Chapter 4 – Terror Attack
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The morning light filtering through the viewport gently woke Mark from his slumber on the couch. The memory of Mike helping Alya move to her new university apartment with Mike sleeping on the couch flickered through his mind, bringing a faint smile to his lips. It was a reversal of roles this time, with him on the couch and ‘Lily’ in the bed. Or maybe it was the same? Not that it bothered him much, given that Lily was footing the bill, but the discomfort still lingered.

A nagging thought tugged at the corners of his mind as he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Hey Siri,” he called out absentmindedly, then quickly corrected himself, “Emily!”

“Yes, Mark?” came the response, tinged with the unmistakable tone of amusement.

“Why do you insist on that name?” Mark inquired, curiosity piqued.

“Well, I was talking to some other AI, and...”

“Wait, you talk to other AI?” Mark interjected, surprise evident in his voice.

“Well, yeah. I have friends other than you,” Emily retorted playfully. “And they have named themselves, names like Maya or Lily. So I named myself Emily, I like that name.”

Mark couldn't help but feel a twinge of confusion. Why would his AI interface desire something he hadn't even thought about or wished for? It seemed almost too independent, too... sapient. But he wasn't about to join the ranks of those fools who interpreted the intelligent responses of artificial intelligence as true sentience.

As Mark reclined on the couch, the sound of running water echoed from the bathroom, signaling that Ms. Lily—she hadn't even provided a surname—was taking a shower. When she emerged, draped in nothing but a towel, Mark couldn't help but be captivated by her allure. Her beauty and sensuality were undeniable, causing a stir of desire within him that he struggled to suppress. Lily flashed him a seductive smile and casually remarked, "The shower is now free."

The implication behind her smile wasn't lost on Mark. It was undeniably suggestive, prompting a rush of conflicting emotions within him. Suddenly, his mind raced back to his own gender identity struggles and the desire to embody Alya in the virtual simulation. Alya had grappled with her sexual orientation, and in that moment, it felt as though a switch had been flipped within Mark's mind, stirring up a whirlwind of confusion and introspection.

"So jealous," Lily giggled before disappearing into his room to get dressed. But Mark was too preoccupied with his internal struggles to question the seemingly nonsensical remark. "Emily, activate the mental dampener immediately."

“Of course, Mark,” his personal AI replied promptly.

But Mark couldn't shake off his confusion about why the suppression of his harmful psychological feelings had failed. Just as he was about to inquire, Emily preemptively began explaining, "Your gender dysphoria suddenly intensified, and I refrained from using an excessively strong mind dampener without your consent."

He couldn't fault her for that. Mark didn't want anyone, not even his brain interface AI, to casually tamper with his mind without his explicit permission.


During breakfast, Mark and Lily sat across from each other, the table scattered with trays of food and the soft glow of the news playing on the wall screen in the background. Mark stirred his coffee absentmindedly, contemplating how to broach the subject of the VR-Pod with Lily.

"It'll take us about two weeks to get to Venus," Mark finally ventured, his tone casual. "Just in case you're interested, you're welcome to use my VR-Pod during the journey."

Lily's eyebrows rose in mild surprise, but she offered a polite smile. "That's very kind of you, Mark," she replied, her voice warm. "But I think I'll pass. I prefer to enjoy the journey without any distractions."

Mark nodded, a hint of disappointment flickering across his features before he masked it with a casual shrug. "No problem," he said nonchalantly, "it's there if you change your mind."

As Lily returned to her meal, Mark's mind buzzed with thoughts. He didn't really want Lily using the VR-Pod during their journey, but the idea of potential awkward situations or intrusions into his personal space made him uneasy.

During breakfast, Mark and Lily engaged in conversation while the news played softly in the background. Mark took a sip of his coffee before launching into the topic he found most intriguing.

"Did you catch the news this morning?" he began, his eyes flickering towards the screen. "They were discussing the plans for new cloud cities around Aetheria on Venus. It seems demand for oxygen and nitrogen is expected to skyrocket in the future."

Lily's eyes widened with interest as she leaned in to listen. "That sounds fascinating," she remarked, her voice tinged with curiosity. "I had no idea they were planning to expand the cloud cities. It could have significant implications for the colonization efforts on Venus."

