Chapter 20
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On that misty morning, two figures meandered through the dense forest. Initially shrouded by the fog, their identities remained concealed. Yet, as the morning sun broke through the mist, it gradually revealed the two ladies walking together. They navigated the tranquil woods with purpose, their voices resonating softly as they engaged in heartfelt conversation. Amidst the serene beauty of nature, their shared journey and camaraderie brought a sense of warmth to the cool, misty surroundings.

"Big Sister Yun, isn't it true that he isn't your real sibling?"

"Yes, Li Lu. Why do you ask?"

"Have you still been trying to find his parents?"

"To be honest, I'm still on the search. However, every merchant I've approached hasn't been able to provide any information about the Uchiha Clan or the crest engraved on his pendant."

"I've scoured the libraries for his clan's crest, but there's no information about its origins."

"Could you describe his clan crest to me, Big Sister Yun?"

"Of course."

She then described Madara's clan crest to Li Lu in detail.

"Do you think his clan is powerful, Big Sister Yun?"

"It's hard to say. But I do know they sacrificed their lives to keep him safe from whoever was hunting their clan."

Xiao Yun had pieced together this theory herself, as even she remained uncertain about what had truly happened to Madara's clan.

"Nevertheless, he's kind, even if he's somewhat introverted."

"I've noticed that too, Big Sister Yun. He often just nods when I talk to him. Sometimes he speaks sparingly, but what he says is always meaningful. Once he said something to me that I didn't quite understand."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yun simply smiled.

"That's what I appreciate about him."

"Do you notice that when I teach you two, he asks questions? It's as if he's trying to understand how things work. Then, after you explain, he asks again. He's observant and curious about those around him, so I believe he'll make a good cultivator."

"I feel the same way, Big Sister Yun."

"Is that so?" Xiao Yun smiled mischievously. "Li Lu, do you have a crush on him?"

Li Lu's cheeks flushed crimson at the question.

Their conversation came to a halt when they both heard a distant sound resembling a flute.

"Big Sister Yun, do you hear that?"

"Yes, Li Lu. Let's go see where it's coming from."

Out of curiosity, the two immediately sought out the source of the sound. As they approached, they paused, for the music emanated from Madara playing the flute. Hearing these soul-stirring, emotive tones was truly enchanting.

It felt like being transported to another realm, where each note carried a story, a feeling, or a memory. The sound seemed to resonate deep within, stirring a mix of emotions from awe to nostalgia to profound peace.


In Jiandan Village at dawn, people engaged in their daily activities. Some practiced qigong for energy; others fetched water or cooked breakfast. Farmers tended to fields while craftsmen worked with materials. Marketplaces buzzed with activity, and prayers to ancestors filled the air. Amid their busyness, they paused.

"Did you hear that?" a farmer asked his companion.

"Hear what?"

"Shhh. Don't make a sound, just listen."

The two fell silent, and after a few seconds, they found themselves entranced by what they heard. The same happened to other villagers in Jiandan Village; they, too, were captivated by the flute's melody. Even those just waking up were drawn from their slumber by the sound.

Listeners found themselves captivated, almost spellbound, by the haunting beauty of the melodies. It felt as if the musician's emotions poured forth through the instrument, touching the hearts of those who listened.

Some might have felt a rush of emotions—wonder at the musician's skill or deep appreciation for the music's beauty. Many simply closed their eyes, letting the music wash over them, allowing it to evoke whatever emotions it may.

After a few minutes, the flute's melody came to an end. The listeners reacted in diverse ways—some were moved to tears, others admired the musician's skill, and some pondered the identity of the player. The morning's performance ignited discussions and fueled speculation as people shared their feelings and theories about the enchanting music they had just experienced.


When he finished playing, he turned around in response to someone speaking.

"Wonderful," Xiao Yun said, smiling as she approached him.

He noticed her smile, as did Li Lu, who still had traces of tears on her cheeks.

After a brief moment of silence, Xiao Yun asked, "Little brother, where did you learn that? I didn't teach you how to play the flute."

