Chapter 5: Awakening
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I woke up groggily. I look around the room of what looks to be a medical room of an infirmary. The room is eerily quiet save for the occasional rustle of parchment and the soft clink of alchemical vials from the adjacent rooms.

One of the medical staff seemed to see me wake up and rushed off somewhere. Soon thereafter the Superintendent walks in with his brow furrowing. A long heavy silence hung in the air as Thanatos studied me.

I want to ask him so many questions but I keep my mouth shut after all I could be in trouble. After a while, Thanatos sighs deeply, “What am I going to do with you...” I look towards him confused and ask “What do you mean sir?” Thanatos raises an eyebrow and says, “You don't know...” I tilt my head and say, “No sir.”

Thanatos sighs again and sits down on the chair across from the bed I am lying on. He continued, “After the crystal shattered it caused quite the commotion. After making sure Evelia, Matilda, and you got treated I had a quick investigation about what happened. The Affinicrystal exploded due to mana overload...” He pauses looks at me deeply and says, ”The only way that is possible is if your mana capacity exceeds 100,000 units. Something that should be impossible for a human...”

My mind swirls with disbelief and surprise. How could my mana capacity be that high? According to the few texts I have read top tier mages have 3,300 units of mana or more and I likely have more than 30 times that number. This is beyond my wildest dreams, but taking from Thanatos's tone there is more to this.

Thanatos leans forward his eyes piercing and says, “The only way for that to happen without a magic item is if you are a bloomchild...” I look at him confused and ask, “I am sorry sir, but what exactly is a bloomchild?”

Thanatos's eyes widened briefly in surprise before his expression turned pensive. "I see… It seems your family has kept certain truths from you."

Thanatos clasped his hands and leaned back in the chair. He sighs, “In short a bloomchild is a human with an extraordinarily high mana capacity. Yet due to this mana capacity being so high, it makes any mana they use cause a runaway reaction causing any magic they use to grow rapidly in power and effect to the point of becoming uncontrollable."

He paused and continued, “Even a simple light spell could grow to the size of a city blinding everyone or worse. Your family must have known your true nature and hidden it to protect both you and others.”

Then everything clicked, my life made sense now. I thought back to my childhood and how my family had forbidden me from reading about magic or interacting with enchanted items. At the time, I assumed it was just over-protectiveness.

I ask slowly and with a bit of anxiety in my voice, “So you are saying I have immense magical power within me? A power that could be dangerous if unleashed? Does that mean I will not be able to learn how to use magic?”

Thanatos relaxes some and says, “Yes Kepler, however, you need not worry assuming you pass the entrance exam you can learn magic. There is a magic item called a mana limiter. It is a bracelet that limits mana output. Normally such measures are used on convicted criminals, but the head of the crafting division professor Ironbeard can make you a custom mana limiter that shouldn't look like the ones the criminals have.”

I sigh in relief. Thank the gods I can still learn magic. Still having to wear this mana limiter to use magic doesn't seem ideal. Maybe I can do research into mana control later.

Suddenly Thanatos fixed his gaze back on me, his expression stern, and said, “The Shadowflames were wise to keep your nature secret, not merely for your protection, but for the world's as well.” His next words were sharp and cold, “There exists numerous nations, institutions, even individuals who would stop at nothing to get their hands on a bloomchild. In all honesty, the school and the nation are no different, however at most Emperor Lucian III will just want to tie you to the higher nobility.”

I nod in understanding. Once the fact I am a bloomchild has been revealed to the emperor I have one of two outcomes, being assassinated or being tied to the royals. Likely I will be forced into an arranged marriage. After all, it will be my duty to the nation. I will accept it with honor. After all the Emperor has to look out for himself and the nation.

Thanatos then says sternly, “Under no circumstances should you divulge your true nature as a bloomchild to anyone."

I nod in understanding and say, “Yes sir, I promise I won't reveal my bloomchild identity to anyone. A Shadowflame keeps their secrets.”

After that Thanatos sat up from the chair and sighed, “Your grandfather might as well have sent me a flaming bag of dog shit,” shaking his head in disbelief “I have to figure out how to inform the emperor of this without anyone else finding out," he continued, his voice rising in agitation. "This is a delicate matter and cannot be left unattended."

