bright yellow walls, colorful mosaic tile flooring, and vines of bright red and orange flowers hanging from the ceiling.

The heavy front door opened to a wide, well-lit curved hall that led to a spacious sitting room, the door to the kitchen and dining room, a winding staircase that led to the upper floor, and a staircase to the lower ground floor where the indoor pool was located. 

Only three people occupied Jasa: a tall female servant named Gin, a quiet guard named Robere, and Mesyla. 


At the moment, the young princess was trekking slowly back to Jasa. Enjoying the touches of the gentle winds that kept brushing her skin. The same winds blowing through her curly hair. 

She was making her way through the Yuitran Forest, which served as a barrier between Jasa and Majes. The sunlight was peeking through the trees, and kept bouncing across her skin. Mesyla loved this part of the mountains, the sea green hummingbirds that made this area their home, and the citrusy scent of the orange wildflowers. 

As she grew closer to Jasa, Mesyla was startled by the cracking of twigs. Someone, or something was near. Mesyla immediately came to a halt and withdrew the red blade she kept hidden under her left sleeve. The same red blade that was gifted by her mother and marked with first letter initials of her children, XM—Xand and Mesyla. 

But as she waited, nothing happened. So she resumed walking—with the blade still in her hand. 

As she finally reached her door, she was greeted by one of her darlings, Ges, a black feline with red eyes and member of the Dominir feline species—an animal species only found in the mountains in Northern Arla.

Dominir felines are a rare species born with an unique essence that allows Arlans the ability to telepathically link themselves to. A particular type of linking that results in a binding contract. Protection for defense. Companionship for caregiving. This bond, preferably created when both parties are young, is established through the act of singing. Mesyla established her bond with Ges when she was only 6. 

Mesyla and Ges were very excited to see each other. They rarely spent the night apart from each other. As they were embracing each other, giving each other kisses, Mesyla heard a noise. A crash coming from the dining room. 

“Gin, is that you?” Mesyla shouted. No response.  
“Asry erdr yuni.” Mesyla telepathically commanded Ges. Arlan for See what’s there.

Obeying, Ges immediately ran into the kitchen with Mesyla slowly creeping behind. A loud commotion could be heard followed by a masculine yell. A yell that Mesyla knows better than anyone, 

The Desert Prince, Jaho III.


Princess Mesyla and Prince Jaho III were only thirteen when they first properly met. They were both attending one of the Biannual Arlan Delegation meetings with their fathers. Mesyla remembered it like it was yesterday. 

Arla was in the middle of a Shower Season, a period of non stop rain that lasted for 14 days. Mesyla’s brother, Xand, was getting all of the attention at this meeting. Frustrated, and a bit jealous, she ran outside when no one was looking, desperate to be alone. Hiding away in one of the Ethereal Gardens.  

It was only after a couple of hours when her father realized she was missing. He swiftly came to action and sent out a search party. All adult hands were on deck. 

But it wasn’t any adult who found her. It was Jaho. He found her hiding and crying in the gardens. When he found her, she didn’t say anything. Jaho gave her a hug and whispered that everything would be ok. Mesyla never understood why he was so kind to her when they didn’t even know each other. 

This moment of kindness would lead to a saga of ups and downs. Moments of light and laughter. Moments of jealousy and bitterness. A seesaw love story. 

King Jamos calls their love ‘Unsanctioned Love’—love not approved by the crown. A love that won’t withstand the test of time. A love, if unionized, won’t be accepted by the populace. 

But this disapproval didn’t stop them. Didn’t stop their secret midnight dates at sea. Didn’t stop the nights Jaho secretly spent at Jasa. Didn’t stop moments like this.


Lined with stained-glass windows, Jasa’s kitchen was the third biggest room in the palace. A functional, spacious room. Colorful ceramic bowls and glasses filled the green stained cabinets. A wooden round table occupied the right wing of the room that was decorated with a vase filled with fresh red flowers. In the mornings, Mesyla loved the sound of the crackling fires Gin started as she prepared food. 

And at the back of this kitchen, there was a door that opened up to the courtyard where a blooming garden and flagrant fruit trees were planted. 

