Part 2, Chapter 26
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When Madam Hooch returned, flying lessons continued.

Without Harry, Malfoy's arrogance is three points longer.

Showing off at Gryffindor House with all sorts of flying stunts.

But Madam Hooch was not comfortable with Malfoy, and told him that if he did such dangerous things again in her flying lessons, he would talk to the Head of Slytherin, suspend his flying lessons for the rest of the term and cancel his future chances of joining the Quidditch team.

Hearing Madam Hooch's punishment of Malfoy, he stopped trying to stand on a broom and fly in flying lessons.

Eric wasn't particularly interested in Quidditch, but taking flying lessons for a semester was a little hard.

On the Gryffindor side, with the bright example of Neville, everyone was much more careful when flying.

None of us flew more than two meters during the flight, so that even if we accidentally fell off and fell on the grass, it would not hurt.

No one wants to fall from a high altitude and make Slytherin laugh.

After dinner, Eric met Harry and Neville in the Gryffindor common room.

Harry told his friends that instead of being punished by Professor McGonagall, he had joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Seeker. He even summoned Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch captai"Impossible!" Ron listened to Harry's words with a look of disbelief. “If you want to join the house Quidditch team, you can only apply in your second year! If you did join the Gryffindor Quidditch team as Seeker, you'd be the smallest Cadet team player in years.”

Harry smiled and replied, "Wood tells me I'm the youngest player to join the house Quidditch team in a century."

Harry was clearly delighted to be on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"Merlin's beard, this is just so cool!" Ron said to Harry with a look of admiration. "I really want Malfoy to know about this and put an end to his arrogance, you don't know, since you were taken away by Professor McGonagall, Malfoy has been extremely arrogant in flying lessons!"

Harry hurried to stop Ron. "Don't tell anyone, especially Malfoy, Wood's trying to keep it a secret!"

“Is the Quidditch team still short? I mean, batters, goalkeepers, stuff like that? I think I'm pretty good at flying, too.”

Ron, you look expectantly at Harry, hoping to hear some good news from him.

"Ron, don't give Harry a hard time, Wood wouldn't have set such a precedent if it hadn't been for Professor McGonagall's special permission..."

Eric slapped Ron on thHarry took the pie and took a big bite: “Thanks! It was a bit of a busy afternoon. Wood had been explaining things to me about Quidditch. By the time I got back to the dining room, dinner was over and I was starving.”

"There are always house-elves in the hall, you just can't see them. They usually work in stealth. Next time you miss dinner, tell the wigs or brooms that move." Eric sat down on the sofa and pulled out a spellbook. He read it and said, "You could also go to the Hogwarts kitchen. With your reputation, the house-elves would be happy to prepare dinner for you."

Neville had entered the room and, looking downcast, took the Remembrall handed to him by Ron and said, "Thank God, I thought I'd lost the Remembrall Granny gave me again!"

Eric cleared his throat and said, "To celebrate the birth of the youngest Seeker at Hogwarts in the 20th century, shall we have a meal in the kitchen?"

"A meal?"

Harry, Ron, and Neville had question marks all over their heads.

"Just a big meal." Eric explained: "It just so happens that the food I asked the house-elf in the kitchen to prepare is basically ready for the last two days. I thought I would try the hot pot today, but on second thought, hot pot is a fun thing to eat with a lot of people."

"Hot pot?"

Ron scratched his head when he heard the term for the first time. He only cared about one thing: "Is it good?"

"So good you could swallow your tongue!"

“So what are you waiting for? Let's go before curfew!”

Ron stood up immediately, trying to pull Eric up too.

"A familiar, confident voice behind her said Miss Hermione had arrived.

“It's better to come early than to come. To celebrate Harry becoming a Seeker, Hermione, we're going to have fondue. You want to come?”

Eric was a gentleman and sent an invitation to Hermione.

"Hot pot?" Hermione brightened at the word Fondue, even ignoring the fact that Harry had become a Seeker. “The 'hot pot' in Oriental cuisine? My parents and I once ate hot pot in London's Chinatown. It was delicious. My mother came home to find a recipe to reproduce that delicious, but it has not been successful.”

"So you're coming?"

"Of course!"

When Hermione agreed, Eric turned to Ron and said, "Ron, why don't you get Seamus, it's a dormitory dinner, and ask him if he wants to come over."

Then he said to the others, "We need cauldrons. One of you can contribute them."

When Ron summoned SeamEric and the others arrived at the door of the Hogwarts dining room, found a painting of a bowl of fruit, scratched a pear in the painting, and it instantly turned into a green doorknob.

He pulled the doorknob and entered the Hogwarts kitchen.

The first time they entered the Hogwarts kitchen, Harry and others were curious.

The Hogwarts kitchen was also a large, high-ceilinged room, so vast it looked as if it were the size of Hogwarts Hall.

There were four long tables in the kitchen opposite the door, and round the stone walls were gleaming copper pots and pans, and at the other end of the room there was a large fireplace with a blazing fire.

Over a hundred house-elves were busy around the kitchen, all wearing the same uniform: a tea towel with the Hogwarts crest, which they wrapped around themselves as robes.

A house-elf suddenly appeared before them, bowed to them, and said with an obsequious smile: "Good evening, young wizards. May I help you?"

The elf met Harry and others for the first time and didn't know them.

Eric stood up and said, "Good evening. Where's the number?"

At the sight of Eric, the elf's eyes lit up, disappeared in front of Eric, and then flashed back again, holding another elf - Doraemon.

"Have you prepared all the materials I asked you to prepare?"

Dorah saw Eric's eyes wide open and his hand on his heart: “Of course, noble Mr Eric! Of course we will carry out your order meticulously!”"Yes, sir!"

She disappeared with another fairy.

Eric beckoned his roommate and Hermione to sit down.

Ron asked curiously. "Hey, Eric, these house-elves respect your looks."

Eric told them to get their cauldrons out, cleaned them with a Clearing Charm, and said to Ron, "I was just teaching them some Eastern specialties, and before I knew it, they were like that."

Then he said to Harry: “Harry, if they knew your name, they'd show you a lot of respect. When Voldemort ascended to heaven, many witches and wizards and house-elves were persecuted, and then after Voldemort disappeared, the plight of the house-elves was greatly improved, and these house-elves are grateful to you.”

Harry felt the scar on his head and murmured: “Really? But I don't even remember...”