"Kepler, there's a crucial task I need you to undertake," Thanatos stated, his voice regaining its firm, authoritative tone. "I'll require you to pay a visit to Professor Thrain Ironbeard after I leave.” Pausing for a moment, he added, "Despite the nearly certain reality that the results of the evaluation will become highly classified information, the Lumina Federation cannot afford to remain ignorant of the full scope of your abilities. Normally that will be handled by an Affinicrystal but that is no longer an option. That particular dwarf should be able to provide us with a comprehensive understanding of your capabilities. Then I need you to report directly to me about the results.”

I nod in acknowledgment and respond, “Yes sir.” Thanatos then says, “There are mountains of paperwork awaiting my attention, not to mention the pressing task of drafting a crucial correspondence for the Emperor himself." Pausing, he flashes a mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling. In a voice tinged with a playful tone, he adds, "Should you encounter any resistance from Thrain, you have my permission to inform him that his cooperation is not a request, but a direct order from me." With that, Thanatos makes his exit, leaving the sterile confines of the medical room behind.

I look at the ceiling above me as my mind races about everything the Superintendent has revealed. I had immense magical potential dwelling within me. A power that if unleashed would be extremely dangerous. My family chose to hide me from this truth. To protect me and the world.

I feel such a strong mix of emotions, awe at my potential, fear of hurting others, and sadness that my family didn't trust me with this truth. How many times had I gazed longingly at the books on magic within the local bookstore, only to be gently steered away and told I wasn't ready? How many times had I been refused permission to visit the local mage?

While I understand their concerns it hurts me deeply that they hid it all this time. I shake my head. I have other questions and concerns, too many to list at this time.

According to Thanatos, my mana is a dangerous thing if uncontrolled. The very thought that a simple spell could hurt me and others unintentionally continues to send shivers down my spine. The thought is terrifying, yet also exhilarating. I have the potential for immense power if I could only learn to harness it safely.

I vow right here and right now to myself. I will not let this power control me like the ghosts of my past still do. I will learn to manually control my mana and make it an ally, not my master.

My first step will be to meet with Professor Thrain Ironbeard I watched earlier at the Artificer Workshop. He probably maintains a personal studio at the Artificer Workshop, someone there ought to know its location. Once he grasps my full magical capacity, I will seek enrollment here, just as Grandfather desired.

I will then surpass my peers at all costs. Guided by the Arcane Legion Institute's instruction, I will refine my skills. Should danger arise, I will be ready to defend myself and those I cherish. I am resolved to honor my grandfather's wishes for me.

Summoning an unwavering resolve, I hoisted myself upright in the bed, my eyes aflame with a fierce determination. A familiar sensation began to resonate within me, a peculiar stirring reminiscent of the moment just before the crystal's cataclysmic rupture. It was as if the latent mana embedded in the core of my being was responding, vibrating in harmonic resonance with the swell of my intense emotions.

With a deep inhale, I stood up. My heart raced with excitement as I grabbed my katana and things from the nightstand. It was time to seek out Professor Ironbeard. I could just feel my muscles tense with determination as I made my way out of the infirmary and towards the Artificery Workshop.

Once at the Artificery Workshop, I asked one of the staff where Professor Ironbeard might be. Luckily he was in his studio right now. I explained to the staff I needed to see the professor under the Superintendent's orders. To which they guided me to the door of his studio.

As I knock on his studio's door I notice the door opens on its own. I walk into a dimly lit chamber filled with the light glow of a forge. The air is thick with the scent of smoke, at the center of the room stands Professor Ironbeard hammering away on a piece of ore.

As I walk further inside he turns his attention towards me and stops hammering. His piercing gaze starts assessing me from head to toe. He narrows his eyes and grumbles, “What brings a young whelp like yerself here? I was in the middle of something.”

I bow lightly and say apologetically, “I am sorry sir, Superintendent Thanatos sent me here to seek your expertise.” His brow furrows as he continues to scrutinize me and mutters, “Thanatos, eh? What does the ol' windbag want now?”

I take a deep breath and straighten my posture as I say carefully, “The Superintendent mentioned that you may be able to assist me with determining my magical capabilities.”

Professor Ironbeard's eyes narrow further at my words, his gruff voice rumbling out, "Magic capabilities? Bah! You're but a human. Go use an Affinicrystal like the rest of your kind." With a dismissive wave of his hand, he turns back to his work at the forge.

