How Come We’re Splitting Up!?
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The next day, the girls decided to split up into pairs to complete the various tasks they needed to do. While Selene and Rena went off to sell the materials from their contract, Cassie and Lilith headed to the merchants’ guild to see about purchasing a headquarters. It was an unusual way to split up, but Selene figured it would be better than leaving Rena and Cassie alone since they would undoubtedly fight the entire time, much to Lilith’s chagrin.

Cassie couldn’t stand the succubus, but she also acknowledged that she didn’t know much about her. Lilith was almost always plastered to Selene, so it was hard to get close to her. She didn’t really understand why Lilith was so obsessed with her reincarnation comrade. If succubi were really life-draining demons that lured humans by seducing them, what was the point of Lilith sticking with Selene?

They walked in silence, following the map that Rena gave them, there wasn’t much to discuss. There weren’t many things that the two had in common, nor did they care enough to take time to find out. Periodically, Cassie would glance over at the admittedly gorgeous demon and wonder what she was doing there. Shouldn’t she be in some cave or seducing lustful men, not shopping for real estate.

“What,” Lilith asked without looking at her. She had sensed that the annoying human had been staring at her, but she couldn’t understand why.

“Umm… So, you’re a demon?”

“That is an astute observation.”

“Right… Aren’t demons supposed to be evil?”

“That depends on the point of view of the observer. To other demons, I would be acting within my nature if I were to seduce and kill humans, there is no good or bad. To humans, I would be viewed as a murderer and a trickster. Ironic, since they do the same with animals they use as sustenance.”

Cassie was a bit surprised by how forthcoming she was with her. The way Lilith described her nature made her sound totally reasonable and no different than humans in as much as they both used other creatures to sustain life for their kind. While she couldn’t exactly say she condoned the demon’s actions, she could at least understand them.

“So, do you see Selene as a pet or something? Y’know, because you view humans like we view animals?”

“No. My example was a way to help you understand, but demons and humans are not wholly dissimilar. It is uncommon for humans to view demons as anything but evil incarnate. However, from the very first time we met, Selene has treated me with respect and has done many things for me that would have no benefit for her.”

“I see…”

“Could you tell me about her? She mentioned something about how she was alone in her old home, but I could not understand.”

“Huh,” Cassie asked in shock. She never thought that a demon would be so interested in a human. “Well… To be completely honest, she and I didn’t talk much before we came here together. She didn’t look at all how she does now, I would even go so far as to call her ugly. She never spoke about herself, but no one really wanted to know her anyway. From how I saw it, she was gloomy and awkward. I don’t think she had a single friend, but she also never talked to anyone. The only reason we came here together was because of an accident.”

Cassie was careful not to mention anything about their past lives. It would be easier for everyone if she just kept up the charade that they just came from a far away town. That being said, she did feel a bit bad for saying such negative things about Selene, but she didn’t want to lie either.

“I never would have guessed that she was like that. Perhaps that is why she is so kind to people.”

“Eh!? You don’t care that she was an ugly dork who no one wanted to be around!?”

“Should I care? Does how she acted in the past change who she is now?”

“…You love her, don’t you?”

“I am not sure what my feelings are for her, but I cannot deny it either.”

“You’re such a weirdo. Oh, looks like this is the place!”

The two entered the merchants’ guild, uncertain where to go or who they needed to talk to about purchasing a suitable place. It would have made more sense for Selene and Rena to take on this task, but it was too late to switch. Cassie realized that she was going to have to take charge since Lilith would undoubtedly be useless.

“How may I help you ladies,” a friendly-looking woman called out to them from the front counter. She looked to be in her late twenties, but her eyes held a certain wisdom to them. Her chestnut hair was tied into a tight bun and her spectacles sat lazily on her nose. To Cassie, the woman reminded her of the librarian at her college.

“Yes, we’re looking for a house or some kind of land we can build on.”

“Alright, let’s see what we can find. Are you adventurers?”

“Yes, there’s four in our party. Something with at least four rooms, a kitchen of some sort, dining area, living area, and maybe some place we can store our gear.”

“If you’re looking for something of that size, you’re better off buying land and building a place for yourselves. What name will this purchase be under?”

