Ch. 2 – The Next Goal
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The Next Goal


After he and Plune finished their bath, they both got dressed, and Sean realized he had finally reached his goal...and now didn't have one.

Or more precisely, he needed a new one.

I was so focused on having sex, I don't even know what to do now that I have. He looked over at Plune, who was peeling potatoes for breakfast. She was still wearing the rough woolen robe she had been wearing when he had purchased her.

I need to get some clothes for her. No, I need to get some sexy clothes for her! The only way to make her cuter would be good clothes to dress her up in and take off later.

Plune saw he was staring at her and blushed. “Again, Master? I'm somewhat sore...”

Sean blushed and quickly shook his head. “No. I mean, not yet. I was thinking we should get you some clothes.”

Plune's face brightened. “I would very much appreciate that, Master!”

Sean sighed, “Why are you still calling me Master? This magic doesn't work at all.”

Plune shook her head, “Since the magic isn't stopping me, you must secretly like it.”

Do I? I...I don't know... He shook his head. “Well, whatever, that's probably better in public anyway. But we need to get you some sexy clothes.”

Plune blushed again, “Whatever you want, Sean.”


After eating breakfast, they went into town, and stopped at a woman's clothing shop. He felt awkward at first, although noticed several other slaves there, so figured he would just wait near the front. “Just pick something sexy in your size.”

Plune nodded. “Would Master like to see me in it first?”

Sean blushed, “Ah...yeah, sure.”

Plune started browsing, but quickly returned with a crestfallen look after just a few minutes. “Master, I don't think this will work...”

Sean raised an eyebrow. “I told you, you look cute-”

Plune shook her head, “No, it's the price, Master. The cheapest sets are a silver.”

Sean opened his coinpurse. They only had twenty-five coppers left. Urgh...this must be our new goal, get enough to buy lingerie for Plune! Looking back up at Plune, he asked, “Are you okay doing requests?”

Plune nodded. “If Master desires. I'm not a high level, but I can hold my own against stuff like goblins or wolves.”

Sean nodded. They were both level 3, so they weren't going to be slaying dragons, but they could collect herbs or fight a couple low-level goblins to earn some money.


Leaving the clothing store, they instead went to a cheap gear store. Sean himself had bought leather armor and a cheap sword there with money he'd gotten from collecting herbs.

The man at the counter raised an eyebrow when he came in. “You upgrading?”

Sean nodded towards Plune, who bowed at the armor merchant.

“Ah, got yourself a combat slave? Smart,” he said with a grin.

Plune held out her arms to be measured but the armorer waved her off. “I can tell your size.”

He can tell with just a look?

The man brought out some leather armor, handing it over. Plune went into a changing room, and came out a minute later, armor fitting perfectly.

The man nodded, “Rogue, right?”

Plune nodded.

The man turned around, grabbing a small sheathed dagger, and handed it over.

Sean got out his coinpurse, asking nervously, “How much?”

The man laughed, “Haha, ten for the armor, and five for the dagger.”

Sean raised an eyebrow, “That seems way cheaper than what you charged me.”

The man laughed harder, “Haha, you don't get the girl discount.”


The man shook his head, “I'm messing with ya. I expect you to buy more expensive armor in the future. Especially if you're a slave buyer, you'll need multiple sets.”

Sean thought, More slaves? I guess... I could, if they're as cute as Plune. He looked at her, then shook his head. No, just focus on her for now, too poor to think about more.

Thanking the armorer, they paid the fifteen copper and headed out.

The last thing to do was get her signed up at the Guild.

Having a realization, Wait, this is great, isn't it!? I have a party now, I should be able to make more money!


The Adventurer's Guild of this world served several purposes. While everyday citizens could make requests for Adventurer's to complete, the Guild also paid set rates for materials. For example, any herbs or other alchemical supplies found could be sold to the Guild en masse. Additionally, creatures of the world would dissipate when slain, dropping magical stones that could also be sold. Predictably, the more powerful the creature, the more the stones were worth.

Inside the Guild hall, many people were waiting in line to sell their gains, while several were looking to join parties, or discussing requests on the Board.

