Chapter 34 Swamp Witch
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Chapter 34 Swamp Witch

Weaving Metal and Mercury followed after Tina.

“Where are we going?” {Mercury}

“We are heading to The Swamp. It is an area full of Water and Wood Qi. Its Protector is known as… The Swamp Witch. She is our… medicine maker.” {Weaving Metal}

“She is the one who knows about plants? The one who I need to be careful around.” {Mercury}


“Yes.” {Weaving Metal}

They quickly arrived at The Swamp. The city was made of wooden platforms above the still muddy water of the ground. Some were built around trees others were yet built above the ground. Many platforms were connected to others by bridges. Weaving Metal quickly flew Mercury to a little shack on the outskirts of the city.

“Mercury, again I cannot state how important it is you do not get on her bad side. She is a Master of Poisons and Toxins.” {Weaving Metal}

“Understood.” {Mercury}

Weaving Metal opened the door to reveal Tina sitting and talking with a sweet looking old woman. She had a had her gray heir up in a bun and a smile as she spoke. She gave off a grandma like vibe. Mercury could not feel her Cultivation Base.

“Ah. Hello Weaving Metal. You really should have introduced me to such a sweet young lady like Tina earlier.” {Swamp Witch}

“We came to send Tina back to Forging Mountain. Do not stop us.” {Weaving Metal}

Tina got up.

“How could you say that!?” {Tina}

The Swamp Witch tried to get up and looked like she was struggling. Tina helped her up.

“Tina, please they just want what they think is best for you. Could we all just have a conversation about what is best? Would you like some cookies or sweets?” {Swamp Witch}

“Sure.” {Mercury}

“Mercury and Tina do not eat anything she makes. You do not know what she put into it.” {Weaving Metal}

“You are being such an Old Prune right now.” {Tina}

“WHAT!?” {Weaving Metal}

Mercury started to walk over to Tina and the Swamp Witch.

“Now, now, we should not want to fight. Weaving Metal, I am getting up in years. Tina is such a good match for my skills, should I not pass on my skills?” {Swamp Witch}

“And what skills would those be? Please tell everyone here.” {Weaving Metal}

“You know that my medical knowledge is unmatched. There was only that one time where I could not save a patient. And that broke me up inside. Young man please have some sweets.” {Swamp Witch}

Mercury took the ‘candy’ from the Witch’s hand.

“MERCURY NO!” {Weaving Metal}

Mercury ate it and stopped moving immediately. His hand was still in his mouth.

“Mercury! Give him the antidote!” {Weaving Metal}

“Nana, what did you do to him?” {Tina}

The Swamp Witch was so stunned.

“I gave him something to paralyze him, but not this quickly. Oh, how I must take notes.” {Swamp Witch}

The Swamp Witch took out a journal and started writing.

“You did this to him on purpose? Why? I thought you were good.” {Tina}

The Swamp Witch kept writing as she spoke.

“I am good. This will stop a person from feeling pain when needing surgery. Oh, you need not worry if I will do this to you. You really are the perfect match for my skills.” {Swamp Witch}

“That is not my point!?” {Tina}

“Give. Him. The. Antidote!” {Weaving Metal}

“Honestly, I am fine. And that pill… I would give a seven out of ten on effectiveness.” {Mercury}

Weaving Metal and Tina were stunned, but the Swamp Witch kept writing.

“Seven out of ten. Now why would you give…” {Swamp Witch}

The Swamp Witch stopped writing.

“How can you move and talk?” {Swamp Witch}

“The problem with your pill is time. I could tell that it would paralyze me as soon as it touched my tongue. I would say make it something you breath in or surround it with real candy.” {Mercury}

The Swamp Witch’s eyes lit up.

