The Homeseeker Book 1 – Afterword
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Hello. Hi. Hey,

Yeah, I know I'm supposed to be "taking a break," but let me have this.

Thanks for reading The Homeseeker Book 1: A Rejection of Reality. We’re all done with the first book and I’ll get right on to releasing the second one in a few days. The response to this series has sincerely been so heartwarming. Every single one of your comments means so much to me. Everything from criticism to theories to “Thanks for the chapter.” I read them all, even if I don’t respond to them. And if you want to come hang out and chat, I’ve got a Discord as well.

I’ve made an effort to release an Afterword to every single book that I’ve released, and it’s come with some great feedback, so I’m gonna keep up that effort until you start telling me otherwise. Below here will be filled with spoilers, so you better not have jumped to this chapter arbitrarily.

This series went through a couple of titles before landing on The Homeseeker. Originally, all my notes were written with the title The Dark Mind Series, trying to play into what’s going on in Zalan’s mind. But this series isn’t a psychological exploration into Zalan, instead a bit more of an adventure. I then shifted to The Monsters of the Mindscape series, following the thread of suggestions from Madam Hikma and having “Monsters” right there in your face. But when The Homeseeker was suggested to me, it fit way better. The Homeseeker is the Artifact and Zalan. I love parallels like that. 

The original intro to the realm was going to be Zalan just kinda appearing in front of Rep in a waiting room, like the Isekai process happens all the time. But it was way too casual for both Rep’s character and the larger world. So, we hit the ground running. 

The original beats for Chapter 10 were actually written in 2022, as a response to a writing prompt. The idea of having to challenge an Elemental for its power was so compelling to me. It both gave a lot of creative ideas for how everyone got their respective powers and easily explained why everyone in the realm doesn’t have access to the magic system. 

I knew from Chapter 14 that one of the party members would die as a necessary way for Zalan to see the consequences of the realm. No more hiding behind “dream world” when hit with the shock of death right there. I wasn’t sure who for the longest time. It couldn’t be Rep, too many plans for him (but no guarantees that he’s safe…). Yelsa going home was important to me.  Took me a while to decide between Fran and Gorb, to be honest. Personally, it hit me as more sympathetic to see Gorb without Fran. And when I wrote the scene, it hit me pretty hard. I felt like it was the right choice.

The last series note is that this series (especially book 1) is based on a video game. I haven’t seen anyone guess it yet, so give it a shot. I’ll put a strikethrough in this line as soon as I get the first correct guess.

In case you were wondering, yes, this series will eventually be edited and released on Amazon as a physical copy and ebook. And yes, this series will eventually be made into an Audiobook on Audible. That’ll take some time though, so in the meantime I’ll just keep releasing more of the series. No need to wait!

Thank you very much for reading and I hope you all continue into The Homeseeker Book 2: Elements of Rage. The tournament arc!

If you’re really enjoying my work, consider supporting me on Patreon. Sincerely, nothing is more motivating than having backers offering consistent support. You can get up to 10 Advanced Chapters. Yes, by the time this post goes up, Patreon is already a few chapters into Book 2.

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See you soon!