Chapter 6: Shackles of Liberation
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The ancient books lay open before me, the glowing orbs of the library lighting the pages. The smell of the old pages fill my nose as I studied the diagrams and incantations before me. I hungrily absorbed the knowledge like a sponge absorbs water, my mind expanding with each new revelation and my heart racing with the thrill of learning about magic.

One week left. That is all the time I have left to prepare for the entrance exam for the Arcane Legion Institute. I am behind my peers in basic magic education due to my family protecting me. I can only hope that my memory and speed reading abilities can get me up to a passing mark.

As I continue my studies, unwanted thoughts of future spell-casting attempts going out of control and hurting not only myself but others around me fill my mind. A chill runs down my spine as I try to dispel the thoughts.

My unique status as a Bloomchild weighs heavily upon me, causing me a lot of anxiety. My powers have started to haunt me every waking moment since my revelation a week ago.

I shake my head dispelling the thoughts. I focus back on my studies again. The pages start to take up my focus as I find solace in this feeling that consumes my mind.

A Bloomchild, that is what I am. An extreme rarity among humans, with the last known Bloomchild being born over 300 years ago. We are all blessed with an amount of mana that surpasses anyone's imagination. However, this blessing comes with a terrible curse: our mana is too potent, too uncontrollable.

According to the books I have pored over during my study this last week when a Bloomchild attempts to use magic, our mana rapidly feeds into the magical effect without end. This causes the effect of the magic to grow exponentially more powerful with each passing second. Even the simplest magic becomes dangerous. A runaway force that will try to consume everything in its path. It is a heavy burden to bear, knowing that the very power that sets me apart could also be my undoing.

It's incredibly frustrating. I've scoured the library desperately seeking any scrap of knowledge about mana and how to harness its power. But despite my best efforts, the information is maddeningly scarce. The few meager crumbs I've managed to uncover amount to little more than basic advice for mages: rest to replenish your spent mana. It's hardly groundbreaking insight. Surely there must be something to help me gain mastery over this force.

I had inquired with one of the librarians here about it. Apparently, a significant amount of knowledge was lost during the Dark Era, including crucial information on mana and its properties.

The Dark Era, a period of societal and civilization collapse, ended over 400 years ago after lasting for 1,000 years. It was a time of great upheaval and turmoil, where much of the world's accumulated wisdom and understanding was lost. The exact causes of this cataclysmic event remain a mystery.

I let out a sigh as I rested my head on the desk. Its cool surface provides a small measure of comfort to my anxiety. I can only wait for my Mana Limiter to be finished. It is the only solution to my current situation. However this wait is killing me, I want to put into practice what I have learned so far.

I can't help but think back on Professor Ironbeard. The idea that I might have to face him again fills me with anxiety. His offer to take me on as his apprentice weighs on my mind. It's an incredible opportunity, but the decision feels overwhelming. So much has happened in such a short span of time, and I find myself struggling to process it all. Before I decide on that I want to wait until I can process all of this.

First, my grandfather sends me to this unfamiliar place alone. The drastic change in my life is something I vehemently dislike. I yearned to stay, to cling to the familiarity of my old life. Out of respect to my grandfather, I followed his wishes and came here to the Arcane Legion Institute.

Second, I find out I am a Bloomchild. This revelation has turned my world upside down. Originally, I thought it would be a simple matter, just learning to cast magic and control my mana like any other mage. I believed that with study and practice, I would quickly master magic. However, now it looks like it will not be so simple at least in my case.

On top of that, Professor Ironbeard insisted I become his apprentice. Undoubtedly, such an arrangement would demand a significant commitment of time and energy, resources I'm uncertain I can spare at the moment. Moreover, his relentless persistence suggests he won't readily accept a refusal. The intensity in his eyes as he gazed upon me was almost feral, like a predator that had marked its prey.

I hear someone knocking on the table near me snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to find Matilda standing near me with a smile. Her presence is a welcome distraction from my anxiety-riddled thoughts that have been consuming me.