“Why something you breath in?” {Swamp Witch}

“It would be harder to stop and would hit the blood faster. I was able to prevent the effect because I knew it was coming and could use my divine sense to stop it.” {Mercury}

“Of Course… Young man do have any other ideas?” {Swamp Witch}

“I would work more towards making the person unconscious rather than paralyzed.” {Mercury}

“That would not work as when they feel pain they would wake up. Paralyzing them would stop the pain all together.” {Swamp Witch}

“Depends on the medicine used. I think paralyzing them is far worse because of how it would affect the heart. You also need to consider the psychological effects of not being able to move your body while awake. That could cause stress and make the heart beat much faster, leading to more problems.” {Mercury}

“I see. That could be a problem with blood loss.” {Swamp Witch}

Mercury and the Swamp Witch kept going back and forth with ideas for medicine and other medical practices.

“Aunt Metal, what is going on?” {Tina}

“I do not know. I think the Witch is having a nice conversation with Mercury.” {Weaving Metal}

“Is that a problem?” {Tina}

“We tried to keep it from you, but the Witch does not hold back when practicing her medicines. She stays on the outskirts of the city because everyone is afraid of her. A paralyzing pill is the least of her malpractices.” {Weaving Metal}

“Weaving Metal.” {Swamp Witch}

“Yes, Witch.” {Weaving Metal}

“Mercury here is such a treat to have over. You should bring him around more. Again, I do wish Tina here would become my successor. I think she does have the talent. Tina, here, take this.” {Swamp Witch}

The Swamp Witch handed Tine a jade token.

“This shows that you are with me. No one round here will mess you if you have that. Weaving Metal, does that show my sincerity?” {Swamp Witch}

 “*Sigh* Tina, it is true. With that only the Protectors or someone with Protector level strength will want to mess with you. And that is before they know it is the Witch’s.” {Weaving Metal}

“Really?” {Tina}

“Yes. I would be lying if I did not say that being the Witch’s successor is not a great opportunity. Our fears would be for you to get hurt by the Witch but that seems unlikely now. You should understand what the Witch will do to test her medicines now.” {Weaving Metal}

“I want to. I can see that this is what I am meant to do.” {Tina}

“Good, this skills will live on. Now the question is which medicine to teach first.” {Swamp Witch}

“Hold on we have not talked to Forging Mountain about this.” {Weaving Metal}

“I am sure Grandpappy will be fine with it. Now do you have any medicine that can make men last longer in bed?” {Tina}

Weaving Metal lightly chopped Tina’s head with her hand. Tina still held it in pain.

“Now, now, any goal is still a goal.” {Swamp Witch}

“Speaking of medicine, do you have any remedies for helping someone wake up?” {Mercury}

“Oh, I just have the book on that. Follow me.” {Swamp Witch}

Mercury followed the Swamp Witch as Weaving Metal contacted Forging Mountain.

(“What.”) {Forging Mountain}

(“The Swamp Witch wants to take Tina on as her successor.”) {Weaving Metal}


(“I feared this would happen eventually. I have already made several sets of medical tools. I will have someone bring them over soon.”) {Forging Mountain}

“Tina, Forging Mountain will let you and will have someone bring over some new medical tools.” {Weaving Metal}

“Yes!” {Tina}

“Oh, goodie. My last set was getting too hard to clean. Anyway, you need to be careful with Coffee beans if you use them. I once had someone eat only them to see what would happen. He almost had a heart attack. But the next day, he still wanted more.” {Swamp Witch}

“It is fine. I will be the one to control how much she gets.” {Mercury}

“Goodie. Then I have a few around somewhere. You can get more from the area around the Burning Forest. It is not hard to find.” {Swamp Witch}

“Thank you for your help. Clover needed this.” {Mercury}

“Oh, I just have to bake you some cookies for someone as sweet as you.” {Swamp Witch}

The Swamp Witch started a fire in her stone oven as she prepared the dough.