I guess I need to press him on this. I wanted to do this without having to resort to this. I assert, “Sir this is an order Superintendent Thanatos gave me. It is a matter of urgency and national security. He believes you possess the expertise to address my... unique circumstances.”

He pauses his work. After a min of contemplation, he lets out a gruff sigh and grumbles, “Fine, fine, let's hear what ol' Thanatos brought to my forge this time.”

I relax and say, “Well the...” Thinking for a bit I am brought back to Thanatos words and I carefully choose my next words, “Affinicrystal I used last exploded. He thinks you have the expertise to determine the things the crystal can test for without the crystal.”

I take a deep breath as I steady my nerves. Professor Ironbeard grumbles, “I shouldn't have to waste such valuable components on a test like this for a human. This should be handled by an Affinicrystal. Whatever Thanatos will just owe me if this turns out to be a waste of coin.”

He then moves to a corner of the workshop and retrieves several rods with engraved runes on them. With deliberate movements, he sticks them upright in a precise pattern on the floor around me. He says, “Stay right their young whelp.”

Then he begins muttering an incantation in dwarfish. The runes light up and the rods begin to glow. Finally, he tosses a sparkly dust at me, it hits an invisible barrier surrounding me as the dust burns up.

Soon a transparent panel displays in front of the both of us. We both look at the results in shock and astonishment...

[Name: Kepler Eclipse Shadowflame]
[Species: Human]
[Age: 18]
[Total Mana Capacity: 5,702,400 units]
[Magic Affinities: Fire Magic Grade SSS; Light Magic Grade SSS; Stellar Magic Grade SS; Dragon Magic Grade A; Sacred Geometry Magic Grade A-; Space-Time Magic Grade B+; Gravity Magic Grade B; Non-elemental Magic Grade B; Letter Magic Grade C+]

I stand there floored by the information revealed. I thought I would have a mana capacity of somewhat over 100,000 units. Not something like this… That number is 1728 times what a top-tier magic user can output. Not to mention what the hell is up with my affinities?

Professor Ironbeard stares at the panel his eyes full of shock. He starts scratching his long beard thoughtfully, mumbling to himself in dwarvish before turning to me.

"Kepler Eclipse Shadowflame," he grumbles, his voice carrying disbelief. "A human with such mana capacity and magic affinities... You must be a bloomchild, no doubt about it, still, the level of mana is unheard of. No wonder Thanatos wanted me for this. Let me guess, he wants me to craft a bespoke mana limiter for you. Very well, it shall be ready before the entrance exam commences in two weeks."

I say gratefully, "Thank you, sir!"

Then Professor Ironbeard paces around the room while stroking his beard. After a moment, he stops abruptly and fixes his eyes on me with a penetrating stare. "Boy, you should definitely become my apprentice in rune crafting!"

I jump back a little in fright. He looks like a monster that wants to eat me. Not knowing how to respond I just freeze. He continues to stare at me with that hungry look waiting for me to say yes.

I don't know how to respond to him… Should I just run for it? I mean he is a dwarf, I am sure I can outrun him right? I don't even know what I want to do with my path of magic just yet. I just started learning about magic after all. Fuck it, I am running for it.

I suddenly started running as fast as my legs could carry me. I hear from behind me the gruff voice of the dwarf, "Boy wait!"

I ignore his shouts as I am already sprinting down the corridors. I can hear his footsteps echo behind me. By the gods, this dwarf is surprisingly swift considering how old he looks.

“No need to run, lad! I just want to make you my apprentice! it is a great honor!” He yells as he starts to struggle to keep up. This tower is a maze of stone and metal thank the gods I can remember everything I have seen. I start breathing lightly as I round another corner. I can hear the echoes of Professor Ironbeard's boots in the distance.

I continue running, but this dwarf will not stop chasing me. Doesn't he get it by now? I start to hear him panting and what seems like cursing in dwarvish behind me in between his gasps for air. Dam dwarf, he isn't giving up, so stubborn.

"Kepler!" he calls out again, voice echoing off the stone walls. "All the craftsmen want to become my apprentice! This is a chance of a lifetime! Stop this foolishness!”

I won't stop running. I started to have a feeling I would lose some of my freedom if I stopped and agreed. I see a corner up ahead. This should lead to the main hall with a ton of people.

