The Party
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She was truly furious.


I recalled the events of the day. Today, she had made my school day a living hell. Her science class was the worst period I had ever endured; she bombarded me with questions and piled on loads of homework. And my classmates weren't spared either; they also received a gigantic amount of assignments.


Luckily, they had no idea that today's chaos was my fault.


Boom. Boom.


I started to hear the bass of a song blaring.


What idiot listens to music this loudly? Wait a minute...


I realized that I was about three houses away from the destination. I hurried my steps to see what had happened. When I stood in front of the house, I was speechless.




 was emblazoned on a banner hanging from the second floor. There were balloons, ribbons, and many decorations adorning the house. Many cars were chaotically stopped on the road before the wall and in the driveway. I walked into the garden, passing through the wide-open gate. It was a moderately sized, beautiful garden, and it was already a mess.


"We gotta clean this up before Grace comes home,good thing she comes home tomorrow" I muttered to myself.


This house belonged to Shake's sister, who was four years older than him. They both moved here a few years after their mother died in an accident. This garden was her sanctuary, a place where she could cope with the suffering of her loss.


Grace loved this home so much, so this wasn't a good look. The amount of garbage accumulated in the house, even now, was enough for her to blame us for months. Cursing Shake under my breath, I entered through the massive door and into the hallway, noticing fewer people here than I had expected. 


"We are screwed," 


I muttered to myself as I entered the living room. People were dancing with cups of drinks in their hands, and as I inhaled, I could smell the air. I was pretty sure those were alcoholic drinks mixed with some fruits because that was Fat Rock's recipe. I noticed some people playing a game, while another group cheered on as one guy cut his hair while standing on top of a table. I intentionally avoided looking at other activities to avoid getting psychologically affected. It was a chaotic party.

I saw Shake in the midst of the chaos, and he also caught sight of me.

; he was dancing with two girls who were in his lap and basically rubbing their asses in his crotch, and he said something, but all I could hear was the bass of the song.


I managed to read his lips.


"Look, the big boy is here."


Without saying anything, I made my way to the massive sound box and sound system, reducing the volume to a more manageable level. It was still loud, but not excessively so. As the sound went down, I felt many gazes on my back, and the dancing paused for a few seconds.


"Guys, if this keeps up, the cops will be here in a few hours. Good thing most of the neighbours are still at work," I announced, trying to diffuse the situation.


"Huh, that's true," Shake acknowledged, taking a deep breath. "It's not that bad. Let's continue the party!" I exclaimed, trying to keep the energy up.


"Yeah!" Everyone screamed back, holding their cups up, quickly forgetting that anything had happened.


He slowly walked towards me with girls in both hands.


I noticed Shake was about to say something out loud, as I already learned my lesson this morning, I quickly intervened. "Don't say anything out loud, or I'm gonna call Grace," I blackmailed him.


I knew he was tempted to say something stupid about me.


"What, you're no fun," he muttered under his breath.


"You're late to your own party," he said while dapping me.


"It's only 5, man, just an hour late."


"Well, this is your party, enjoy. Drinks are in the kitchen. I have a surprise for you. I need to take care of these two naughty girls," Shake said before slapping the butts of both.


I watched as he closed the doors behind him after entering a room.


“Sigh, I want to also blow off some steam. ''  I have been craving for some sex since yesterday. 


Now that the genie is out of the bottle, there's no need to put it back in.


I noticed something from the people: most of them weren’t even from our school, but rather from neighbouring ones. Well, Shake didn’t have a reputation for being a good guy, so all of these people were either like us or party seekers.


I ventured deeper into the living room and saw Shake's gang. Most of them were dancing with girls in their hands, except for Show, who seemed invisible amidst the festivities.

What was I expecting? Most of us are horney teenagers at our peak of hormone activity. I don’t want to even think about what's happening in every room of the house. I was also really in the mood for some action due to how Zara treated me today.

As I made my way to the kitchen, the thought struck me again. "This house is massive," I muttered to myself. In fact, it was the biggest house in the suburban area, spanning more than 10,000 square feet. It boasted six bedrooms, bathrooms, and even a pool. I couldn't help but wonder who would give such a lavish gift—a house worth a few million—as a gift.


"Probably her boyfriend," I thought to myself.


Yes, I did have a crush on her. It lasted for more than five years, until I met Zara. This was one of the reasons Shake is making a big deal about me losing my virginity.


I made my way to the kitchen and saw two beautiful girls distributing drinks. They were not from my school. I also took a cup from the counter and approached them.


"Hi, I'm Mina, and I'm Tina. We're sisters," they introduced themselves with energetic voices, without me even asking.


"I can see you're not sisters; one was black, the other was white." I wanted to tell them.


"Wow, you're the biggest white guy in our age I've ever seen."


"Yeah, he's taller, like half a foot than us. "


"Look at those muscles."


"You look so strong."


"Do you do sports?"


“I bet he is.”


“I wonder how he look without clothes”


“Yeah I hope his dick is also impressive as his muscles”


They didn't even let me get a word in. Where did Shake find these two crazy bitches? And why were they casually talking about my Dick in front of everyone who just wanted drinks? And why the heck weren't they pouring into my cup?


I stood there holding my cup like a beggar, while they poured drinks for everyone else.


"We would love to see it."




"But we can't," they said with a sad voice. "We're waiting for Shake's friend, Max."


"Yeah, we're going to give him a big surprise."


"You didn't even say your name."


"I'm Oliver."


"Hi, Oliver. We should meet again, Do you want our numbers?"


"I just wanted a drink." I said meekly.


Holy shit, I never imagined that real-life Harley Queens could be that crazy. Maybe they're like that because of the drinks.and they were looking for me. Goddamn, don't let that big surprise be what I'm thinking. 


While running away from those two crazy bitches, I saw an interesting sight that stopped me in my tracks. A girl was talking to Show, and then she left with a disappointed look in her eyes, while Show ran away. She went to a corner of the living room and started to slowly dance awkwardly. It was obvious she was new to partying.


But the biggest curiosity in my mind was...


What kind of girl would notice "Show" out of all people? And Show even ran away from her.


I wanted answers.






She turned to me. I guessed she was Indian, as she had that small bindi on her forehead. She was a few inches shorter than me, with black hair and big black eyes. She wore expensive-looking earrings. Even in her casual jean shorts, she looked beautiful. And she was drunk. While I was scrutinizing her, she was also looking at me.


"You're new to partying?"


"Yeah, this is my first one, you can tell."


"Yeah, I'm not a party guy either."


"I'm Aarya," she said, extending her hand.


"I'm Oliver," I replied cautiously, shaking her hand, still wary of revealing my full name in case of any surprises that guy had planned for me.


Within a few minutes into the conversation, I understood why Show had run away. She was ranting about her boyfriend, who had a 7-year relationship with her, being caught cheating with one of her friends. She was in so much pain and came here today to rant and get drunk. No one wanted to even give her a chance to tell her story.


Then I also mentioned how my girlfriend is ignoring me and throwing tantrums, which is why I came here today.


From that point, things started to escalate quickly, and these drinks also fueled our emotions.