Chapter 33 Forging Mountain
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Chapter 33 Forging Mountain

Days passed fast for Mercury. In just a few days he quickly learned all he could about Tenebrosity Style Formations. So much so that Weaving Metal had decided to take Mercury on a trip with her. Mercury was reading books in her office when she brought it up.

“Mercury, we need to travel soon.” {Weaving Metal}

Mercury put the book he was reading down.

“We?” {Mercury}

“Yes. I need to work on some important Formations for Forging Mountain. I think this would be a good opportunity for you to meet another Protector while working on your Formations.” {Weaving Metal}

“Is that really the best idea. I mean I am still a hostage.” {Mercury}


“Mercury, in just a few short days you can find the flaws in MY Formations. I am sure if you went you would only increase the security of the Formations there.” {Weaving Metal}

“Thank you.” {Mercury}

“Now go prepare. I know you need to tell your little girlfriend about it.” {Weaving Metal}

“Clover is not my girlfriend. She is more like a sister to me.” {Mercury}

“Either way, you need to tell her.” {Weaving Metal}

“Okay.” {Mercury}

“Good we will leave in an hour. Meet me at the Teleportation Formations.” {Weaving Metal}

Mercury got up and headed to the sparing building. Mercury knew that Clover spent most of her time sparing with others. Simply put, her sleep schedule was beaten into the ground. As it turns out, she sleeps much better when it is dark. This leads to her oversleeping and feeling just terrible. The only way she can work through it is by fighting it out. There is just one problem.

Mercury arrived at a large gym like room with a ring for fighting. This was made for the people of Luminescence, as there were many stones giving off light. Many people were laid out on the ground resting and breathing heavily. Some were clearly beaten down hard. Clover was standing in the ring. Well, half standing half asleep would be more accurate. Suddenly one of the people sprung up and rushed onto the ring and at Clover. Clover, still half asleep dodged and flung him off the ring.

“CLOVER.” {Mercury}

“Um. Hun. Merc is that you…” {Clover}

Clover dragged herself over to the edge of the ring. There was no fencing or railings and she over stepped. She landed face first on the ground but was uninjured. Mercury helped her set back up.

“Merc, I… Sleep… Can’t…Help…” {Clover}

“I will look for something to help you wake up.” {Mercury}

“Thank…you……” {Clover}

Clover fell back asleep. Mercury looked around at everyone on the ground.

“If anyone needs any healing pills, I have a few extra.” {Mercury}

“Thank you but it is not needed.” {Body 1}

“I agree.” {Body 2}

“I can see that your leg is broken.” {Mercury}

“Never underestimate those who Cultivate Earth and Metal!” {Body 2}

“YES!” {Body 3}

“We will win one day!” {Body 4}

“Alright, just make sure everyone takes care of themselves.” {Mercury}

“Don’t worry… we are fine.” {Body 5, barely conscious}

Mercury left and met up with Weaving Metal after leaving a note for Clover. They meet at the Teleportation Formations.

“Miss Weaving Metal, do you anyone who know about plants?” {Mercury}

“What for?” {Weaving Metal}

“I want to see if there are any plants that can help wake people up.” {Mercury}

“Clover?” {Weaving Metal}

“Clover.” {Mercury}

“There is one person who would know for sure. But you should not meet with her. On our way back we can try to meet with one of her… assistances.” {Weaving Metal}

“What is with the pause?” {Mercury}

“She treats them more like test subjects than assistances. That is why if you ever meet her you will need to be careful around her. But we need to go to Forging Mountain for now.” {Weaving Metal}

As Weaving Metal and Mercury went from city to city, Mercury learned more about the geography of Tenebrosity. While Luminescence’s Teleportation Formations branched out from the Sacred Light Sect and its city’s formed a line along the branches, Tenebrosity’s formed a circle around the center, with only the Protectors’ main city having a Formation relay to the center. But there were some small outpost cities without a Teleportation Formation at all, but these were closer to more dangerous areas.

Weaving Metal and Mercury made to Forging Mountain. A young women greeted them. She had long green hair and blue eyes.

“Greetings Aunt Metal.” {???}

“Greetings Tina. Can you please stop calling me aunt and just call me Weaving Metal.” {Weaving Metal}

“Why?” {Tina}


“It does not matter. How was that dress I recommended?” {Weaving Metal}

“It was GREAT. The boy loved it. Grandpappy not so much.” {Tina}

“Speaking of Forging Mountain, where is he. I would like to talk to him about the Formations I need to work on.” {Weaving Metal}

“When is he ever not in his forge? But enough about him and what about this cute boy?” {Tina}

“Greetings, I am Mercury.” {Mercury}

“Mercury, would you like to learn more about big sister?” {Tina}

Weaving Metal lightly chopped Tina’s head with her hand. Tina still held it in pain.

“Mercury still as a few years before he comes of age. And if you spent as much time on Cultivation as you spend on boys, you would be a great Cultivator by now.” {Weaving Metal}

“Then why can’t I meet with the Protector of Water and Wood? You know she would be the best teacher for me.” {Tina}

“It is to protect you. She can be unstable at the best of times.” {Weaving Metal}

“Okay, fine. AUNT Metal I will work on it now.” {Tina}

Tina walked away in a huff.

