1-5 Adventures Guild
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After looking at the mirror for what could have been hours, I went over to the bed and layed down. The bed was comfortable, but since my only comparison was the ground and a wooden wagon I'm not sure how it would compare to other beds.


After trying to sleep for a few hours I realized that as much as I wanted to sleep, I just wasn’t tired. No matter what I tried I just couldn’t sleep. This is how the whole night went. With nothing else to do I just stayed there all night. Outside the inn I could see people walking until late at night. The part of the city we were in was active until long after the sky had turned black.


When, after several hours, the sky looked like it did when I first woke up, I decided to go wait for Jacob at the Card Trading Company building. While leaving the inn I saw what must be the traveling trader working for Henry. She was a young woman about the same height as me. I didn’t get a look at her face but her clothes seemed nice and she had curly blond hair with pink undertones. She seemed to be in a hurry because when I got to the lobby she had already left. The only person there was Mrs. Rachel.


“Oh, hello. Did you have a good night?”


“It was fine.”


“I do have one question. Henry didn’t give me a name for you. Could you tell me it for our records?”


“I don’t remember my name. I might be able to tell you later after I go to the adventures guild”


“Oh you have amnesia. That's ok. I’ll just leave the record blank until you can tell me. If Henry knows he won’t be confused when he gets the bill.”


“Thank you.”


After my brief conversation with Mrs. Rachel i left to go to the trading company. I only had to wait for a little before Jacob got there.


“Hey, sorry did I make you wait.” he said while running up.


“Not at all,” I responded.


“Well, no point in just waiting here. Lets go over to the adventures guild.” he said while leading the way. “Just wondering if you gave any thought to if you’re going to join or if we are just checking your name?”


“I'm going to join. I think I might like being an adventurer, and I need to find a way to make money.” I responded.


“Ha that's right, can’t just live off Henry’s Company and charity forever can you.” he said with what seemed to be a joking tone.”So to join they will need to get a look at your stats to make sure you meet the threshold for basic jobs. All people start at Rank 10. They will explain this in more detail but I just want to give you an idea right now”


One thing he said didn’t make sense to me.”Stats?” I had no clue what the word could mean in that context. I knew it was a short form of the word statistics but what could that mean in your stats.


“Oh I didn't realize you have no idea about status, stats or skill do you?”


“No idea. I know all those words alone but no clue what you mean”


“I think that's the longest thing I have ever heard you say, Well a brief explanation from what i know about these. I can show you mine at the guild. The status is like a brief description of oneself. All living things have them from monsters to humans to even things like plants. That said not all things have the same info in the status. Plants only include their name. The difference for humans and monsters is the stats and skills. Stats are the numeric values that represent a person's physical abilities. The stats include STR or strength, AGI or agility, DEF or defense, INT or intelligence, MAG or magic, HP or health points, basically how many hits you can take before you die, and MP or magic points, basically how much magic you can use before you can no longer cast. Stats are weird because sometimes people or monsters have stats that other people do not. The most famous of these is the stat known as Arcane. Lastly Skills are the special abilities a person has. They have levels to represent how good you are and are usually acquired through training.”


“Oh” I said taken aback “that's a lot of info but I think I understand”


“That's great,” he said, seeming very happy that I understood his lecture. Shortly after he was done we made it to what seemed to be a bar but there was a sign that said ‘Black Hollow Adventurers Guild’.


“We are here”


When we went in there were some people talking at tables, some looking at papers posted on a wall and there was what seemed to be a bar in the building. The part that Jacob headed towards was a counter with windows built in.


“Hi Rebeca, I brought a friend who wants to join the guild today”


“Oh if it isn’t Jacob'' a girl with long black hair said, Rebeca, “you brought someone to recruit to the guild, that's great!”. When she was talking to Jacob she had a very happy tone. Then she looked over to me and her face was visibly darkened. “Oh well let's get this over with”. The last part she said under her breath but I still heard.


“Before that would it be ok to show them my status. They have amnesia and don’t even know what a status is.”


“Oh you want to show her your status. Trying to show off aren’t you.” she said again under her breath.


“Her?” I said only to be talked over by Rebeca.


“Why yes you can show her your status if you want, but usually that's private” she said. She once again called me, but before I could correct her Jacob spoke up again.


“After you became a receptionist I showed you?” Jacob interjected


“THAT WAS DIFFERENT” she yelled. “Well ok Jacob please place your hand on the appraising tablet” she said very exasperated as she brought up a tablet.


“Got it”. Jacob put his hand on the tablet and suddenly above his hand appeared a transparent screen that said:


Name: Jacob Baker


Gender: Male


Age: 21






HP: 150/150


STR: 35


AGI: 25


DEF: 35


INT: 15


MAG: 15




SP: 0




-Swordsmanship Lv.2


-Baking Lv.1


“There you go. That's what a status looks like. All of the stats of the average person is 10 at level 1 and you gain 5 sp for each level you gain. Equipment also increases stats sometimes but that is quite expensive for me right now.” Jacob told me as we looked at his status.


“Ok now about registering you as an adventurer you just need to put it on here and a receptionist will handle all of the paperwork. I’ll go get another receptionist to help you out. Rebeca said.


“Can’t you just help her,” Jacob said.


 Great now he’s saying her too. I thought


Rebeca waited for a second looking quite mad at him and said, in a forced cheerful tone,” Of course I can help her. Now please miss, put your hand on the tablet.”


Somewhat wanting to correct them about my gender, I put my hand on the tablet. A few moments passed and then a screen popped up like it did for Jacob. Then not even a second after the screen popped up a crystal in the tablet shattered with a very loud sound. Both Jacob and Rebeca yelped but I didn't react at all. I saw only part of the status when it appeared, and it filled me with dread.


Name : [None]


1322 words