“Oh yeah, I guess that’s important. The name is probably Selene, she’s kind of our unofficial leader. I’m Cassie and this is Lilith.”

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Caroline, the master of the merchants’ guild… Selene!? You mean that new adventurer that took the basilisk contract!?”

Cassie facepalmed and groaned in frustration. That idiot just had to bring attention to herself, she thought. Yelling at a lord and assaulting one of his guards definitely didn’t do us any favors.

“Yeah, that’s her…”

“Well, that changes some things!”

“Ugh. Let me guess, we’re barred from purchasing property in the city.”

“On the contrary, I’m ecstatic that you’re here,” Caroline explained. “Someone of her caliber will be a boon to the merchants’ guild! Let me see what I can find for you!”

Caroline dashed to the back to check the records, leaving the two confused adventurers to sit in an awkward moment. Neither had any idea what was going on, and neither really wanted to ask. Cassie was cursing Selene for making her do such an infuriating task.

“Alright,” Caroline dropped a large logbook on the counter with a loud thump. “I think I have just the place for you. On the outskirts of the city, there’s a manor house that used to be owned by an S-ranked party that recently moved. You’d have five rooms, a main hall, kitchen, cellar, and it’s situated in front of a forest. It should have everything you’re looking for.”

“Uhh, that sounds kind of pricey. We’re kind of on a budget,” Cassie said uncertainly.

While she didn’t want to disappoint her friends because she let a perfect place get away, she also needed to be mindful of the finances. As a former data processor for a large company, she was very well versed in finance management and negotiations. The currency may have been different, but the basics of budgeting and income/outcome awareness were most likely the same.

“Mhm, and what is your budget?”

“Tell us the price for the property first,” Lilith interrupted.

“…Very well. The property is listed at forty-thousand silver.”

“What else do you have available,” Lilith asked with a completely straight face.

“Ah, umm… W-well there’s a plot nearby that’s available for ten thousand, but you would need to construct your own home.”

“If we are responsible for constructing everything, why is it only a quarter of the price? Did it cost thirty thousand to construct a building or are you charging us for convenience?”

Lilith wasn’t going to allow some shady businesswoman to take advantage of Selene’s money. Despite being told not to use her powers, Lilith couldn’t resist reading Caroline’s mind, and she knew just how shaken the woman was.

“I-I don’t set the prices.”

“Oh, then who does? I would love to speak with them.” The whites of Lilith’s eyes turned pitch black, and fangs grew from her teeth. She didn’t appreciate being given the runaround and she showed it.

“……I can only go as low as thirty-five.”

“Oh? So why did you originally ask for more? Do you often take advantage of your patrons?”

“…C-can you not mention this to Selene?”

“Now why would I do that when I can handle things on my own?”

“You’re that demon, aren’t you,” Caroline inquired as she suddenly remembered just who was in the party.

“Does that scare you?”

“…I think I’m going to enjoy working with your party. I’ll draw up the paperwork.”

While Caroline worked on the necessary documents, Cassie stared at Lilith in awe of her negotiation skills. She thought she was good at dealing with troublesome clients, but Lilith practically made the master of the guild crawl on their knees!

“Where did you learn how to do that!? Didn’t you live in a cave for a hundred years!?”

“Humans are so predictable. They are greedy and always ask for more than they deserve. Selene worked hard to complete that contract; I will not allow some greedy human to take her money.”

“Of course you’re doing this for Selene’s sake. Let me guess, you’re going to buy a big bed for the two of you,” Cassie sighed, bored of Lilith’s devotion to the girl she used to ignore.

“You say that like you do not want to do the same with Rena,” Lilith gave her a sly smirk.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Why would I ever want to spend more time with her than necessary?”

“Oh, no reason…”




“Welcome back, Selene! Have you brought me some materials,” Briggs asked as the two adventurers walked through his door.

“Hello again, Briggs,” Rena greeted the jolly dwarf. “We’re back from our first contract!”

“You took that basilisk contract, right? You’re back already?”

“Yup! And I’ve come to hold up my side of our deal.” Selene removed the basilisk skin and fangs that she harvested for him.

