Book 2 – Chapter 02 – Anger in Color
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Zalan woke up in a groggy daze, knowing that he was supposed to be doing something, but not certain as to what. His mind was reaching out, clawing for something to reenter the forefront of his mind. He stretched out and sat up in bed, then noticed Rep. Rep was seated at the table in the middle of the room, watching Zalan carefully. Something was off about the scene. Rep rarely, if ever, woke up before Zalan. 

“Perhaps now is a good time to talk?” Rep asked cautiously. 

“Is it morning?” Zalan asked, his thoughts racing into place. He knew what he was after. He needed to go visit Madam Hikma and show her his “gratitude” after being led so radically astray. 

“We should talk, Zalan,” Rep replied, a little more firmly. 

“It’s morning. Let’s go see Madam Hikma,” Zalan said, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. 

“Zalan,” Rep suddenly stood up and got in Zalan’s way. 

A small fire burned in Zalan’s heart and his breath quickened. His eyebrows descended to a menacing glare.

“Are you going to try and stop me?” Zalan challenged. 

“I am a higher Level than you,” Rep replied shakily. Zalan knew that it was an empty threat. 

“Get out of the way, Rep,” Zalan said, moving to stand right in front of his friend with a sneer. 

Rep tried to hold eye contact, but broke away quickly. 

“What is it you want with Madam Hikma?” Rep asked. 

“You said it yourself, yesterday.”

“What did I say yesterday?” Rep asked, calling Zalan’s bluff. 

The challenge was successful. Zalan had already forgotten the original reason to see Madam Hikma. Rep was the one to bring up going to speak with her, but he couldn’t remember why for the life of him. His thoughts shrouded his own alibi. He hesitated for a few seconds before eventually making up something plausible on the spot. 

“I need new ideas for how to get home. She’s the place to get it,” Zalan said, deliberately tapering down the emotion in his face. He wanted Rep to believe him. 

“If that is the case, perhaps I should just go on my own,” Rep offered. 

“Absolutely not! I need…” Zalan realized he spoke too eagerly. He took a deep breath to bring himself down a level of rage. He searched for a good way to end the phrase. “I need… I need to hear it from her personally. That there’s still a way home. Otherwise, I’m stuck here.”

A wave of guilt washed over Rep’s face, his lips pursed uncomfortably. Rep looked back into Zalan’s eyes, searching for sincerity. Zalan tried his best to look honest. The faster this confrontation was over, the faster they would be at Madam Hikma’s. 

“Very well. But I will do the talking,” Rep said, keeping a close eye on Zalan. 

“Sure,” Zalan nodded rapidly. 

Rep didn’t look totally convinced, but gradually made his way to the door. Zalan was close behind, making sure to keep the Homeseeker in a pouch at his hip in case he needed to play more tricks to remove Rep from the scene. When they emerged, the early morning light was too inviting to Zalan. It made him feel like the realm was conspiring to tell him that he didn’t have to do what he planned. He ignored the realm, trusting only himself after what happened because of Madam Hikma. 

They made their way to Madam Hikma’s building, Rep struggling to keep up with Zalan. Rep couldn’t tell if Zalan was eager or something more sinister brewed in his movements. Zalan tried to keep his face mellow and stoic, wishing to reveal nothing to the close-watching Rep. 

“Something is wrong,” Rep said abruptly, looking over at Madam Hikma’s building. 

“What?” Zalan asked, annoyed. He felt that Rep was just trying to slow him down. 

“There is no line,” Rep indicated. 

Zalan blinked, making the connection. The last he saw Madam Hikma’s place when the sun was out, there was a large line of people from all walks of life looking to get an audience with her. Now, the worn ground ahead of the door was barren and empty. As much as Zalan hated to agree at a time like this, something did seem wrong with the scene.

“Maybe we’re the first to get here,” Zalan said, pushing ahead. 

“Perhaps,” Rep said with uncertainty. 

Inside his mind, Zalan was going mad over the possibility that Madam Hikma had been advised to stay away that day. She may have arrived in the morning and seen the scorch of lightning left on the door and stayed away just to be safe. How could he be so brazen as to leave a mark? It was practically a magazine cutout with the intent that someone wanted to hurt her! He had to continue. Maybe she was inside but not taking any visitors? Zalan could spin it. He could say that he wanted to provide her protection! That could do it!

“Zalan, slow down,” Rep said, his breathing a little faster after having to almost jog to keep up with Zalan’s pace.

“Whatever,” Zalan brought himself to a slow walk. 

They were almost at the front door. No need to hurry anymore. He clenched his fist, a spark of lightning in his palm that he kept hidden from those around him. 

