Chapter 85: Isn’t that a Little too Fast!?
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Chapter 85: Isn’t that a Little too Fast!?

(Syrilblia’s POV)

My sex with Beatrice… I honestly don’t even recall how long it lasted for. All I knew is that… when I woke up, the girl was already proudly presenting a very pregnant stomach.

Syrilblia: “…”

In a panic, I quickly called for Velta. Beatrice was still sleeping, so I did make sure to be quiet. I really didn’t want to wake the pregnant girl up…

Velta: “Already so pregnant?” She said, lightly squeezing Beatrice’s breasts.

When she did that, some milk had spurted out. What the hell… Does this mean that I can do milk play so soon? Hm… No, wait… That sex was extreme. My everything hurts…

Velta: “This should be noted for the future. Syrilblia, your seed is very potent. Judging from her current looks… she will give birth in a month or two.” She said with a thinking pose.

Beatrice: “That fast? Good! I want to have her next child as soon as possible.” She said with a smile after waking up.

Velta: “You can still have sex with Syrilblia even if you’re pregnant, don’t worry.” She said with a smile.

Beatrice: “Oh, but I want to have sex with her, and have more of her children as well.” She clarified.

Velta: “I am glad to hear it. No one will object to it, so do as you please.” She replied with a giggle.

Syrilblia: “…”

Some New Mother Setup Later.

There were a few changes that needed to be done for the newly pregnant Beatrice. It didn’t take much, though. Oddly, Marina visited me, and praised both the preggers girl and me. Carna is here, too.

Marina: “Even if we ignore how perfect we are for each other, Syrilblia, I would marry you just for your reproductive abilities alone.” She praised.

Syrilblia: “Huh?” I reply with a deadpan tone.

Marina: “Most demons are very fertile, both in the ability to get pregnant, and to get their fellow demons pregnant. But you’re on a different level…” She added.

Syrilblia: “I am still confused…” I reply with a confused tone.

Carna: “Surely, you can understand with how well you seeded Beatrice, that it is a major boon for us, right? We need to repopulate our race, after all.” She explained.

Marina: “Yes, and with Syrilblia’s extreme fertility, sex skills, and supreme magic power, we will be graced with a very power new generation. Of course, a generation sprouted by her seed.” She added with a smile.

Syrilblia: “…”

Ah, so… from what they’re saying, that I not only need to seduce every woman in the world, but I also impregnate them as well? That is… so… so goddamn hot!

Marina: “Syrilblia. Once this world is ours, you must get me pregnant as well.” She said with a serious tone.

Syrilblia: “…Shouldn’t you be the one getting me pregnant?” I reply with a head tilt.

Carna: “That cannot happen anymore, Syrilblia. Your body has already chosen to be the type of demon that gets women pregnant. Though conception magic could still work on you.” She denied.

Marina: “There is no reason to not let my wife impregnate me. Her seed is clearly the best of our people. It was wise to let her seduce every woman.” She added.

Yes, I too am happy about my unending seduction of endless women being newly justified. Now, not only was it supported by my wife, it will probably be supported by our people as well…

Syrilblia: “…Enough about my fertility and superior seed… what about my other harem members?” I ask with a sigh.

Carna: “You don’t have to worry much. Beatrice is an outlier, due to how close she is to you.” She answered.

Marina: “Ramona might need your seed soon, but the rest of your harem, and your core harem, shouldn’t. Beatrice really wanted a child, which reflected in her body doing its best to seduce you into giving her one.” She explained.

Syrilblia: “So I don’t have to seed every woman?” I ask with a relieved tone.

Carna: “What are you talking about? You need their consent, but you should be impregnating every girl you can. Since your body changed, as long as you will it, they will get pregnant by you.” She quickly denied.

Syrilblia: “…”

Marina: “Like I said, you should watch out for Ramona. But you don’t need to think about getting your girls pregnant yet. We will still need an army, and even with how pregnant you get them, and how fast they give birth, we should leave it for after we settle down.” She proposed.

Syrilblia: “Ah, so after I seduce the world, I must then get it pregnant?” I ask in reply.

Carna: “Need to? Syrilblia, you aren’t our tool. If you do not wish to have children, we will not force you to do so.” She replied with a serious tone.

Syrilblia: “Oh, I definitely need to. Trust me. You don’t understand how happy I was when making Beatrice pregnant.” I reply with a small groan.

Hours Later.

Though she had a lot of help, both Carna and Marina were very busy. They do have to plan a world takeover; you know… As such, I soon waved them goodbye.

Going back inside the dorm, I saw Ramona and Beatrice together. Ramona was softly rubbing the pregnant girl’s seeded stomach. Good Goddess… It was like Beatrice would be giving birth any day now. But I just got her pregnant!!!

Ramona: “I want a daughter as well…” She said, looking at me with pleading eyes.

Syrilblia: “…”

Beatrice: “Ramona, this is a big responsibility. Even if you were mentally stable, I don’t think you’d be a good mother.” She said with a stern tone.

Ramona: “…You’re right. I just want to have her child, but I don’t really want to take care of one…” She admitted with a pout.

Velta: “Not every girl can have her children, Ramona. In time, she might find a woman who cannot get pregnant. If such a thing happens, you could be the surrogate mother for her.” She suggested.

Ramona: “Ah, that would work, yes. Good idea, Velta!” She said with a happy tone.

Syrilblia: “How many children will I even have?…” I say with a thinking pose.

Velta: “The queen that ruled before Marina’s mother had sired many children. To be more accurate, she had well over a few million of them. In fact, most of the currently living demons are probably sisters.” She said with a laugh.

Ah, so this race is just incest all the way, huh? No wonder they don’t bat an eye at incestual relationships. Wait… does that mean that… Carna is related to Marina, and so is Flare? Holy hell… This entire race will actually be a full incest one in just a few hundred years, and all from my doing…