“Ah, Witch, I do not think now is a good time.” {Weaving Metal}

“Oh, what will a few more minutes do. Perhaps you can discuss with Mercury and Tina about what he should wear to that Formation thing you two have going on.” {Swamp Witch}

“How did you hear about that?” {Weaving Metal}

“Oh, I have ears in the grape vines.” {Swamp Witch}

“*Sigh* Fine.” {Weaving Metal}

“Is that really important?” {Mercury}

“Yes.” {Weaving Metal}

Time went quickly and the cookies were finished. The Swamp Witch even put them in a nice basket for Mercury to share with everyone. Mercury tried one well it was fresh.

“Really good. No poisons this time.” {Mercury}

“Oh, you are just too sweet.” {Swamp Witch}

“Aunt Metal, when you see me next, I will be a great Alchemist.” {Tina}

“I can only hope.” {Weaving Metal}

“Oh, Mercury one more thing before you go.” {Swamp Witch}

“Yes?” {Mercury}

The Swamp Witch’s eyes went serious as she grabbed Mercury’s arm and pulled him close with a force Mercury did not expect. She whispered in his ear.

“Be careful. There are many who wish to see this ‘peace talk’ end in tragedy. Your tragedy.” {Swamp Witch}

She let go and backed up. Her eyes back to her normal grandma feeling ones.

“Now off you go. But please, you must visit more often. Mercury, you should also contact Starlight soon if you have already. He probably misses you.” {Swamp Witch}

“Thank you. I will.” {Mercury}

Weaving Metal and Mercury made it back to Weaving Metal’s school and found Day waiting for them.

“Elder Day would you like a cookie?” {Mercury}

“You know what, I will have one. Thank you for offering.” {Day}

Day took a bite.

“It is pretty good. Now, Weaving Metal you cannot just take Mercury away whenever you feel like it!” {Day}

“What is the problem? I was watching over him.” {Weaving Metal}

“I know. I assume going to Forging Mountain was to get Mercury some new weapons for Mortal Core, and I am fine with that. But you should have asked me first. My job here is to protect them. Forging Mountain is fine. But what if he meet someone truly dangerous like Juggernaut or Witch.” {Day}

“I did meet Miss Swamp Witch.” {Mercury}

“I… What?” {Day}

“I did meet her. She was nice.” {Mercury}

“You see nothing happened.” {Weaving Metal}

“YOU MEET HER! Mercury did you eat anything there? Spit it out! No, too much time as already passed you have to throw up. NOW! Weaving Metal how could you let this happen!?” {Day}

“It is fine. Mercury already made friends with her. She would not do anything.” {Weaving Metal}

“She even made me some cookies.” {Mercury}

“Cookies? That mad woman made you cook” {Day}

Day had a realization and slowly looked down with horror at the cookie in his hand. He threw the cookie to the ground and started coughing while trying to throw up before the ‘medicine’ took effect. Mercury simply took another bite of another cookie.

“It is not poisoned. I watched her make them and tried one before we left.” {Mercury}

“Mercury, ahwl. How can you trust them?” {Day}

“Starlight does. And if we want to have peace, I must trust them. It is the only way to truly move forward to real peace.” {Mercury}

“That is something for the Adults to decide.” {Day}

“Day, Mercury is just a part of this as anyone else.” {Weaving Metal}

“No. We both know he is a tool to prevent us from going all out to kill each other.” {Day}

“Day!” {Weaving Metal}

“Frankly, I do not care what you think.” {Mercury}

“WHAT!? You will talk to an Elder like that!” {Day}

“I think that this hostage exchange will do more than just give both sides a reason to not attack each other.” {Mercury}

“How can you think that?” {Day}

“In just a few days, Clover made friends with the people here. They may be muscle brained battle maniacs, but still friends. That is what this situation will do. Make members of the younger generation friends. It will be us who will truly make peace.” {Mercury}

“You think this will truly happen?” {Day}

“I can only hope and work to make it happen.” {Mercury}


“F*ck. I cannot stop your determination… I hope you are right.” {Day}

Thank you for reading.