Chapter Ten; A Quest For Two
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"Well, I suppose I've got to go with Machine Smith, huh?" It is the best option considering how we have seemed to do better in groups rather than when fighting solo.

[Advanced Class [Machine Smith] Selected, Class skills [Mass Production, Machine Affinity] Acquired]

There is a brief flash of light across my body, and Granzine speaks up. "Oh, an Advanced Smithing class I take it? Can't say I've heard of that one, but if it means you can make more o' your Automatons it'll be pretty good, I suppose. Do you at least have some combat skills already though?"

I indicate my sword and nod slightly. "A few. And some of the Class Skills I saw on other classes seem like things I can work out on my own." Sapph lands on my head again. "Plus I've got the Command skill, so that should be good for fighting in a group?" I don't know exactly what it does, but it seems that way. My head tilts thoughtfully as I ponder that.

"You mean you don't know? Eh, guess you wouldn't. That's a pretty solid one, really. You should read up on it when you have the time." He looks thoughtful. "Ya'know, if you picked a production class, you're gonna need a workshop. Guess we'll have to check with Marel to make sure, but best bet on sending you to the nearby Balm Forest for wood. Balm wood is the best construction material around here."

"Balm, wood? I take it that's what most of the buildings in town are made of?" I look at and try to scan one of the structures nearby, though it only reads as a [Wooden House]. Granzine nods, then starts leading the way back towards the Guildhall.

"Balm wood is some tough stuff. You need a pretty good axe to cut one of those trees down. At least, so I've heard. Never tried cutting one myself." His hand cradles the axe handle on his back. "Mine were always meant more for monsters than trees." He chuckles. "Though there are tree type monsters too!" I'll ask Marel about Balm trees in more detail when we get back.

He introduces me to several dwarvish men, seemingly at random, as we walk back. Though none of them catch my attention very much. I suppose its rather rude of me, but I doubt I would even recognize them by appearance if I met them again later.

Once we are back in the Guildhall, the situation has changed. The counters are manned, though the blue bearded dwarf at the vault counter and the light gray bearded dwarf at the door to the back look bored. However the black bearded, and long haired for once, dwarf at the counter by the quest board seems entertained by the seven dwarves hanging out by the quest board, who seem to be talking about the dungeon. Granzine approaches the group. "Oi lads, thinkin' of taking on the dungeon exploration quest?"

Two of the dwarves focus on the Guildmaster, maybe the group of seven is actually two parties and they are the leaders? They have the same hair color, a rusty reddish brown. The taller one, by about an inch, speaks up. "Yessir, though nobody quite believes that its finally been cleared. Our Granddad used to say it wasn't possible."

The other one pipes in with a series of questions. "So who done it? Was there a puzzle? Or a hidden door? Was the boss some sorta ghost?"

Granzine holds up his hand. "Olliet, calm down, and gimme a sec to catch a word edgewise." Despite asking for the chance to respond, he is quick to pass the ball to me. "Anima here is the one who cleared it." After he says that, the other dwarves focus turns to me. "Go easy on them Royeh and Olliet." He walks over to talk with the black haired dwarf at the counter while leaving me to the energetic Olliet and the composed Royeh.

After I explain the Tower and Goblin Commander, Olliet continues on with several other, seemingly unrelated questions that leave my head spinning. Questions such as "How many slimes did you see?" Or "Were the Goblin Brutes right handed or left handed?" I'm left exasperated and also a bit curious myself on some of the questions, but they're certainly things I don't know or never even considered. After a while of that Granzine comes back over. I'm not sure what gave my exhaustion away, but he chuckles when he reapproaches. 

"Have fun? While you chatted, I signed you up as an adventurer, and that spirit Sapph as your familiar, though you'll need to cover the other Automatons if they get the chance later." I, didn't ask for that. I suppose, I would have though, if I'd had time to think about it. He chuckles again, then continues. "Also, I got your first quest for you." He hands me a slip of paper, and surprisingly the system announcer acts up.

