2-4 A Sudden Attack
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That night was the same as the first one. I put the old clothes I had on to sleep. I thought it would be weird to wear the new ones to sleep. But sleep never came. I once again never felt tired but still didn’t want to be awake.


Not sure of what to do, I chose to just wait until morning. When the morning finally came I went over to Amelia's room and knocked on the door. After waiting with no response for about 10 minutes, I thought that maybe she had already left for the day. To check I went down the stairs to ask Mrs. Rachel about it.


“Oh, yes Amelia left earlier today. She seemed to be in a rush again this morning”


“Umm, thank you for telling me”. I thanked her and then went back upstairs. Now I'm very not sure what to do today. I just sat in my room.


About an hour later I heard a knock on my door. Not sure who it could be, I went to open the door. I turned out to be Jacob.


“Good morning None. Rebeca asked me to bring you to the Guild today”


“Oh, umm ok.” I was really confused as to what it could be. I assumed that the test would take longer to set up, but maybe I was wrong. “If we were going somewhere I should change so could you wait a second?”


“Huh, you have something to change into?”


“Yeah Mr. Henry sent a person over yesterday to help me get a change of clothes”


“Oh his probably trying to recruit you as a contractor for his company, he did something similar with me when i reached rank 9 and first agreed to help him”


We agreed to go to the guild together and we went to wait outside for me to change. Quickly changing into the new clothes I went to go meet him outside.


When he saw my new clothes he looked at me in confusion. “Uh hey None, didn’t you say that you were a guy yesterday?”


“Yeah, what about it” I answered, kind of annoyed that this was being brought up again.


“Um, it's just those clothes… Never mind, they look good on you” he said while looking away from me.


“Thanks” I said, now very confused about what was happening. We quickly went back to the task at hand and headed to the guild.


When we got there it was more busy than it was yesterday.


“Oh yeah, it was pretty empty when we came yesterday. That is what it is usually like but after word spread about the broken tablet, and apparently a celebrity showed up yesterday, a lot more people are hanging around the guild in hopes to see them.” Jacob told me as we got in line.


There were only a few people in the line and we got to the front very quickly. At the end. there was Rebeca. “Oh he got you to come None. Thank you for coming in today. I have good news. We found a volunteer to do proctor your test.”


As she said this, suddenly someone hugged me from behind.


“mirðooheo eyieud”


Surprised by the sudden feeling and the unrecognized words, I jumped forward and spun around to see what was going on. There I saw the same woman I bumped into the day before.


“ke oþ i inn rekndâitd nin”


Still not understanding what was going i heard a sound I started thinking was going to be a regular part of my life


Elvish language of Ordinal has been added to translation Skill


“I think that should be long enough,” the woman said again. Suddenly understanding her I relaxed a little. “Hello None, i'm Tess and i'm going to be in charge of your test today”


“Uh yes None this women will be proctoring your test,” Rebeca said. After getting confirmation I stopped being so guarded.


“Oh, there we go. No need to be afraid of me.” Tess said, “ And know that you understand me I think it would be a good idea to get going with this test of your”


“Um sure "I responded, not sure how she knew i couldn’t understand her earlier.”Since i didn’t know what was going on i left my sword at my room, so can i get that before the test.” I tried to get some space from here, so I brought up my lack of weapon for the test.


“Um sure, you will need it. How about I give you what the test is about and then you and Tess leave and meet up by the gates for the test?” Rebeca said, trying to get everything ready for the test.


“Of course that's a great idea” Tess said before I could agree.


“Got it, None’s test will be a basic hunting quest. You will need to hunt at least 3 gray wolves and bring back their magic stones. Now since you are not an official guild member yet, the tracking system won’t work for you so you have to make sure that Tess sees you kill them or it won’t count” Rebeca gave an explanation for the quest that did bring up some stuff i didn’t know.


“Ok so the best place to hunt gray wolves would be the forest outside the north gate. We can meet there right away” Tess said after the explanation.


Very embarrassed, I asked ”Where is the north gate?”.


With a small chuckle Tess said, right into my ear "How about we go get your sword together and I'll show you the way.” the way she phrased it didn’t make it sound like a question, and for some reason made me feel very weird on the inside.


In a very hushed tone I said "Sure”.


972 words