The Djin and The Spirit
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New beginnings are afoot. A journey, wondrous and beautiful, yet horrific and saddening. This existence of ours. That's what it is.

A bright light, flashing through imagery unbounded.

Pure “Null” of Pure “Levelling”, static in a strange state of “Flux”.

《In the Very Beginning…》 《There was the All-and-None. The Greatest State.》

A great cry roars out and a great command sounds, and results a bright light, permeating out from within and looking over from within the Pure Null.

《But, a Point “occurred”, causing The Great Fission.》 《From which the Greatest Pure States were procreated.》

Within The Light, were places. Places of what could only be described as “existences”.

《Worlds formed within The Light. Worlds of modal logic, worlds of wholeness…》 《And from here, “tales” would form…》


Within view, a small planet, pink clouds flowing above its surface, one of reddish fluids and lush green lands. Its star shines behind it brightly, giving life and light to its satellite world.

《A world mid-rotation, another day cycle for the Bū planet of the Drabol-5 Universe's first timeline, within the Drabol Multiverse, while the world's mother star shines brightly at its edge. Positioned as a part of the greater archversal existence, a "hair" of all existence. Unbeknownst to the great majority, this planet of seeming normalcy would kickstart the even greater events, forever to be etched.》

"What's it this time?" "He's a helpful kid, but he really is peculiar…"

《A small town in the Daimon District.》

Two residents, of a humanoid species, named the Djin, possessing notable horns of differing appearances and variety in body shapes and skin coloration, clothed, conversed with each other as they looked skywards, within the streets of what looked to be a buzzing small town, with structures of bizarre shapes, brick roads and many kiosks.

《The Djin race. Of well-accounted physical features of pure black sclera, varying horns and skin colorations of red, pink, turquoise and grey.》

Behind them, a crowd began to form, muttering and chatting about what seemed to focus attention on. "Hey, kid! What's the aim this time?"

《For many a-thing, they are lauded. Magic. Life essence. An “inherent maliciousness”. Regardless…》

“Don't worry, nothing too big,” responded a young Djin with a high and slightly raspy voice and a smile that displayed his slightly prominent canines. One of dulled pink coloration, with a duller four slightly thick curved horns like a goat's, slicked back over his head, round black eyes with rare shining golden irides, a circular face, hairless but defined brows, hemispheriodic pointed muffs with darkened outer sides for ears, and no true nose. Of average stature for his species, though below the human standard. With a compact frame with decent muscularity, interconnected spirals across the length of his upper chest up to each shoulder joint, tiny pores across the length of the outer sides of his arms, nails blacken, and donning white harem pants with a black waistband which had a golden plate at its front, combined with black boots and bands on his wrists and right upper arm, the former with yellow soles and the latter outlined with yellow threads. Perched atop a tree, he moved his hands as if in artisan fashion. "Jus~t setting up a little something for today's visitor."

《Djin Probacon. Pure Djin. Age 16.》

“The Bosobo…? Seriously…let me guess, you've been planning this for years?” One other Djin asked. “Yup-yup!” Probacon whistled, leaping down to the surface with an exquisite curled somersault. All the while another ran towards the crowd.

“I did what you asked…,” said the aforementioned Djin, with red coloration, red irides and outward curving horns in a simple shirt and pants combination. He panted heavily, as if drained from the prior exertion, placing his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Probacon meanwhile, landed onto the floor with a flair.

“Great~!” Probacon answered him with a devilish grin.

He then turned to the crowd and gestured at them. “Alright, folks! You guys can do the usuals while I deal with Big Angry.”

Probacon zipped off towards another spot. “Should you really be challenging that thing?” Someone yelled from the crowd.

《A Bosobo,..》

A shadowy visage of near-inaccurate portrayal. Only imagery of features of a hairy behemoth with a trunk, a mane, curved spikes on its back, tiger paws for forelimbs and horse hooves for hindlimbs, a round fluffy tail, and eyes filled with apathy could be used to describe its nature.