[Quest started: Negotiate with the residents of the Balm Forest]

"Residents of the forest? What?" I have an odd desire to walk east. Like a faint magnetic draw. "Does my brain have a compass?" That question causes Granzine to burst out laughing loudly enough that the other nearby dwarves wince at the sound. It even takes him a minute or so to pull himself back together.

"So thats what the quest marker seems like to someone who didn't already know about it huh?" He takes a deep breath, chuckles a bit more, then pats my back. "Well anyway. What're you waiting for kid? Get out there and go on an adventure!"

"Eh? I was gonna ask Marel about Balm trees. And shouldn't I bring some of the other Automatons with me?" Logical arguments, not very useful against this robust man though.

"Don't worry bout that, you can learn about em yerself! And theres nothing that dangerous between here and the forest."

"Is that true, or is there just nothing dangerous by your standards?" That causes him to pause and think, though he ends up shrugging and shooing me towards the door. "Uggh, if this body gets damaged I'm gonna be cross with you old man!"

"Where'd you get that idea? I'll only be turning one hundred next season! And we Mountain Dwarves live to be around a thousand!" What the hell?! Hes old, but also not old at all! Long lived species are confusing. . . Wait, how long will I live? "Heeeeeey! Quit getting lost in your own head and apologize for that!"

I hold up both hands placatingly. "Okay okay! I'm sorry for misconstruing your age based on how you act." He glares at me. "E-er, sorry for calling you old?" His eyes remain on me for a moment, then he nods slightly, apparently that was good enough. My hands drop and my shoulders slump. Sapph flies in front of my face, then pats my head after I spot her. Given my lack of a sense of touch, I probably wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't gotten my attention first.

"Thanks Sapph." I straighten up and turn to the door. I suppose I'll just animate some of the Goblin Prime types I have in storage if I need help. I head out of the building and turn east. Once I'm out of the town I can already see the forest. I get the impression that its just a couple kilometers away. Though as I walk the general size of the trees seems to be getting bigger. "How big are these things?"

Once I'm finally close enough to say for sure, the larger trees all seem to be the size of Giant Sequoias. There are also some much smaller trees close enough for me to get a proper look at. For instance, a tiny whip thin tree about my height. Its leaves have an odd shape. The bulk of the leaf is thick, and it has a number of curved needles coming off of it that draw to a point. The leaves look like little green fireballs? Scan.

Name: Race: Sapling Balm
Level 10
HP 308/308
MP 100/100
SP 190/190
VP 280/280
Strength 0
Vitality 28
Agility 0
Wisdom 10
Skills Fire Resistance 5, Life Force 1,  Persistence, Slow Regeneration 2

"W-wait a damn second! Only a sapling and its got that much vitality!? Just how crazy are the big ones gonna be?!" I try to scan some of the larger trees, though they're apparently too far away still. "Also, trees with fire resistance just sounds unfair." Instead of messing with the little tree out away from the main forest, I continue on my way.

Just on the outskirts of the forest, I spot a small group of monsters. Five small humanoid lizards and a large wolf. Scan reveals them to be Kobolds and a Dire Wolf. The Dire Wolf is the strongest of the lot, in fact its a bit stronger than the Goblin Commander. But it doesn't have any skills at all? And one of the Kobolds is riding it. That Kobold only has the skill [Tame Monster] at level three. The others have a variety of skills, despite all being the same basic Kobold instead of variants. Their stats are all about the same as a goblin's though. Guess thats the difference between dungeon monsters and wild ones?

