Volume 01 Chapter 10
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Afterward, I heard from the comprehensive guild leader, Mr. Barbossa, that the building next to the comprehensive guild branch where I forgot to reserve lodging was a lodging facility for those who couldn't reserve accommodations like me. Although it was originally supposed to be paid, as a token of gratitude for helping guild staff, I was allowed to stay for free.

"Phew... Today was quite eventful," I muttered, collapsing onto the bed wearing nothing but a T-shirt and pants. Despite taking a bath and drying my hair with a battery-operated dryer.

"It's my own body, but... why do I feel so flustered? Ugh..."

As the image of my body in the bath flashed through my mind, my face suddenly grew warm, and embarrassment washed over me.

"Ugh! Forget about it! Forget it all!" I scolded myself, shaking my head to the side before flopping onto the bed in distress.

"Argh! If I knew this would happen, I should have created a male character! Ugh..."

I groaned while curling up my body, then suddenly a communication alert pierced through my thoughts.


It's a communication. There's no one but God here. Oh, that startled me.

"Hello? God here! Phew, you got involved in some tough stuff on your first day of reincarnation, huh? It's a good thing the abilities I enhanced for you before reincarnation came in handy! ...But why are you blushing?" the voice of God chimed in.

"...It's nothing, but... I can't shake the feeling that you orchestrated today's events... Am I wrong?"

I glared at the screen displaying God, who replied with a chuckle.

"Too bad, but you're mistaken. You were just caught up in a coincidence."

...Is that really true?

"Anyway, there's something I need to tell you."

"Is there a problem?"

"Of course! I was watching over you... oh, I mean, I was in the middle of monitoring you, but then I had some business to attend to, so I left it to Melthinas-chan. She told me about it! Your way of washing your hair and body is sloppy, and your method of putting on a bra is strange, so I need you to be taught properly!"

Ouch, that's a painful criticism...

"Well, it's not something you need to worry about, right? Besides, didn't you say you were just observing?"

"No! If you do something like that in front of a girl, it'll seem suspicious, so you need to remember! Melthinas-chan will teach you about proper methods and the moral standards for girls, so make sure to learn them! And I didn't say I was observing!"

Uh... It's true that growing up as a man, it's easy to end up like this. But there are limits to using that as an excuse. I guess I'll have to learn properly...


"Good luck from tomorrow onwards!"

I feel like I have to throw away all my pride as a man...

"Now, let's get to the main topic!"

"Huh!? Wasn't that the main topic?"

What was all that until now? Was it just a joke?

"Actually, I connected this communication to thank you. Thanks for saving the guild president! He was an essential figure on this continent, so I can't imagine what would have happened if he had been gone... personally."

Duke Valdeck was indeed an important figure, as God mentioned. I'm glad I helped.

"Also, as a reward for your hard work, I'll give you 5000 points! And I'll explain about the Adventurers Guild, magical instruments, and radar. Plus, I have a special announcement for you!"

I'm most curious about the last one. In a bad way...

"First, I've given you 5000 points as a thank-you for saving the guild president."

"Oh, that's generous! Today, I only earned about 1000 points, so this helps."

"Alright, I've given you the 5000 points. Now, let me explain why it might be better not to join the Adventurers Guild."

"Yes, please."

"I apologize for not explaining this properly earlier. I'm sorry."

God clasped his hands in front of his face, wearing a 'please forgive me' expression. Well, it's not that big of a deal since I could figure it out quickly by asking people or gathering information... but oh well.

The Adventurer's Guild, you know? Many of them are rough types, and since there are virtually no regulations in the Adventurer's Guild, many resort to criminal activities. Moreover, there's little cohesion among the Adventurer's Guilds themselves, so outsiders often face significant backlash when they come around.

Furthermore, when entering towns or the capital, gatekeepers give you a hard time. Worse still, you might even be monitored for unjust reasons like being deemed dangerous. On the contrary, the Comprehensive Guild has solid rules and discipline, and it's better to register since it's widespread across the country. That's the gist of it.

Adventurers are treated as if they're either foul-mouthed troublemakers or a reserve force for criminals. It's kind of pitiful.

Adventurer guild registrants are often despicable people. They not only cause trouble in town, commit crimes, hike up request fees, or abandon clients and run off with the money if they can't handle opponents during escort missions, but they might even kill clients. So, if you end up with the same request as an Adventurer's Guild member, be cautious and never trust them.

They probably do anything for money without guaranteeing anything. That's what the Adventurer's Guild is, I guess.

Now, let's talk about the explanation of the Truth Crystal and the Magic Paper.

Oh, right, I wanted to know about that... Huh?

"Why does God know that I want to know about the radar and those two?"

"I heard it from Meltinas-chan! That you want to know about the radar and the Truth Crystal and Magic Paper. Yeah!"

"Is that so? Come to think of it, who is this Meltinas that God keeps mentioning?"

"She'll be the goddess supporting you from now on, so be nice to her. If I can't connect, contact her. I've added her to your friends list, so check it out."

I opened the friends list and quickly found Meltinas's name. Because there were only God and this Meltinas person on the friends list!!

"Indeed, there she is."

