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Starting out the series with a bit of backstory to set the scene for the protagonist's character going forward.

The boy sitting across from me in the circle adjusted his glasses and gave me a stern look, still with noticeably friendly disposition. “So how did it start then? When you realized you had this… power?”


I had finally decided to let my friends in on what had been going on in my life, after all, I could only keep something this crazy bottled up for so long. Not to mention we’ve been friends since elementary school, so it only felt right to delve into my, frankly, unnatural past four years of my life. It’d been extremely hectic, and full with more emotional trauma than I’d ever inflict on my worst nemesis, but… A sense of normalcy had finally creeped its way back into my life, and I was grateful for it. So it felt like there was no better time.


I readjusted in my chair, leaning back and staring upwards at the ceiling, took a deep breath and started to open my mouth.


“Well… it’s like this.”

It’s weird, right? Being used to one way of life and then immediately being thrust into another, then back again. It was just a few weeks after I turned twelve years old, just entering puberty. My voice hadn’t even started to deepen yet, and I looked pretty androgynous. My hair was rather lengthy for a boy, but not quite enough to be considered “girl’s length”. I also wasn’t very tall, being only 4’8” by the time I exited elementary school. Not to mention my interests were all over the place. Anime, games, exploring the forest near my house. Always looking to discover some location I hadn’t seen yet. I had also picked up some other interests, fashion, sewing, and also cooking. Sometimes I’d find wild vegetables or berries while exploring the forest and I’d try to make something with them, which almost resulted in me getting poisoned a few times. 


    I woke up that morning feeling… sick, and sore, and in pain. Almost like I had partied the night before and drank too much while simultaneously slamming my entire body full-force into a brick wall just for shits and giggles. Except I was a child just entering puberty, so that wasn’t the case. I lifted up my blanket as I prepared to get out of bed, noticing one significant problem. Looking down at the white underwear I chose to wear yesterday, I noticed a pretty noticeable splotch of red.


“Why did I choose white?” I grumbled to myself, mildly annoyed that I likely ruined a perfectly fine pair of underwear. Not even thinking about why there was blood there in the first place. As I removed it and placed the article in the hamper, I finally noticed the big problem. 


“It… it's gone! Gah!” I had fallen over backwards in shock, realizing that something major had happened for no explicable reason. My brain didn't piece together exactly what had happened to me, so all I really knew at the time was that something that should absolutely and always has been present, has now vanished into thin air. Of course now I know exactly what happened to me.


This was the first time I became a girl, and wouldn't be the last either, but that's getting ahead of myself a bit.


I tried to compose myself a bit and push these changes out of my mind as I did not want my parents finding out what happened. Rising to my feet and slowly walking over to the bathroom to take a shower, desperate to not make a noise and delay seeing my parents for as long as humanly possible. The shower itself was uneventful, but I was completely on edge at how I changed. I returned to my room and got dressed, then taking a deep breath before preparing to interact with my parents at the breakfast table.


“Mornin’ Luci.” My mom was already in the kitchen along with my dad. The rice cooker was just about finished while my mom fried up some eggs and bacon. My dad was just sitting at the table watching random Internet videos. Usually he did the cooking, but my mom liked to be the one to cook for the family from time to time. Plus, she's the closest to a “morning person” in the family.


My name was a mix of both of my parents' names, plus with my mom being a Pagan and my dad an Atheist, they found the end result rather ironic. Take “Luci” from my mom’s first name of “Lucille”, and the “fre” and switch the last two letters from my dad’s name, “Alfred”, and you get my name: “Lucifer”. And with my less than masculine appearance and interests, my mom gave me that nickname, but it never really bothered me anyways.


I fake a cough, trying to pretend to be sick as I respond back to her. “Good morning, mom.” I walk over to the table, sitting down on the table while groaning a bit. My mom instantly picked up on this and walked over to me to check my temperature.


“Looks like you've got a fever… Go rest up after breakfast, I'll call the school you're out sick today.” She looked at me worryingly, but the anxiety from what happened to me and all the pain that came with the transformation was starting to come back to bite me again. So I did just that and slept the rest of the day away. The days following that weren't very eventful, but I breathed a sigh of heavy relief when I woke up a few mornings afterwards and saw that I was back to normal again. 


After that miniature ordeal, I was not expecting it to happen again next month. I woke up that day much the same, except this time I felt so dizzy that I slipped while trying to get out of bed that I landed with a loud thud. My mom, being the very observant woman that she is, quickly ran to my bedroom to check on me.