Sean and Plune waited in one of the lines, meeting a cute rabbitkin Guild Girl that Sean recognized.

She smiled at Sean, “Hello, what can I do for you?”

Sean blushed slightly, “I needed to sign up my slave into my party,” he replied, handing over his Guild Card.

The Guild Girl's smile slipped, seeing Plune walk forward and bow. “Ah...okay...” She took a look at Plune's status, then held out a crystal ball. Plune put her hand on it, and it glowed green for a moment. She pressed a blank card to the crystal, and the light flowed into the card, writing Plune's status on it. She then took both and filled out a party form.

After a few minutes, she handed back their cards, her smile all but gone. “Thanks for being part of our guild...”

She could at least pretend like having combat slaves is normal. More than half the parties here have them!

Deciding not to worry about it, they walked out of the guild and outside town.

This town, Lunocht, was a medium-sized town, but surrounded to the south by a forest teeming with low level monsters. Due to this, it was a popular destination for lower-level Guild members to train and earn money. In fact, much of the town's economy was driven by the large Guild presence stemming from this.


As they entered the forest outside town, Plune watched as Sean walked around, status screen open, picking up random herbs to put in his bag.

“Master, should I be picking them too?” Plune asked.

Sean nodded, “Do you know what Sanitaweed looks like? I put some points in my Gatherer skill, so I can see them through my status screen, but I didn't see that you had it.”

She shook her head, “I don't, yet, but if you have an example I can probably pick up the scent.” Sean held it up, and Plune sniffed it a few times. She then sniffed around a bit.

“Catch anything?” Sean asked.

Plune sniffed a bit more, then pointed east. “It's kind of everywhere, but I smell it strongly that way.”

Sean nodded, and both of them started making their way east, picking any they found. After a while of walking and gathering, they suddenly came upon a grove that had several bunches of Sanitaweed.

“Holy...this is amazing!” Sean said, grabbing them en masse and stuffing in his bag.

After a few minutes, the bag was completely full. “I wish we'd gotten another bag, I didn't think we'd actually fill mine, else I would have.”

Plune smiled, “I'm glad I could help Master.”

Sean blushed, then hugged her tightly. “You did great.”

Plune gently hugged him back.

After a few moments, they separated, and Sean opened his map up, putting a marker down. “Let's go turn this in, buy you a bag, then head back. We'll grab some lunch too.”

Plune smiled and nodded.


They headed back into town, and went to turn in their gatherings. After being weighed, it came to fifteen copper.

“Fifteen! That's the most I've ever gotten in a day, and it's not even noon,” Sean said, excited.

Plune smiled awkwardly, seeing he was happy. I'm glad I have such an easy-to-please Master...

They then went and bought a backpack for Plune, before heading over to the stalls and buying a loaf of bread to split.

“Sorry, I'll make sure we eat a proper supper...” Sean said, seeming slightly sad.

Plune shook her head, “I'm just glad Master is feeding me.”

Sean wagged his finger. “No, we need to fatten you up a bit.”

Plune blushed, “Master, if I get too big, I won't be able to accompany you...”

Sean blushed back, “Not that big! You're too skinny right now. You at least need to put on enough that I can't see your ribs anymore.”

Plune blushed deeper, nodding. “Thank you, Master.”

Sean acted like he was going to say something, but instead just grabbed her hand. “Come on, let's get back to that grove.”

They quickly returned, and filled both of their bags about two-thirds the way up. At that point, the grove had been picked clean, and they were both sweaty and tired from pulling the Sanitaweed out all day.

“Let's go turn these in, and then take a bath. I probably smell...” Sean said, sniffing his armpit.

Plune shook her head. “You don't smell that bad, Master. I can still smell the soap from yesterday.”

Sean, thinking quickly, gave a sly smile, “Maybe we could soap each other up today?”

He looked over at Plune to see her response, but she was grabbing her dagger.

“Um, it's okay if you don't want-”

“Master, goblins,” she said, pointing with her free hand.

Sean quickly stood up, taking out his short sword.

Two goblins were coming into the clearing, tongues out and making gurgling noises. They seemed to be pointing towards Plune.