However, at this moment, this door was being blocked by a purring Ges. Mesyla was trying so hard not to laugh at what was happening in front of her, but she couldn’t resist. Jaho was in her dining room, standing atop the wooden table, frightened, holding a wooden spoon in his hand. 

“What are you doing?” Mesyla giggled.

“Can you please get your cat?” Jaho shouted. 

Jaho was always afraid of Ges. But Mesyla found it adorable, and right now, she happened to be in a playful mood. So instead of calling her off, she took a seat at the opposite end of the table.

“Mesyla, please get your pet.” Jaho pleaded. 

“I don’t know…I kind of like you like this.” Mesyla teased. “Come, give me a kiss.”



For a long moment, Mesyla and Jaho only stared at each other. All Mesyla could think about was how good he looked. Mahogany hair, chiseled cheekbones, and a lean muscle build. 

Once she had enough, Mesyla ordered Ges to leave. And then it was just them, Mesyla and Jaho, Desert and Mountain, alone, for the first time in days, against the wishes of their kings. 

Jaho was the one to make the first move. 

Climbing down from the table, he marched over to where Mesyla was sitting. Stopping directly in front of her, he took her right hand, and pulled her up and into his strong chest, holding her tightly. As they stared into each other's eyes, she reached up to stroke his cheekbone. He had such a remarkable face, she thought to herself. 


“I missed you.” He whispered. 
“I missed you too.” 

They couldn’t take their eyes off each other. It had been days since they last saw each other. Now finally in each other’s presence, Mesyla was counting the freckles on his neck, something she loved doing when it was just them. Each time, she created a map that she could easily recall from memory if anyone asked or challenged. 

As Mesyla studied his neck, Jaho was studying her face. Searching for a sign of forgiveness. He needed to know his father didn’t ruin one of the few good things he had in his life. Mesyla was his joy. Her infectious, radiant laugh brightened his world. He couldn’t live without her. 

Once they found each other's eyes again, it was Mesyla who made the second move—wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a soft kiss on his lips. A soft kiss that quickly became heated, with both wrestling for dominance. 

A kiss that led to Mesyla pushing his black trousers down. 

A kiss that led to Jaho untying the back of her gown.

A kiss that led them upstairs to her bedroom. 


Mesyla’s personal chambers, her bedroom, was the biggest room in the entire palace. Over the years, the look of the room has changed. 

At this moment, the room included a large sized bed that was placed near the only window and three wardrobes. Two of the three wardrobes were for her clothes, while the remaining one was for her jewelry, hats, and purses. And in the center of the room, a shimmering chandelier hung. 

Under this very chandelier, there was Mesyla and Jaho lying underneath, wrapped in each other's arms, cuddling under a thick crocheted blanket. Mesyla, whose hair was now a disaster and no longer in an updo, had her face in Jaho’s neck as he gently rubbed her back. 

Mesyla knew she had to get back to Majes before her father came looking for her. She was very shocked that he wasn’t there already. But she really didn’t want this moment to end. 

Climbing on top of Jaho, Mesyla began peppering kisses along his chest, making her way up towards his neck. As she sucked and nipped at the skin, Jaho’s kept his hands firmly on her waist. But when she finally made it to his neck, the closing of a door was heard and a very familiar voice. 

“Oh no!” Mesyla gasped. Mesyla immediately sat upright and scrambled to retrieve her clothes. “My father is here.”

Jaho immediately stood up and began redressing. 

Jaho and Jamos didn’t exactly have a warm relationship but they kept things cordial. Jamos preferred his only daughter to choose someone from the mountains and not make the same mistake his father did. 

As they dressed, Mesyla pointed towards the window. It wasn’t the first time either of them made their way out of that window.

“It’s dark out.” Jaho moaned. He already had one leg out of the window.  

“The door to the bath is unlocked. Go through the back. I’ll be down soon.” Mesyla instructed. She gave him a departing kiss and watched as he climbed down using the draping vines. 

When she saw he made it down safely, Mesyla rushed to clean the mess they made hours ago. Picking up the jewelry case and contents inside that was accidentally pushed to the floor. Straightening the rug that accidentally slid across the room.