"Lord Shadowflame," she said softly to not disturb the library. "The superintendent wants to see you."

Those words cause my heart to beat faster as my mind starts to race again. Thanatos does not seem like someone who would summon me for trivial matters. The only thing i can think of is that my Mana Limiter is finished, the device that would finally allow me to practice magic. Excitement fills my mind, but I take a deep breath to calm down. Closing the book that lay before me I start to follow Matilda.

As we drew near the Superintendent's office, Matilda knocked against the wooden door. After a momentary pause, a gruff, authoritative voice emanated from within the room. "Enter," the superintendent commanded.

I entered the room once again. Finding myself standing in the superintendent's office for the third time in recent memory. Gods, let this be the last time I'm called here. Steeling my nerves, I swallowed hard, pushing down my apprehension. With a deep breath, I snapped to attention, executing a textbook-perfect salute that would have made my grandfather proud. "Superintendent," I said, my voice steady despite my feelings, "you summoned me?"

Thanatos's eyes studied me intently for a moment before he spoke. "Indeed, young Kepler, I have the means to assist you in tempering your..." He paused, seemingly fighting back the faintest hint of a smirk. "...considerable talents."

With a subtle gesture of his hand, he summoned forth a small metallic box from the shadows. It drifted slowly toward me, suspended eerily in the air as if held aloft by invisible strings until it hovered just before me at chest level. Another deft flick of Thanatos's wrist released the intricate latch, and the lid silently swung open to reveal a deceptively simple platinum band, nestled within a plush bed of rich violet velvet.

"This, Kepler, is your personalized mana limiter," Thanatos rumbled, his deep voice resonating with authority. "Professor Thrain Ironbeard spent many painstaking hours crafting it to precise specifications."

My throat felt dry as I gazed at the unassuming ring. Such a small, innocuous thing. Yet imbued with the power to finally grant me some method of control over my mana. With trembling fingers, I lifted the mana limiter. I began examining every line and groove etched into its circumference.

"Upon donning the limiter," Thanatos continued, his voice resonating with authority, "its ambient absorption field will neutralize your ability to access mana beyond a predetermined threshold. This ceiling can be manually adjusted through verbal commands, allowing for precise control over the flow of mana within your body. The limiter will act as a safeguard, preventing any unintentional surges or spikes in mana that could potentially lead to adverse effects."

I gave a slow nod of understanding, the sense of relief I felt at those words was unimaginable. A weight lifted from my shoulders as the implications sank in. I will no longer have to fear using magic. No longer will I be chained by my own body, held back by the very power within me. With this band encircling my finger like a promise of liberation, I could at last walk the path towards mastery of magic, unhindered by the shackles of my own mana.

"So... how does one adjust the threshold?" I asked, my voice hushed with reverence. My fingers traced the cool metal of the mana limiter, marveling at the faint runes etched into its surface. I looked up at Thanatos, my eyes shining with curiosity and anticipation, eager to learn how to use this device.

"A simple verbal command is all that's required," Thanatos stated, the barest hint of a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Simply say 'increase mana limit by' followed by the desired number. The same applies to decrease the mana limit." He paused, his eyes studying me intently. "However, I suggest you start with the threshold set at the lowest amount necessary to cast a spell when you practice your first incantation. Remember, for you, that ring serves a singular purpose, to place a firm cap on how much mana is outputted by your body. It's a safeguard, a means to control the immense power that courses through your veins."

I slipped the ring onto the index finger of my left hand. As I did so, I felt a subtle shift in the atmosphere, as if the air had become a tiny bit heavier.

I can finally appreciate my abilities without the constant fear of causing cataclysmic devastation. The mana limiter fills me with a sense of control and stability that had been sorely lacking in my life recently.

With a smile spreading across my face, I looked at Superintendent Thanatos and asked, "Am I free to leave now, superintendent, sir?"

Thanatos regarded me intently for a moment longer, his eyes seeming to penetrate deep into my soul. After a brief pause, he answered in his characteristic authoritative tone, "Not quite yet, Kepler. There is one final matter we must discuss before you can take your leave."