Chapter 45 – Yohan
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"Hey, are you sure about this? You're going back to that place?" Rumi asked Yohan in confusion.

The two of them had spent the remainder of the day just running dungeons here and there while Yohan try to unlock and discover every capabilities of the Dark Sight. Now, the two of them are Level 3, even though it is a huge pain for the two of them to level up because of the significant reduce in EXP gain.

Now, with Yohan being a lot more proficient with it, wants to go back to that previous void-like place to uncover more secrets.

"Well, yeah, I have a lot more things to discover over there… Wanna go with me?"

"Eh? Can I?"

"Maybe, we never know. Besides, we can revive anyways…"

"Sigh… right…"

"All right, hold my hand."

Rumi stared at him for a second with doubt and then begrudgingly held his hand firmly.

"Let's go..." He smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, just go already..."

The same kind of rift as before then appeared in front of them…

Both of them took a deep breath and stepped into nothingness. As soon as they crossed over, the rift closed shut.

Rumi looked to her right where Yohan was supposed to be in. "Yohan? Are you there?" Rumi pulled her hand that was holding Yohan closer to her.

"Yeah, I'm here, can't you see me?"

"No, you're still on my right, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am… you're still holding me…"

"But why can't I see you?"

"I can see you, though?"

"Well I don't… Can you go nearer to me?"

"Sure…" Yohan moved his face closer, but it seems like Rumi still couldn't see him.

"Are you near? I still can't see you."

"I'm literally right in front of your face!"

"What the fuck is happening?!"

Suddenly, the sync rate of the two of them began rising, although Rumi's didn't move as much from 100%.

"Can you feel that?" Rumi asked.

"Yeah, and I can see these bastards well, unlike last time…" Ever since they entered this place, Yohan's Dark Sight has been automatically activated and no matter how he tries, he couldn't turn it off.

Although Rumi couldn't see it, Yohan could see the tens of shadowy beings surrounding them.

"These guys look like they're spirits…"

"Spirits? Really?"

"Yeah, they kinda look like it…"

"Are they… scary?"

"Not necessarily, but they do look a bit weird, to be honest."

The spirits advances forward inch by inch, scaring Yohan since he's the only one that can see them while Rumi remained oblivious.

"Should we escape? Hell, I don't know how to move from this place—" He suddenly thought of an idea. "The Dark Sight!"

With that realization, he manipulated the darkness, using it to move them away from the approaching spirits. He found out that by using shadow magic, one can move in every direction in this place.

"We're moving, aren't we? It feels like water, you know…? Moving through this place."

"Yup, it does feel like moving through water."

Yohan looked back and the spirits are also increasing their speed as the distance between them grew.

"Shit, what do they want? It is because we're strangers and don't belong here?"

Suddenly, they came to a halt.

"What the—!?"

"Yohan? Why did we stop?"

"I don't know…! Something's stopping us…!" He said calmly, although there's a hint of distress in his voice.

Yohan looked around vigorously and something caught his attention. A human shape is approaching them.

"The hell?"

"Why? Is there something?! You're making me nervous right here."

"You can't see it anyway. It doesn't matter whether I tell you or not…"

They then heard a man's gentle voice from the direction that Yohan saw that shape. "Who are you?"

Yohan scrutinized the man and was finally able to see his face. The man was very attractive in terms of looks. Possessing long, blonde hair, youthful face, and regal outfit. However, his eyes are closed for some reason.

However, despite this gentle way of speaking, Yohan summoned one of blades on his free hand and tightened his hold on Rumi.

"What do you want?" Yohan said in hostility.

"That is quite rude. You never answered my question, are you perhaps… intruders?"

"We're not, that's all I could say right now…"

The man raised a hand and suddenly, the spirits that are supposed to still be catching up to them are now surrounding them once again.

"What the hell?!" Yohan exclaimed.

He finally let go of Rumi's hand and summoned his other weapon. Rumi would not be floating away from him anyway.

"I'll ask you again.…"

"We're just—" His speech was interrupted when he heard Rumi shout.

"Y-Yohan! I'm getting damaged here!"

He quickly went towards her and grabbed her, she sighed in relief and said. "Damn you, don't let go of me!"

Out of curiosity, Yohan let go of her for a second then grabbed her again. "Did that do any damage?"

"Yeah, 1."

"Is it because of my skill? Maybe that's it…"

"Wait…" The man said, now with a stern voice. "Are you in possession of Dark Sight?"

Yohan hesitantly answered. "Y-yes…"

The man then finally opened his eyes, shocking Yohan.

"He also have it?!"

"I never expected Knoll to bestow another after the previous Vessel's death..."

"I'll answer your question! I am this Knoll's Vessel! I am here because I want to know more about this power. Let me ask too, are you also a Vessel?"

The man began slowly moving closer towards them. "A Vessel is an individual that is Knoll's agent outside the confines of this realm. Seeing that I am staying here, do I seem like a Vessel?"

"But you have the eyes…"

"This is merely for me to be able to navigate this place, nothing else, if anything, yours is more powerful than mine."

"But you were able to move the spirits instantly…"

"That was nothing compared to what yours could accomplish once you're used to them."

"I apologize for being hostile…" Yohan then bowed. "I mean no harm…"

"Hm… You're a curious one. Knoll loves Vessels with that trait." The man is now in front of Yohan, tapping on lightly on the shoulder.

"What's happening now, Yohan?" Rumi whispered.

"Just some guy, a caretaker of this place, I guess."


The man continued. "You said you wanted to learn more about that power, don't you?"


"I will teach you how to use it..." The man then looked at them and saw they're holding each others' hands, "But first, we can't have your lover in here. Send her away for the time being."

"The fuck?! Lover?!" Rumi shouted.

"No, no, we're not lovers. Just companions." Yohan said in a hurry, waving his hand in denial.

"Oh, are you not? That was… unfortunate... Anyway, send her away first. This realm harms those who are not attuned to its essence, the only reason he's not dead yet is because she's in contact with you."

"All right. But may we know your name first?"

"It is Hodr…"

Rumi then interrupted with an excited voice. "Hodr?! As in son of Odin?! Holy shit! We're meeting gods now?!"

"Haha…I'm fluttered, though I am merely a God-Kin. I am not a climber."

"All right, I'll send her out for the time being. You'll allow me to train here?"

"Yes, for as long as you want."

"All right. Rumi, I'll send you out first, I'll just learn for a bit then we'll grind that dungeon we found, got it?"

Rumi can't see Yohan but since he's holding here, she can feel where he should be. She raised her thumb up and smiled at him without seeing him and then Yohan opened a vortex beside her, gently pushing her through.

"All right. Teach me the fundamentals of this thing." Yohan cracked his knuckles.