《An ancient creature as grand as mansions. A beast which awoke once every twenty years to ravage the folk of this one town. Upon noticing its appeasal after eating its fill, the townsfolk prepared in advance for its next rampage by storing as much food as possible to feed the creature, which they also did this year as well.》

The young Probacon smiled in anticipation as he charged through town, acting to provide aid as he always had, and to prove his capabilities, decided to test what he could do against it. He could almost taste the beast's destructiveness.

“It's here!”

The monster had appeared in the far distance, roaring tremendously, headed to the usual site of food storage, an area a great distance from the town.

Probacon looked to the beast, taking immediate note of it, its size and speed.

He made haste, and with an incredible rapidity, quickly sprinted over to the site.

The monster had now reached the site, preparing to feast on all the delicacies before it.

But as it stuck its jaw into the gargantuan heap, each piece of food suddenly vanished, catching the beast off-guard.

Phwwwwwhht!,” whistled something, drawing the Bosobo's attention to itself.

“Oh, so you too hate when food's taken from ya unjustly, huh? Welp, nothing a little magic can't fix…”

"Sorry, big guy, but no more free food this year, or any other from now on!,” said Probacon with a grin, retorting at the beast as he rested his back on a tree.

GRAAAR!!!” The Bosobo roared thunderously, swiftly swinging a claw at Probacon, who it deemed a threat.

Probacon however, would quickly duck the claw, compressing his body in an amorphous manner, prepared to kickstart his own offence.

Springing from his compressed position, he'd constantly zip around the beast in mannerisms similar to a fly, occasionally striking it with punches and kicks coated in a sort of energy. But as the Bosobo was a durable creature, being able to withstand explosions from multiple nuclear weapons all at once, Probacon's momentary force was but a great insignificance.

The beast retaliated, sending Probacon flying a good “half a mile” backwards through a nearby forest with a swipe of its left forelimb, devastating the surroundings as well.

"Ouch!" Probacon exclaimed as he crashed onto a tree. The attack had formed a bruise on his chest, but he ignored it due to its nature.

And in a brief moment, the bruise quickly closed up.

The beast continued its onslaught, lifting up its trunk and opening its mouth from which it charged up a great amount of energy in a spherical shape.


The Bosobo released the energy in beam form whilst aiming it at Probacon.

But with his aforementioned speed, he managed to hurl himself away from the point of target, causing the attack to hit only the nearby trees. The spot was devastated by the consecutive explosion of the blast, sending debris of wood and dirt flying all about.

"If that's how you wanna play it…"

Probacon placed his right hand before himself, his palm completely opened. And using magic, he slowly created a thin-bladed katana with a wider tip out of thin air, with a black, white and yellow hilt and a bacon-like guard that hooked downwards.

And with a sturdy grip, He quickly grasped the weapon's hilt in his hand.

~Insect Style: Buzz Stinger!~. In a burst of speed, he thrusted the sword into the beast's forelimb.

It seemed to be ineffective, and the Bosobo casually flicked both Probacon and the sword away.

It turned towards him, once again preparing to attack the young Djin…

All of a sudden, it groaned in pain, as its veins began popping out with a purplish hue,  and its eyes nearly seemed to pop out as well.

"Huh. Was expecting a bigg’un like you to resist poison far more easily…” Probacon said as he sat up into a more casual posture, and the beast started to stumble about and spew out blood.

In a vain attempt, the Bosobo tried to muster its strength and attempted to release its energy blast.

It was, however, unable to achieve this, as the poison's spread became far too great.

"Seeing how tough you are, that one strike isn't enough…so I'll use a greater technique!”

~Insect Style: Compound Eye!!~ Probacon with his speed proceeded to brutally stab the Bosobo in multiple vital spots at once, instantly killing it.

The Bosobo fell to the floor with a powerful thud, as Probacan let out a huge sigh, both of relief and exertion.

Cheers began to echo from the edges of town, which he himself promptly heard.

