Chapter 7 – Keep Walking
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The Lost Super-Hero

Chapter 7 - Keep Walking

Without a sky to gauge the time of day, Nolen used Romy’s internal calculators to time his rest. He would give himself 7 hours of rest until he recovered a little bit more, being sure to stay near the Magma River. He kept close to it but not too close since he was cautious of what might lurk beneath the bubbling molten flow.

He had no idea what time of day it was, so he had been resting for almost 7 hours. He woke up and stretched his arms, legs, and back. His body felt more refreshed after the long period of rest. He started putting on his armor and weapons and preparing for another day of exploration.

"Anything good happened when I was asleep?"

As Guardian Intelligence, Romy's task as an Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistant was to watch over Nolen. She continuously scans the area while repairing her systems and functions.

"Nothing much. I have been continuing to monitor the area and doing the repairs. The magma river is calm, and we are safe here."

"You think we'll be stuck here for the time being?"

"I don't know. This world is still new to us. It is strange, though, how this place is full of animals and plants that can withstand this environment. It's like those Earth literature you love to read."

Nolen thought for a moment.

"True, the novels and games I played on Earth were full of fantasy-like animals and plants that can withstand environments like this, from fantasy deserts and rainforests to tundra. Even life forms found by Solarai Exploration teams around the galaxy would have difficulty finding life forms like these. Life usually follows a set pattern. Still, here they are closer to fantasy." Nolen expressed and continued.

"It's an unexplored world. This is the first time anyone has surveyed or explored this place. It could be a significant discovery. Imagine the resources we could harvest from this world and the wealth we could generate. This world would be a valuable addition to the Commonwealth."

"That is possible. But first, we need to survive in this world. You must keep your survival first and foremost. That is your mission for now. Earth can wait until we find our way back." Romy reminded Nolen.

"Yes, yes, I know. My top priority is to survive in this world until we can return to Earth."

"Good, now let us head out. It's time to start another day of exploring this world."

"Let's go then."


While Nolen gathered materials, Romy scanned their surroundings as they journeyed through the harsh but wondrous land.

"So far, I can tell that this area is very barren. The land is volcanic and has lava rivers with different types of creatures living in the magma river."

Yes, that is good. I would hate to die from dehydration or suffocation in this environment, so let's put those as top priorities. This world is challenging, even for me."

Before Nolen was caught up in the hero summoning, he could draw upon an array of superhuman capabilities. He possesses exceptional physical attributes, including speed, agility, and reflexes. His body exhibits remarkable resilience, which offers enhanced durability. He even had energy manipulation skills, allowing him to project and manipulate energy for various purposes. He possesses the natural ability of flight, which enables him to navigate the skies gracefully. He is considered a superhero among superheroes back on Earth.

Now, however, he cannot fly and is still recovering his strength, making him vulnerable. Most of his abilities can manifest or are in a weakened state. He estimated it would take a few months to a year or more to get his full strength back without the help of external energy sources.

Nolen had to rely on the survival tools provided by his family. In Solarai society, nanites were a standard technology, and receiving them from one's father was customary. Before departing for Earth, Nolen's mother presented him with Andromeda, the most advanced Guardian Intelligence unit available in the Solarai Commonwealth. Nolen affectionately called her "Romy." He also received other resources, which he couldn't utilize now because they were all linked to Romy. The core systems are damaged during the summoning process.

"Well, we got here somehow, so why not explore this world more? Maybe I will find some items to help me survive in this place." Nolen expressed.

"Good point. Let's go then."

Nolen then continued walking.