“Lucifer! Are you alright?!” She rushed over to me, quickly pulling me up and back onto my bed. Which is when she realized the blood trickling down my thigh that also happened to get on her hand. Noticing where exactly it was coming from, she put her other hand over her mouth and she started to tear up before the waterworks really began flooding.


“Luci… are you…? Oh my god… Oh, my baby!” She immediately hugged me tightly as she wept, and despite how delirious I felt in the moment, I cried as well. After that hug she laid me back in bed, quickly leaving the room before coming back in with some medication and water, which I took without complaint before returning to sleep for another hour. When I woke up, my mom was sitting on a chair next to my bed, watching me intently as I slowly got up again, my symptoms having dulled quite a lot over the course of the rest. Seeing that I was awake, she picked up my hand and gently stroked it.


“Are you alright now, Luci?” She looked me directly in the eyes with enough concern that you would've thought I was on death’s door. 


“Mom… What happened to me?” I still hadn't figured out that I turned into a girl for the past two months in a row, so I wanted to finally get this answered.


“That's… understandable. I never thought I would have this conversation with my own son, but…” She looked me dead in the eye after awkwardly shifting in her seat. “You've turned into a girl, Lucifer. You're not a boy anymore.” She looked at me intently, watching my reactions and waiting for my response.


However, maybe it was because I had already experienced this once before, but I didn't really feel anything when she told me. I knew I felt different, I knew something wasn't the same as it usually was, but it didn't feel off. 


“Huh…” That's all I could really say about it, but my mom laid me back down and told me to rest up some more and she'd bring me some food when I woke up. So I did and after the food, she began to educate me on my new body.


Days went by again as I was slowly getting more and more used to the fact that I was now a girl, however, unlike last month I didn't change back after some time passed. This did worry me, and I thought that I was actually stuck like this now. My mom reassured me that I would be just fine if I stayed like this, and that I had taken this transformation remarkably well for how young and drastic this was.


Eventually though, after a bit longer of being like this, I started to feel genuine fear. So I closed my eyes, sat up on my bed, and wished. Honestly wished that I was back in my male body. After a few moments of wishing, I slowly felt a change creeping up. Slowly, my male body returned to me and I was so ecstatic I ran straight to my mother who was at the time in her bedroom scrolling social media apps.


“Mom! Mom! I'm a boy again!” I was happy to be back to normal again, and my mom was happy to see me happy as well.


“Luci! She hopped up off her bed and hugged me again. “How did you do it? Turn yourself back I mean.”


“I just… wished that I was a boy, and imagined to myself that I still was one, and… My body changed back into one.” It was now that I began to learn exactly how my recently manifested power worked.


“You… Just imagined yourself as a boy, and you became one?” A thought clicked in her head. “Wait, try doing the reverse and see if that changes you again.”


I looked back at her, mildly confused, but it wasn't like I was against trying again. So I did. I imagined the female version of myself in my head, and just like that, I transformed again. I was back as a girl.


My mom looked at me with both her hands covering her mouth, staring at me. “Holy shit… Luci… You can change sex at will.” She stared at me, dumbfounded that one small child can somehow just bypass all of natural reality to freely transcend the concept of sex and gender all at their whim. After calming herself down, she took my hands and removed all hint of emotion from her voice, like she was giving me the most important command of her life. “Do not, under any circumstances, tell anyone about this. You do not want to think about what might happen if something like this gets out.”


In hindsight, I know exactly what she's getting at. Someone who can freely change between male and female would likely be a prime target for some secret government organization for experimentation. And I certainly didn't want any part of that.


In the months following this revelation, I slowly got used to my newfound ability. My mom being rather excited at the prospect that she technically had a daughter now. Unlike my dad, who shared her concern at first, but quickly became used to it. Especially as I started using it more often. So, one day she walked into my room with a rather pleased grin on her face. 


“So, Luci. Since you seem to be enjoying your powers quite a bit… What do you say to some new clothes?” She paused briefly in that statement for emphasis, and she already knew I had a rather odd fascination with female fashion for a boy of my age. So naturally she knew I'd be enthusiastic at the prospect, which I was. I gave her a massive nod as I quickly shifted into a girl and followed her outside into the car. She was noticeably giddy as we drove over to the mall.


