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Rapunzel used to be a researcher at the Tower of Babel.

 She spent her days devoted to research.

 Although she was basically alone most of the time, she occasionally had discussions with Icarus and the headmaster of the academy.

 She and Icarus had a talk.

 Although they were in different research sectors, their attitudes toward research were close.

 On the other hand, she and the headmaster were not on the same page.

 The headmaster said, "I want to create equal opportunities for everyone to learn. That is what will lead to the development of magic."

 Rapunzel, however, disagreed with the headmaster's idea.

"It is a weak person's idea to ask someone else to develop magic," she said. We must develop magic through research ourselves. That is the only way."

 And Icarus shared Rapunzel's view.

"If you truly wish for the development of magic, you must devote yourself to your own research and produce unparalleled results."

 Strictly speaking, Rapunzel and Icarus also had different views.

 In the first place, Icarus did not wish for the development of magic.

 For Icarus, the important thing was to advance his own research, and he believed that magic would only develop as a consequence.

 Rapunzel, on the other hand, was conducting research in the hope of developing magic.

 The headmaster left the tower, saying that he wanted to be involved in teaching.

 For Rapunzel, the loss of the headmaster was not a big problem.

 She only had one less member to talk to on a regular basis, and it did not interfere with her research.

 A few years later, Rapunzel finally completed her research.

 At the time, Rapunzel was researching the "origin of magic.

 Both the Earth Gods and the Van Gods have their own magic, but Rapunzel was studying the magic of the Earth Gods, in other words, the magic used today.

 The origin of magic is the god Odin.

 And it was Odin who created the Tower of Babel and gave wisdom to human beings, which enabled them to handle magic.

 Therefore, the Tower of Babel became the main focus of Rapunzel's research.

 She believed that exposing the workings of the Tower of Babel would lead to the elucidation of the origin of magic.

 At that time, the most popular field of research was the study of the soul.

 And in that field, Icarus was at the forefront.

 Icarus, who had done the most research in the most popular field, had risen to the rank of professor at the youngest age and was expected to be the next head of the tower.

 In contrast, Rapunzel's research was less popular and less flattering.

 As a result, however, Rapunzel's work was more highly regarded.

 As a result of her research on the Tower of Babel, she had perfected the magic created by the god Odin - Gungnir.

 Rapunzel is considered to be the world's first creator of divine magic and was highly praised at academic conferences.

 To be more precise, Rapunzel was the one who solved the magic system created by the god Odin, not the one who created the divine magic.

 However, it is still Rapunzel's achievement to have perfected divine magic, and she became a person of the hour.

 Furthermore, as a result of this research, Rapunzel was granted the right to climb to the 100th floor.

 In other words, she had reached the top of the Tower of Babel.

 Before climbing the tower, Rapunzel decided to have a baby.

 It was to be Icarus.

 It is not that she had any feelings for Icarus.

 If anything, she was interested in new life.

 Perhaps, she thought, if she had a child, she might be able to become a little more human.

 But when she saw the children born, she felt nothing for them.

 Rapunzel gave them to Icarus.

 Then she climbed the Tower of Babel.

 On the 99th floor of the Tower of Babel, Rapunzel met Odin.

 When Odin asked her what she wanted, Rapunzel said, "I want all knowledge."

 Odin said that he would give Rapunzel eyes to see the world so that she could gain all knowledge.

 But there was one condition.

 She must become the keeper of the Tower of Babel.

 The Tower of Babel could not function without its administrator.

 However, there were no specific requirements to be an administrator.

 He was told that all she had to do was just to be on the 100th floor.

 Rapunzel agreed to be the administrator and climbed to the 100th floor.

 There, Rapunzel met a girl.

 A girl who claimed to be the administrator of the tower.

 The girl's purpose was to be born here and continue to manage this place.

 The girl said that she had never left the 100th floor.

 Without the administrator, the Tower of Babel would not be able to function.

 In order for the girl to leave the 100th floor, the administrative authority had to be transferred to someone else.

 Rapunzel took over the administrative authority from the girl.

 Although being locked in this room was a problem, her all-seeing eye was attractive to her as a researcher,

 Besides, if the need arose, the girl would give him control and he would be able to get out.

 That was the idea, but the girl never came back.

 Not because she was unsympathetic.

 It was because she had lost her memory.

 She was born in the Tower of Babel and lived only there.

 If she transferred administrative authority and left this room, all memories of her time as an administrator would be erased.

 According to Odin, "In order to gain something, there must be a price to pay."

 The girl lost her memory and could no longer return to the 100th floor.

 Thus, Rapunzel was forced to live in this room - the prison of the Tower of Babel.

 The 100th floor was God's domain, and she could live without eating or drinking.

''I have access to all the information in the world,''

 Rapunzel's intellectual curiosity was well catered for.


"All my research here is pointless, isn't it?"

 Rapunzel felt empty.

 No matter how much research she did here, if she left, her memory would be erased.

 Then all her research would be meaningless.

 That would be a waste of time.

 In this space, where even the concept of time is unclear, the word "waste" is not appropriate, but even so, she felt that she was wasting time.

 Rapunzel spent her time feeling empty.

 Then she found herself naturally looking for her daughters.

 There, she saw her daughters being turned into chimeras by Icarus.


 She became impossibly angry.

 Rapunzel never thought she would feel that way.

 She had thought that her daughters' lives were of no concern to her.

 But when she saw the moment when she was turned into a chimera, she felt an uncontrollable anger.

 Rapunzel realized that she was more human than she had imagined.

 And she regretted leaving her children in the care of Icarus.

 But no matter how much she regretted it, it was too late.

 Rapunzel could not leave the 100th floor.

 Unless someone reached the 100th floor, Rapunzel could not interact with the outside world.

 And the only candidate was Icarus.

 Even Icarus could not reach the 100th floor, and Rapunzel found herself trapped in the Tower of Babel for more than 10 years.

 If there was any saving grace, it was that her daughters were saved by Ark.

 She was able to watch her daughters grow up from the top of the tower.

 When Rapunzel saw Ark, she had a hunch.

--He might be the one to get here.