“By the Gods! You really killed those overgrown snakes! These scales will make some spectacular armor and these fangs can be used for a myriad of projects! This is more than I could have ever asked for!”

“I’m excited to see what you make! Oh! Rena, show him your new slingshot.”

Rena pulled out her godly slingshot. The Y-shaped weapon looked like a miniature tree that bifurcated into two curved branches. The pocket was made of soft leather that matched the mahogany handle. Instead of pulsing blue like Selene’s sword, a golden inlay ran along the entirety of the handle that made it look like a string of lights on a tree.

“I’ve never seen anything like this. The construction is entirely unique, and the wood used is unlike any I’ve worked with. The stats are impressive as well, especially this enchantment… It seems our little Rena has some serious firepower now. I’m sure there are dozens of parties that would love someone like you.”

“That’s too bad, I’m with Selene. She believed in me and never mocked my weapon,” Rena said with a smug smile.

“Aww! Rena is so cool!” Selene embraced her friend with glee.

“Do you think Lilith would like you hugging me like this,” Rena asked, knowing how possessive Lilith was.

Selene released the little elf from her grasp and chuckled at her. “Lilith isn’t that bad.”

“Who’s this Lilith person,” Briggs inquired. The last time they visited him, Lilith was still dwelling in a cave. He was confused by how casually the two talked about this person who wasn’t even a part of their party a few days before.

“She’s Selene’s succubus girlfriend,” Rena answered with a grin.

“Ugh. She’s a friend who joined us recently. They like to joke because of how Lilith shows affection.”

“I see. So, the strongest adventurer has found herself a demon companion,” Briggs said with a chortle. “Why does that not surprise me?”

“Whatever. We’ll be back soon to check out what you made. We’re off to the Mage Tower.”

Selene led Rena out of the armory, eager to head to their next destination. She was getting tired of all the jokes and assumptions about her relationship with Lilith. There was nothing between them (yet), but everyone treated them like it was an official thing. They had only known each other for a few days, plus they were immortal, so Selene didn’t see why there was a rush.

“You’re stubborn,” Rena pouted.

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

“Think about it, you’ve had two girls throw themselves at you and you haven’t expressed interest in either.”

“Cassie was being possessive for different reasons and Lilith is a natural flirt who likes to be physical. There’s no reason to jump into anything. I only just got here, and all I want to do is have fun with my friends. Of course, I like Lilith, but it’s not like she’s going anywhere. We can get closer and learn more about each other as we continue to accept contracts and have fun adventures.”

“Uh-huh. You just like looking at cute girls, is that it?”

“Why are you asking that like it would change anything? Anyway, by now they’re hopefully procuring us a place to live. Lilith should be adept at seeing through lies.”

The two passed through the market district and entered the Mage Quarter; the section of the city where wizards, witches, alchemists, and all those magically inclined converged. The main street was filled with stores specializing in various magical goods. One store sold spell tomes, another sold herbs and ingredients for potions, another sold mana gems for enchanting, and others sold various magical goods.

At the center of the Mage Quarter sat the Mage Tower; a cylindrical structure that towered over the rest of the area. On the top floor sat a large telescope, beneath that was an aviary, and the rest of the building was filled with magical experts and novices training in their craft. The Magical Academy was situated directly next to the tower, allowing an easy commute for professors who worked in the tower.

“Woah… There’s so much cool stuff here! Owls, wands, potions, comically large witches’ hats that are more of a hindrance than anything… Seriously, why are they a thing? And why do I want one!?”

“Such a typical tourist,” Rena mumbled. “What would you even do with a hat, you wear a weird crown all the time?”

“I didn’t choose my armor, it’s just too good not to wear! Once I find a set that’s better, I’m immediately switching!”

“Yeah, that set doesn’t really seem functional. Like, it’s attractive, but it doesn’t cover much.”

“You don’t need to tell me, I’m fully aware. This kind of armor is definitely made for fashion and not function. Unfortunately, the enchantments are super useful.”

“Well, aren’t you special. My armor is barely even armor, it’s just leather attached by string,” Rena complained as they neared the Mage Tower.

