(Draft) Chapter 8 – Bubble bath
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I stop sipping my tea and look at Violet who was sitting across from me in the lounge in her house. 

Unlike a few days ago when she was covered in bloody armour, the current Queen Bitch was wearing a black floral dress that suited a Duchess but not Violet. 

I had scolded her for not using a proper form and when she complained about it not being flashy enough, I kicked her.

She deserved it of course, and I’d happily do it again.

“Are you thinking something rude about me?”

Geh, how does she know?

“Of course not, Your Duchess. I’m simply admiring your beauty.”


“Yes, you are indeed lovely.” 

My fake smile turns into a sneer at Queen Bitch’s comment and I relax into the comfy couch I was sitting on. Allowing its soft leather to envelope me, 

“…you’re welcome. Did you talk with him at all?”

We didn’t have to guess who the ‘him’ was. 

I watch as her face goes from a glare to a blush and she drinks from her teacup. I let out a deep sigh shaking my head, 


“Wha-!” She spits out a little tea at my comment and I groan as I place one leg on top of the other.

“Just talk to him.”

“...he probably doesn’t even remember giving me the basics.”

“You keep telling yourself that and you’ll end up getting NTR’d.”



“...nothing. Just talk to him for god's sake.”

“No. I-” Her blush only deepens and I fight the urge to groan loud, “...I get too flustered and stressed out when he looks at me.”

Yes I know.

“I-it feels like my heart’s beating too fast.”

Yes yes, I’ve read this before.

“And what does Ntr mean anyway?”

Do I have to spell it out?


I slap myself in the face and watch the Villainess’s go from blushing to confused to cold. 

The pitch in her voice drops down a pitch or two as she sounds disgusted, 

“Hah? Are you a masochist or something? Why did you hit yourself?”

“...no reason.”

My cheek burns and my hand stings. I regret even bringing it up. 

Like reading Ntr, I feel nothing but pain. 

…God. Cannot understand why people like it. 

“Why are you humming?”


“You. Are. Humming. Why?

“....” I shrug, “My brother says I do it when I’m thinking.”

“You actually think?”

“Haw haw, you’re hilarious. If only you were this funny talking to lover boy.”

She flinched with the teacup just in front of her lips and she glared at me. I change the subject before she can kick me out,  

“Are the former slaves doing alright?”

“...yes. My mother has used her own money to return any slaves that wanted to leave to return to wherever they came from. With the exception of three.”


“Two from the eastern empire and one from a small village outside the Capital.”

Ah. Right…

The two from eastern empire were the ones who died to let Roan escape that basement. 

By the time he met the noble, the old man wasn’t willing to enter the lion’s den. Especially when it was almost definitely too late for the both of them. 

It served as  something that cemented his deep hatred for slavery and slavers in general. If five years as a slave wouldn’t do that already. 

“Where are they now?”

Violet placed her cup down on a plate and rang a small golden bell. A few seconds pass and Roan as well as the eastern twins come into the room. 

Roan spots me and bows deeply. 

It was a far cry from the silent cool type he was in the game. 

“T-Thank you Sir!”

I watched closely as the blue carpet he was standing on with freshly bathed feet and clean sandals was stained with tears.

The emotionless twins behind him then follow his lead, bowing in sync with each other.

“Thank you big brother’s big brother.” (Thank you big brother’s big brother.)

I hear Violet chuckle behind me, “They’ve been calling you that since it was brought up. Something about a red haired teenager barely older than him saving him."

I glare at her for a moment then clear my throat, “Raise your heads please. I’m a right asshole so don’t bother with manners.”

“Asshole!” (Asshole!)

The servant who had brought them clears his throat clearly unnerved and I hear the Villainess speak. 

“You may leave now.”

“My lady.”

He bows before shutting the door. 

“Well, what now?”

“Come over here. The three of you, please.”

They get closer and I watch as Roan’s glaring turns into a happy expression. 


He flinches at Violet’s addressal of him. 

“Why are you glaring at the idiot who saved you?”

“Oh-! No Ma'am I wasn-”


I clear my throat as I interrupt him and receive the full weight of the Villainess’s glare. 

“You’re the type to need glasses right?”

His dark eyes somehow sparkle brighter, 

“Yes Sir! My eyes don’t work as well as others.”

