Chapter 22
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Unaware of the advancing hour, Madara rose from his seat and followed the tantalizing scent of lunch wafting through their home, guiding him to the dining area. Upon arrival, he discovered his sister, just putting the finishing touches on their meal. Setting the food on the table, she noticed Madara standing there and warmly invited him to join her.

Midway through their meal, between bites of food, Xiao Yun broached the subject that had been on her mind.

"Madara, it seems you've made a decision about your path as a cultivator," Xiao Yun remarked, prompting him to pause. His attention shifted from his plate to hers. With a smile, he affirmed her observation.

"Yes, sister. Thanks to your guidance, I've finally settled on the kind of cultivator I aspire to become."

"Excellent," Xiao Yun responded, her expression reflecting satisfaction. "Because starting tomorrow, we'll resume our training with renewed focus."

After hearing Xiao Yun's remark, Madara simply nodded and resumed eating. Once they had finished lunch, Xiao Yun inquired if her brother had any other tasks planned for the day.

"Nothing specific, sister," Madara replied.

"Would you mind helping me with the household chores then?" she asked.

Madara didn't hesitate to agree. He understood the importance of assisting his sister and was grateful for all she had done for him. Together, they tackled the chores with efficiency and cooperation, making quick work of the tasks at hand.

Time seemed to slip away unnoticed, and before they knew it, evening had descended upon them. Xiao Yun took charge of preparing dinner, serving it up as they both settled down at the table, the day's work behind them.

After their meal, Xiao Yun advised him to retire early, emphasizing the importance of being well-rested for their upcoming training session. He followed her suggestion, entering his room and methodically tidying up his bed before settling in. However, as the night wore on, Madara found himself wrestling with an inexplicable restlessness.

"I can't sleep," he murmured softly, his words barely audible in the stillness of his room.

"The thought of becoming a full-fledged cultivator tomorrow is keeping me awake."

Recognizing the importance of being well-rested for peak performance during training, Madara made a deliberate attempt to quiet his mind and drift off to sleep.

The following morning, Madara rose early, beginning his day with a refreshing bath before donning his customary attire of black hanfu and shoes. Descending to the kitchen, he found breakfast already prepared for him by his thoughtful sister.

With a grateful nod, he quickly consumed his meal before making his way to their designated training area, ready to embark on the next stage of his cultivation journey.

As he arrived at the training area, he found Li Lu and his sister already waiting for him. With a nod of acknowledgment, he joined them. Xiao Yun wasted no time in directing them to sit cross-legged, a command they promptly obeyed. Directing her focus towards them, Xiao Yun posed the pivotal question.

"Now, what's your decision?" she inquired.

Li Lu spoke up first, declaring, "Big sister, I've decided to become a sword cultivator."

Xiao Yun turned to Madara, awaiting his response.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Madara drew in a deep breath before replying, "Sister, I've also chosen to become a sword cultivator."

Upon hearing their decisions, Xiao Yun nodded in approval, acknowledging their choices as they embarked on their shared path of cultivation.

"I won't ask you two why you chose to become sword cultivators," Xiao Yun remarked with a smile.

"Big sister, will you be our master?" Li Lu inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Not exactly like that," she clarified. "I'll simply teach you the basics of swordsmanship, such as how to infuse qi into your sword and cultivate sword intent. You can address me as sister or big sister. Now, what are we waiting for? Let's begin."

With eager anticipation, the two children rose from their seats. Xiao Yun retrieved two wooden swords from her storage ring and handed them to the youngsters, signaling the start of their training session.

"The first thing I will teach you is how to create sword qi."

"Begin your journey by cultivating your inner energy through meditation, and breathing exercises. This forms the foundation for condensing sword qi."

"Choose a serene location free from distractions where you can focus your mind entirely on the cultivation process."

Two children chose flat land near the waterfall.

"Sit or stand in a comfortable position and enter a meditative state by clearing your mind of distractions and focusing inward. And make sure you're in an on-guard stance." (She explained what an on-guard stance is.)

The two children stood apart from each other, holding the sword with both hands in an on-guard posture.

"Clear your mind of distractions and focus solely on the concept of sword qi. Imagine yourself surrounded by a swirling vortex of energy, representing the potential for sword qi."

"Begin to circulate your internal energy (qi) throughout your body. Visualize this energy gathering at your dantian, the energy center located in your lower abdomen."

"Cultivate a strong intent or willpower directed towards the formation of sword qi. This intent is crucial in shaping the energy to align with the qualities of a sword."

"Focus on condensing the circulating qi into a concentrated form. Visualize this energy taking on the form of a sharp, gleaming blade, pulsating with power."

"Maintain a calm and focused emotional state throughout the process. Emotions like anger or fear can disrupt the flow of energy and hinder the formation of sword qi."

The two children followed Xiao Yun's instructions diligently, and after three days of dedicated practice, their efforts bore fruit.

The following morning, Xiao Yun approached them to assess their progress. "Let me see the result of your training," she requested.

Without hesitation, the two adjusted their stance, grasping their wooden swords firmly in both hands as they assumed an on-guard position.

Li Lu emitted a faint blue qi around her wooden sword, while Madara mirrored her, enveloping his wooden sword in a shimmering silver aura.

"Excellent," praised Xiao Yun. "Next, we'll work on releasing sword qi while incorporating sword skills."

Xiao Yun crafted a training dummy from gathered leaves and wood, shaping it into a human form. And she retrieved a book from her storage ring and handed it to the two children.