“Why didn’t you say something while we were at the store!? Ugh! Maybe Briggs will make something that you can wear with that basilisk hide. Come on, let’s see if we can find someone who may want this egg.”

They entered the tower and were immediately struck by the immense size of the building. Light shined down from the glass roof and streamed through the many stained-glass windows. A cacophony of animal sounds rang out through the halls and a hundred different scents mixed into an impossible to identify aroma that was neither pleasant nor revolting. Witches walked the halls with their apprentices who were hanging on to every word that their master shared with them.

“Weird place,” Selene observed with a deadpan expression.

“Ah! Visitors! My name is Ellie, I’m a senior at the Mage Academy. Who might you ladies be,” the excited student asked in a deceptively young voice.

Ellie was a young girl, a couple years younger than Selene’s new body. Her blonde hair and purple eyes gave her an air of innocence that was only bolstered by her oversized hat. Her robes fit loosely on her slim frame; her sleeves covered her hands fully and the bottom of them dragged on the floor as she walked.

“Hello there, Ellie. I’m Selene and this is my friend Rena. Do you know anyone who might be interested in a monster egg?”

“Ummmm… Maybe my master would be interested. He’s an avid collector of monster stuff, so he may be the best person to talk to.”

“Awesome! Can we meet him!?”

Ellie looked down at her feet shyly and twiddled her thumbs under her sleeves. “Well, the thing is, he doesn’t really talk to people who aren’t mages.”

“Why,” Rena asked out of annoyance.

“H-he says that he’s too busy to meet with commoners and adventurers every time something comes up.”

“What makes you think that I’m not a mage,” Selene asked with a smirk.

“I mean, you’re wearing armor, and you have a sword on your back…”

“Heh. Alright, what do I need to do to prove that I’m a mage?”

“F-follow me.”

The shy girl led the pair of adventurers out a backdoor and onto what looked like a sparing ring. From the outside, the grassy training area wasn’t visible. That was because the area was the result of a spell that created an outdoor area that was entirely contained within a tiny room in the tower.

The girl walked to one side of the ring and waited for Selene to do take her place on the opposite side. While she looked and acted shy, she was an expert witch in her own right. Her talent was so evident that the Archmage himself requested to be her master.

“Don’t hold back. Damage is immediately healed the moment the match is ended and dying is impossible. My master designed this room, and it has yet to fail.”

“Neat, I’ll need to keep this spell in mind for our new place.”

“Alright, let the match begin.”

Before Ellie could let off her first spell, Selene used her Telekinesis ability to lift rocks from the ground that she ran on to rush closer to her target. In mid-air, it would be easy to avoid any attack and it gave her a greater range of options.

A fireball flew towards Selene’s face, which she caught in her hand and used to propel herself even higher into the air. The stones she had been running on turned into molten rock and flew at the young apprentice. Before they hit the girl, Selene protected her with an ice wall that melted as soon as the last stone hit it.

“What’s happening,” the young witch cried in confusion.

The moment she finally found Selene in the air behind her, the plucky adventurer disappeared from sight and a pair of explosions blasted around Ellie. When the witch looked up, she found Selene standing in the exact place she stood at the start.

“I-is that all you got,” Ellie asked pathetically.

“I’m just getting started,” Selene replied with a chuckle.

A pair of magical clones appeared on either side of her as she ran forward. One clone disappeared then reappeared mid-jump, grabbing the other clone and tossing it straight up in the air. The clone hit the ground with a powerful punch that froze the entire ring. While the clones did their thing to distract the overwhelmed student, the real Selene used Shadow Magic to engulf the arena in darkness and smoke, making it impossible to see anything.

Ellie was scared and uncertain about what was happening. In the darkness, she saw figures of horned monsters whose red eyes shined through it all. Unbeknownst to her, she was under the influence of a curse that caused her to hallucinate, which was made worse in the darkness.

She was on the verge of tears when the ring returned to its normal state and the hallucinations ceased. Unable to stand, she fell to her knees in defeat. When she finally looked up, her face was just centimeters from Selene’s.

“What’s the verdict then? Am I a mage or just a bumbling adventurer? Or would you like another trip into madness?”