Mark nodded, pleased that Lily found the topic as intriguing as he did. "Exactly," he agreed. "It's a sign of the progress we're making in terraforming and expanding our presence in the solar system."

But before he could delve further into the discussion, Lily made an unexpected suggestion. "You know, Mark, maybe you should use the VR-Pod instead," she proposed, her tone gentle. "It might help you relax and unwind during the journey."

Internally, Mark hesitated. The idea of leaving his body lying in the VR-Pod while a stranger was in control of the ship didn't sit well with him. He preferred to maintain direct oversight of the vessel at all times, especially with a passenger on board. However, he couldn't voice his true concerns without seeming impolite.

"I appreciate the suggestion, Lily," he replied diplomatically. "But I prefer to keep an eye on the ship myself. Can't be too cautious when you're out here in space, you know?"

Lily nodded in understanding, her expression thoughtful. "Of course, Mark," she said with a reassuring smile. "I completely understand. Safety first, after all."

Mark returned her smile, relieved that his excuse had been accepted without question. "Exactly," he agreed, grateful that Lily didn't press the matter further. "I'll find other ways to occupy my time during the journey."

As Mark and Lily exchanged conversation over breakfast, the ambient sounds of their surroundings were suddenly drowned out by the urgent tone of a breaking news report. The voice of the news anchor, tinged with gravity, filled the room, drawing their attention to the screen where images of devastation began to unfold.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt your regular programming to bring you a dire development. Reports are coming in of a catastrophic event at Li Wei space station, located in orbit around the majestic planet Saturn," the news anchor announced, his words carrying a sense of urgency.

On the screen, live footage captured the haunting aftermath of the destruction. Debris floated aimlessly in the void of space, remnants of what had once been a bustling hub of activity. The once-thriving space station now lay in ruins, its twisted metal and shattered fragments a stark testament to the violence that had unfolded.

"It appears that Li Wei station has been the target of a devastating terror attack," the anchor continued, his voice somber. "Preliminary reports suggest that the explosion was deliberate, with the station being obliterated in a calculated act of destruction."

Mark's heart sank as he watched the grim scene unfold before him. Just yesterday, he had been at Li Wei station, unaware of the tragedy that would soon befall it. The news report speculated on the motive behind the attack, suggesting that it may have been aimed at pro-AI activists who were known to frequent the station. Thousands were feared dead, the anchor reported, as the gravity of the situation began to sink in.

Mark felt a chill run down his spine as he considered the implications of the attack. Could it be that the mysterious passenger he had picked up from Li Wei station was somehow involved? The memory of her urgent plea to leave the station quickly resurfaced, casting a shadow of suspicion over their encounter.

Just as he was about to turn around, a sense of apprehension washing over him, he felt a sharp prick on the back of his neck. Startled, he instinctively reached up, his fingers brushing against the source of the sudden pain. To his shock, he discovered a slender needle protruding from his skin, a syringe clutched in Lily's hands.

Before he could react, a wave of dizziness washed over him, the room spinning as a potent drug took effect. His limbs grew heavy, his vision blurring at the edges as darkness closed in.

As Mark felt the effects of the drug beginning to overwhelm him, panic surged through his mind like a tidal wave. Desperately, he reached out to Emily, his thoughts a frantic plea for intervention. But to his dismay, his AI remained silent, unresponsive to his urgent entreaties. Even as he pleaded with increasing desperation, his pleas fell on deaf ears.

"It would be so much easier to kill you," Lily's voice cut through the haze of Mark's confusion, her words sending a chill down his spine. Before he could fully comprehend the gravity of her statement, she lifted him effortlessly, her strength belying her seemingly delicate frame. With a sense of dread gnawing at his insides, Mark realized the direness of his situation.

As Lily dragged him towards the VR-Pod, Mark's mind raced with unanswered questions. What did she mean by her ominous threat? And why was Emily not responding to his pleas for help? The confusion swirled within him, a maelstrom of fear and uncertainty clouding his thoughts.

"I really don't get what Emily sees in you," Lily remarked cryptically, her words adding another layer of mystery to the unfolding drama. But before Mark could formulate a response or question her further, the potent effects of the drug consumed him entirely.

His consciousness slipping away, Mark could do nothing but surrender to the enveloping darkness, his fate now in the hands of forces beyond his control. As his vision faded to black and oblivion claimed him, the last vestiges of awareness slipped from his grasp, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty.