Chapter 5: Developing Power, The Robbed Wheat
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Since childhood, that incident had been one of the few times Levi had tasted meat.

But today, he held meat in his hands once more.

Its enticing aroma filled the air.

*sob* *sniffle* *sob*

Adrian took his share of meat and went into his room.

Hearing Levi's subdued sobs outside, Adrian knew that Levi must be thinking of his mother.

The current Levi had yet to experience the harsh realities depicted in the original book; he was still a vulnerable child prone to tears.

"This world truly is merciless."

As Adrian unwrapped the meat he had bought that day, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Truthfully, this was only the second time he had tasted meat since arriving in this world.

The last time was thanks to Levi's initiative, and now, it was the second time.

Before his mother passed away from illness in this world, she had been an incredibly thrifty woman, never spending a single coin, which allowed them to accumulate those steel coins.


♠Point System♠

system panel.

Host: Adrian Alister

Current World: Attack On Titan

Constitution: 1.3

Points: 0 (1.5%)

Skills: Cooking LV0, Fighting LV0, Forging LV0..


Looking at the system panel, Adrian noticed that the points, previously at zero, had now increased to 1.5%.

While not rapid, it amounted to approximately a 45% increase in about a month.

Compared to the previous rate of accumulating one point over eight years, the progress was significantly faster.

Previously, the rate was roughly 1.25% per month, highlighting the sluggishness of progress.

After observing for several days, Adrian drew some conclusions.

The growth rate of points was influenced by the type of food, its quantity, and the speed of his digestion.

After enhancing his physique, his digestion rate and food intake had increased, leading to a nearly 36-fold acceleration in point accumulation.

This indicated that improving his physique could expedite point accumulation.

Contemplating whether to allocate the next point also to his physique constitution, Adrian ultimately decided against it.

His current physique sufficed; he needed other skills to enhance his survival abilities in this world.


A week later...

In a secluded corner of the underground street, ruins littered the area, a testament to long-term abandonment, with broken spiderwebs adorning the surroundings.

The spiders here had all been consumed by humans devoid of sustenance.

In the underground, food equaled power, a principle that held true throughout the walled world of the paradise island.

Within a dilapidated yet relatively clean and spacious house, five children were gathered.

They were all young delinquents recruited by Adrian, none older than fifteen, with most ranging from seven to twelve years old.

Aware of the world's horrors, Adrian aimed to cultivate his own power.

While these young delinquents lacked significant strength, they were more trainable than adults.

However, they weren't won over by mere words; Adrian had subdued them with fists and food alike.

Having produced maltose, he had gradually amassed a sum of money.

Moreover, due to the system, Adrian's physique had undergone a rapid growth spurt over the past few days.

The eight-year-old skinny child he once was now resembled an eleven-year-old child.

Unfortunately, Levi's growth hadn't been as pronounced.

It seemed he would remain as short as depicted in the original narrative, perhaps even shorter.

"Boss, Docklin from the East District raided our wheat today."

"He claims we owe them protection money."

Levi, Fran, and an older child entered with downcast expressions.

A red gash adorned Levi's forehead, blood still trickling from it.

Approaching Levi, Adrian rested a hand on his shoulder, speaking calmly, "Go and tend to your injuries, I'll handle this myself."

Such occurrences were not unexpected for Adrian.

Where there were hungry people, there were conflicts.

Docklin led a gang in the Eastern District, numbering over a dozen individuals subservient to him.

Adrian had settled in the Eastside to secure a more spacious location for producing maltose, which had led to a clash with Docklin.

However, with limited combat prowess at his disposal, including Levi, they only numbered five and a half children.

Recklessness would only lead to defeat.

Yet Adrian wasn't one to shy away from confrontation indefinitely.

Having grown up in a place where death was commonplace, he had long become desensitized to its presence.

In a matter of moments, he formulated a plan. His potent is a big man with a lot of people under him....

These kids under him are also young and need training.


"Hey! Fran, I have a task for you."

Observing Fran's anxious demeanor, Adrian added reassurance in his voice.

Upon hearing Adrian's words, Fran nodded, relieved that Adrian hadn't cast him aside.

After all, Docklin posed a formidable threat to their leader Adrian, and few dared to challenge Docklin.

In their attempt to protect the sack of wheat from being pilfered, Levi and Fran had engaged in a skirmish with Docklin's gang.

Their efforts hadn't yielded victory; instead, they came here empty-handed. Plus they had come after taking a beating.

A sack of wheat could fetch a handsome price, equivalent to that of a young slave in the underground market.

Fran was also estimated to be worth a sack of wheat.

Thus, Fran feared Adrian would ostracize them for losing the wheat.

His unease dissipated upon hearing Adrian's intention to involve him in another task.

He wasn't abandoned. At least not yet.


two days later....

East Underground Street.

In a rather nice house.

Docklin and his men were drinking and eating food, and the atmosphere was very lively.

A dozen gangsters sat around Doclin and flattered him:

"Boss is worthy of being the overlord of the Eastern Region."

"Hahaha! That's right. When that kid saw the boss, he started crying saying he didn't want any food and ran away."

"A bunch of idiots, let's grab his food next time, hahaha."


Docklin took a sip of his wine, and in front of him was a large piece of meat.

Although he is also a tyrant in the Eastern District, the chances of eating meat all year round are still very few, even for him.

Two days ago, he was wandering around in his own territory, when he saw two small boys carrying wheat.

Of course, he didn't let it go.

But today.... he didn't expect that several kids were carrying meat and wine this time.

'Keke, maybe the goddess of luck is flirting with me..?'