“No,” Ellie yelled in fear of returning to that waking nightmare. “Y-you’re a mage! I’m sorry for ever doubting you!”

“Sheesh, what did you do to the poor girl,” Rena asked emotionlessly. Once the scene had become beyond her ability to comprehend, she gave up and took a quick nap.

“Nothing much. I wasn’t trying to hurt her, just scare her a bit.”

“A bit,” the traumatized teen exclaimed. “How did you turn everything black!? How did you get into my head!? How did you run on air!?”

“Hehe, I’m guessing they don’t teach you guys that kind of magic. Shadow Magic and Curse Magic aren’t usually seen as acceptable to teach students, and few people probably know the Telekinesis ability… Come on, let’s get out of here and find your master.”

Selene took her by the hand with a smile and helped the girl to her feet.

“Okay… F-follow me,” Ellie stuttered as she began to slowly recover from the terrifying experience.

The apprentice mage led them out of the sparing area and back to the center of the tower. She kneeled down and placed her palm on depiction of a new moon. It wasn’t until then that Selene realized that the floor was covered in astrological illustrations.

There wasn’t much time to appreciate the artwork before they were transported to a floor near the top of the tower. Ellie walked up to the solitary door on the level and knocked.

“Come in!” A surprisingly cheerful voice called out.

The three girls entered the Archmage’s office. It was a mess of old tomes, monster parts, and loose documents. Magical lamps hung over the desk along with cages with strange species of birds that Selene had never seen before.

At the desk sat an elderly man with a short beard that had long turned gray along with his wispy hair. Tiny spectacles sat on the tip of his nose, which made Selene question what their utility was. His robes were old and rumpled, but they seemed to match his office perfectly.

“M-master, this adventurer wanted to speak to you about a monster egg…” Ellie introduced them as best she could despite her residual fear.

“I assume you put her through the usual trial,” the old Archmage asked in a gentle voice.

“Y-yes! She used magic I have never seen before! It was terrifying!”

“Dear me, what could she have done?”

“Just a simple curse spell that when combined with Shadow Magic can create visual hallucinations,” Selene said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Oh. Yeah, that’ll do it. Why don’t you take a seat, my dear? You’ll be fine in an hour or so. Now! What’s this about an egg?”

“Yeah, so, we went on a contract to kill some basilisks and I decided to keep an egg in case someone wanted it.”

“A basilisk egg… I think I can take it off your hands. How much are you asking?”

“Huh? No, we don’t need money, we got plenty of that already, we just figured it would be a waste to destroy it,” Selene answered before Rena could get greedy.

“Interesting… Tell me, just what kind of magic are you versed in,” the old man asked as he leaned back in his seat.

“I’m a Master of Elements and a Master of Curses, and I can use Shadow Magic, Summoning Magic, Enchanting Magic, Healing Magic, and Telekinesis. I also have various abilities that allow me teleport, shapeshift, become invisible, and whatever else you can think of.”

“I see…”

While the Archmage seemed to take things in stride, Ellie was taken aback by just how OP Selene’s magic was. She had believed her master was the strongest mage on the continent, but this newcomer dwarfed him in every way.

“Would you do me a favor… What was your name?”

“Selene. What kind of favor?”

“I’m Hubert Rankin, Archmage of this tower. However, my abilities are not near to your level. Would you be willing to take Ellie under your wing?”

“Master,” Ellie protested. “Why would you ask a stranger to teach me anything!? Do you not want me as your apprentice!?”

“Calm down, child,” Rankin responded calmly. “I want you to become an even more powerful mage than myself, and only she can teach you how. I can tell from her demeanor that she’s a kind person. If she is willing, I would like you to go with her.”

“Hmm… What do you think, Rena? Can we add a mage to our party?”

“We literally have a demon and a demigod, why the hell not,” Rena joked.

“Well, it’s up to you, Ellie. Just because your master tells you to do something doesn’t mean you should if it won’t make you happy. Our party will take on some really dangerous contracts and you may put yourself in danger by being with us. Don’t just decided this on a whim.”

“You have a demon in your party,” Ellie asked, suddenly excited.

“A succubus, to be exact,” Rena added. “But she’s obsessed with Selene, so you have nothing to worry about.”

