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The world spun in dizzying circles as Karna's eyelids fluttered open. Blinking away the haze of slumber, he found himself lying on a sumptuous bed, the richly embroidered curtains drawn back to reveal the opulent chamber of what could only be a palace.

 Velvet curtains billowed softly in the gentle breeze that wafted through the open windows, and golden sunlight streamed in, casting a warm glow upon the intricately carved furniture and tapestries that adorned the chamber.

As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, a sense of disorientation washed over him. 

This wasn't the familiar comfort of his own bed, nor the bustling streets of Mumbai that he had known in his previous life.

Struggling to comprehend his situation, Karna rose from the bed and caught sight of his reflection in the ornate mirror.

A sudden pang shot through his head as he looked at himself—a handsome 10-year-old with long, black hero-like hair. His eyes, sharp like swords, held both innocence and royalty, captivating those who met his gaze. Standing a bit taller than his peers, he exuded a quiet confidence. 

"Is this me?"

Confusion seized him as he struggled to piece together the fragments of memory that flickered in his mind like elusive shadows.

"What!!! I have transmigrated."

Peering into his newly acquired memories, Karna attempted to make sense of the unfamiliar world enveloping him.

As he delved deeper into his memories, Karna made a startling realization.

"I haven't transmigrated," he mused to himself, the revelation dawning on him like a sudden epiphany.

"Or more accurately, I have reincarnated. In this body's memory, I never died, and there's no sense of discomfort or disharmony between this body and my soul."

"So, I had already reincarnated ten years ago but had my previous memories unlocked today," Karna mused, piecing together the puzzle of his existence.

He has reincarnated into Divine Armour Continent, becoming the crown prince of Agni Kingdom. 

Located in the southern region of the Divine Armour Continent, Agni Kingdom, also known as the Fire Kingdom, traces its lineage back to its illustrious founder, Sun.

Ten thousand years ago, Sun, armed with Level 1 Warrior power and an S rank talent, conquered the entire southern region of the continent, establishing Agni Kingdom as a formidable power that rivaled even the mighty empires of the central lands.

In its heyday, Agni Kingdom stood as one of the most powerful places, its influence stretching far and wide across the southern expanse. However, as millennia passed, the kingdom's power dwindled, and its once-mighty stature began to fade.

Now, Agni Kingdom exists as a shadow of its former self, a mere shadow of its former glory. Threatened by both internal strife and external adversaries, the kingdom teeters on the brink of collapse, its future uncertain in the face of mounting challenges and shifting alliances.

A year ago, Karna's father Aurelius Sunblaze, the former king had died in a mysterious battle, leaving the kingdom without a ruler and in even more turmoil.

Fortunately Karna's mother, Solara Sunblaze, had stepped forward to take control, guiding the kingdom through turbulent times with an iron will. 

After a turbulent year, the kingdom has stabilized under his mother's leadership. Tomorrow, on his tenth birthday, Karna's coronation is planned, making him the youngest king in the history.

"At least my starting point in this new world seems promising," Karna reflected. "I am a crown prince with a supportive family. Being the only son, there are no obstacles or contenders to complicate my path to becoming king."

His Father had only three children: himself, his elder sister, and his younger sister. Out of love and devotion for his mother, his father abstained from taking any concubines. As the only son, Karna stood as the uncontested heir and future king.

 His elder sister, Selene, was married off as a concubine to a distant kingdom, while his younger sister, Luna, who is only five years old, held a deep affection for her brother.

"I have a family," Karna mused as he delved into the memories of his newfound kin in this life.

In his previous existence, he had known the solitary existence of an orphan, yearning for familial bonds that remained elusive.

Now, thrust into a new world with a family by his side, Karna experienced a curious blend of emotions—strangeness mingled with comfort. As his past memories intertwined with his present reality, a sense of belonging began to take root within him.

In his former life, Karna had navigated the unforgiving streets alone, his intellect serving as his guiding light. Despite adversities, he excelled academically and professionally, earning a scholarship to the prestigious IITs and successfully graduating as a computer programmer. 

Reminiscing about his past, Karna couldn't shake the memories of being looked down upon, pitied, and dismissed. Each condescending glance and sympathetic gaze served as a reminder of his humble beginnings and the obstacles he faced.

As he died, he felt the world mocking his weaknesses once more, leaving behind unfulfilled dreams and aspirations.

Yet, even in death, a spark of determination remained within Karna's soul. Tomorrow, as he was to be crowned king, he saw an opportunity to realize his aspirations. The prospect of kingship ignited a fervent determination within him, driven by a newfound purpose to defy expectations and reshape the destiny of nations.

As he prepared to ascend the throne, Karna's heart swelled with determination. Tomorrow marked the beginning of a new chapter—a chapter where he would prove to the world that he was destined for greatness.

"King, huh... maybe I can give it a try," Karna murmured to himself, a hint of uncertainty mingling with the flicker of determination in his eyes.

As Karna eagerly awaited his coronation, he felt a surge of excitement beyond just becoming king. Tomorrow, he would unlock his hidden talent—a power awakened using the mysterious talent sphere. The idea of gaining this ability filled him with anticipation and wonder.

 In this world, individuals unlock their talents at the age of 10 using the talent sphere. Talents are classified into levels ranging from S+ to E-, with S+ being the highest and E- the lowest. While talents are mostly random, there are observable patterns.

For instance, highly talented parents often have highly talented children, and the characteristics of these talents are typically influenced by the parents' own talents.

Karna's father possesses a B+ talent called "Solar Support," which grants him the ability to harness and amplify solar energy to enhance his strength and abilities.

His mother, meanwhile, has a B- talent known as "Solar Shield," manifesting as a protective barrier of intense solar energy, capable of shielding her from physical and elemental harm, including enemy attacks and environmental hazards.

As a result of their parents' talents, Karna's older sister Selene inherits a B ranked talent called "Solar Fertility." This mesmerizing ability allows her to infuse the soil with the radiant energy of the sun, coaxing forth abundant growth and flourishing life.

Considering his parents' talents, Karna was certain he'd inherit a B-ranked sun-related talent, heightening his anticipation for tomorrow's coronation.

"Your Majesty, the Queen requests your presence for lunch," announced Steward Sebastian as he entered Karna's room. Karna, lost in his thoughts about his potential OP talent, was brought back to reality by the steward's interruption.

Recollecting his thoughts and memories, and striving to embody the demeanor of a ten-year-old royalty as best as he could, Karna responded,

"Of course, Uncle Seb. I'll join her right away," Karna replied with enthusiasm, his adult self finding the sudden shift back to a childlike demeanor somewhat peculiar.

As Steward Seb gone away karna tried his best to adjust his memories, personality and habits to match his previous owner.

"This feels so weird but good," Karna mused silently to himself as he prepared to meet his family.

"Let's meet my family," Karna exclaimed, genuine excitement lighting up his face. It wasn't an attempt to mimic the behavior of a ten-year-old; rather, his enthusiasm was entirely authentic.