Chapter 48 – Ugong
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"All righty!" Ugong shouted and immediately dashed forward.

"Seriously…" Zero grumbled as the two of them also continued forward.

He hurled quite a few thunderbolts towards Ugong but as he expected, they had no effects whatsoever as Ugong simply brushes them away with his staff before they hit.

The three of them meet and a barrage of kicks and punches were thrown towards Ugong, who was quite capable of parrying, dodging and even counterattacking them with his staff.

"Tsk! This staff art is a pain in the ass!" Zero seethed in anger.

"Is that so?!" Ugong replied with a smile all while they continued exchanging attacks.

Just on time, Marcus halted Ugong's movements once again. Using the opportunity, Zero grab hold of the other end of the staff and sent out large volumes of lightning through it, zapping Ugong who remained steadfast and didn't let go of his staff.

Andres also quickly followed up with a flurry of strikes and then blasted Ugong away with a point-blank energy blast at his face.

While Ugong remained mid-air from being blown away. Marcus' telekinesis brought him crashing towards the ground.

"Damn this power…!" Ugong grinded his teeth in annoyance.


"What the…" A large spike made out of flesh had bursted out from the ground, piercing through Ugong's abdomen.

Suddenly, a metal orb floated above Ugong and using that, Andres appeared from there by using Shunpo and Zero followed by using his lightning to move faster, since Shunpo cannot be used on others.

Ugong began flailing around to break free from this but multiple crimson tendrils appeared from down below to help restrain him.

"Hurry! He'll break free at this rate!" Marcus shouted while he flies by a safe distance away from Ugong.

Andres came up towards Ugong with one of his arms in its mechanized version, facing his palm towards him to blast him at any time.

"Join us."

"I told you, didn't I? Bring me to the brink of death first!"

"So be it..."

Suddenly, Ugong snapped his fingers. Knowing what this action entails, Andres quickly teleported away to Marcus' side, leaving Zero to be stuck in time once again.

Using this brief moment, Ugong quickly broke free from his restraints. Because of the chaos of the collapsed atmospheric mana, Marcus' telekinesis held no effect within that zone, leading to Ugong being able to quite easily and quick in doing so.

He quickly got up and pointed his staff towards Zero's chest. He pulled back and as soon as time resumed, using all his might, rammed his staff through it, piercing through the other side.

Watching this unfold, Marcus grinded his teeth in anger. "Dammit…! We felt no sign of it!"

"He may have used an Oath."

"Fuck, I guess that's what he did."

Ugong then kicked Zero away and pulled out his staff from his pierced shoulder.

He looked at them with a smug. "No worries! He's not dead!" He then presented Zero. Who despite looking like he died, was actually just unconscious from receiving such an attack.

"Ugh this guy…" Marcus groaned.

Ugong dashed towards them at a blinding speed and swung his staff towards Andres who simply stared at him coldly.

"You won't dodge?!"

But before it landed, Marcus stopped solely his staff's momentum because of the force it possess, allowing him to still throw a punch forward.

"Huh?!" Ugong exclaimed internally as Andres casually parried his punch and then sending one back.

With his staff still being held by Marcus and he wasn't able to tug it away, he decided to let it go and fought Andres in hand to hand combat.

"Dammit! This guy's technique is too good!"

As soon as the battle entered this phase, Ugong was immediately and utterly outclassed. He couldn't land even a single hit! As each strike of his were immediately block and parried with counterattacks flying back each time he attempted to hit.

"Damn this!" Ugong threw a straight punch which was casually brushed away by Andres and replied with an uppercut towards his jaw.

Ugong blacked out for a second before coming back from it and immediately eyed Andres. This time, he disregarded how he will punch, he simply infused a considerable amount of mana into his fists and blindly let go of his punches. However, each of these punches are enough to do pretty serious damage should they land.

Andres remained unfazed as he methodically dodges left and right, even casually speaking towards Ugong. "You don't seem the strongest when fighting you like this... Even I could dog walk you pretty easily."

"Shut up!" Ugong continued his wild barrage of punches but still, none hit.

"You rely too much on your inherited powers... But who am I to say that?" After completely overpowering Ugong, he swept his feet and slammed him onto the ground with spikes already awaiting for him.


A puddle of blood immediately formed around Ugong but disregarding the pain, he gritted his teeth and clasped his hands together.

The ground beneath them split up and rose, slamming together in an attempt to crush the two of them.


That same earth then crumbled down and Ugong walked out of the rubble completely healed up.

"That guy teleported away again... So annoying…"

Andres then materialized in front of him. "What? Missed me already?"

"Ha! As if."

Andres suddenly disappeared from his sight but he already knows and was prepared on what to do with this.

"One Vision!"

At that moment of him snapping his fingers, Andres appeared behind him, but it was already too late! Andres was caught in it.

Ugong immediately filled his right fist with the most mana it could hold and as soon as the time stop wore off, he landed a hit square on Andres' chest.

Andres spat a lot of blood as soon as the impact landed and then flew far away from Ugong. Bringing down trees along his trajectory and crashing forcefully on rocks.

Ugong then looked towards Marcus who was holding his staff securely while hovering high above and looking down on him with a calm expression. He pointed at him and showed a crazed smile. "You're next! Old pal!"