“I’ll join you! I’ve always wanted to see demon magic!”

“I guess demigod magic isn’t as interesting,” Selene mumbled. “Gather your things and we’ll be off then.”

“Thank you, Selene. You made an old man happy,” Rankin said with a smile.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep her safe.”




The two groups reunited at the adventurers’ guild just as the sun was beginning to set. While Selene and Rena were excited to learn that the others were able to secure a place for them, Cassie and Lilith were confused at the sight of a young girl with Selene.

“And who is this,” Cassie inquired, trying to get introductions over.

“This is Ellie, she’s an apprentice mage that’ll be joining our party. Ellie, this is Cassie and Lilith.”

“Nice to meet you,” Ellie said with a bow in an attempt to be polite.

“Selene,” Lilith called in a sultry voice. “I missed you. The human was not as fun to talk to as you.”

“I missed you too, Lilith! Are you excited to have a room to ourselves?”

“Uh, are those two dating or something,” Ellie whispered to Rena.

“Don’t get me started on them. Just get used to them acting like that but never actually doing anything.”

“Okay! Before this devolves into a flirting and gossip session, let’s grab dinner and check out our new home,” Cassie announced as she attempted to be an arbiter of reason.

“Great idea, Cassie! Come on, Lilith, I want to try those kabobs at that food stall we passed the other day.” Selene grabbed the succubus’ hand and started to head out. “Don’t fall behind, Ellie!”


The party somehow managed to get dinner and travel to their new headquarters with very little commotion. Rena and Cassie exchanged their experiences of working with the strangest members of the group. Lilith clung to Selene the whole time, even when Selene was telling Ellie about their basilisk contract and what kind of magic she used.

Ellie was uncomfortable at first, but as she spent more time with the party, she began to feel more at home. It was clear to her that they all cared about each other, even if some of them fought on occasion. It had been a long time since she had been around such lively people, but she was enjoying herself regardless.

“So, this is our new home…” Selene said in awe of the country manor house.

The gray stone walls made it look homely despite its size and the various windows made it less intimidating and more beautiful. To the right was a stable that had space for up to five horses and to the left was a workshop that had all the tools for basic smithing work. The stone path that led to the front door was lined with flowers that added color other than green and gray.

“Wow… Good work you two,” Rena complimented Cassie and Lilith.

“Well, it was mostly Lilith who did the negotiating,” Cassie corrected.

“Regardless, this is awesome! Come on, let’s check out the inside,” Selene suggested like an excited child.

“She’s very energetic, isn’t she,” Ellie asked no one in particular.

“There’s never a dull moment with her around,” Rena added with a smirk.

Selene threw the doors open and stepped into the manor for the first time. Chandeliers were fitted with magical candles that illuminated the room. To the right of the entrance was a dining area, and to the left was a sitting room. Selene walked through the foyer and down the hall where she found a full kitchen, complete with everything someone would need to make a variety of dishes.

She rushed up the stairs like a hyper teenager to check out the second floor. It was mostly bedrooms, five in total, as well as a couple restrooms. She was a bit surprised that there was running water, but she wasn’t going to question too much about a world that had literal dragons in it.

From a window, she looked over the backyard. Nestled next to the forest was a gazebo that had a table and chairs for outdoor dining. Training dummies were positioned to the left, away from the woods, which suggested they were used for magical training as well as physical.

“Selene! Stop acting like a child and come down for dinner,” Cassie called she was her mother.

Instead of running down the stairs, Selene decided to show off for Ellie and used her Shadow Step ability to teleport her into the dining area.

“Wah! Where did you come from,” Ellie screamed.

“Hehe, I’ll show you some time.”

Selene took a seat next to Lilith, which everyone expected she would. No matter how much Selene denied it, they all believed that she and Lilith would end up as more than friends. Even Ellie could tell there was something there and she had no experience with love whatsoever.

“So, Ellie, tell us about yourself,” Cassie asked before tearing into her kabobs.

“Well, I’ve been at the academy ever since I was a child. My whole life has been dedicated to learning magic because my dream is to become Archmage someday. Because I was so invested in my studies, I never had time to make friends or interact with people who weren’t mages until a couple years ago. I think that’s another reason why my master suggested that I join you all… So how do you all know each other? You all seem so close.”