And in a smidge of self-satisfaction, he smiled a little.

He began heading back.

As he did so, he felt the presence of many watching him as he passed through the great forest.

Out came the various creatures of the land, hiding from and affected by the battle.

Probacon swiftly began to use his speed to help them in various ways.

"Don't worry guys. That oversized wildebeest won't be back ever again." He said, helping a bizarre chick back to its nest and to its mother.

"Bye!" He said with a salute, zipping away as the animals made various sounds in their show of gratitude.

In the town, his deed sparked conversation. "The boy actually did it!” "He's a natural!" "Amazing!" “Is his mother nearby?!”

“We should host a celebratory festival!” “I concur!!!

Probacon finally raced into town, rained on with praise.

"To Pro, the one who can do it all!

"Thanks, but I just did it 'cause of the story's of that thing's nuisance (can't have that). And it seemed like prime testing for me."

"Same as always with you. Even if you say that, our words remain genuine, young man,” gleefully said an elder Djin, plump and round with grey coloration, closed eyes and two straight horns pointed upwards, wearing a green robe and multicoloured metal headdress, with his hands placed into the opposite sleeves of the robe.

"...Thanks." Probacon said softly "Hey, Pro-boy, here comes your mother."

"Pro…,” said a female Djin in a gentle feminine tone, sharing many facial similarities with Probacon, slightly shorter, red-irised, with a horn that coiled up, wearing a grey sleeveless dress with fringes at the base, and an orange cloth placed over her shoulders and tied at the meeting point of where her collarbone would be.

《Alrea Blade. Probacon's mother. Age 320.》

"Whatcha think?” He asked hands akimbo and with confident brevity, and she proceeded to chuckle at his statement.

"You're becoming a fine man, my son. I'm very proud, and so are many others here."

"Well, I'm glad to have gotten such opportunities in my life…” 

“...But the real deal is whenever that party starts. I'm starving. Then again, such a feat takes a huge load of energy from you. Either that or it fed off my lunch psychically, which wow, no surprise…that thing puts the ‘ton’ in gluttony!"

Many of the townsfolk roared in laughter, for his funny quips were a thing of common occurrence. 

Nevertheless, the preparations for the celebration began.

And was it an enjoyable one, full of food, dance and memory making.

As the young Djin himself would say, "QUITE the fiesta!"


Some hours later, the event had ended and Djins headed to their residences.

《A few hours later.》

Oof!” Probacon grunted with a slump onto the lounge chair in his house's main room. "Pro, remember to do that thing tomorrow, alright?" Alrea asks as he did so, carrying a pile of material in her arms.

"Yeah, mom. It's not too hard, after  all…,” He responded with not a care in his voice, flinging his right hand nonchalantly. “That response...”

“You think it's a ‘needless’ one. It's not. And I know you love doing these things, and I admire you for that. But the end goal is…?,” she asked him

"Hmmm….don't know, honestly. Guess, maybe with this, I can discover the path."

"One like your father's?" "Maybe…" He responded with a hint of aversion, glancing with only his widened eyes away from her direction.

The short exchange drew an air of awkward silence.

"He was…a good person…" She stated in a tired tone. “I know." He quickly responded as he sat up.

"Yes, but…I feel…should you be trying this hard to emulate him?" She said, facing away from him.

Probacon looked at her, his eyes filled with worry and mouth squenched in discomfort.

He sighed as he responded. "Well, I wouldn't know. I was barely a year old when he was ‘taken’, wasn't I? And for a good cause too. Maybe that's why. Maybe I'm drawn by that, to find something even bigger. He sounded amazing, and replicating him doesn't sound too bad. Even if just a little, y'know?"

Alrea proceeded to sigh, finally putting down on a stool the material she was carrying.

She looked at her son with a distraught face, wondering of the fate of this path, the nature of its journey, and its final destination, amongst other things of the past.

Jin…, She thought, recalling the name of her lost love.

"I can't do much for your decisions, but I can give advice and support, because that will always be my role in your life." She said to him with eyes gleaming with hope.

