Chapter 30 The Death of Torch
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Chapter 30 The Death of Torch

The crowd dispersed. Starlight guided Grand Darkness back to Tenebrosity. The other Grand Elders turned to what they were doing. Earthlight took Mercury and Clover back to Starlight Courtyard. It was not until they had returned that Mercury spoke.

“Clover don’t look so sad. I think this was for the best. Torch is getting the help he needs.” {Mercury}

“Was it really that bad? It was hard to see from up there.” {Mercury}

“You can see it firsthand. They are coming this way.” {Earthlight}

Sunlight and Torch landed before the group. Clover was about to scream as she saw Torch’s face but stopped herself.

“What are you doing here?” {Earthlight}

“Torch… Torch wanted to talk to Mercury.” {Sunlight}

“I am fine with it. Lets do it in my room.” {Mercury}

“I don’t think ” {Sunlight}

“O…Kay.” {Torch}

“Just be safe.” {Sunlight}

“Sorry about almost screaming.” {Clover}

“It…fine.” {Torch}

Mercury lead Torch to his room and set up some chairs. After they sat down, Torch tried to speak.

“Th…ank…” {Torch}

“Hold on just one second.” {Mercury}

Mercury pulled out two communication jades that connected to each other. He handed one to Torch.

“If you do not know how to use it, just put some of your divine sense into it and we can talk like normal.” {Mercury}

Torch took off one of his gloves, reaving the mangled skin under it. He held the jade in his now ungloved hand.

(“Thank you.”) {Torch}

(“What did you want to talk about?”) {Mercury}

(“Thank you for everything. I do not think I would have realized exactly how far my family would have gone without you.”) {Torch}


(“I am sorry about this.”) {Mercury}

(“Don’t be. It was my father and Firelight who did this. Besides, I was doing this to myself long before this happened.”) {Torch}

(“Are you alright?”) {Mercury}


(“Hahaha. This is… What I needed. I just find it funny that the person I hated for so long was the only one who really cared for me.”) {Torch}

(“You still have Grand Elder Sunlight.”) {Mercury}

(“I know, but we really do not know much about each other. And it was you who showed me a better way. So that is why I want your help with something. Well, two things.” {Torch}

(“What do you need me to do?”) {Mercury}

(“Can you give me a new name?”) {Torch}

(“What?”) {Mercury}

(“Radiant Torch is dead. The last thing he needed to do was fight you. I am my own person now.”) {Nameless}

(“Do you have any ideas so far?”) {Mercury}


(“I was hoping you would.”} {Nameless}


(“Do you have any preferences on what you want?”) {Mercury}

(“Nothing gaudy like ‘Radiant’. I have had enough of that already.”) {Nameless}

(“Do you still want it be something related to fire?”) {Mercury}

(“I think I do. I will still be Cultivation the Fire Element. This may be easier after I tell you my next request.”) {Nameless}

(“What is it”) {Mercury}

(“Could… Can you make me a new Cultivation Technique? One for Mortal Core. I see how you made your own and I would like to do that myself.”) {Nameless}


(“I do not think I can make yours.”) {Mercury}

(“Oh.”) {Nameless}

(“But I think I can help you make your own.”) {Mercury}

(“Oh?”) {Nameless}

(“Have you already read some Mortal Core Cultivation Techniques? It will be easier if you have.”) {Mercury}

(“I have.”} {Nameless}

(“Okay. I want you to close your eyes and clear your mind. I want you to think about who you are.”) {Mercury}

(“What you are. Are you a blazing inferno? Are you a special color of flame?”) {Mercury}

(“ What are you? What do you want to be?”) {Mercury}

“Phoe…nix… I want… to… be… Phoe…nix.” {Nameless}

Mercury took out a few Fire Element resources and placed them around the Nameless boy.

“How is a Phoenix born? How do you become one?” {Mercury}

“Egg… Hatch… From… Egg.” {Nameless}

“Then you first need an Egg. Do not simply think of your Mortal Core as a solid rock. Think of it as an Egg. Your egg. You.” {Mercury}

The Fire Qi stored in the resources started moving toward the Nameless boy as the idea formed in his head.

“Me. My egg.” {Nameless}

“Think about it. It is more than just an egg. It is from which your Nascent Soul will hatch from! It is from which you will be REBORN!” {Mercury}

The Nameless boy spontaneously combusted lighting his clothes on fire. The clothes that kept him hidden from the world. He was untouched by the flames. He stood up and retracted the flames. The Aura of Mortal Core coming off of him. His skin even looked like it healed a bit. Sunlight broke the door down, to see with his own eyes what was happening. Earthlight and Clover looked on. Until Earthlight covered her eyes.

“Thank… You.” {Nameless}

“Felix.” {Mercury}

“Wha…” {Nameless}

“The name ‘Felix’ means happy, prosperous, and fortunate. From now on you are Felix.” {Mercury}

Felix started tearing up.

“I… love… it.” {Felix}

After Radiant Firelight took Refulgence back home, Refulgence woke back up. He saw Radiant Firelight looking over him.


“I have not lied to you. I simply failed to see how he would not love someone as great as you.” {Radiant Firelight}

“MORE LIES!” {Refulgence}

“I am not lying to you to. I truly consider that you are my son.” {Radiant Firelight}

“HOW!?” {Refulgence}

“Our family has a special Technique. One that only the Head and his successor can have and use… I want you to have it.” {Radiant Firelight}

“What? Do… Do you really mean it?” {Refulgence}

“Of course. In fact, here it is. Read it.” {Radiant Firelight}

Radiant Firelight handed Refulgence a black jade. Refulgence quickly read it with his divine sense and was amazed at it.

“This… This is unbelievable.” {Refulgence}

“Believe it. You will be able to do it soon.” {Radiant Firelight}

“But… To Cultivate it?” {Refulgence}

“Follow me.” {Radiant Firelight}

Radiant Firelight lead Torch into a deep dungeon. They opened a room and found Glimmer chained to a table, unconscious and unable to move.

“Why? How?” {Refulgence}

“I had always planned for you to come here when we got back. Go on do it.” {Radiant Firelight}

“But.” {Refulgence}

“Think about it. This is your chance. Do this and you will have all that you want. No one will be able to stop you.”

“Yes. This is it.” {Refulgence}

“I thought you would think so. This is your destiny.” {Radiant Firelight}

“Thank you, Family Head.” {Refulgence}

“Please. Just call me Father, or even Dad.” {Radiant Firelight}

Refulgence walked towards Glimmer. Using the information in the Technique, Refulgence grew two of his teeth to make fangs. He stabbed them into Glimmers neck. Glimmer woke up and tried to scream but was muffled. Radiant Firelight only looked on as Refulgence drained her of her blood.

“You traitor, you have betrayed the Ancestor by proposing peace! Never would you have known that another branch of our family exists. The Ancestor is wise. You have failed him, but I have not. And when the times comes, I will even have a new body for him to take over!” {Radiant Firelight}

Thank you for reading.