“You! *Sigh* Let it go.” {Weaving Metal}

“Mercury, let’s start walking.” {Weaving Metal}

They started walking. As they left the building the Teleportation Formation was stored in, Mercury found that they were already halfway up a mounting. Weaving Metal explained that half of the city was on the mountain while the other half was inside the mountain where it was hotter. They went into large cave live opening and went down it. Only when they reached the lowest layer did they stop. Mercury was already sweating through his robes. Weaving Metal handed him an ice looking rock and it cooled the air around him down.

They entered through a large metal door and found an old man hammering away at what looked to be an axe. He was old. He was bald but had beard of black heir. No. It was white but stained black from all the soot on it. He wear a heavy black apron without a shirt on. He had think black pants. Weaving Metal just waited patiently for him to be done so Mercury did the same. Only after he was done did he speak.

“I assume you want a weapon for the boy.” {Forging Mountain}

“Yes.” {Weaving Metal}

“Then leave him here while you work on the Formations. I have already told you which one need repair.” {Forging Mountain}

“Okay.” {Weaving Metal}

Weaving Metal left and it was just Forging Mountain and Mercury who remained.

“Come here.” {Forging Mountain}

Mercury walked over to Forging Mountain. He looked Mercury up and down as well as used his divine sense to scan Mercury. He stopped for just an instant and kept going.

“You have… a unique skill set. What weapon do you use?” {Forging Mountain}

“I have a long bow and a short bow, as well as a knife for close range fighting.” {Mercury}

“I see you must use the poison of Wood, or the piercing of Metal to increase the damage done.” {Forging Mountain}

“How did you know that?” {Mercury}

“You do not get to my age and position without gaining a few insights. Your weapon will need to be just as unique as you.” {Forging Metal}

Forging Metal got up and looked around the room to different areas. He pulled out different materials from the items stored there. He pulled out materials that had Earth, Fire, and all the other Elements, including Wind and Lightning. He hesitated for a moment and pulled out two rocks that radiated Time and Space respectively.

“Mister, I think” {Mercury}

“I am doing this because I want to. The price is not important. For something like you, I need to put in my best work.” {Forging Mountain}

“!” {Mercury}

“How” {Mercury}

“I only had a hunch. You feel different. That is all I can say. Not that I really care. I make weapons. That is all.” {Forging Metal}

Forging Metal got to work. As Mercury watched Forging Mountain heat, hammer, merge, and melt each material together, Mercury could not help himself and walked over and drip some of his own blood on it. Forging Mountain did not stop him. In fact, after Mercury did it, he started working faster. From the combination of materials came three weapons, a short bow, a long bow, and a knife. Each was pure white, but even more so, felt alive.

“Congratulations, you are now the owner of Living Weapons.” {Forging Mountain}

“What does that mean?” {Mercury}

“In simple terms it means that in a way they can Cultivate. They will take in Qi or the user’s to straighten themselves. Should they break, you just need to hold the pieces together and they will combine back together. I only know the simple things about them because they are very rare… So rare that this will most likely be my best work ever.” {Forging Mountain}

“Mister.” {Mercury}

“I do not need them. I can only think that it is because of you that they became like this. They are yours.” {Forging Mountain}

“Thank you, Mister.” {Mercury}

“Try them out. I made it to where you do not need arrows. Put your Aura into the bow and it will form an arrow.” {Forging Mountain}

Mercury picked up the short bow and sent his Aura into it. As he did so, a White arrow formed. Mercury stopped and the half formed arrow dissipated.

“Where is a good place to shoot an arrow here?” {Mercury}

“Outside.” {Forging Mountain}

“Sorry.” {Mercury}

“I understand the want to fight with your new weapons. Weaving Metal is coming back soon. Get outside my door and wait for her. I have other things to make.” {Forging Mountain}

“Thank you.” {Mercury}

Mercury stored his new weapons in his storage ring and left the room. Forging Mountain started working on his next work.

Weaving Metal came down about an hour later and picked up Mercury.

“Do you like your new weapons?” {Weaving Metal}

“Yes. Thank you for bringing me to get them.” {Mercury}

“You are my apprentice. It is the least I could do.” {Weaving Metal}

Weaving Metal and Mercury made it to the Teleportation Formation building where a member of Forging Mountain was pacing back and forth and had a panicked look on his face. Weaving Metal stopped him.

“What is going on?” {Weaving Metal}

“I… Umm…” {Person}

“Speak!” {Weaving Metal}



“Did she say where she was going?” {Weaving Metal}

“No! She just took the one heading to Burning Forest and left!” {Person}

“*Sigh* Tell Forging Mountain that we will bring her back.” {Weaving Metal}

“Really! Thank You!” {Person}

The person walked off to tell Forging Mountain what happened.

“Mercury, get ready. You will be meeting the Witch soon.” {Weaving Metal}

Thank you for reading.