"Thanks. I'm going out for a bit.” “Oh…okay…”

He would proceed to go outside of their silo-shaped red-and-green home, closing the door behind him in concurrence.

He took a seat in the nearby field of short, swaying grass, staring into the night sky with blades of grass in his grasp.

With magic, he transmuted the blades into red-and-white striped candy canes.

He kicked back and laid down, staring at the constellations, noting once again their patterns. Forming some of his own amongst the innumerable count, most notably one in a fluffy shape akin to cotton candy.

He looked at meteors and comets motioning across the night sky, the twinkling stars, constellations and nebulae, entering a deep thought with a candy cane sticking from his mouth, reflecting himself unto the imagery.

《Dreaming of a greater role far beyond. And yet…》

I wonder, maybe my cause is somewhere beyond here…


He enters memoirs of old. Events in the time of his quinquennial years. Going around town as he fiddled with his hands, recalling a conversation he and his mother had as she carried out tasks. “Mom…”

《Still saddled on memories from yesteryears.》

"Yes, my dear?" She replied, engrossed with the plates which she cleaned. "What was Pop like?"

She stopped washing the dishes with a final swipe of the sponge in her hand.

With a steady motion, she slowly placed them down. "Your father was…”

“A good person. Always willing to help, always sacrificing. He was someone who just wanted to do good. Nothing more, nothing less. No matter the cost. He believed that everyone had a good cause. Something that made them destined to be able to choose to do good, regardless of anything else. That's the kind of man he was, and one of the reasons I fell in love with him."

The words resonated with him, and he contemplated them with closed eyes. Doing…good…

KYAAA!!” A sudden scream echoed, gaining young Probacon's immediate attention. 

He looked to his side to see a group of Djins suddenly gather on a bridge that was surrounded by buildings on either side. In their midst, a young Djin girl slightly younger than him reached out towards a river under a bridge.

"Help! Mr. Blumi fell into the river! He can't swim. Someone help!" She shouted with tears in her eyes, talking about her pet. It was a strange looking canine, which was visibly being overwhelmed by the river's current, and blatantly noticeable fear in its eyes.

"That river is the fastest moving in these parts. No way anyone who's not a high level swimmer can navigate it!" "B-but…Mr. Blumi…"

"Sorry little one, we can't do much." "He's all that's left for me now. Please someone-"

Without a second of thought, Probacon bolted past the crowd and jumped into the river, much to the shock of everyone. 

"Hey, is that kid crazy!?" "He's gonna get himself killed!"

But as he traversed the current, their words mattered little to him at that moment. He only cared about only one thing: Doing good.

The little girl stared at his act in awe and joy.

He swam and swam, seeming to disregard even his own limitations.

He kept on going, managing to navigate all the turbulent currents with pure will and instinct.

And even as it seemed the animal would be going faster, he didn't relent, pushing closer until he reached his objective.

And through sheer will and adrenaline, reached and saved the animal, and grabbed onto a low-hanging branch from a nearby tree.

The branch broke, compelled to by the sheer force from the river's current.

But in a sharp action, he grabbed the tree's trunk by extending one of his horns.

He would eventually pull himself and the animal out, bending over and gasping for air. "Stupid kid! Are you crazy!?,” shouted an individual as a crowd raced to him

"You would've died. And in idiotic fashion as well." "Why jump headfirst into a turbulent river to save a simple pet?"

"BECAUSE–!” Probacon shouted at the top of his lungs, pushing his head forward, and gaining the attention of the gatherers. 

"Because she said, he was all she had left. She's lonely enough, this would just worsen her situation. It wouldn't be...a good thing to do."

He walked towards the girl with her pet in hand. "Here you go. He's a little wet, but nothing a towel can't fix."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" She said with tears welling up, taking the creature in her arms. "I didn't know what to do. It seemed hopeless, but you came in and helped me. I know I can't say it enough times, but still, thank you!"

