Chapter 1
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<The World of Synergy needs your help! The 7 Kings of Sin have been in control of the world since its creation and you have been called to liberate it, Hero from Beyond the Veil, please save us!>

<To create your character, please first select the gender you wish to identify as, note that any attempts to make a character that you aren't the same gender as will result in dysphoria.>

"Female, I'm aware of dysphoria."

<Now Please name your Character, Note that this can be skipped in favor of creating the character around the desired name.>


<Player name set, Welcome Echo. Please choose a race from this list of randomized races.>

<Dark Elf><The less morally upstanding version of an Elf, they excel in dark magic and curses, best for a mage build>

<Chaos Dwarf><Basically your average American, they love their guns and their heavy industry, they will enslave other races to work for them.>

<Vampire><Basically the opposite of humans, very strong but unable to take very many hits, not recommended for new players.>

<Demon><The opposite of the good aligned Angels, Demons aren't evil necessarily just less inclined to do good.> 

<Ghost><The product of a Spirit and a Spectre creating new life, they have the weakness of spectres but the strength of spirits.>

"Vampire please, I have some experience in this kind of game."

<Good please design your character.>

I took the sliders and messed with them for a bit, not really having any goal for my appearance, again I have experience in these games and know not to get too attached to the appearance of your character, seeing as you will almost never see it. Satisfied with my final appearance, I clicked the Confirm button and watched as my normal human body became the vampire body of my character.

<Now that you have designed your character, please choose your class.>

<Warrior><Balanced fighter, evolves depending on the fighting style used in battle, with unarmed fighters becoming monks and sword fighters becoming knights.>

<Rouge><Fast and Fragile, they love getting into and out of trouble fast, bonus to sneak attacks.>

<Mage><Wise and Well-learned, they pelt their enemies with destructive spells fit for a magic class.>

<Ranger><Has the Stealth of a rogue with the range of a mage, the precise shots taken by a rogue are a nightmare for most monsters.>

<Cleric><Blessed by their god and loving in nature, they heal the injuries of their party members and can become holy paladins if they participate in enough combat.>

<Wanderer><Jack of all trades master of none, the Wanderer has traveled far and wide to learn all sorts of skills, experts in the blade they will often tame beasts to accompany them on their travels.>

"I choose Wanderer, I like learning new things."

<Then welcome to Sin Kings Online, and have a fulfilling journey.>


Spawning in a ruined town, I had a katana at my waist and light armor that made traveling easy. Pulling the katana out of its sheath, I examined it, finding no flaws in the construction of the blade. Satisfied with my gear, i walked through the ruined town, my goal to reach the first class advancement before sundown.

Entering the forest, I came across a small blue ball bouncing around as cute as it could. Not one to make things last longer than necessary, I slashed my sword into the ball's body, cutting it in half and killing it instantly.

<You have killed a Lesser Blue Slime Lv.2, EXP rewarded.>

<Name: Echo>
<Level: 1>
<Wood Rank>
<Skills: Swords Mastery, Metal Magic, Monster Taming, Life Drain>
<Titles: Hero, Vampiric>

Their were 10 ranks in the game, Wood, Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Mithril, Hero, King, God, and each rank represented 20 levels, this was on the main wiki, but I made sure to avoid listening to hard to the wiki, I want a genuine playthrough of this game. I knew some things like that in terms of pure damage potential mages had it best but in terms of utility wanderers were king, but that was crumbs compared to most things in this massive game.

I walked through the forest, cutting up slimes as I went, my level increased steadily, as I 'remembered previously learned' sword forms as the game put it. According to the story of the game, Wanderers would be various things and grew in strength as they 'remembered' parts of their past they had forgotten due to amnesia, which was different from the summoning of the other classes.

The story said that we were to kill the seven Kings of Sin, but only gave the name of the first king of sin, the King of Greed, Midas. All I knew about Midas was that he had an insta kill attack, and grew stronger the long the fight lasts, meaning I'll have to learn my magic if I want to fight him in a fair fight.

