Chapter Seventy, Part One
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Our Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Check out my new novel ‘Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun,’ set in the Dragon Ball universe!


Now, on to the chapter!


“How goes the conversion, Stark?” Dan floated into the Lifebringer’s oversized entryway, gaze fixed on the complicated layers of components within the bowels of the machine. The alien technology was similar to a Celestial creation, filled with interdimensional pockets and energy rich dimensional spaces. “We have less than five minutes before our guest arrives… will we be ready to greet him, or will I have to buy us more time?”


“This thing is tricky… Reed, we need to focus on the energy matrix, not the external subsystems!” Tony’s eyes flickered behind closed lids as he scanned through the data feed from the Lifebringer’ core. “We need to overwhelm the A.I. control system, or it will continue to undo all our work…”


“If we leave the subsystems untended, the A.I. will continue to evade our efforts,” Richards waved off Tony’s complaints and continued his work. “Once I’ve isolated its escape routes, we can turn our attention to the core operating system.”


Dan shook his head and left the pair to their debate. They would figure it out between them, but it looked like Galactus would have to be stalled. Without Venom, his ability to interface with machines was severely reduced, but he extended his biofield nonetheless.


The physical structure of the Lifebringer opened to his perceptions, cradled in the grasp of his biofield. A light infusion of phantom energy and the dimensionally charged power system was laid bare before him. It seemed designed to pull energy from the surroundings, then store it within bubbles of distorted space.


“It’s a brilliant design,” Dan traced the energy’s path, a circuit that touched every inch of the machine. The ‘Lifebringer’ fed on reality itself, an ingenious construction that would power the machine in almost any environment. “This technology could be converted to interface with the phantom zone…”


A rumble of cosmic power interrupted his analysis, released from Silver Surfer’s position in orbit. Time was up. The Herald of Galactus was forced to fulfil his function and his Master would soon arrive. Dan begrudgingly withdrew his biofield and connected it to the pair of disagreeable scientists at his back.


“I’ve done a full scan of the machine,” Dan projected the data he’d accumulated into Tony and Reed’s minds, figure half-transparent and he prepared to join the Surfer in open space. “Work both of your ideas at the same time, an all out assault that leaves no space for the Lifebringer A.I. to breathe.”


Dan would rather not engage in a drawn out battle, so speed was of the essence. Outside the zone, his power was edging closer to the peak of universal. It wouldn’t be too much trouble to deal with a hungry Galactus, but the Herald of the Black Winter could absorb the attacks used against him.


“I have no interest in feeding him phantom energy until he’s at his peak, not until after he’s been converted by the Liifebringer…” Dan sighed as he appeared beside Silver Surfer, biofield extended to mute the radiance under the man’s skin. “Everyone is in place, but Tony and the others will need some more time.”


“Then we must fight,” the Surfer kept his eyes forward, focused on a distant swell of cosmic energy. “My Master has arrived…”




“You want me to take control of the dark side itself?” Darth Maul blinked, his normally expressionless face almost gleeful. “Of course I have no problem with that… Empress May?”


“You would still be subordinate to Anakin, and your power would be dependent on the whims and wills of the Force,” May rolled her eyes at the greedy former Sith. He’d accepted the Daughter’s offer without hesitation, a man well suited to the role as avatar of the dark side. “This new power won’t make you unstoppable, especially if you act against the rules laid out by the Force.”


“Of course,” Maul bowed his head, sharp teeth exposed in a smile. “Your wish is my command, Empress…”


“I like this one!” The Daughter laughed as she squinted her emerald eyes and prodded Maul on the nose. “He is a good choice to replace my brother, his heart still has room for more than destruction.”


“He is technically the first servant of Krypton to be ‘recruited’ in this galaxy,” May shrugged as she opened a portal with a wave of her hand. “Despite his focus on one day creating his own Empire, Maul’s service has been impeccable. A reward was long overdue.”


“I can see the loyalty in his heart, buried behind his ambitions,” the Daughter nodded as the group stepped through the runic gate and into the realm of Mortis. Maul drew in a deep breath, eyes closed as the concentrated Force energy washed over his body. “His talent leans toward physical reinforcement, a rarity that is hardly seen in the galaxy.”


“What is this place…” Maul exhaled, face relaxed as he trailed his fingers through the air. “I’ve never felt such power, not even within the nexus planet of Tython.”


“Welcome to Mortis!” Anakin’s voice echoed from all around them, clear and confident as his body faded into existence and bowed to May. His gaze flicked between Maul and the Daughter, before it settled back on her face. “We can begin the transfer of power from the Son and Daughter whenever Maul is ready, Qui-Gon is already prepared.”




“I don’t know why we couldn’t go along and help,” Wanda bit her lip, eyes riveted on the observation spell of her Master. It displayed an image of Superman, alongside a silver man on a surfboard. “You said it yourself that this Galactus is a dangerous threat, one that has its sights set on the Earth.”


“Our place is here, especially while the majority of Superman’s forces are away,” the Ancient One smiled, hand extended to ruffle the young Sorceress’ hair. “Have faith, Superman will keep your brother and the others safe, while we keep watch on the Earth…”


The Ancient One glanced to the sky above her courtyard, eyes narrowed as a powerful energy gathered around them. Wanda rose from the ground, hands wreathed in magical light, but her Master pushed her back down with a flick of her sleeve.


“It has been a very long time, All-Father, since you have set foot on the surface of Midgard,” the Ancient One’s words drew a chuckle from the air, a noise mirrored by a pair of newly arrived crows. “What brings you to my domain? Have you forgotten the pact we signed, long ago?”


“I have forgotten nothing, you old crone,” an armoured fighter faded into existence, robust and powerful despite his pure white beard and weathered face. “Can’t the King of Asgard visit his old friend from time to time without worrying about treaties and rules?”


“You are always welcome here as a friend, Odin,” the Ancient One scoffed as she summoned a chair for the Asgardian. “But I can’t ever recall you visiting me without an ulterior motive…”