"Eh, it's no biggie really. I just–"

"PRO!" A voice shouted from a distance. It was his mother, who had heard what happened and came rushing.

"Pro!" She said as she caught him in her arms. "Mom…"

"Are you trying to kill me of heartache? What was that? Why would–."

"Mom, look behind you.”

She turned around to see the little girl, holding her still wet pet in her arms.

"Oh. I see," she remarked with a light chuckle. "You jumped in to save it. Is this about what I said back home?”

Probacon responded by pouting and shrinking himself nervously, which his mother instantly took notice of.

Haah. The number of times I saw your father do that. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they say…”

Probacon's mouth opened in amazement by her endearing words.

It would quickly form into a smile, the knowledge he had gained here substantial to his development.

Many townsfolk gathered, showering the boy with praise of his bravery and will. 

《This would be the beginning of many. The good works of the hand of this one child.》


He'd stop reliving past memories. And chuckled about how idiotically hopeful his younger self was. "I really was like that, huh?" He said, still looking at the stars.

Suddenly, what initially seemed to look like a star seemed to draw nearer and nearer.

Instantly kipping up in panic, he readied himself for whatever was to come.

However, that "star" was really not a true star, but rather a colossal being clothed in pure white light and garb, completely encompassed by a bright spherical aura, with wings extending from its rear, noteworthy traits of some sprites and fairies. A being of divine beauty, and of utmost importance in the omniverse.

The people of the town, and the entire planet would rush out, in anticipation of what its purpose was, why it had visited their humble abode.

"Peace be upon thee, Djins of Drabol the Fifth." It said in an echoing voice. "I am UEUI, and I cometh bearing the Word."

"The Eternal Grandmaster Deity and Maker of All doth spoke. A gala, contested by a hundredth of creations from ‘round all reality, representing the vast cosmoses and natures."

"Thoust people hath been made special, as from thou shall a "champion" come forth in honour. Cometh with wisdom; as whosoever cometh from thee will dictate how thou art perceived by the greater cosmos."

The citizens of the planet began to converse with each other, wondering who would be chosen. 

The heads of different towns and jurisdictions prepared to gather for such purpose.

However, UEUI said, "Invoke thineselves not, elders of the land. I seeketh the truest path, and for a lone one to rise and make claim! Thus saith the Will of the Maker!"

This astonished almost all Djins. Someone now had to come out willingly? Many thought, an act which most recluded from, hoping for the decision of the heads.

Amongst themselves they murmured, wondering who out of them all would act as told. 

UEUI looked down, saddened by the lack of vitality amongst them, but waited patiently as he had been commanded to. Until…

"I'll go!" A young voice exclaimed, the voice of Probacon, with his hand raised amidst the crowd. Could this be…?

"You, child?" UEUI asked, with a hint of surprise at the response. "Yeah!"

The reception for his claim was mixed, such that it could be felt even from the upper atmosphere of the planet, with the prevalent thought in regards to the gall of such a young individual.

Even still, he was adamant. "I'll go! I'll be our champion."

"Why should'st thou be chosen, favoured amongst others?"

"Yeah, why should he?" UEUI would hear from across the planet. 

"Why should a kid go when we have better people for the job?" "Yeah, give us your reason, brat!"

The planet would rise in uproar, questioning the idea of an inexperienced youngster representing them.

He would respond however, forever adamant. "I can do it! Just you watch–"

"Pro, don't just charge into this headfirst!" His mother interrupted, as she rushed over to his side.


"Do you know what this path is? What if you lose? What if you're dishonoured? What if–"

He proceeded to interrupt, placing his hands on her shoulders. "And what if I don't?... Nothing changes. I'll still be here, with no idea where I'm headed. I want that change. To show what I can do. To give this planet pride, and as for failure…”

“I don't believe in it!" He said, turning to UEUI, with a face full of confidence and a demeanour of pure resolve.