"All right, all right. Let's move on to the next explanation! To put it simply, the Truth Crystal is a handy item used for displaying people's stats and detecting lies, so it's widely used in various countries. As you just did, when you place your hand on the crystal, it shows your stats. And it turns red if you lie in response to a question. It's a handy item. Also, don't break the crystal. If you do, you'll have to compensate for about three houses' worth of money."


I don't understand the value, but three houses' worth! It's definitely expensive! I'll make sure not to break it!

Next is the Magic Paper. Originally, it's paper bundled to make a grimoire. Although you can use Magic Paper alone by drawing a magic circle and charging it with magic, its power is inferior to chanting, and it burns up after one use. Moreover, it's expensive, so its adoption rate is low. That's why Magic Stones that can be used multiple times are more widespread.

If it's expensive and can only be used once, there's no point in forcing yourself to use Magic Paper.

Just to clear up any misunderstanding, I'll also talk about teleportation magic. Teleportation magic isn't as versatile as you might think.

"Not versatile? So, you have to do something to teleport, right?"

"Yeah, you have to follow certain steps for teleportation magic to work. First, you have to create two magic circles, one at the destination and one where you are. Then, you have to stand on the magic circle and infuse it with magic, waiting for about fifteen to twenty seconds. For Magic Paper, you have to hold the paper while charging it with magic and remain still. If you step even an inch away from the magic circle, the teleportation magic will be canceled, and you'll have to start over. The same goes for Magic Paper."

Teleportation magic doesn't work like the teleportation magic in games. That's why they summoned monsters to stall for time back then. I finally understand why they made monsters fight us.

Also, as long as you don't erase the magic circle, you can use it as many times as you want and travel back and forth. But with Magic Paper, since it burns up, it's a one-way trip.

Now, sorry for interrupting your thoughts, but let's talk about the radar.

"Oh, yes!"

"I had my doubts about this too, so I did some digging. And what I found was quite surprising," I said.

"What did you find?" she inquired.

"The targets your radar picks up are monsters that pose a threat or show hostility towards you, as well as humans with similar intentions. It seems to also include individuals who intend to harm you," I explained.

"Huh? Doesn't that seem contradictory?"

"Aid-san mentioned holding a grudge against me for driving away adventurers, but..." I paused for a moment. "Indeed, that's the point. While he did harbor resentment towards you at that time, he didn't intend to harm you, let alone kill you."

"He did mention that, but he didn't seem to have any intentions of harming you," I clarified. "In fact, deep down, he was worried that your family might have already been killed or sold off as slaves somewhere. So, while he held a grudge, he didn't have any intentions of causing harm. By the way, you look pale, what's wrong?"

With my head still lowered, I began to address the heavens. "Oh, God... If one of the adventurers I repelled had returned to Gozes and informed Grubert, Aid-san's family might have been killed because of me."

If that had happened, I couldn't just brush it off with an 'I didn't know'. I might as well have said, 'I caused their deaths' or 'I killed Aid-san's family'.

"Huh? Is that all? You worried over nothing," she exclaimed.


"I mean, if I had made one mistake, then Aid-san..."

"Listen, Elraina-chan, remember what that smooth-talker said when his face was all beaten up? He said, 'After assassinating Valdeck, we'll take care of Aid-kun's family too.' So, if you hadn't met Aid-kun, despite his cooperation in Valdeck's assassination, he might have been killed on the spot, and then his wife and son could have been brutally murdered by the smooth-talker in the basement. It would've been a bad ending, as in a game."

Just the thought of Aid-san's family being brutally murdered in Gozes sent shivers down my spine.

"So, thanks to you, we got a happy ending in the end. No need to worry," she reassured me.

"All's well that ends well, is that what you're trying to say?" I questioned.

"Exactly. So, instead of worrying, just be careful not to let things turn out as bad as you imagined," she concluded.

Listening to her words, I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

"Thank you, God," I whispered.

"Yeah, I'm glad you understand. And now, for some important news!" she announced.

Oh, right! She did mention something like that, I completely forgot. But I have a bad feeling about this.

"Don't make that face! The news is... I can now assign you tasks!" she declared with enthusiasm. "Yay, applause!"

"What do you mean? Assigning me tasks?" I inquired, withholding my applause.

"Just what it sounds like. I got the green light from my superiors to assign you tasks," she explained.

"Oh...," I mumbled.

I don't like the sound of this. It feels like I'm being used.

"Don't look so displeased. One of the conditions is that I can't force you to do anything against your will. So, whether you take on the tasks or not is up to you. But if you successfully complete a task, you'll receive proper compensation," she elaborated.

Well, that doesn't sound too bad. If it's something I can't handle, I can just decline.

"Understood. However, if I find a task too challenging, I will decline," I stated.

"Yeah, that's fine. I don't plan on burdening you with impossible tasks. After all, if the person who's supposed to save the world dies, we'll be in trouble," she chuckled.

Hey, don't rely on me to save the world.

"I'll continue to support you from here. Also, you can communicate through your headset, so if anything happens, don't hesitate to contact me! Bye-bye!" she cheerfully signed off.

And just like that, the communication was cut off abruptly.

Wow, talk about being self-centered... Wait, isn't she a god?

"Ah, forget it... I'm going to bed," I muttered.

After saying so, I crawled into bed, closed my eyes, and soon drifted off to sleep, feeling exhausted from the events of the day.