1: Reincarnation
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"Breaking News! Sightings of Guilty Reincarnateds are rising as of late, the officials say that the Terrorist Group named 'Freestone' are to blame for this. Planting multiple stones of guilt at the borders of walking continents to make smaller countries uneasy with the potential disasters that may occur."


A lizard of the same size as a small dog walks upon a deserted city, its greenish small body was slender along with three-fingered hands and three toed feet. It had a noticeably bigger head than what would be normal for its body, and with gold-colored eyes that were massive for its proportions.

This creature, was a Guilty Reincarnated. Beings who had committed heavy sins during their first life, now they are reborn with a body personally made by the world's system: Dreamstress.

They are weak at first, as they are supposedly easily killable so that they are easy to reap justice from. But, their potential were 'Inhuman'.

This one guilty reincarnated was named: Reinon, a twisting of its first name which was originally Ray. 

Reinon walked forward, its little hands and feet touching the cold concrete. A large creature then floated above it.

It had leathery human skin, maws similar to a leech's and its strong neck and torso made up almost all of its body. It had strong arms with sharp claws whilst a jet-like flesh organ had replaced its legs, using the jet organ to blow air similar to how a person would blow air with their nose allowing it to fly despite its size and weight.

This was similar to Reinon, it used to be human. Unlike a Guilty Reincarnated, this creature was a 'zombie'.

And tons more of these sentient corpses had littered the cities, they were capable of speech and human-level intelligence but had animalistic instincts. These zombies were the reason that most of humanity had removed themselves from the non-walking continents, to avoid being turned.

Luckily for Reinon, such sentient corpses had no interest in the little reptilian. Not when it was so insignificant.

So, Reinon explored the city unbothered by the gigantic sentient corpses and too big for vermin to consider eating. In fact, Reinon itself was eating the vermin, small critters were filling to its small stomach.

Though it was easy to get them aboveground, it couldn't dig them up with Reinon's weak arms. 

So, Reinon just enjoyed life. In its weak form, it was simple. Eat vermin, drink rainwater puddles and explore the city. Sometimes the sentient corpses would look at Reinon, but didn't do anything much besides observe it.

It was a purely animalistic and peaceful life, Reinon did its part. And as such, a reward was due.

After a long day, Reinon slept under a cave made by small rubble resting upon each other. Its big eyes slowly closed as it dozed off.


"Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! For the crime of murder you are set a life of weakness, but as your allotted time for execution has ran out. You have a chance... To dream..." A mouth with silver lips, obsidian teeth and platinum tongue spoke in front of Reinon.

This was a dream. Beings who are allowed to dream, have the capability to undergo constant metamorphosis. However, every being that dreams have different conditions to gain a dream.

Ultimately it all is decided by the world itself, the Dreamstress. 


Renny... Oh my dear boy...

I can hear your whimpers, but you...

I can't fix you...

That woman, she's complaining...

Stop talking... 

I can't hear Renny's whimpers....


Speak Renny...

Come on... 


I just bought you a new frisbee today... 


Why is your body so limp...

Come on, Renny...

This woman is so loud...

A revving too...

Ah, what did you say?

'If your mutt wasn't on the yard then I wouldn't have ran the bitch over! My car's messed up now!'

But... This is my yard...

Your car is on my yard....

Renny's blood is on your car...

Why did you hit him...?


You sound like alcohol...

Don't drink next time, miss... 


No, wait...

Why are you gurgling...?

I guess I'm choking you too hard...

I have to let go now...




I'm not letting go.




You whimper the same like Renny, miss.

Please, say Hi to Renny in Heaven for me... 


I can't stop myself, I am sorry miss...


Can you hear me...?




Miss, you're not breathing anymore...

You and Renny have a lot in common now.

Please pet him for me when you're up there.


My stomach hurts a lot...

Is that a knife...?

Sorry, Miss. 

It didn't work...

Oh, well...

I feel sleepy now...



"Murderer. Why do this?" Dreamstress asked.

Reinon looked at the mouth with an emotionless stare.