[Kobold 1 [Martial Arts 2, Dodge 1] Kobold 2 [Weapon: Sword 2] Kobold 3 [Weapon: Club 3] Kobold 4 [Claw Arts 3, Slow Regeneration 1]]

They haven't noticed me yet, so I pull out most of my MP, 200 points, instantly convert it into Wind Mana, stretch it out into a broad arc, and immediately use Air Slash with it. It's an extra wide Air Slash, but the extra MP keeps its power almost to its normal level. My main target is the Dire Wolf, which I manage to hit two of its thighs, effectively hamstringing it. The slash also cuts through the leg of the Kobold riding the wolf, and nicks one of the others. With two of the enemies effectively removed and another injured, I start to run towards the group, drawing my sword.

[Skill Wind Magic 1›2]

I rush in, targeting the one with the regeneration skill first. It slashes at me with its claws, and I immediately cleave through its extended hand, then swing my blade upwards at its throat. The one with the club strikes me from the side, but I keep the pressure on my target, stabbing it through the chest, then checking its status immediately. It still has ten points of hp, but when I pull my blade back out to attack again it collapses and another check shows it at zero, so I turn to face the club wielder. {Generating Blueprint: Automaton-Kobold Type}

My sword glows a faint red as I swing my blade towards it. The name of a move popping into my mind. "Quickdraw!" The sword swings faster the moment I declare the name, the slashing weapon cuts through the club, but doesn't bite very deeply into the Kobold.

The Martial Artist and Swordsman rush in as the Club wielder ducks back. My blade glows again and a third attack name comes to me. "Critical Thrust!" I drop into a familiar pose then my sword shoots forward, stabbing through the Swordsman's chest. It drops quickly enough to drag my sword down, though I pull the blade free quickly.

[Level Up] [Attack +1, Vitality +1, Agility +1, Wisdom +1, Skill experience increased] [Skills Machine Affinity 1›2, Mana Perception 1›2]

I turn to the Martial Artist, and swing my sword at his neck. He manages to dodge backwards then starts to jump forward with his fist extended. Then I feel a sensation above me, mana that makes me think of petrichor, the smell of earth after rain. Then a rock the size of a golf ball shoots forward at the Kobold. I feel a sense of pride, apparently Sapph picked up Earth Magic, is happy to help, and quick to project that with her telepathy. Though, maybe a bit of the pride is my own.

While the Kobold is reeling from the unexpected stone fired at his face, I lunge in and slash his throat. After that I look to the other enemies. Both the monster tamer and the dire wolf are trying to crawl away, and the club wielder has escaped entirely. "Crap. Lost one." I finish off the two crippled monsters quickly. {Soul Siphon filled}

I scan the Dire Wolf. {Generating Blueprint Autotéras-Dire Wolf Type}

I look at the bodies uncertainly. In the dungeon any suitable loot just, popped free. But thats clearly not happening here. I shrug, then set to taking them apart with my sword and hands to find the magic stones. Sapph, very quickly ducks into the pouch on my neck. "Aha, not a fan of the gory stuff after battle huh?" It takes a little bit, but I eventually find that the magic stones are in the hearts. And, the Swordsman's magic stone was apparently destroyed when I used Critical Thrust, so I think I'll avoid using that in the future. "Fought six monsters, got four stones. . . Oh well. Maybe theres something else here I can use?" 

[Skill [Butcher] Acquired]

Looking over the monsters, the only thing that stands out to me is the dire wolf's pelt. It does not come off very cleanly. My sword is too large and not quite sharp enough for the task, and at only level one my new Butcher skill can't make up the difference. After getting three separate sections of hide free and still having some on the body, I shrug and give up on it for now. Maybe next time? I put all the stones in my basket. And now I'm covered in blood.

I spend a little bit of time thinking about how to get clean. And, nothing comes to mind. "Kinda wish I knew water magic." I think on that a bit. "Why can't I just learn it then?" I recall the petrichor feeling I had from when Sapph used magic in battle, and think back to the other sensations I've had using wind and light magic. "If its just about the sensation or visualization, I should be able to figure it out?" I gather mana in my hand, then call forth the feeling of an earthy scent. It takes several seconds, and I have to move more mana to my hand as it keeps trying to disperse, but eventually the mana changes properties, so I point my hand and the mana outwards and try shooting it away from myself. Which, doesn't actually cast a spell. But. . .