”Is that what it’s for?”

I nod at the Villainess and she rings another bell, a maid this time enters and hands Roan a pair of round glasses I had gotten used to seeing him in. 

I had them specially made (using Violet’s money) and they had thankfully arrived before the night we raided the base. 

The villainess places a shin high boot onto her other leg and spoke probably realising what I spent her money on, 

“Use them well, I paid for it after all. And I was mistaken.”

I grimace a little at her lack of manners but Roan silently puts them on then smiles as he seemingly gets a better look at my face. 


“Stop with the ‘Sir’ please.” 

I raise my hand, unable to take it anymore and I watch as Roan’s eyes suddenly burn with intelligence. 

I stiffened as it was a frame I had seen while playing through the game. 


I was stunned. No heartbroken.

He used his mega smart brain to think of what to call me. 

The one time he looked like his original character was to come up with something other than Sir.

“Older brother?”

I stay silent, too shocked and I grimace. 

“...Sure whatever. I’m barely older than you though.”

“Maybe Older brother but you act like my uncle.”

“...that right?”

“Yes Un-Older brother.”

“….Uncle’s fine too, Ahh I don’t care anymore.”

I hear his smile as he speaks, “Very well Uncle.”

“Thank you Uncle.” (Thank you Uncle)

I sip on my tea which had gone cold. 

“Queen Bitch.”

“Mm!” (Mm!)

I hear the twins shocked at my sudden change in demeanour, 

“Yes Trash?”

“Nn!” (Nn!)

They were shocked again. 

“Let them into the Duchess’s library. In exchange we can spar for two hours if you wish.”

“Oh? ….Make it four.”

A large grin grows on her face. 

Geh, she looks like a frame from the game when she blackmailed the main character. 

My face scrunches up in thought and I mutter the word more to myself than Queen Bitch.


“Very well.” She rings the bell on the table for the third time and a butler enters. “Take these three to the library.”

“As you wish, My Lady.”

“And empty out the training grounds if it isn’t already.”

“Yes, My Lady.”

Roan followed by the twins' bowed as they spoke. 

“Thank you Miss!”

“Thank you Milady!” (Thank you Milady!)

I chuckle a little as I watch Violet’s usually cold eyes soften a little. She clears her throat as she realises I’m watching her and speaks trying her best to sound as intimidating as usual.  

“...and get them refreshments.”

“Yes My Lady.”

The end of the butler’s lips were twitching as he seemed to be holding back a smile, stealing glances at the twins copying his bow. One hand on his chest, the other behind his back. 

“Thanks again, Uncle.”

“Thanks Big Brother’s big brother!” (Thanks Big Brother’s big brother!)

I wave off their parting words as they’re led out of the unreasonably big lounge. 

Seriously, how much money do the Duchess family have to throw around?

“Oh? Feeling jealous of the decor, Trash?”

“Not as much as I am of the fact you have a crush on someone, Bitch.”

“H-how did you know about that anyway?”

Your world is a shitty game that I’ve played through multiple times.

“….you were trying to hide it?”

Her face flushes a little and she lets out a sigh as she finishes off another cup of tea. (She was given three while I was given two)

“Let’s get on with the sparring.”


“...and I’m not using my equipment. I need to learn to fight without it.”









Four hours. 

I figured when Queen Bitch said that she was either half-joking or we’d at least get a break in between but….. 

My lungs burned and my sword arm felt heavy as I swung barely missing her pale throat. Violet was also sweating but unlike me had a big grin that was threatening to split her face in two. 

My feet were heavy as I jumped backwards to avoid a swipe from her and I parried it, smacking the back of her wooden sword with mine and barely managing to knock it out of her hands. 

I heard her speak for the first time since we had started. 

“O…okay.. Break…”

I collapse onto my back and don’t mind the sand mixing with my sweat as I lie down. My legs are burning and I have to force hot air in and out of my lungs as I suffer. 

I weakly look up to find the Duchess drinking from her bottle. Her eyes meet mine and she lowers it before throwing it towards me.


The metal bounces off my head and I start drinking… pouring the cold liquid into my mouth. I don’t stop even as it runs down my chin and stains my vest.

“….thanks. Bitch.”

“Welcome. Trash.”

Violet curtly replies before wiping her head with a towel and I watch as she rings a bell.

