Prologue: Breaking of a Seal
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"Hah, Hah, Hah, where am I?" I cried out as I ran through the dense and foggy forest, my voice that of a young girl's, echoing against the towering trees.

“Rose- sama, over here,” a familiar voice called out amidst the mist. It was Touya’s voice, resonating with urgency and concern. Despite the confusion swirling within me, I hastened towards the sound, my heart pounding in my chest.

Reaching Touya, his presence seemed both comforting and perplexing. His features appeared younger, his demeanor more formal than I remembered. "Nii-chan, what's going on? Why do you look like that? Why do I look and sound like a girl?" I blurted out, unable to contain my bewilderment.

Touya's expression faltered for a moment before he regained his composure, patting my head in a gesture of reassurance. "Rose-sama, I’m not sure what you mean, but we can talk to your mothers when we get out of this forest. Hold my hand and follow me. We need to hurry."

As we pressed forward, the air thickened with tension, and before we knew it, a menacing beast materialized before us. Touya, ever the protector, stood between me and the creature, facing it with unwavering resolve.

“Aghh!” Touya cried out as the beast launched its attack, sending him flying through the air before crashing to the ground.

"Nii-chan!" I screamed, tears welling in my eyes as I watched in horror.

“Run, Rose-sama!” Touya's voice pierced through the chaos, urging me to flee as he confronted the beast head-on. "You ugly monster, come and eat me, don’t you dare lay a claw on the princess!”

“Pri...princess...” Hearing myself being called that stirred something deep within me, awakening memories long forgotten. Memories of a life as a girl named Rose, of mothers who loved me, and of Touya, not as a brother, but as a devoted friend and blood servant, and something more.

In a moment of clarity, I embraced those memories, drawing upon them for strength and courage. "My name is Rose, and I am the Vampire princess! Don’t you dare lay a hand on my precious servant!" I declared, facing the beast with newfound determination.

But as I unleashed my power, a blinding light enveloped me, pulling me from the dream world back to reality.

I awoke in my room, tears streaming down my cheeks as I clung to the remnants of the dream. This room, once belonging to the boy named Himeko, now felt foreign yet strangely familiar. Memories flooded my mind, reminding me of the girl I once was, the girl named Rose.

A gentle hand wiped away my tears, and I opened my eyes to find Touya by my side. "I’m right here, Rose-sama," he said, his voice a soothing balm to my troubled soul.

"Nii-chan," I whispered, enveloping him in a tight embrace, seeking solace in his presence.

“Rose-sama, though I am enjoying the hug, I must ask that you loosen your grip a little,” Touya chuckled, his cheeks tinted with embarrassment.

Confusion clouded my mind as I released him, only to realize the changes to my body. "Touya, hentai!" I exclaimed, hastily covering myself with a blanket.

Touya laughed, teasing me as always. "So you're calling me Touya now? It seems your memories did return along with your original body." He gently pulled the covers away, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "Rose-sama, if you still want to call me Nii-chan, you are free to. Just know wether it is as your brother or something more, I will always be loyal to you. I know you are probably confused, but I am here to help and answer any questions you might have, but first about you see what you look like now.”

He gave me his hand helping me up out of the bed, before walking with me to the mirror, and what I saw was a beautiful girl, with long sliver hair, red glowing eyes, the two hills from earlier, and petite build with not to small but not to big hips. “Its how I always wanted to look as girl.” I said aloud as tears filled down my eyes once again. “So, I really became a vampire girl in the real world?” I yelled out happily with Touya showing a gentle and warm smile watching me jump for joy.

"You truly are beautiful, Rose-sama," he said, his voice filled with pride and affection.

Touya's words warmed my heart, but they also stirred a longing for answers. "So I really am a vampire?" I sought confirmation, still grappling with the reality of my newfound identity.

Touya nodded solemnly, his icy blue eyes reflecting a depth of understanding. "Yes, Rose-sama, and I am your blood servant. There's is a reason your memories and self was sealed." He began to explain, his voice steady yet tinged with sadness. "After the events in the woods, your powers became too overwhelming to control. Your mothers had no choice but to seal them away, transforming you into Himeko to keep you safe."

His words resonated with me, stirring fragments of memories long forgotten. "And you?" I asked, curiosity mingling with a growing sense of gratitude. "Why are you here?"

Touya's gaze softened, his expression filled with unwavering loyalty. "I was adopted into the same family to protect you, to be by your side when the seal inevitably broke."

A surge of emotion welled up inside me as I processed his words. "So, all this time..." I trailed off, overwhelmed by the weight of realization.

Touya nodded in affirmation, his presence a source of strength amidst the uncertainty. "Yes, Rose-sama. We've been together every step of the way, bound by fate and duty."

Gratitude swelled within me, mingling with newfound determination. "Thank you, Touya," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion.

(Prologue Fin~)

Author Notes: Hello everyone, long time no see, I am sorry for being away for so long, had to wait until I had the money to get a new keyboard, I hope you enjoyed the prologue, I know it is on the shorter side, but I promise next chapter will be longer, and introduce some of the family, and add more depth and details to Rose's and Touya's relationship. I am really excited for the scribblehub exclusive project. I hope you will join me for the ride. Bye-Bye~

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