“Well, we’ve only known each other for a week or so, but we’ve been through a lot,” Selene answered.

“I met Selene by chance when she arrived in Norvaria and we kind of hit it off. She wasn’t like anyone I’ve ever met, but that’s what makes her special,” Rena added.

“Selene and I lived in the same town for years, but we never talked much until we came here together a little while ago.”

“I waited for hundreds of years for a human, and she just so happened to be the one to find me. She was kind and suggested that I join her instead of killing me. As an immortal, I am able to drain from her without risk of hurting her.”

“Fascinating… An immortal, an elf, a succubus, a human, and now a mage. We’re an odd bunch,” Ellie observed, not trying to be offensive despite her odd wording.

 “Now that introductions are over,” Selene took changed once again. “Let’s decide what our next contract will be. Preferably one that doesn’t require me to fight four high-level monsters while protecting you all.”

“I’m glad you asked,” Rena immediately responded. “There’s a contract available to take out an army of goblins that have been raiding trading caravans.”

“Goblins are those weird green things we were attacked by when we went out to train, right,” Cassie asked.  

“Yeah, but that was probably just a small raiding party. Scouts have found a goblin stronghold to the north of the city,” Rena got up and placed a map on the table. “They seem to have built up some kind of fortification, so it’s been hard to determine the exact size of the force. However, the best estimates I’ve heard have been over a thousand.”

“…A thousand goblins!? How can you possibly even consider this!? Shouldn’t the army take care of them!?” Ellie was shocked by the blasé nature that the party had towards the contract.

“The king probably doesn’t think a threat to poor civilians is worth sending his soldiers,” Selene’s words dripped with pure vitriol for the monarchy.

“As much as I want to argue, you’re probably right,” Cassie conceded. “Still, isn’t a thousand a lot… Actually, never mind, we have a literal demigod who can transform into a dragon.”

“Wait, seriously!?” Ellie had never heard of such power and yet everyone else seemed to accept it as normal.

“I’m just going to tell you now; if you think something is impossible, Selene has probably already done it,” Rena responded with a sigh. “Anyway, what does everyone say to accepting this contract? Lilith, you’ve been quiet. I mean, I get that you’re more interested in feeling up Selene, but maybe wait until you get to your room.”

“Why would I object to killing little green pests? And if you do not wish to watch then you can close your eyes.”

“…Fair enough. Anyway, Selene, what are your thoughts?”

“I don’t mind Lilith touching me,” Selene retorted with a smirk. “And the contract is fine with me. Goblins are relatively easy to kill, which makes them perfect for Ellie’s first field action. Plus, it could be fun to try out more of my magical abilities.”

“You literally froze a basilisk and blew it up from the inside, but yeah, you never use magic,” Cassie snidely replied.

“Don’t forget how she spams her Shadow Step ability to teleport all the time,” Rena added.

“She used some spells that I didn’t even know were possible during the trial! Darkening the environment and causing me to hallucinate,” Ellie joined in.

“Is my Selene using demon magic now,” Lilith asked in a sultry tone. “Can you use my charm spell as well?”

“Hmm… I don’t know, I’ve never tried. Does it even work on succubi?”

“I would not recommend using it unless you know how to control it. Some humans can be driven mad by their desire.”

“That’s unpleasant. Thank goodness your powers have no effect on me,” Selene said a little too gleefully.

“Eh!? So, you’re cool with dating a demon!?” Ellie covered her mouth the moment she finished, realizing how stupid she sounded.

“…Let’s call it a night. We’ll go to the guild tomorrow to officially accept the contract… Oh! And I call dibs on the room with the balcony.” Selene perked up instantly when she remembered there was such a room available.

Everyone dispersed, going into whatever room was free. Cassie was exhausted after having to deal with a succubus for the majority of her day. Rena still wasn’t used to having such talkative friends, so she just wanted some alone time. Ellie was too nervous to say anything else and retired to her room without much thought.

The only person who seemed to be bothered at all was Selene.