[Skill [Earth Magic] Acquired] [For gaining a magic skill without taking the requisite class, you have been granted the title [Magic Prodigy]] [Granting Prodigy bonus [Skill [Mana Preservation Field] Acquired]]

"Well. That's interesting. Why didn't my earlier magic skills count for that? Because I took them from monsters maybe?" I shake my head, then change tack. "Anyway, that proved that I can manage it, so now I just need to learn water magic." I gather magic in my hand, and first thing I notice, its dispersing much slower than before. Mana preservation is pretty good huh? Then I focus on the scent of the ocean, and the feeling of looking up through water, with how the light bends and bounces around as the water moves. Once again, it takes time, but eventually the mana changes. This time I keep hold of the mana until the skill appears. [Skill [Water Magic] Acquired]

The name of the first water spell pops into my head, going on the name. . . I walk away from the corpses a bit, then point my hand and the mana straight up. "Aqua shot!" A jet of water about as thick as a water bottle shoots up about twenty feet. Seems kinda weaker than Air Slash and Stone Shot. Better utility though? Then the water sluices back down and pours over me, washing most of the blood off. Since it only got most of the blood, I repeat the action, though while I'm casting again Sapph comes out and takes a quick shower in the falling water. "You didn't even get dirty though?"

She doesn't dignify my question with a response, and once the water stops falling she flies up a bit and shakes herself off. I shake my robe lightly, though it seems like it doesn't retain water at all, so I guess its fine. "I suppose I might as well try to get fire and dark magic too while I'm here." Just imagining heat doesn't seem to produce any result, but once I start thinking about the process of fire converting wood into ashes and heat it works pretty quickly. [Skill [Fire Magic] Acquired]

Next up, I visualize a dark room. Then I tone the darkness down and down until the small room I had imagined could be seen as an infinitely vast space.

[Skill [Dark Magic] Acquired] [For gaining all of the basic magic types you have been granted the title [Wizard] Which increases mana recovery rate]

"Well. Thats, gonna draw attention. Coming back with two more titles. . ." I decide to just move on. Following the magnetic energy of the marker deeper into the forest. Though, unusually, as I walk I start to feel a vague mana all around that grows stronger the deeper I go. The problem is, I can't match it to any of the mana types I know, or even quite make sense of the sensation it provides. It feels alive and oddly warm, and also triggers my Spiritual Perception. Trying to use Spiritual Perception with my eyes just shows a faint haze all around that doesn't look like any kind of spirit to me. And when I try to deliberately apply Spiritual Perception to the magic sense granted by Mana Perception they just interfere with each other instead of working together.

Sapph seems totally comfortable, and is even emitting a comforting feeling in response to my unease. So, trusting in her, I'll assume it won't be a problem. Though the sensation still keeps getting stronger the deeper we go.

After a while, two odd little creatures fly down from one of the trees. They look like fairies, but instead of arms they have fluffy wings. And they are a little bigger than Sapph. Scan.

Name: Race: Forrest Sprite
Level 10
HP 50/50
MP 150/150
SP 190/190
VP 50/50
Strength 5
Vitality 5
Agility 15
Wisdom 15
Racial Skills

Telepathy 3, Forrest Communion


Mana Control(External)3, Mana Control(Internal)3, Wind Magic 3

Sapph flies up to greet them when they get close, and I can feel happiness from her. Though whatever the Sprites are projecting, they aren't sharing it with me. After a bit, Sapph's feeling changes to confusion and irritation, then she flies back down and hugs my metal head. Then she makes a shooing motion at the Sprites, apparently not interested in whatever else they have to convey. They linger a moment, then fly away. I use Deep Scan as they fly away. [Forrest Sprite: A lesser spirit of nature, able to connect to and share feelings with plants]

"So, were those guys who we are supposed to negotiate with?" Considering the magnetic draw is still present, I'd guess thats not the case. But they're still pretty noteworthy. So I keep walking. Eventually I start to feel something spiritual focusing on me. Kinda like when the dungeon avatar used that beholder thing to look at me.