I turn the corner without slowing down. I weave and bob out of the crowd drawing strange looks as I make my way quickly through the main hall. I hear a loud grunt and crash from the dwarf as it sounds like he crashed into someone.

I glance over my shoulder just in time to see Professor Ironbeard sprawled on the floor, his beard tangled with a very surprised student. They're both on the ground, tangled in a heap of limbs and wide-eyed shock.

I dart out of the Artificery Workshop my heart pounding in my chest. I keep running as I duck into the forest for a bit hoping to lose him in the foliage.

After a while, I run out of breath. I come to a stop to catch my breath.

I start to look around. It looks like I have lost the dwarf for now. I take a minute to get my bearings and look at the map Evelia gave me of the campus grounds.

I look at the map in a daze. Dam, this place is huge. It has a 3-mile (4.828 Kilometers) long radius and most of it is forested. I retrace my memory and find the correct path on the map to make it back to the Registry of Novitiates.

After a bit of a walk, I make it back to the Registry of Novitiates albeit a bit sweaty. I find Matilda behind the front desk as per last time and apologetically say, "Sorry you got hurt earlier ma'am. I was told to report to the Superintendent after I got done with Professor Ironbeard."

Matilda gives me a warm smile, as she responds, “No need to apologize, dear. Just glad you're alright. Follow me, I'll take you to the Superintendent's office.”

I nod gratefully and follow her. After we make it to the office door Matilda knocks on the door and the superintendent's deep voice calls out from within, “Enter.”

Thanatos scrutinizes me as we enter, silently demanding confirmation. I nod, understanding his unspoken query regarding the outcome of my test. He turns his gaze to Matilda, issuing a command, "You may excuse yourself, Matilda." She acknowledges with a nod and promptly exits the room.

Turning back to me, Thanatos inquires, "Kepler, what were the results?"

I salute Thanatos respectfully. Then I give him the results of the test performed on me.

A long silence fills the room as I report the results of the test. Thanatos's eyes grow more and more surprised and contemplative as I continue my report. After I finish he leans back in his chair, his fingers tapping it in thought.

"5,702,400 units of mana," he murmurs, the words hanging in the air. His gaze fixed on me assessing me anew. “That's... Extraordinary.”

My heart thuds against my ribcage. "Yes sir," I reply, my voice steadier than I feel.

Thanatos breaks the long silence first and asks, “You understand what this means?”

I nod slowly. "It means I have more mana than any known mage... likely beating all possible records by a long shot.” The reality of my situation is daunting, to say the least.

"And your affinities... Fire Magic Grade SSS; Light Magic Grade SSS; Stellar Magic Grade SS; Dragon Magic Grade A..." Thanatos continues, each word underscoring my exceptionalism.

My throat feels dry as I confirm, "Yes sir."

Thanatos rises from his chair and begins to pace, the stern lines of his face softened by contemplation. "I've seen many gifted students pass through these halls, but never someone like you."

His words feel heavy. The magnitude of my possible power is beyond what anyone could have expected, myself included. It's both exhilarating and terrifying.

Thanatos pauses by the window, looking out at the Institute grounds. His tone turns serious as he addresses me again. "Your power could be a tremendous asset or a terrible threat, Kepler." His gaze finds mine again.

I swallow hard at his words but nod in understanding. "I understand, sir."

"Good," Thanatos replies, turning back to his desk. He looks at me with a stern gaze. “Your time here is sure to be hard. It won't be easy.”

I look at him with determination and reply with my voice steady, “I understand sir, I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to learn to control this power.”

"Good," Thanatos says sternly, as he locks eyes with me. “I expect greatness from you. Go to Matilda, and fill out the application for the entrance exam. Meanwhile,” He leans forward, his tone unwavering. "Take this badge." He tosses it in the air as I catch it, the symbol of a sword and skull gleaming in my hand. "It'll grant you access to the library. Your family's neglect of your magical education has put you at a disadvantage. We can't afford failures. Return the badge to Matilda when you pass."

"Yes sir," I respond, saluting him with my eyes wetting from joy.

Thanatos's gaze softens as he nods. Then he dismisses me. After I leave the office I wipe my eyes clear. I go down to the front desk and ask Matilda for an application which I fill out quickly. Finally, I head back to The Dancing Donkey Inn and order a room for two weeks.