She was picking up one of her stockings when Jamos knocked then entered. 

“Mesyla, what are you doing here?” Jamos asked. Eyes narrowed. Mesyla’s heart felt like it was working overtime.  

 “Father, I…came to get Ges and Yla to take back to Majes.” Mesyla stammered out. 

Yla, named after one of Trykar’s greatest queens, was Ges’ sibling. Originally, there were three of them: Ges, Yla, and Mesara. Mesara’s murder took a huge toll on Mesyla. She wouldn’t leave the palace for weeks. 

“You’ve been here for hours, Mesyla.” 

“I was tired and took a nap.” 

Jamos didn’t believe his daughter. His eyes wandered and bounced across the room, top to bottom, ceiling to floor. Looking for something

Mesyla, on the other hand, was trying to pretend she wasn’t hiding something. But she just kept fidgeting with the pair of stockings in her hand, which made her father even more suspicious. 

After a long moment, it was Jamos who broke the silence.  “I guess we’ll stay here tonight. It’s dark out.” He announced. “Come down when you’re ready to eat.”

After he exited the room, Mesyla thought to herself, What am I going to do with Jaho?

When she finally made it downstairs, Mesyla saw her father was in the courtyard, having a conversation with Robere. So she took the opportunity to go down to the pool with a bowl of fruit, blankets, and a pillow.

As she entered, she saw Jaho was naked and hanging out in the pool, eyes closed with a look of bliss on his face. 

“What are you doing?” She hissed, scaring Jaho.

“I didn’t know how long you were going to be.” He shrugged. 

“Well, we’re staying here tonight.” She snapped. “You’ll either have to trek down now in the dark or stay here. My father really does not want to see you.”

Jaho didn’t waste any time on his decision. He decided he would stay on the lower ground floor until dawn. He was tired anyway and felt sleep could come anytime now. He was also really enjoying the pool. Pools were not a thing in the desert.

“I’ll stay.”
“Good call.” She agreed.

 “So, what’s in the bowl?” He asked.
“Yellow plums and green berries.” Mesyla answered, tilting the bowl forward for him to see.

“Fresh off the tree?” 

Mesyla nodded. “Want some?” 

Desperate for a taste, Jaho swam  to the edge of the pool. When he got there, Mesyla knelt down and fed him some of the juicy green berries, slowly, one by one. As they were both absorbed in the moment, they failed to hear the approaching footsteps.

“Are you guys coming to eat or what?” Jamos pressed, voice low.
Startled, Mesyla dropped the ceramic bowl containing the fruit which proceeded to roll into the pool. 

“Father.” “King Jamos.” Mesyla and Jaho both said at the same time. 

Jamos turned his attention away from his daughter and marched over to the pool where he proceeded to drop something, the prince’s red royal sash. “You left this in the kitchen.” Jamos then turned on his heels and left the room. 


Dinner was very uncomfortable for everyone. Even Gin could feel the tension. After everyone was done eating, Jamos asked to speak to his daughter alone before they went to bed, instructing her to meet him in the courtyard.

While he waited, the King felt a pang of sadness. Danar, his dead wife, would have known how to handle this correctly. He kept muttering to himself, ‘What if he proves us wrong?‘This will hurt her.

While he was wrapped up in his thoughts, he failed to hear Mesyla’s approaching footsteps. 

“I didn’t know he was coming.” She stated, snapping him out of his thoughts. “And I—”
“I have to tell you something.” He interrupted.

Mesyla raised an eyebrow at him.
“The Desert King, Jaho’s father, has found someone for his son.” He revealed.

Mesyla’s heart skipped, and her hands immediately flew to her chest.
“Jaho will propose soon.” He continued.
“You’re lying.” She shouted.  “How do you even know this?” She felt like she was being suffocated,

“At the delegation meeting. He told me when I invited him to your coronation.” 

“I don’t believe you. Jaho told me the courting stage had begun…but not this.” Mesyla kept shaking her head. But deep down she knew her father would never lie to her.

“Well he’s here, my gem. Go ask him.” 

To be continued.