"What would you rather do? Kill her again or save him?" Dreamstress asked.

The Dreamstress showed two illusions in front of the reptilian. A human woman's disembodied neck and a headless doll of a dog, Reinon slowly approached both.

And with no hesitation, latched unto the woman's neck. Its unsharpened teeth struggling to slice the neck and its weak arms attempting to squeeze around the throat.

"No hesitation. You are a murderer, no doubt. As such, this one will remove from you the ability to ever dream as humanity. You are a monster, with your human skin peeled off. Enjoy your inhumanity, Reinon the Murderer." The Dreamstress announced.

The whole scape of the dream then changed.

"Dream on." The Dreamstress replied.

It was a simple dream, to have strength.

"Strength is a simple solution. And the simple solution to everything will always be Strength." The Dreamstress said.

Reinon felt its vision blur and turn dark. The dream was done.


With a size similar to a wolf, it got up. Its striking orange eyes were now a more prominent violet, its body was toned and muscular and its skin had become a different tone. Its muscles weren't massive but were strong enough to overpower normal humans.

As of this moment, Reinon had now become a threat. A threat to humanity.

Guilty Reincarnateds who have gotten the ability to dream like Reinon are walking small storms.

As all storms, if given enough time will grow into disastrous typhoons capable of destroying kingdoms.


(All the remaining part in the chapter will just be a flashback that will tell how the world came to be, it's lore about how the Dreamstress' World works.)


There were screams... They were loud and there were a lot of them. Some children too.

They screamed for help.

A Guilty Reincarnated, it had escaped its allotted execution time and gained the ability to dream.

At first, it was a living corpse. Similar to normal zombies from the movies humans would frequently watch, but soon it would morph itself. Stretching human limbs, repurposing organs and reconstructing bones. This Guilty being grew stronger and stronger as it had more encounters with humans.

It desired flesh, it was a Cannibal in its past life afterall. Then, that desire was pulled into a dream.

Now its bite could infect a corpse. Turning it into a zombie, then those zombies too as they had a momentary connection with the Guilty being had reformed their possessed flesh into what they desired.

A domino effect. As each corpse would bite another, and the other would bite another. Then another, another, another and another.

Within a century, 30% of all humanity had turned into the Guilty Being's children.

This was Vouthlow, a farcry from its human name: Vincent. 

The Infected Humanity.

Its actions have forced the remaining 70% of the human race to make a deal with the Dreamstress.

By using billions of dreams to consistently demand for refuge. The Dreamstress had erected the walking continents, they are mass pieces of lands that continuously move with eight gigantic legs made of metal which are unbreakable.

The price to pay was that the Dreamstress would be allowed to create a world library that has information about Earth, which is where the Dreamstress gets its reincarnateds and guilty reincarnateds from.

This seemed to be more of a blessing to humanity than curse, but it was placed on the surface of earth. Where the zombies and Vouthlow remained.

Nevertheless, the knowledge contained inside the books would always prove helpful to humanity when their so-called World Book Expeditions became successful.

Now, as the zombies have become a part of the ecosystems. Creatures who feasted on the deceased zombies would gradually gain 'Longing' which were a type of Dream that worked gradually within years unlike Dreams which take mere days or even seconds if the being was desperate enough to be applied.

Though there was an advantage that Longing had above Dreams. The results from Longings were hereditary.

As such, normal Iguanas became the so-called Dragons and Wyverns. Gaining a primal intelligence along with their scaled ginormous bodies. Elephants became sages of wisdom wielding great strength along with elemental magical abilities, and other creatures too have gotten similar improvements to their biologies. Others also have evolved in many ways.

Within the Dreamstress' World, the landscapes themselves were created from destruction, adaptation and reconstruction.

Whatever it was, the Dreamstress would welcome it all. 

Wake up.

Fun Fact: All Guilty Reincarnateds who have not received Redemption have rings in their eyes. Reinon's eyes keep its ringed pattern because it did not achieve Redemption and chose Inhumanity.