After that, I feel raw spiritual energy prodding at me, and even trying to pull at my spiritual body. "Whooooahhkay, buy a bot a drink before you try to take their vessel off maybe?!" I form a shell of spiritual energy around my spiritual body. The external spiritual energy flows over the shell a few moments then withdraws. And I shudder a few seconds at the invasive feeling, even after it has passed.

〈Our apologies, we have simply never seen a spirit that cages itself in metal〉 A fathomlessly deep voice echos in my mind. Now that is Telepathy. 〈Indeed〉 First my spirit and now my mind?! Is nothing private around here? 〈Is there any reason it would be?〉

"I'm, gonna talk out loud. PLEASE, only react to the things I mean to say." 〈As you wish〉 "Okay, thank you. So, are you one of the residents of the forest that I'm here to talk to?" 〈We are the forest〉 I spend a few seconds thinking on that. "Ah! Right. Marel said the Cycle of Evolution includes plants. So, you're plants that have evolved to the point of counting as one of the races?" 〈We are〉 My gaze moves to one of the largest trees I've seen since entering. Scan.

Name: Race: Wise Balm
Level 150
HP 6150/6150
MP 1500/1500
SP 1590/1590
VP 3080/3080
Strength 0
Vitality 308
Agility 0
Wisdom 150
Titles Ancient

Yep. Can't see the skills, and those numbers are ridiculous. I shake myself off lightly, then refocus on the tree. "Alright, well. I believe I'm here to negotiate for timber to build a workshop. But, now that I know I'm talking to a tree, I'm not sure what I can do to bargain for wood. And, thats a little weird in the first place."

〈You are talking to many trees. But worry not about harvesting wood. Any from among this forest will survive even when cut down, regrowing from the stump. Though we prefer you not cut down anything younger than a yearling tree. And we older trees are likely too difficult to cut in the first place. However, we would ask a price. Our normal deal is the remains of monsters to use as fertilizer, though in this moment we have another task that you could complete for us〉

"And, would this task be enough to gather all the wood I need for my workshop then?" I don't know how much I'll need, but if the task is important, and cutting Balm trees down doesn't harm them, then it should be fine.

〈Mmmmm. Perhaps?〉 They seem to hesitate, or perhaps commune among themselves? 〈So long as you need no more than one hundred trees, it will suffice, beyond that we will also ask for fertilizer to make up the difference〉

"Then, I suppose I'll accept. So long as it is something I can accomplish I will do it."

[Quest Completed: Negotiate with the residents of the Balm Forest]

〈The task we need you to complete is the culling of a young tree that has become a monster. It was over-fertilized, and far enough from our influence that we cannot suppress its desire to attack the other races who visit seeking wood〉

[Quest Started: Slay the Rogue Tree]


Whoa, somebody actually voted for Spirit Tamer? What a meanie. . . All joking aside, Spirit Tamer would have actually been a pretty good choice. It would have caused Anima to experiment with creating more spirits. And theres no other way to gain Spirit Binding. But as its score was still in the negative, its no longer an option for the future. As for the rest, Armor Master and Exorcist would have been great too, the mage classes were pointless filler, Magic Swordsman, also not great cause Anima is pretty close to landing on Mana Charge already from all the times they've put extra mana into their sword in a fight, Spirit Warrior, despite being an advanced class was actually a bit inferior to Exorcist. Cause Spirit Charge is more flexible than Spirit Sword. Though we'll get into that more later. Machine Smith, no need to even explain that. Lastly, I made a chapter Zero for Anima's status by chapter, should I publish it or is it enough just to use it for keeping track myself?