UEUI chuckled. "Thou art but a stubborn mule. But thou hadst shown the drive I search for. And with the people's nod, which no doubt hath been handed to thee, it is now your right! Thus saith I, Servant of the Grandmaster Deity. Djin Probacon, I decree you; valorant one of Drabol the Fifth!"

Probacon smiled in appreciation, his mother sighing in relief.

There were murmurs across the town and mostly the planet, in relation to whether or not the choice was the right one.

"But first..." UEUI stated, gaining the attention of all.

"A test."

"Eh?" Probacon asked with a befuddled face.

He was suddenly teleported elsewhere, much to the shock of everyone. "Pro!" His mother exclaimed.

"What happened to my son?" She asked UEUI, the being showing no change in feelings.

"Fear not, for the boy is well. I hath simply put him in a place of test. For before all…he shalt prove his worth." UEUI said, relieving Alrea and many others of their worry.

In that place, Probacon began getting up as he groaned, holding his face. "Ow..." He mumbled.

Suddenly, UEUI appeared before him, as Probacon entered a military posture.

"Young Djin." UEUI said. "Sir! Yes, sir!" Probacon responded in a loud tone of obedience, his eyes full of a respectful fear towards this divine being.

"Hither, thy shall prove thy capacitieth. Provide thyself worthy. Not to I...but your brethren." UEUI stated, as he showed a projection of the entire Bū planet watching them both.

Probacon looked in awe.

He then slapped his palms onto his cheeks and shook his head vigorously, preparing himself for the challenges ahead.

"I'm ready, Sir!" He exclaimed with a determined expression.

"Please, it is ‘Lord’.” UEUI said, causing Probacon's face to become flushed with embarrassment.

Regardless, the tests began. The first stage: Traversing a great lake of fire, which roared at extreme temperatures.

The fire protruded and erupted at many different points, and the heat seemed strong enough to melt even surrounding areas.

Well…this is a crapload of a first test…, thought a bamboozled Probacon, his eyebrows scrunched and mouth in an “o” shape, portraying his disbelief at the landscape before him.

“Go forth!” UEUI exclaimed, jolting Probacon into action.

Probacon was sharp to notice the many platforms spread across the lake at similar distances.

He jumped on one, but it instantly crumbled.


Fortunately, his malleable body would act as his saving grace, and Probacon used his to stretch himself onto a safer platform and lie on it.

I'm dying soon… He thought in a sort of acceptance, sweating severely due to both heat and unsteadiness.

Others watched on, fearful of this development.

Wait…the training I've been doing has had similar intensities to this… He thought, remembering the many various training methods he used, including striking at cliffsides, strenuous handstand push-ups, swimming through turbulent currents, practising swordsmanship with trees, meditating at the extreme upper ends of the atmosphere, and engaging in survival trials.

《Day by day, the boy had grown. Unlocking something anew by refining himself past his boundaries.》

So I should take this challenge as the exam for that! He finished his thoughts, getting up with a more confident demeanour, with his preexisting nerves still present on his face.

He then began using speed and skill to traverse the lake, effectively choosing the right platforms through intuition, and using his physical and esoteric capabilities.

He eventually made it to the end with little major issue.

《Flaming Ocean. Traversed.》

A collective relief passed through his hometown, his mother Alrea being the prime face of it.

Suddenly, he was swept into another place. This time the bottom of an arctic sea of extreme cold, leaving Probacon with a feeling of confusion and dread.

He looked down, bewildered by the sight of a heavy ball attached to his leg via a chain.

“For thy next act; swim to the surface, e'en with that ball of ore tied to you,” echoed the voice of UEUI.

Initially, he struggled, overexerting himself due to the depths and the ball chain, which weighed exponentially more than it looked.

But then he composed himself, placing his focus only on the goal at hand.

He began swimming upwards. Doing his best to reach the surface.

He struggled at times, but he still carried on.

And eventually, he burst through the surface, breathing in with a huge gasp the gases at their normal state.

《Waters of the Deep. Escaped.》

He was then immediately taken to another place, this time a dusty and windy desert, with a scarcity of lifeforms.