“It really does feel like I’ve gained a daughter out of nowhere, y’know? I guess it finally makes sense why you had all those feminine interests.”


I nodded back to her. I was never a “girly girl” in that sense, but I was also never a particularly boyish guy. Even then, I still felt like a guy in some sense, even if I now possessed the ability to turn into a girl whenever I wanted. I wasn’t even quite sure what I was going to end up doing with such an ability. Regardless, I was starting to get rather excited at how my life was going despite the major upheaval to my day to day.


We reached the clothing store without issue, and it wasn’t a particularly special one either. Mom just wanted to get me something that I could wear as a girl and that was it. The rest was to wait until I got older, though I still got quite a few outfits growing up until then. We ended up leaving the store with a few shirts, shorts, a skirt, as well as a dress at her insistence. A part of my brain still felt weird wearing all this, but the rest of me was jumping at the chance, and I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to manage with this weird dual personality that I seemed to be developing. Soon after our brief shopping trip, we got home and I returned to my room to try on some of the new clothes. I settled on the long-sleeved shirt with the longer skirt that we got since it was still wintertime, and I liked the design. So I put it on and walked back outside to my parents in the living room. My mom immediately hugged me while my dad’s eyes were bulging out of his sockets. My dad wasn’t angry though, just shocked. He got up off his chair and put his hand on my mom’s shoulder while looking down at me.


“I guess we really do have a daughter now, huh, Al?” She looked up at my dad with a smile on her face.


“Yeah… It really does feel that way. Crazy how life throws curveballs like this.” My dad used to play a lot of baseball as a kid, so he ended up talking in a lot of baseball metaphors when he could. I was certainly happy to have all this support, and I hugged both of my parents back.


That was really the last important thing of note on this journey, I had been away from school for a rather long amount of time considering all this crazy stuff that was happening to me. Over the next few years, I didn’t tell anyone outside my family about what happened to me, but I’m rather excited about how my life’s shaping up to be.

“Holy shit… That’s insane, unbelievable.” The kid with glasses slumped back in his chair as I recounted my story to my friends.


The lanky kid two seats away from him looked at me and the two girls in the room with a… weird grin on his face. “So, if you turn into a girl, why don’t you go… y’know?”


The three of us blush while the guy to the right of him, who was much more athletic, knocked him off the chair. “What the hell, Mike? You can’t just say shit like that.”


Mike stood up after that and briefly bowed in apology to us. “Sorry, sorry.” The three of us looked away from him, but they were noticeably more angry than I was.


One of the girls looked back over at me. “So Luci, why don’t you demonstrate for us then? I think we’re all curious about how this transformation thing works. Especially after that story you told us.”


I nodded at her, and it seemed fair. I had already told them my story, the problem being that I have noticeably grown since then. The differences between my two forms are much more pronounced than they used to be. “Sure, Chloe. Just… give me a minute to prepare myself.”

She nods back before sitting back down in her seat and leaning forward, waiting for me to show the group with bated breath. Mike was much the same way, looking like he was about to see a magician pull a rabbit out of an empty hat.


After composing myself, I did just that as my body slowly shifted over to female. My shiny golden blonde hair grew halfway down my back, my breasts grew just shy of a D-Cup, my fingers and arms slimmed down, my waistline narrowed, and my hips widened. My voice also became much higher in pitch. After my transformation was completed, the entire room went dead silent as all my friends had their mouths completely open. 


“Holy shit…” The athletic kid, named Duncan, was the first to speak anything whereas the rest of them were too stunned to speak, even after the entire story I gave them to prepare them for this moment.


The two girls, Chloe and Reese quickly went over and hugged me, being rather forceful with their affection. “Oh my god.” Chloe was probably a bit too excited at this. Whereas Reese relented much sooner. “It’s like we’ve suddenly just added a third girl to our group, guys.” I was rather happy that they thought of it that way, I still have that side of myself that says “I’m a guy”, but there’s also that same equally prominent part of me that says “I’m a girl”, and they fight from time to time. But I think it’s rather fun, all things considered.


After those two stopped with their hugging, the kid with glasses; his name’s “Eric, he walked over to Mike. They whispered a bit to each other before slowly walking out of the room together. Then I heard what sounded like a really, really loud high five as they ended up leaving the house afterwards.


Guess this is what happens when you’re a one of a kind anomaly.

Hope you enjoyed, unlike my other ongoing work, I won't really have a concrete schedule for this. Not like I do for the other one either though.