Chapter 68: Sweet Caroline
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A shimmering barrier appeared in front of Chad's face, deflecting the flames off to the side. A quick glance over revealed one of the soldiers standing with arms outstretched and sweat beading on his brow.

Wait. Have they always been able to do that?!

He hadn't particularly paid attention to the skills of the soldiers. He'd assumed they all had to do with increased ammo capacity or firearms effectiveness, considering that was all they used. But apparently, they'd gained more from their own levels than he'd realized.

After a moment, the stream of fire cut off. The demonic creature lifted its chin, gazing down at their party with sneering red eyes. He opened his mouth once more as everyone braced for another gout of flame, but none came. This time, the creature really did speak, the words coming out in a sibilant hiss.


Chad's eyebrows rose as he looked to Nick. The blue elf was frozen in place, eyes wide as he trembled.

The demon broke into a wide smile, revealing rows of needle-like teeth. "You've done well for yourself. Coming this far with a plant-based build… your father might be proud." A low sound that might have been a chuckle rumbled in his throat. "Come. Let us test your strength.

Before Nick or anyone else could answer, the enemies began to move and several of the soldiers opened fire. The sudden bark of rifle fire left Chad's ears ringing, especially after the brief moment of respite. 

The bizarre assortment of enemies sprang into action, throwing up defensive barriers, shields, and armor-coated limbs to block the incoming assault. The bullets pinged and ricocheted off of the surfaces. Chad gave a private wince at some of the dents he saw appear in chest and arm plates. That had to hurt, even if the bullets didn't draw blood.

The soldiers saw that their attack wasn't having the desired effect and switched tactics. Their rifles swung toward the weakest and skinniest combatant in the back, a level 21. The squad's concentrated firepower armor punched through, tearing into the spindly lizardman's chest and sending chunk after chunk over the edge of the stairs.

Bullets weren't always the most effective weapon anymore. Even the massive slugs the soldiers had taken to using had their limits. But in a lot of cases, they got the job done.

Another series of bangs cut through the sky from above as the snipers in the air took their shots. The demon's head rocked back, but he kept his footing. Reaching up with one clawed gauntlet, he peeled a flattened chunk of depleted uranium from his horn and shook his head as if stunned.

"Cute," he chuckled. "My turn."

The demon surged toward them with an explosion of movement. His fist caught one of the frontline soldiers below his jaw, sending him several feet into the air. In a moment, the needle-toothed enemy had stepped back to rejoin his advancing allies, fists raised as he bounced from foot to foot.

The two sides surged forward in a clash of bullets, blades, and brutal punches. The frontline soldiers attached bayonets to their weapons as they engaged in melee combat, while the backline fired wherever they could. Flurries of magic and skill activations rose from either side as they warred over the last few yards of staircase.

Chad started to run forward to engage the enemy. But a soldier grabbed his arm as he did, catching his attention.

"Save your strength, sir." The man said. "We'll handle this."

Chad hesitated, then gave a grim nod. As much as he wanted to get into melee range, he had a job to do. Still, that didn't mean he couldn't help at all. He grabbed the last of his throwing weapons and started flinging them around whenever he could manage a clear shot. Ball bearings and rocks punched holes through enemies and the glowing stone stairs alike. The occasional Curveball helped his aim, ensuring that he didn't take off a soldier's head on accident.

He heard more sounds of battle behind him as other enemies caught up to their rear. Sparing a glance back, he saw that the cats were still hard at work keeping them at bay. One shot lasers from its eyes at a giant scorpion, while another sent a whirlwind of slashes curling outward from its paws as they held off the horde of weaker enemies coming up from below. Their collective levels were skyrocketing from all the action, and the sheer number of his furry companions might as well have been a literal wall at their backs.

I can't wait to see how many levels Gram Gram gets from this.

Chad heard the feverishly staccato notes of Jerry's violin dance through the battle. His muscles swelled slightly as the buff settled into place just as he tossed another rock toward a flying creature to their left.

"Chad, above!"

His head snapped up at Squawkers's warning. A grey-and-blue mottled form appeared in midair above him, a massive sword raised above its head. With a look of silent determination, it swung the blade down at Chad's head.

His right arm whipped around in a vicious backhand. His hand vaporized the blade as though someone had simply erased the middle section of it suddenly. But before the swordsman even had time to widen his eyes, Chad's hand returned for a second strike. The look of half-formed surprise was wiped away in an instant, along with the rest of the alien's head.

The now-headless corpse collapsed to the ground, along with the remaining pieces of his blade. Wind from the sheer force of the dual blows whipped around him violently. The fighting stopped for a split second as all the aliens gawked at his handiwork.

Er… whoops?

It was the first time he had landed a clean shot in view of these new foes. Luckily, the soldiers were used to this kind of stuff by now. They took advantage of their enemies' momentary shock to attack more ferociously. They got off a few shots in weak spots and made particularly effective stabs with their bayonets. That seemed to set things into motion once again.

