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Hello, this is the first work I have ever done. I want to say thank you for taking the time to read it. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. m(。≧ _ ≦。)m


The thing with being a human is that you would expect to wake up to being all snuggled up in your bed with your warm blanket. Maybe you would expect to wake up to family petty arguments downstairs from your room. Maybe you would expect to hear your alarm to wake up from your nice sleep and be a sign of your distress about your upcoming 9 - 5 office job.

That was what I expected, I expected to be snuggled up in my warm bed with the alarm blaring down my eardrums. Or to wake up to the sounds of my family having those small arguments about whose breakfast was better. Yeah, so what if I did wake up to the sounds of my alarm blaring? Is it my fault that sometimes my alarm is so annoying that I want to smack it really hard badly? I mean I know it’s bad to take out your anger on your phone sometimes but I did not expect to hit something else instead.

You know what I hit? An annoying little display screen with cutesy annoying emoji faces.

“OW, OW, OW, stop hitting me!”, a floating display screen with a (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ face cried out.

“Oh, sorry for hitting you”, I apologetically said, “I thought you were my alarm for a minute”, I said as I slowly looked around my surroundings. “Wait a minute, where the heck am I, what the heck are you, and why are we in a white room?" "Did you just kidnap me? Oh my gosh, I got kidnapped and I'm going to be subjected to colorless torture and be broke for the rest of my life", I cried in despair.

"No silly, I'm not going to do that to you and also this is my room you are complaining about", the screen with a <(¬0¬)> face said. "I'm here to make your life better, I heard you crying for help about your lack of entertainment and wanting to be free from the shackles of being a nobody!", the (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) screen said excitedly.

"I think you got the wrong person, I am perfectly content with my life and I was about to get a nice promotion until you came by and yoinked me from my peaceful slumber", I said agitatedly. The floating screen with a 「(゚ペ) look, confusedly asked me, "So you are not Summer Lee?" In return, the floating screen returned an image of a tan lady with long straight black hair in a nice summer dress and hat with looks that make her seem like she was a model.

"Excuse me, how the heck did you think I was Summer Lee, that person looks nothing like me!" "My name is Lucia Reid and I have pale skin, curly black hair, and an average-looking face. I am also not that frivolous enough to buy an expensive-looking dress like that." "Do I look like a person who is bored of life?" "No, I am just living life as I please, and I enjoy working at my office job, so bring me back home", I ranted.

"Sorry no can do", the screen said. "I can't bring you back home anymore, once I selected you, you are going to be stuck with me." the screen said with this look ¯\_ʘᗜʘ_/¯ . "So I am going to introduce myself, I am the Misfortunate System and you are here with me to complete missions and help people who experienced misfortunes in their lives. 

"Excuse me? What do you mean I can't go home!", I yelled. "You literally picked the wrong person, so you should at least send me home!"

"Well about that, I only had enough power to transport you to my lovely abode so I can't send you home, so oopsies", the system says with a ɾ⚈▿⚈ɹ look. "The only way I can send you home is if you complete these 10 wonderful missions I have set up for you which would help gain enough power to send you home", the system joyfully says. 

"No way I am not doing them, we can just rot in your home until you send me back to my home", I huffed.

"Would you change your mind if all those missions can give you nice rewards?", the system interjected. "For each mission you complete, you can receive rewards that you can use when you return back home." "These missions consist of anything like obtaining 1 billion dollars, increasing your luck, obtaining new talents and skills, and obtaining artifacts that can change your life", the system proudly spoke. 

"You are telling me that I can complete these missions and in return I can receive these rewards?", I faked being curious. Don't get me wrong, I had to fake being curious cause I was already persuaded when the system said rewards. Who wouldn't pass on monetary rewards like money, being able to obtain skills and talents, and being lucky in life. I don't know what those artifacts can be but I am pretty sure they are pretty life-changing.

"Yes you can, and if you agree to complete these missions with me you will be-", "I accept", I interrupted.

"Please give me a moment as I boot up your mission for you, Lucia", the system said as they booted to a different display. 

I think I should destroy this stupid system in pieces, because how does booting up a mission take 2 hours!