Chapter 24 – A Friend in Need
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Detective Danielle Garcia sat in front of Scott, on one of his new couches as the old one was ruined.

She was a half mix between her Latino father and her Asian mother and was gorgeously pretty, an athletic body, large breasts and she looked fantastic in jeans and a tight shirt. 

"Whatever Ms Devon did to your wife Lisa and... uh.. him... is fantastic. They look and feel so lifelike now" she said.

"Yeah.. Clara did a great job" Scott smiled, looking at the exhibit in the middle of the hall. There were 3 more other exhibits around the office space.

"Has she been treating you well?" Danielle asked, concerned.

"Yes, Clara has been good to me. Sharon too" Scott smiled.

"Well, that's good. Ahem.. sorry for troubling you" Danielle said. 

"It's alright. Sorry I can't be of help" Scott answered as he walked Danielle out.

"What was that all about?" Sharon asked, leaning over the railing naked.

"She wanted me to help in the new serial killer case. But I rejected her again" Scott answered.

"Why?" Sharon asked again. 

"Because I don't want to take live cases. Its too emotionally draining" Scott answered.

"Oh. BTW, did you and that Detective Danielle ever.. uh... get together?" she continued asking.

"Danielle? She's gorgeous I'll admit. But... no" Scott answered.

"He was a dedicated husband then" Clara said, looking up from her desk with a strange contraption on her head which had a magnifying glass attached to it. 

"Oh" Sharon said, understanding by Clara's tone that if Lisa was still alive, there probably would not be anything between them and Scott too. 

"What's the case about?" Clara asked.

"It's still confidential and not released to the news yet. But there is a serial killer they nicknamed the Butcher because he kidnaps his victims and sends pictures of the torture he puts his victims through to the police. But by the time the police finds them, they have usually been chopped up and mutilated. He apparently rapes and sexually abuses his victims too, both male and female." Scott answered. 

"I'll be troubled over the case for weeks and dwell on the scenes if I read the bodies using my telemetry. In some of my visions, I actually see the scene from the victim's point of view. Not my scene, too gruesome and traumatic" Scott added.

"How is your project?" Clara asked Sharon

"Oh, I've secured a new venue for my new show in LA. I just have to recruit assistants, start advertising etc. It's just I'm reluctant to test out new lovers. I never intended to be such a slut" Sharon said. 

"You can use Tyrone and Lisa" Clara said. 

"Hey!" Scott interjected.

"Ok not Lisa. But Tyrone is available if I get front row seats" Clara said.

"Why don't you and Scott be my assistants instead. You were both great the last time" Sharon laughed. 


A week later, there was a loud banging on the front door early in the morning at around 7 AM

Scott rushed down in his boxers, rushing to the door to find out what was the matter.

As he opened the door, he saw a face he never expected to see. 

"Senior Detective?" Scott gasped, seeing Michael Ranquest at his door. 

"Hi Scott. Can I come in?" he asked.

"Sure" Scott said, letting him in and inviting him to the couch.

The two girls walked to the railing upstairs, draped sexily only in sheets..

"Look, I know that Danielle has been coming to ask you for help in this Butcher case. I even closed one eye about it. Since it was revealed you used psychic powers to solve your cases, I've been under pressure to reopen all your cases to check your work. But I've always supported you, you know that" Detective Ranquest said.

"Yes, I appreciate that sir. But as I told Danielle, I don't want to do such cases. It affects me mentally" Scott replied

"Please change your mind! We... I need your help" Detective Ranquest asked dropping several pictures on the coffee table. 

Scott glanced at them and gasped. 

"Danielle!" he said, looking at the photos.

She was tied up, naked in the first photo. In the second photo, her right breast was halfway being sliced off and she was screaming in tears. In the third, someone was shoving his cock into her mouth. The fourth, her pussy was spread open as a drill was aimed into her. 

"I received these by mail this morning. It included her right breast" Detective Ranquest said.

"When did this happen?" Scott asked in shock

"About a day after Danielle met you, the bastard targeted our people. This was from two days ago" he continued, showing Scott another picture.

It was Detective Andrew Mcgabe's decapitated head, with what looks like a sliced off penis in his mouth!

"Andrew?" Scott said in shock.

"The penis in his mouth has been DNA tested. It's Detective Christian Reneiri's cock!" Detective Ranquest sighed.

"What the hell? Were they all captured?" Scott asked.

"We don't know. Andrew and his partner Ronald disappeared about four days ago investigating this case. Then two days ago, Danielle and Christian disappeared too. We don't even know if Christian is alive or not. But based on his MO, we fear the worst" Detective Ranquest said showing more pictures from earlier.

There were pictures of Andrew being tied up. Both his legs were chopped of at his knees. His face was in agony as it didn't appear that he was sedated.

The next picture showed his arms being chopped off at the shoulders, and his legs at the hips, leaving a bloody mess all over the floor.

The next picture, there were only his head on his torso, with his chopped off legs were shoved up his ass and used to stand him up. He looked dead by then.

Then the next picture was his torso being chopped in half at the waist, his dick could be seen. And the last one, Scott had seen, was his decapitated head with a cock in his mouth.

Then Ranquest showed another group of pictures of Christian Reneiri being tied up spread eagle. The next one was his dick being chopped off as he screamed in agony. 

"That's the only one of Christian. The rest is of Donald Dumphries" Detective Ranquest said, referring to Andrew McGabe's long time partner.

Donald was already dead. His head, arms and legs were in pieces and his torso was chopped in two.

Both Donald and Andrew's severed hip area had penises that apparently had death erections, where a person gets an erection after death.

Danielle, who had her arms and legs cut off at the elbows and knees and her breasts removed was mounted on their dicks, one in her ass one in her pussy. Her elbows and knees were bandaged, showing how sadistic the Butcher was in keeping her alive to taunt the CSI.

Scott sighed

"Ok I'll take the case" he said.