Instantly, things began rising from the sand, to which Probacon swiftly reacted by stepping backwards.

They were greatly wrapped spirits, positioned and glaring at the young Djinn with the intent to attack.

“Thou should'st wot the next test, I trow…” UEUI stated as he stepped away.

Probacon turned to the spirits with a confident smirk.

He bolted at the spirits, preparing his arsenal for combat.

Initially, he was overwhelmed by their numbers, constantly getting struck by them.


And again.

And again.

All of a sudden, he landed a solid right jab to the jaw of one of the spirits.

The punch was strong enough to send the spirit flying backwards, causing the surrounding sand to rise.

I get it now… He thought with a glare of focus, catching onto the spirits’ tactics and coming up with some of his own.

He began acting on his tactics, using his body; ki, the so-called “tangible life essence”; and magic to individually focus on and incapacitate each single spirit one after the other.

One he transformed into a chocolate bar with magic.

Another he blasted and vaporised with a ki beam.

Another he absorbed into himself in an uncanny manner through his chest.

Another he cut down with his blade, slicing through his midsection completely and causing blood to spill out from the severed areas.

And the last he struck hard enough to completely knock out, sending teeth and blood flying from its mouth.

He then stood over his downed adversaries with a bold stance, noting his victory.

《Victory in pure combat.》

"Now…the final." UEUI said, suddenly appearing much to Probacon's shock.

He created a giant pillar within their dimension of location, one that stretched high into its sky.

"Fall but not once. And thy place as champion of this world...thine without doubt.” He said to Probacon.

Probacon looked up, determined to prove himself.

He climbed, with vigour and wit, choosing the right spots at the right time.

Improving his physical capabilities with ki, he kept pushing.

And though there were moments he looked to falter, he was pushed forward by undying will, and the support of the entire Bū planet.

I will…! He echoed in his mind with a gritty expression, looking to further his life quest.

Eventually, he reached the top, which happened to be a portal back home.

As he passed through the portal, he was received with monumental cheers, a testament to himself and his drive.

His mother rushed to him, hugging him in joy and pride. He reciprocated this, as joyful as can be.

UEUI nodded in approval, officially choosing him as the world's champion.

《The one true Champion of his corporeality he had become.》


 A new day cycle had begun on the planet, a vibrant and energetic morning.

《The next “day” on the Bū planet.》

Probacon is seen to have prepared his belongings, ready to set on his new journey. "You sure you have everything?" "Yeah, mom. (You're worrying too much again.)"

"I know. It's just…my son, a champion of our world. It fills me with both great pride and terrible worry at this moment."

He sighed, realising nothing could change that nature of hers.

He smiled with a raised eyebrow.

He then went ahead to hug her. "Well, all I really need from you is a goodluck."

"Alright then. Good luck, son. Both from me and your father."

Probacon's eyes raised in a shock, lost for words from her words.

He hugged her more tightly, already beginning to miss his mother, who had been his guide for as long as he remembered, with only sadness in his eyes.

He reminisced on some of the times they shared together, before finally letting her go.

"Valorant one, it is time…" Two humanoids, tall, wearing unearthly suits and cosmic helmets, appeared before them. They possessed a strange semicircular device with various keys and controls.

"On my way! See you later, mom."

"Yeah, goodbye…" She said with tears streaming down her face.

Around their home, were people of the town, cheering him on, and across the planet, others wished him luck as he walked towards the men. Believing that their champion would bring them great success and victory.

"So, are you ready, young Djin?" One of the men asked in a celestial tone when Probacon finally reached near them.

Probacon responded with a bold smile of a mixture of emotions, but especially of anticipation. "Hell yeah!...I guess."

The men would look and nod at each other

They simultaneously press keys on the device, distorting space-time, and beginning to take them and Probacon towards their desired location, and the beginning of his yet known grandiose journey, and his destiny…

《A sharp smile, a determined spirit, Probacon now walks a path uncharted, headfirst…》