“Why did you run from that small human’s question,” Lilith asked. She was lying on the bed, waiting for Selene to join her, but she got the feeling Selene wasn’t in the mood.

“Because it’s none of her business. Besides, we’re just friends. Why is everyone convinced that we’re anything more?”

Selene removed her gear, but instead of joining Lilith on the bed, she stepped out onto the balcony. She didn’t care that she was just in her underwear, which God somehow made to never get dirty, she just wanted some fresh air.

“Would you like me to distance myself from you? Human emotions and how they interpret actions are still very confusing to me. Why do they care?”

“Of course you don’t understand…” Selene groaned in frustration. “You know, they all think we’re doing something lewd right now. The thing is… Can I tell you something in confidence?”

Lilith got out of bed and hugged Selene from behind. Her corset dress and stockings didn’t offer much warmth, nor did they leave much to the imagination, but she wanted to console her precious friend.

“You can tell me anything, Selene.”

“…When I tell you that I came from a different town, I actually mean a different world. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I was reincarnated in this world after I died in my old one. After twenty-five years in one world, and living one way, I’m still not used to this. We had games that would simulate this kind of world, and I loved them and mastered everything about them, which is why I can do so many things seamlessly here. The reason I played those games though was because I was alone. Through school, college, and even in my professional career, I never got closer to anyone beyond acquaintances. After a while, I just gave up on reality because it sucked so much. Remember when I asked you if you would like me if I was ugly, that’s because until recently I was ugly. Now that I’m here and I look like this, I’m finally starting to live. But I’m still not a very confident person and I’m not used to people wanting to be around me. I can’t help but think that if I looked and acted the way I did in my world, I would just end up alone again…”

Tears dripped from her cheeks, creating small dark circles on the stone railing. Talking about her past and opening up to someone was difficult, especially when she wasn’t sure whether Lilith would believe anything she said. The reason she couldn’t understand Lilith’s affection for her was because she couldn’t understand how anyone could love her.

“…This world has demons, dragons, and magic; reincarnation is not unbelievable at all,” Lilith spoke softly in her normal voice, sensing that Selene wasn’t in the mood for seduction. “The reason you were crying after you killed the basilisks, it had something to do with that, right?”

“You caught that, eh? There was a cavern with a lake in one of the tunnels. When I looked into the lake, I saw my old face. Then I saw my urn, but there were no flowers or signs that anyone had visited me, not even my parents. It was hard to see just how little people cared that I was dead, like my existence had no meaning from the start.”

“Maybe you had no meaning in your old world, but you have one here. I do not know what kind of pain you are feeling, demons do not have parents, nor do we mourn death. But I want you to know that your existence in this world has given me more happiness than I ever dreamed of having. My affection for you has nothing to do with your appearance, nor how well you interact with humans; I have only ever been attracted to your kindness……  However, if you wish to be alone, or for me to cease touching you, tell me.”

“Lilith, how long do you plan to stay with me? I won’t force you to do something you don’t want to do.”

Lilith turned Selene around to look her in the eyes. She didn’t want Selene to believe that she was insincere or lying to her, she meant what she was going to say.

“If you will let me, I will stay with you forever.”

“………” Selene pondered her reply for a moment, then took Lilith’s hands in hers. “Can you stay my friend until I figure things out for myself? I’m not sure what my feelings are right now. I’m not used to friends, let alone anything more than that. I’m not rejecting you; I just want a bit of time before I give you my answer.”

Lilith smirked at the shy human in front of her. “I waited four hundred thirty-seven years to see a human; I am not averse to waiting.”

“Hehe, you keep saying that you don’t understand human emotions, yet you seem to understand mine perfectly.”

Selene rested her head on Lilith’s chest and closed her eyes. In that moment, she felt completely at ease. All the things she was scared to share, and all the things she didn’t want to admit, Lilith listened to everything and accepted everything without question. There wasn’t anything more she could ask for from Lilith, but she didn’t want to get caught up in her emotions.

Getting into a relationship wasn’t the first thing on her mind. The only things Selene wanted to do were going on contracts and having fun with her friends, the same thing she wanted from the start.

When she went to bed that night, only two thoughts were running through her mind: her conversation with Lilith and a goblin fortress.