Sean stood in between them and Plune.

Plune seemed confused, “Master?”

“Stay back, I won't let them hurt you,” Sean said.

Plune wasn't sure how to react, given his order.

Sean ran up, slicing one of the goblin's head off.

The other one darted at him, trying to stab his side, but luckily it glanced off the leather armor.

Sean tried to turn and slash it, but Plune had thrown her dagger, connecting with the second goblins face. He turned to look at her.

“Sorry Master, you told me to stay back, but I figured throwing would be okay...”

Sean wasn't sure what to do, but after a moment went over and grabbed her shoulders, giving her a kiss. After he finished, he blushed, “Sorry, I felt like kissing you.”

Plune blushed, looking away. “It's not like I hate being kissed...”

Oh god, she's too cute! Sean thought. Then realizing where he was at, turned around and picked up the two goblin stones, dropping them on top of the Sanitaweed in his bag. “Sorry, I'll give better directions next time since you can obviously fight. Let's go turn these in now before we get interrupted again.”

Plune grabbed her dagger from the ground, and cleaned it off, nodding.


At the guild, all the Sanitaweed and the two stones came out to another twenty-two coppers.

“That's so many in one day! That's like a quarter of what I made all the last month...” he said, half-excited and half-exasperated.

Plune gently patted his back. “It's okay, Master. We got a bit lucky with that grove, I didn't smell any others nearby.”

Sean sighed, “I figured we wouldn't luck out again like that. At least we can buy a few more things for you now.”

They took their money and went to the clothier, buying a few simple robes (but at least nicer than her outfit from the slaver) and new basic undergarments for her.

“Master, you don't need to spend so much money on me...” Plune said, a bit embarrassed.

Sean stopped, then turned around to face her. “Plune...stop apologizing for me give you stuff. I know you're a slave, but I'm going to spoil you sometimes. Because I want too.”

Plune blushed, then nodded. “Okay.”

Sean smiled, then wrapped and arm around her and continued walking.

They then bought some meat, a few vegetables, and a bit of butter.

“Master, what is the butter for?” Plune asked. “For the stew?”

Sean got a devious smirk on his face. “No. I guess I get to introduce you to buttered potatoes.”


They then went back to their camp. Sean had Plune fill the bathtub while he started making dinner. First he wrapped two potatoes in cloth and put near the fire, then started chopping the meat and vegetables and put them in the stew.

After he lit the fire for the bath, they waited for the food to cook.

While the potatoes were roasting, Plune asked, “What are we doing with them? It didn't look like you peeled them.”

Sean smiled again, “Just wait, it doesn't work as well without foil, so it will be for after the stew.”

Plune's tail wagged a bit in anticipation, much to the delight of Sean.

Soon the soup was done, and Sean poured hers first. Plune started eating ravenously, and Sean gave them both a second helping after they finished the first.

After the soup was cleaned off, he grabbed a towel and placed the wrapped potatoes on it. “Here, umm....get close to me,” he said, blushing.

Plune nodded and scooted over to his side, breasts slightly hitting his arm.

Sean tried to ignore that and focus on the potatoes. “Here, watch this,” he unwrapped the potatoes and then used a knife to slice them open, letting them steam out. He then cut off chunks of butter, slapping them on the potatoes. He then started mushing them up with a spoon, mixing the potatoes and melted butter together.

“I should have grabbed some salt, but...hopefully you like it,” he said, scooting one towards her and handing her a spoon.

Plune took a spoonful, blowing on it, then carefully placing in her mouth. Her eyes lit up. “Nyahhh! This is the best potato I've ever had. You just used butter!?”

Sean smirked and laughed haughtily, “Hehe, I figured you'd like it. It's pretty simple, the main issue is baking the potato properly so it softens up.”

They both devoured the potatoes, until there was nothing but a few crumbs left.

Plune laid back, holding her stomach. “Master, you are trying to make me fat.”

Sean seeming to blush, turned to her, “Um...we can burn some off later.”

Plune blushed and smiled, “Are we having sex, Master?”

“Do you mind? Are you feeling okay?”