"Sister Yun, I learned it from the book you bought me. Isn't that right, Li Lu?" he replied, subtly winking his left eye at her.

Li Lu immediately caught his wink. "That's right, Big Sister Yun. It came from the book."

She then turned to her. "How did you know that?"

"Because he lent me the book you bought, and he said he had finished reading it."

"I see. Well, let's head to our old training area near the waterfall."

The two followed closely behind. As they walked, Li Lu stole glances at him, curious about how he had learned to play the flute when it wasn't in the book. Unexpectedly, he turned to her with a smile. His smile took her by surprise; it seemed to express gratitude, marking the first time she had seen him smile like that. In response, she smiled back at him.

After walking for a few hours, they reached the training area. Xiao Yun told them to sit on rocks near the waterfall.

"Today, I'll teach you how to convert qi into the nature elements you possess. So, gather a few leaves; you'll need them for our training today."

Upon their return, she began guiding them through the training.

She instructed them to sit and cross their legs while their palms were either covering or wrapped around the two sides of the leaf they had taken earlier. After that, they released qi into their bodies, letting it spread throughout their entire beings.

The qi enveloping Li Lu was blue due to her water affinity, while Madara's was silver because of his attributes (effecting), a mix of fire, lightning, and wood affinity.

"Reflect on your experiences and emotions to discern your affinity with a specific element—be it fire, water, earth, wood, or metal. Understanding this affinity will guide your cultivation journey and define your connection to the elemental forces."

"Spend time immersed in environments that resonate with your chosen element. Observe, feel, and absorb the natural energy around you. Whether it's the crackling of flames, the flow of water, or the solidity of earth, let nature be your teacher."

Among the three natural elements he has, Madara chose wood since they were training in the forest.

"Develop your ability to sense and manipulate qi within your body. Through focused meditation and visualization, learn to guide the flow of qi with intention, preparing it for transformation."

"Engage in elemental meditation practices tailored to your chosen element. Visualize the elemental energy merging with your qi, flowing harmoniously through your meridians, and gradually transforming into the elemental force you seek to master."

Following Xiao Yun's instructions, they opened their eyes to find the leaves they had chosen displaying their respective nature elements. Li Lu's leaf sprouted small water droplets, while Madara's bore tiny branches.

Impressed by their progress, they pressed on with their training.

To confirm their mastery of releasing their nature elements, they attempted to do so without the leaf's assistance. This is a sign that they can now release the elements from various parts of their bodies freely.

The two children practiced diligently, repeating this exercise multiple times. After five days...

"Let's see the results of your training," Xiao Yun said to them.

Li Lu promptly showcased her progress. She channeled her qi into her body, enveloping every part with a shimmering aura. Opening her palm, she shaped the water into a perfect circle.

Madara followed suit. On his palm, a small bonsai tree sprouted first, followed by a circular flame, and finally, a flickering vertical lightning bolt.

Impressed, Xiao Yun nodded her approval. She then informed the children that there would be no training the next day. They needed time to decide their path as cultivators since they wouldn't be meeting again until the following day. With that, they headed home.

After dinner, Madara went directly to his room. Exhausted from the day's activities, he quickly fell asleep without giving much thought to his choice.

The next morning, after breakfast and getting ready, he returned to his room to contemplate his journey as a cultivator. Sitting at his desk, he opened a notebook and prepared his ink and brush.

"Now, let's see..."

"What I remember is that there are only two that caught my interest. One is the body cultivator (Body Refiner), who focuses on refining their physical body to make it incredibly strong and durable. They might practice body tempering techniques and use special exercises to enhance their strength, speed, and endurance."

"The second one is the sword cultivator (Swordsman), someone who practices and specializes in the art of swordsmanship. They dedicate themselves to mastering various sword techniques, harnessing spiritual energy, and advancing through levels of cultivation to become powerful warriors with extraordinary skills in wielding a sword."

After he finished writing, he closed his notebook and leaned back in his chair, lost in thought.


He sighed deeply, his gaze fixed on the notebook as he contemplated his decision.