When they received the book titled "Basic Sword Skills," they eagerly examined the cover page, which detailed its contents.

The first page outlined "Cutting Techniques," explaining a variety of motions, including slashes, cuts, and chops, typically directed at an opponent's limbs or neck.

"Watch closely what I'm about to do, okay?" Xiao Yun instructed.

The two children nodded, their gaze fixed on her movements as she began the demonstration. With practiced precision, she unleashed the sword qi from her steel blade and executed a vertical slash on the dummy, resulting in a noticeable cut on its arm.

The children watched in amazement at the display of skill. Observing their reaction, Xiao Yun couldn't help but smile.

"You can achieve that if your cutting technique is in the foundation stage," Xiao Yun explained.

"Foundation stage?" both children inquired.

"Yes, every technique has stages of progression, which include the initial, foundation, intermediate, advanced, and perfection stages."

"But sister, how do we know if the technique we're practicing is progressing?" Madara asked.

"You might experience moments where you gain new insights or understand your technique better, indicating increased mastery."

"Each technique also has a guide written for it, so make sure you memorize what's written in the book, okay?"

The two children agreed, and after a few minutes of memorization, Xiao Yun guided them to perform the cutting technique while releasing their sword qi.

"Practice sword techniques regularly to enhance your connection with the sword and its essence. Each strike and movement should be infused with your intent to manifest sword qi."

"Coordinate your breathing with your movements and energy circulation. Inhale deeply to draw in cosmic energy, and exhale forcefully to release any impurities and refine the sword qi."

"When you feel the sword qi has reached its peak intensity, release it with a decisive strike or gesture. Visualize the energy extending outward like a sharp blade, capable of cutting through obstacles and adversaries."

"Continuously practice and refine your technique. Mastery over sword qi requires dedication, persistence, and a deep understanding of your own cultivation path."

As the training session drew to a close, dusk was settling in. Xiao Yun advised the two to take a brief rest before returning to their respective homes. The following morning, the two children resumed their training, dedicating themselves to the practice. After three days of consistent effort, they successfully reached the initial stage of the cutting technique.

However, amidst their sword training, they didn't neglect their cultivation of nature affinity. With each passing day, they observed gradual changes in their affinity.

After a month of dedicated practice, significant progress was evident in the children's cultivation of their nature affinities. Li Lu gradually transformed the water element she released into clear, pristine water, showcasing her growing mastery over it. Likewise, Madara's wood element manifested as a larger and more intricate bonsai compared to its initial form.

His fire elements blazed with a vivid red hue, indicating their increasing intensity and potency. Furthermore, his lightning elements surged with newfound power, each release tinged with a vibrant yellow hue, signifying their heightened energy.

After this month of intensive training and cultivation, the children marveled at the remarkable advancements they had achieved.


That morning, the two children vigorously slashed at the training dummy, applying the technique they had first learned—using a wooden sword while infusing it with their sword qi. Before long, they succeeded in severing one arm of the dummy, clearly signaling their attainment of the foundation stage of the cutting technique. As she observed their progress, the lady watching them from behind spoke up.

"Well done. Now, show me your nature affinity."

Promptly following the lady's instructions, the two children proceeded to demonstrate their respective nature affinities.

The young girl was the first to release her qi. Over the past month, she has honed her control over its release. Previously, the aura surrounding her had been thick, but now only a thin blue qi emanated from her.

Through diligent training, she had mastered the ability to channel her qi not just throughout her body but also to release it at any specific point. With practiced ease, she directed her qi into her palm, forming a circular, clear water.

Similarly, the young boy had made remarkable progress over the course of the month. He could now summon a natural wooden pillar from his hand, conjure thick, blazing fire on his palm, and produce multiple yellow lightnings that emerged from his hand.

Observing the progress in the two children's nature affinity, the lady smiled, recognizing it as a sign of the perfection stage of their nature affinity release.

"Madara, Li Lu, you both impress me with your progress," she remarked.

"If not for you, sister, we wouldn't be able to achieve this," Madara acknowledged gratefully.

"I agree with what Madara said, big sister," added Li Lu.

They spoke while sitting cross-legged, taking a moment to rest. In a lull of silence, Madara turned to his sister with a question.

"Sister, what will happen when we reach the perfection stage of each technique in the book 'Basic Sword Skills'?"

"You'll achieve the basic sword intent," Xiao Yun explained.

"And sister, besides sword technique, is there any other technique we can learn?" Madara inquired.

"Yes, there is; it's using your nature affinity as a technique. But I don't have it for now, and I'll find a way to have it," Xiao Yun responded determinedly.

"Okay, it's getting pretty late now, so let's wrap things up and head home," she concluded, signaling the end of their training session.

Following Xiao Yun's instructions, the two children promptly headed home. Later that evening, Madara and Xiao Yun shared dinner together. After finishing their meal, Madara retreated to his room to rest. As he lay down, thoughts of his sister's lack of a technique matching their nature affinity occupied his mind. Suddenly, techniques from the Narutoverse came to mind.

"Ah, I remember now; I had techniques from the Narutoverse," Madara recalled.

Contemplating which technique would suit him best, he pondered, "Hmm. Which one would be the right fit for me?"




While he pondered that night, in the northwest of Jiandan Village, two figures stood under a tree, quietly observing the village from a distance.

"Are you sure the map doesn't show this village?" he asked his companion.

"Yes, I'm sure," came the confident response.

"Let's go and report this," he decided.

With that, they vanished from their vantage point, leaving no trace behind.