To the Capital we go
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To the Capital We Go

“That was fun.” Horn says as he again plows through a meal that was making Roland feel nauseous just looking at it.  

“Don’t talk with your mouth full, and yeah it was. I’m definitely happy about not owing the guild for rooming here anymore.” 

“It’s a nice bonus for sure, but the pay out on those pelts was way more than I expected.”  Horn says. 

“Well, I think we make a pretty good team. Should we continue or do you have a lone wolf thing going on?” Roland asks. 

“I used to work with a team, but we fell apart over a difference of opinion. They wanted to keep something from the last job we did that really should have been returned to its owner. I objected loudly. Since then, I’ve been on my own mostly working for the guild here in Small town Yown.” 

“Wow, Horn. I think that’s the most you've said at one time since I met you, and it’s certainly the first time I’ve heard this place called anything but ‘town’.” Roland answers with a frown creasing his forehead. “So, you’ve just been running errands for the guild master?” 

“Yep, that’s pretty much it. If we’re going to work together, we need a set of ground rules. One, I won’t do any job that takes things from people who have nothing. Two, no assassinations. Third, I don’t do relationships although you’re a handsome enough fella.” Horn counts his points off on his fingers still speaking with his mouth full. 

“Agreed on the first one, I didn’t have anything when I showed up here, so I won’t take anything from people who are struggling. Second, why exactly would we assassinate somebody? And thirdly, gross. Just really gross.  Alright, I agree. Partners?”

“Partners.” Horn says shaking Roland’s hand. 

“Damn, man. Use a napkin, huh?” Roland shakes globs of gravy off his hand and reaches for his own napkin. 

Looking up he sees Kani making her way across the crowded room to talk to them. 

“Hey guys. Guild master wants to see y’all when you get done eating.” She says drawing out the y’all as she gives Horn a wink and blows him a kiss. 

“No relationships, huh?” Roland smiles as Horn ignores Kani. He gets up leaving his food and his drink as Roland stares blankly at him in surprise. 

“Come on, let’s go. Guild master doesn’t ask to meet folks like us unless something’s up.” Roland scrambles up and after him as Horn begins weaving his way through the tables and out to the main guild hall. He trails behind the big man as they ascend the main stairs. Once they reach the second floor, they pass through an empty hallway and reach a small door. There’s a sign on it that says ‘Janitor’. 

“Thinks it’s funny seeing as how he spends all his time cleaning up messes.”  Horn explains. He knocks and opens the door without waiting for an answer. 

An old man with a prodigious silver beard streaked with gold sits behind a large wooden table covered with stacks of paper and more than a few knives. His eyes are a deep, clear blue. He is a large man with broad shoulders and thick, sinewy arms. His hands move with a surety that belies his obvious age, and a thick, gray tail twitches back and forth behind him. Roland notes a large war hammer resting against one corner of the table within easy reach. 

The man greets them in a deep, rumbling voice that brings to mind boulders grinding together. “Horn, come in, come in. I’m almost done here. I have a special job available for the two of you if you aren’t opposed.”

“I am NOT cleaning out that damn bird cage. Not again.” Horn says with no hesitation. 

“Wait! You own that hellbeast?! It almost ate me!” Roland shouts. 

“Oh, poo. She most certainly did not. She might’ve chewed on you a bit if she caught you, but she most definitely wouldn't have eaten you. You probably wouldn’t even have lost any limbs.”  The man’s eyes dance with laughter as he looks at the two disgruntled adventurers in his office. “Anyway, that’s not what I need you two for. I need you to escort a caravan to Bahi, specifically to Magus Carn’s tower.” 

“The crystal we brought in?” Horn asks. “Something is different about it isn’t there?”

“It is unusual, and that’s why the transport team needs an escort. It’s too valuable to leave to just a single escort. If you accept this assignment, you’ll be working with a couple of other people I’ve handpicked for the job.” 

The door opens behind Horn and Roland. A rustle of cloth and a light step reaches their ears and as the two turn to see who this is a sweet voice fills the room. “Well, hello there, sweetie. Long time, no see.”

“Lily.” Horn groans.

“Sooo, you and her were…?” Roland says raising his eyebrows and waggling them suggestively. The two adventurers follow a short distance behind the beautiful woman Roland could only describe as an elf. Tall, willowy build and graceful movements her hair is the color of leaves at the peak of summer and fades to the green of brand new spring leaves at the tips. Her robes are a rich, nut brown with green highlights, and the edges are embroidered with golden thread. The elf carries a large wood staff with a glittering green half-geode embedded in the end as she moves ahead of the two men through the streets. 

“Shut it. I don't do relationships, remember?”  Horn growls under his breath. 

“Fine, fine, fine. I really don’t want to know anyway. So where are we going?”  

“Lily has a partner that works with her. Since most of her abilities don’t lend themselves to combat, she has a guard of sorts. It used to be me about two lifetimes ago, but apparently, it’s someone new now.  She said they’d meet us at a restaurant and go over the mission details.” 

“Oh look, here we are.” Lily’s honeyed voice reaches the two. Looking up, both Horn and Roland step into a small cafe’ and the smell of coffee immediately hits Roland. 

“Oh please, please, pretty please, tell me that is real coffee.” 

“Hmmm. Yes, it is, and they make a fine cup here. Please, enjoy a drink on me.” Lily says. 

“So where is this new partner of yours?” Horn asks. “She’s was supposed to meet you here, right? I’m not seeing her, so why don’t you go see if you can track her down.”

“She shouldn’t be too hard to find since she’s the one behind you holding a spear to your kidneys,” a low smoky voice growls from behind him. 

Horn turns slowly eyeing the woman who is now holding the spear aimed at his throat. 

“And you would be?” he asks. 

“I am Thera, and she is my responsibility. So who are you to be ordering her around? You will watch your tone when you speak to my lady.” the woman says. 

“Well, for starters, I’m the guy in charge of this little expedition to Bahi. You are welcome to try and poke me with your little toothpick there all day, but it’s not getting through my thick hide. Alls it’s going to do is annoy me.” Horn says as he leans into the point of the spear bending the shaft into an arc.  “Last but not least, I’m not alone either.” 

Thera glances to her left to see Roland standing beside her with a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and razor-sharp talons at her throat with the other. 

“Why don’t we try the introductions again? I’m Roland, that’s Horn, and he is not in charge. We’re partners.”  Roland says lazily as he takes a sip of his coffee. 

“Thera, quit grandstanding. You knew this wasn’t going to be a solo deal before I went to see the old man.” Lily says clearly annoyed with her ‘protector’. 

“Fine. But if they’re dead weight, I’m killing both of them.”  The woman says as she takes a seat at a table. 

“So says the woman who didn’t even feel me coming. Lily, I don’t think much of your guard.” Roland says. 

“Enough, you three. We need to lay out this trip so we can get it done.” Horn says. “Now, the tower is a couple of miles outside of Bahi since the magus does seem to enjoy blowing things up. So we’ll have to pass through the town to get to the tower. The trip there should take no more than a week. Once we get there, it will be a simple matter to get the package through the town and to the tower.” 

“Horn and I will gather up our supplies, potions, and extra arms. Thera, could you and Lily see about getting some draft beasts for the cart? We’re also going to need some tents and other things to make camp, so if you could see to that as well?” Roland says. 

“Okay, we can handle that, and we’ll meet you two at the gates.  If we hurry, we can get started this evening.” Lily says. 

“Alright, see you there.” Horn says.