A slimy, pink-skinned alien to the right of the large demon stretched its hands forward. Its rubbery fingers extended into slimy tentacles as they shot toward Chad, attempting to wrap around Chad's strong arm and prevent him from striking again. Chad grinned and wrapped his hand around the tentacles with a feeling of nostalgic familiarity. He braced his feet against the stairs and yanked his arm upward.

The alien was ripped from the ground with a burbling cry. Where it had once stood, Chad saw a twin pair of holes in the staircase as though he'd pulled out a tree by its roots.

He whipped his arm in circles in the air, feeling the rubbery tentacles go slack after a few revolutions. Then, he released his grip and let the tentacled creature sail far into the distance. The soldiers managed to kill a few enemies of their own during the brief encounters, leaving only five main enemies left, but these were the most powerful.

The massive demonic entity stood untouched, breathing fire all around. It wasn't the massive torrent that had first struck them, but rather a steady stream keeping anyone from getting too near. The other four were the largest aliens Chad had ever seen, each standing at least eight feet tall with heavy armor and large shields of various descriptions, making it nearly impossible for even the sniper rifles from above to get a shot through.

"All ground units, fall back!"

The order came over the radio and all the soldiers pulled back at once. Chad wasn't exactly sure what the plan was, but there was no time to ask. He jogged backwards along with the other soldiers, opening a slight gap between them and their enemies. As the demon and his allies began to advance, one of the helicopters that had been circling the staircase swopped down and slammed into the group of shieldbearers. Its propeller cleaved into the soldiers like actual blades, its bottom bouncing off the stairs as it knocked two figures into the abyss below. The demon dive out of the way just in time, his speed saving him from the assault.

Chad felt his jaw drop. It was, for all intents and purposes, a kamikaze maneuver. But as the helicopter took back to the air, he realized that he was wrong. The helicopter seemed completely fine.

Ok, that's DEFINITELY a skill. One heck of a skill, too. Why didn't they all pick that one?

Just as the helicopter headed back into the sky, the two other armored defenders acted. One knelt down and clasped his hands together, forming a kind of cradle low to the ground. The other…

Chad tried to shout out a warning, but was too late. The other put his foot in his comrade's hands and was launched upward. He grabbed the rear rotor of the helicopter with one hand punched the tail with the other, breaking off its support. The helicopter started to smoke and spin as it headed towards the ground.

Several missiles launched at the remaining three defenders. Explosions rocked the world as Chad and the others tried to duck behind the stairs cover. Far below, he saw groups of soldiers bail out from the helicopter as it careened toward the ground, parachutes fluttering out behind them. He tossed a few projectiles toward the enemies around them, hoping it would be enough.

After the smoke from the explosions cleared, Chad saw that the stairs now boasted a fresh new crater. But the impacts hadn't shattered them entirely. Unfortunately, they also hadn't finished off the enemies.

The demon tilted back his head and howled. The snarling cry echoed through the sky, and Chad's stomach sank as more figures began to push their way through the portal.

"Shit, they're getting reinforcements!" Squawkers's voice echoed through his head. "We gotta close that portal, now! Who knows how much more stuff they've got back there?"

Chad swore. They'd hoped to have a clear shot before moving on to this part of the plan, especially considering how much windup time he needed. Unfortunately, it looked like that was all wishful thinking.

"Squawk? Tell Annie and the Major to go for it."

The parrot nodded silently, looking toward the still-circling helicopter. A moment later, the speakers hanging from its bottom flared to life and the pre-queued song began to play.

The sounds of the trumpet and hi-hat were barely audible over the chaos. The music started off soft, even with the speakers cranked up to full. Soon enough, the other instruments were joined by the smooth voice of Niel Diamond.

Chad felt energy build within him as Walkout Theme triggered. It coursed through his muscles in a torrent of strength, latent for the moment but eager to burst forth. As long as the music kept playing…

As the music began, every head whipped toward him. The second part of the kicked in, making him the center of attention for all enemies in a fifty foot radius. The demon, remaining shieldbearers, incoming reinforcements, and many of the airborne enemies filling the sky around them began focusing their attention on Chad.

The taunted enemies charged forward in a frenzied swarm. Even the sentient enemies seemed even more aggressive than they had been moments before, focused more on killing Chad than anything else. It was a double edged sword. It would give his companions an easier time dealing with the onslaught, but if any of them made it through… well, Chad had already spent a bit more energy than was advisable getting here. He needed to be more careful if he wanted to hit the portal with his full strength.

The soldiers and cats knew this, too. It was part of the plan. But he couldn't stand back and watch if things went south.

Bullets hammered into the incoming figures, pinging off the thick armor of the shieldbearers. They didn't slow, growing ever closer to Chad. He cracked his knuckles, getting ready to take on anything that got too close. He saw a group of soldiers tackle one of the shieldbearers to the ground, struggling to wiggle a blade between his armor's joints as they did. Nick threw handful after handful of seeds in an effort to send enemies tripping over the edge. The others formed a wall in front of him and unleashed everything they had.