“Allow me to knock,” Rep suggested. 

Zalan stepped aside, preparing to raise his hand and fire at Madam Hikma as she opened the door. He was seeing red. Justice would be carried out, then he would find some other means to get out of the realm. It would be upsetting at first, but people would come to understand. Once they knew the truth about the supposed woman of wisdom, they would know why they didn’t want her meddling in their lives.

Rep was ahead of Zalan, not seeing any of the sweat and turmoil running through Zalan’s face. He knocked lightly on the door, tilting his head to one side in confusion at the new black mark on the door. The door cracked open an inch and Zalan raised his hand, breathing heavily as the power surged through him. 

Out came a small girl. Sholou. Madam Hikma’s young assistant. Zalan swallowed hard and lowered his hand before either Sholou or Rep could see he had prepared an electric attack. 

“Yes?” Sholou asked sweetly. 

“Hello little one,” Rep said gently. “We are here for an audience with Madam Hikma. Is she in today?”

“I am afraid that Madam Hikma is unable to host anyone today,” Sholou shook her head. 

“I see,” Rep said, trying to hide his relief. 

“Why not?” Zalan asked quickly. 

Rep and Sholou turned their attention to Zalan. His eyes were frantic and he sounded somewhat manic. Sholou shied away in fear, sliding a few inches back into the building.

“She is out,” Sholou answered.

“I see,” Rep nodded, turning back to Zalan and looking as though he intended to leave. 

“Yeah? How long?” Zalan asked Sholou. 

He was trembling. Rep put himself between his friend and the girl. 

“Zalan, I think we have everything we need. We can return some other time,” Rep said. 

“How long will she be out?” Zalan demanded, his eyes wide. 

“I do not know! She has left the city by invitation to the Elemental Rage Tournament! It could be weeks before she returns,” Sholou replied, fear creeping into her voice.

“No!” Zalan snapped. 

“I… I do not know what else to say,” Sholou said, scared.

“Go back inside, little one,” Rep said, a tender smile on his face. “I will handle this.”

Sholou nodded quickly and slammed the door, the sound of her feet running off clear on the other side of the door. 

“No!” Zalan repeated, his voice strained. “No, I need to see her.”

“She is gone, Zalan. We can wait for her return,” Rep said, his voice an assertive calm, like a parent admonishing a child. 

“No, but she was supposed to be here!” Zalan insisted, gripping his forearm with one hand, the other flexing wildly. 

“Patience, friend, and we will see her soon,” Rep assured him. 

Zalan’s eye twitched once and he looked around the area like prey surrounded by predators. Rep began breathing slowly and loudly. He lifted his arms up and down as he breathed, trying to encourage Zalan to do the same. Calm, soothing breaths. Zalan shook his head, feeling like a project to Rep. Rep didn’t care about him. He would treat anyone this way. Trying to be a selfless martyr and make everyone feel like his friend. Rep’s assurances meant nothing to him. His eyes widened, as his trembling limb rose slowly toward the building. A tiny sparkle of lightning hopped between fingers.

“Zalan, what are you doing? Put your arm down,” Rep said, no longer trying to sound calm. 

“She deserves this,” Zalan said, the crackling of lightning running clear through his hand. 

“Zalan, no! Put your hand down, now!” Rep said, jumping toward him. 

But Zalan had already made his decision. If he couldn’t have Madam Hikma, he could at least take down her building. Maybe with a powerful enough bolt of lightning, he could destroy the entire front door. Hopefully even more. Zalan’s hand opened as he prepared to emit the largest bolt of lightning he could muster. 

Rep smacked Zalan’s arm skyward, just as the lightning flew out. Zalan had never tried his power at his newly acquired Level 4 and was astounded to see its size as it raced across the sky. Where before it was never thicker than a piece of rope, now it looked as thick as his fist. He stared at it numbly. Within moments, Rep forced Zalan to his knees to try and subdue him. Zalan didn’t fight. He was done. Madam Hikma had already won. It wouldn’t matter if her building was gone when she already escaped. There was nothing to be gained here anymore. 

“What was that?” Rep demanded as soon as he felt that Zalan would not attack anymore. 

The wind picked up around them, but Zalan’s mind felt so far away. He had nothing to direct his anger toward anymore. The fire in his heart burned, but with nothing on the outside to target, it felt like it would consume his inner being. Rep was shaking his friend, trying to get a response. 

“What has gotten into you?” Rep asked, trying to get a read on Zalan. 

“I will tell you,” another familiar voice came confidently beside them, the wind dying down with its arrival. “Rep, your friend has astounding power in him that needs proper control.”

Check back in next post for: Chapter 03 - An Instructor of Nold

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