Plune nodded. “I'm feeling fine. And if it makes Master happy, then we can. It's...” she paused, before blushing, “...Master treats me gently.”

Sean blushed deeper, leaning over and kissing her. “Let's bathe first.”


They lit a lantern and then both stripped, getting into the steaming tub. Sean started scrubbing Plune, using it as an excuse to rub her all over.

Plune didn't seem to mind, wagging her tail slightly every time he went over her nipples or nethers.

After he finished, Plune grabbed the soap, scrubbing him around.

“Um...can you use your breasts?” Sean asked.

Plune giggled, “Sure, but I don't think it will clean well.”

“I know, it's just...I figured it would feel awesome...” he explained as he turned around.

Plune did as asked, scrubbing her breasts on his back. She then reached her hand around, grabbing his member, which was already standing up. She started using her soapy hand to rub it furiously. After a few moments, he released, issue flying out of the tub.

Plune giggled, “It felt that good?”

Sean nodded, turning around and half-tackling her with a splash, making out with her.

Plune reciprocated, forcing her rough tongue in, grabbing his shoulders to brace herself as they sloppily kissed.

After a bit, Sean blushed, “Sorry, you were just so sexy there, I couldn't...”

Plune blushed. “Should we go to the tent now?”

Sean nodded, and they quickly dried themselves off and went into the tent.

Sean straddled on top of her, putting his member in and starting to slide back and forth.

Plune let out a cute 'nyahhh' and grabbed the bedding to steady herself. Her face got brighter and brighter with each thrust. After a few minutes of pounding against her, he released inside, squirting several times before stopping.

Trying to catch his breath, he put his elbows on either side of her, sweat dripping onto her chest.

Plune was blushing. “M- Sean, can I request something?

Sean nodded.

“Can...can you squeeze my chest like you did yesterday?”

Sean pulled her up, sitting her in his lap. He then grabbed her breasts from behind, squeezing and massaging them in a circular motion.

Plune moaned again, squirming in his arms from the pleasure.

He gently kissed her neck, until eventually his member was sticking into her back.

“Can you put it in like this?”

Sean grabbed and aimed it, sliding it inside her. He then started thrusting while grabbing her breasts, bouncing her up and down with each thrust.

Plune seemed to be losing it from the pleasure, spasming in his arms and moaning louder and louder.

“Can I make a request now?” Sean asked.

Plune looked around, her face red, and nodded.

“Can I pet your tail?”

Plune somehow got even redder, but started rubbing his side with her tail.

Sean gently grabbed it, which caused Plune to moan even louder.

This got Sean even more excited, After a couple minutes of this, Sean felt himself coming, and thrusted up even harder, releasing into her again.

They both sat there for a minute, catching their breath, as Sean held her tightly to him.

“We're working up a sweat again,” Plune said.

Sean chuckled, “Yeah, let's get back in the tub.”

They sat in the now slightly less hot water, both soaking and relaxing.

As they sat there, Sean looked at the content face of Plune and asked. “Are you okay? You're not unhappy?”

Plune took a moment to register what he asked, then blushed. “Master, I am appreciative but you don't need to keep asking. You're the best Master I've had.”

Sean let out a sigh of relief.

Plune giggled then scooted over from the other side of the tub, laying against him.

Sean felt overcome with her cuteness, and wrapped his arms around her, holding her against him again.

After soaking for a while and drying themselves off again, they headed into the tent once more. Sean got under the cover, while Plune laid on the tent floor next to him.

“Um...come over here.”

Plune blushed, “Are you sure? I'm glad you held me yesterday when I was sick, but slaves don't normally sleep with their Master.”

Sean just pulled her over, “Well I'm mandating that you do.”

Plune nodded and curled up next to him.

Sean wrapped an arm around her and intertwined their legs. “This is another one of my dreams.”

Plune blushed and giggled, “If you say so, Master.”

“Sean,” Sean said.

“Sean,” Plune repeated, digging her nose into his chest.


Plune laid there, enveloped in Sean's arms, until she felt his breath against her head.

I think I lucked out here. Sean seems to really like me. He's gentle during sex and feeds me tons of food. I need to make sure he doesn't tire of me. Or get himself into trouble.