The remaining helicopters were involved in a series of dogfights with flying aliens. Their door guns and machine guns barked in near-endless rhythm as they mowed down flying creatures.

He did his best to conserve energy as the music continued to play. However, he couldn't help but shoot a few more ball bearings toward ranged attackers that threatened Annie's helicopter. She seemed to be doing pretty well for herself, though. The constant sound of her massively oversized rifle firing into the mass of creatures below made him feel slightly better. Especially when it sent the demon staggering drunkenly a few times.

Chad began to walk forward as they cleared a path, timing his steps with the music. As he moved, he felt the latent power building within him grow further and further. He climbed the steps behind the line of soldiers as they slammed their bayonets into the armor of the demon. It struggled to throw them aside in an effort to reach Chad, but the men held it back.

Chad couldn't help but grin. Despite the obvious danger of the situation, it felt just like walking out to championships.

No, even better than that. Adrenaline and anticipation coursed through him in a euphoric rush. This is the most badass thing I've ever done. I'm not just trying to win a title, here. I'm trying to save the world.

Every time he'd ever walked out to the ring ready for his next competition, this was what he was trying to feel. This feeling of power, of confidence, of putting everything on the line and pushing through. He shot another ball bearing forward as he glanced around at his allies. The others who were risking their lives alongside him. For a moment, he felt a strange sense of pride mingled with resolve.

And then the music cut out.

Chad looked over sharply. The speakers had been ripped off the helicopter, speared through their centers by a group of horned snakes slithering through the air. A tangle of sparking wires were all that remained of them.

"No!" Chad yelled in defiance. He felt the power begin to fade from his arm as he looked around quickly. More and more enemies were flooding out from the portal now. The soldiers were barely holding on. He could pull out the emergency speaker, but they'd have to restart the song. That meant more time fighting off enemies.

But the silence didn't last for more than a few beats. A pure violin note sounded behind him, picking up the song just where it left off. Jerry had been walking in his shadow, trying to stay in the safest spot he could. Now, he closed his eyes and stood his ground, his violin propped under his chin and the bow moving in a clear imitation of the interrupted song.

He saw the guy's legs tremble, but his hands stayed steady. Chad felt the power that had been draining return once more, growing bit by bit.

It's not enough. It's not quite enough. It needs more. But what?

Swallowing, Chad took a deep breath and began to mutter the lyrics along with Jerry's playing. The flow of power increased.

Aw, hell.

"Alright, Jer-Bear!" Chad shouted. "Keep it up! I've got you!"

He kept singing in his own poor, out-of-key voice as he shifted his focus to protecting Jerry. As they continued up the stairs, some of the soldiers around him recognized the song and began singing along as well. Bit by bit, their group pushed forward through the sea of attackers, voices strengthening with every step.

They finally got close enough that Chad could touch the portal. Its red surface felt completely solid, like a brick wall of light hanging above their heads. His grin turned fierce as he pulled back his fist and began to charge a punch.

"Charging!" He called out. Jerry's violin swelled as they neared the chorus of the song.

"Chad's getting ready!" Squawkers confirmed. "Fifteen seconds! Keep 'em off him!"

The fighting intensified as everyone made one final push. While Chad was charging Worldshatter, he'd be even more vulnerable than before. Especially with the Walkout Theme taunt still active.

Seconds passed far too slowly. The music swelled into a final crescendo as the soldiers around him continued singing – though it felt more like shouting at this point. A golden glow gathered around Chad's right fist, then blue, then finally white.

"Annie, get ready! Everyone else, take cover!"

Something emerged from the portal, A large, shark-like creature covered with brown fur on it. It snapped its head forward, aiming for Chad's own.

He raised his left arm just in time to intercept the thing's jaws, triggering Iron Skin as he did. White-hot pain made him cry out as the creature bit down harder. Despite the skill, the creature's bite still hurt like nothing else. But at that very instant, he heard the group around him shout the words he'd been waiting for.


He felt another series of impacts along very specific parts of his back and arm: Annie's relaxation shots. It was time to go. Gritting his teeth, he twisted his hips and shot his right arm forward. He could hardly look at his fist anymore – it shone with the intensity of the sun. He pushed off the ground with his feet and launched forward, past the shark creature and toward the portal behind it. He flexed his bicep and shoulder muscles as much as possible to swing his right arm forward. His vision narrowed and time slowed as the men continued to sing.


His knuckles popped mid swing. A sharp, tearing feeling came from his left hand as the bear shark thing tore at him. Chad didn't let it distract him. He activated Ultra Instinct to keep it from getting in the way.


He felt his knuckles impact the portal's smooth surface. It resisted, unwilling to let him go through. But Chad didn't care.


The world went white.