"I wonder how this Metal Magic skill works?"

I began messing around with the Metal Magic Skill in my status, trying to lift my sword with the power, to mixed degrees of success. I got it one inch above the ground before my mana felt strained, so I decided to put that off for now.

<Congratulations, your Metal Magic Affinity has risen due to remembering a past skill.>

"System open my status."

<Name: Echo>
<Level: 6>
<Wood Rank>
<Skills: Swords Mastery, Metal Magic, Monster Taming, Life Drain, Mana Control>
<Titles: Hero, Vampiric>
<Sword Forms: First Form; Hummingbird Slashes, Second Form; Watercrest Slash.>

Feeling a better control over my magic, I decided, what better way to test a new power, than in live combat. Moving deeper into the forest, I came across a group of lv 5 goblins, perfect fodder for my test.

I directed my mana to the blade on my waist, removing it from the sheath and sending it through a goblins head before quickly calling the blade back to me and cutting up the rest with the first form in my sword forms. The blood flowed from the corpses of my enemies like rivers and I basked in the glory of battl- wait I'm turning edgy aren't I.

Snapping out of the edgy monologue, I felt a prick in my mouth, I was thirsty for blood, and I had the perfect things to quench my thirst in front of me. Picking up the limp body of the goblin I killed earlier, I sank my fangs into the flesh of the creature, the taste of the blood was like pure honey, sweet but not something I'd want to eat everyday.

Dropping the pale drained corpse, I felt satisfied for now, but I would need something more fulfilling soon, likely human blood would be the best. Going based on the description of vampires on the wiki, different bloods had different tastes and qualities, human being the best at the beginning but later in the game better substitutes appeared.

My silver hair was tied back, as my strangely silver blue eyes looked around for any more monsters. I held my breath in anticipation as I heard a loud thumping coming from behind me. Turning around a Large goblin-orc hybrid stepped out of the trees in its hands a large tree trunk carved into a club.

"System Appraisal!"

<Name: Tiny the Giant>
<Race: Goroll(Goblin-Orc-Troll)>
<Class: Berserker>
<Level: 10>
<Short Description: The Leader of the Goblins, it's said he got his name from his youth when he was smaller than a normal goblin, he bashes the skulls in of any one who calls him tiny however.>

"Ain't that ironic, eh Tiny?"

The massive Goroll roared hearing me call him by name, in response I jumped back as he swung the club in his hands. Jumping on the club, I ran up it as he tried to lift it from the muddy ground, when I reached his arm I attacked with my strongest sword form currently available.

"Second Form; Watercrest Slash!"

Cutting his arm off, I backflipped away as he tried to grab me with his other arm, which I responded to with a heavy vertical slash.

<Congratulations for remembering a New Sword form, Third Form; Waterfall Slash.>

"Perfect. Third Form; Waterfall Slash!"

Cutting his massive hand in half with the slash, I dodged when his other hand suddenly had regenerated and swung down on me, his Troll heritage likely the cause.


<Name: Tiny the Giant>
<Race: Goroll(Goblin-Orc-Troll)>
<Class: Berserker>
<Level: 10>

"I've got this. First Form; Hummingbird Slashes!"

In a flurry of slashes, I chipped away at the Goroll's HP, Making sure to keep an eye on the hit points left.

<HP: 300>

<HP: 265>





"Ha... Ha... I did it!"

As the big lug fell to the ground his body broken beyond even death due to the amount of slashes he took to his body, I looked at his disappearing body in surprise as all that was left was a blue and white katana and set of similarly colored kunai.

<World Announcement: Player Echo has Defeated the Area boss Tiny the Giant for the first time, they will be rewarded with the Metal Master Katana and Kunai Set for the first Area Boss Kill in the server.>

"Well Fuck, now I'll have PK'ers on my ass."