09: Punishment and System
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Rimuru POV:
It has another 2000 years since veldora is born and after his 1000 year birthday he was sent here and by that time he was so traumatised, he began to scream in his head and with  that I had console him for a whole week ,after that I began to know what has happened to him ,he has been fighting his sisters no stop and every time he goes and relief some stress he was beaten half dead and was lectured ,well veldora being unconscious didn't get the massage and went on rampaging but on the plus side he got to control his powers albeit with raw powers perfectly,and when he was coming to see me every hundred years he was forced to stay silent as the lead the conversation,well me being me fell for it and the result is veldora. 

After I heard his story I began cheer him up by giving him some manga and telling him that if he can create a good fighting style I would give him a weapon of his choice a reward after that he finally had a good sleep .After he was sleeping I put a clone near him and went outside

‘hey Ciel how should I free veldora from his trauma ‘

[it is recommended master to let veldora become a otaku so his mind will not always be with negative thoughts ]

‘so he really had to become a otaku hah, well he is certainly better that way than traumatic boy ,so Ciel would you like to join me in a little disciplining’

[*smiles evilly *I would very much love to tag along master ]
That day the two true dragons felt what true fear is like and made a very good silent agreement and that is to never make their big sister mad or hell will be a nicer place for you .

Veldanava POV:

I was working in my office in the heaven ,well I say work but all I had to do is watch over them and see their progress and I had to say it is very good.As I was observing my creations a portal appeared before me and my sister Rimuru came from it .she looked at me for a second and said ,

“ Brother the souls in the cardinal world is reaching its limit.Though I can create a higher number of souls but it is too much for this newly created world,the humans greed for power and wealth is too much so the quality of a  soul is decreasing ” she said with a bit of exasperation. 

“Yes it is very disturbing if the quality of a soul is decreasing it means the good natured souls are going extinct and a human may very well be extinct if this goes on ,what do you suggest sister” I asked since for these matters you must always get help from the expert.

“ how about showing the world what fear is,I mean if people have a limit to their overconfidence they may set in their place ,well how about we let the demons in the underworld be summoned to the world”  she said after thinking for a bit 

“ ohh are you saying demons have the necessary skills to break their wills?” I asked with a bit of curiosity. Since the demons chose to follow my sister I usually don’t get any reports about them.  

“ yes demons feed on fear and souls of humans the best they like are the souls who filled with the 8 sins ,And after a hundred or a demons summoned to the world we can let a primordial be summoned and have him become a demon lord and to become a demon lord one must have a minimal number of 10,000 souls and the qualifications to become one ” she said.

“ why the souls and what is the qualification to become a demon lord. “ I asked deciding to know about this plan of hers. 

“ for one to become a demon lord he or she must have a demon lord seed ,this seed is given to people who have the mind to become a demon and protect what's theirs and have no problem committing mass genocide or people who have subordinates and rulers of their respected race ,the demon lord seed will be given to people when the V.O.W( voice of the world)  recognized it and after he or she collect the souls ,the V.O.W will be acting as a middle man and buy from me the power to it is necessary to become a demon lord evolution.And the plus side is that when a soul is absorbed to a another being they will be filtered and the dark side of the soul will be made to magicules when the demon lord evolution is happening.” Rimuru said with great detail. 

“ That does prove to be feasible,but will humans be able to become demon lords? As most human souls are quite dark  ” I asked.

“ no no humans can't become a demon lord ,but if they must become one they must first become a hero to be accurate a half awaken hero which is really rare for it self .You see heroes are driven by their desire to protect what's theirs and a half awaken hero ment that he or she is only protecting one person and he or she doesn't give a damn about other people like a demon lord ,so in short he is devil in human skin whose soul idea is to protect her loved ones and discarded the others.” she said while shaking her head. 

“So can any human become a hero?” I asked in a bit of curiosity. 

“ Well for a human to be a hero he must have a pure soul and have a hero egg, a hero egg is born when a hero genuinely thinks that he or she is a hero for others and has the desire to protect them .

And unlike a demon lord seed to awaken as a true hero he or she must have a bigger  desire to be stronger to protect which is a very vexing to the human mind ,like think about it if you were fighting a much stronger enemy and when he is helpless is overcome by desire for power to protect the hero's egg will be awaken” she said with a smile. 

“ well it seems humans are going to have it hard “I said with a bit of a chuckle. 

“ actually no brother if a human fuses with a fairy or have contract with a mythical beast he or she will be able to have a chance evolve into a saint which is higher level of a hero's egg ,but yes humans are going to have a tough fight against a true demon lord without a true hero ,but that is why we are here,we true dragons have all the time we need and we make those do some work since they are so free.when the first true  demon lord is born there will be a first true hero so those two can be monitored by sending our little sisters don't you think brother” she said surprising me. 

‘ So that's why she proposed it,she just wants those two to suffer more after the punishment she put those two ,maybe they can change by having another companion,oh well it's not like I can argue with her at the end of the day she still cares about family ’ I thought internally. 

“ Ok you can do what you planned. I will interfere when necessary.But are you sure the demons will have a demon lord seed,"I said, agreeing to her plan. 

“ no not all demons have demon lord seed,like I said all the primordials have them some of their subordinates have them ,but don't worry I will make things work out after all I am the queen of the underworld and they all respect me even the primordials have much respect for me ,so if I say demons that they can go to the world cardinal world to have fun I'm sure they will love it .” she said reassuringly. 

“ Well it is quite interesting to see the battle hungry demons all worship a one true queen without anyone objecting.ok have fun doing your stuff and next time you visit bring me some of your home cooked meals “ I said.

Rimuru noded and created a portal and went inside and disappeared. after a minute a bright light appeared near the end of my room and a table full of food appeared

“ she is still the sweet little sister I know “ i said while scooping some food to eat. 






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