Christ, how many bells are there?

The same butler from earlier enters and bows before speaking, I lie back onto the floor and close my eyes. Trying to cool down as I listen to the conversation. 

“How may I help?”

“How are the children doing?”

“For the past four hours they’ve been in the library with Master Roan.”

“He’s still reading?”

Yeah that sounds like Roan.

“Yes Ma’am. I’ve given them refreshments every hour but Master Roan is quite dedicated to his studies. I’ve recommended the twins some picture books they could enjoy.”

I choose now to speak up and my voice wavers a little as my breath remains unstable,

“You can… leave Roan alone, he’ll… eat when he’s tired.”

“Sounds like you know him Trash.”

“That’s… cuz I’m a genius, Bitch.”


I hear the snark behind her words and regretfully push myself off the floor, feeling gravity once again.

I glare at Violet and the butler clears his throat before speaking,

“Ma’am I’ve prepared a bath for you. Master Marcus will have one after you.”

“Understood. Goodbye Trash.”

I check the time denying the Bitch a response and I grimace as I realise the time.

Nine o clock.


“A problem Master Marcus?”

“The kids need their sleep.”

I watch as the old butler furrows his brows for a moment and I realise just how tired he looks.


“…I’ll do it.”

“Many thanks Sir.”








“We want a story, big brother’s big brother.” (We want a story, big brother’s big brother.)

“You little shits.”

“Shit!” (Shit!)

The two twins who had been compliant so far, spoke in sync after I had tucked them into bed. 

I grimace a little as I stare into their red eyes filled with determination and I let out a sigh as I pull out a chair to sit down next to them. 

“...fine. Have you heard the tale of ‘three little pigs’?”

They both shake their heads. 

“Then let me tell it to you then, ahem” I clear my throat before continuing. “Once upon a time, there were three little piggies…”








Three minutes or so pass and I listen to the soft snoring of the two kids, stopping around the time I confirm they were asleep. 

“And I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house… and I’ll continue some other time.”


I make a quiet grunt as I push myself off the wooden chair I had been sitting on. Watching my steps to not wake up the children as I go to leave. 

Shutting the door I’m met with a smirking Violet standing with her arms folded, and next to her was the twin’s big brother: Roan staring at me in wonder. 

“Mis…Unc…Older br…. Young master, where did you hear that story?”

“...who knows. Anyway, did you remember the recipe I told you about?” 

“Ah, no need to worry, I’ve already asked her Ladyship for the ingredients. The drink should be ready by this monday. Also I memorised each line you spoke so I can tell the twins it whenever they want to hear it, please be sure to tell me the rest of the story later.”

My face burns a little as I realise they hadn’t just made their way outside the bedroom. I look away from the shining brown eyes staring at me and just nod my head,  


“Hmm? Awfully quiet there, ‘Big brother’.” 

I turn and glare at a smirking Villainess. 

“Shut it Bitch.”

“‘Big brother!’ You wound me!”

My face only burns stronger and I push past her to go in the direction of the bathroom. I hear Queen Bitch’s parting words, 

“You really are one part of a twin, you look like your brother when you blush, ohohoho!” 

I raise my middle finger in her direction, not looking so I wouldn’t have to deal with her. 

…and so she wouldn’t see me blush. 

“Ahh goddamnit.”

The water felt nice at least. I close my eyes as the scent of rose fills my nose. 


“There you are!” 

I frown at the surprise visit of my friend. My plan to stay at home and play videogames went down the drain the moment I saw his face.

‘How long ago was this? Christ, he looks young.’ 

A wide smile with a gap where one of his front teeth should be breaks me from my thoughts, he grinned at me as my brows continued to frown harder. 

“Ahaha geez —-----! You need to smile more.”

“...I’ll smile when I feel like it, what do you want?”

‘Christ, I used to be so grumpy.’ 

My friend chuckled to himself as he held up a piece of paper. 

“Surprise! Happy tenth birthday!”

I hesitantly take out the paper in his hands and see multiple characters poorly drawn on the paper in ink. One has violet hair, another brown, blonde and…. Red. 

‘...you goddammit idiot.’

My mouth doesn’t move the way I want it to and I speak in a low tone for a twelve year old. 

“...what is this?”

My friend looks heartbroken for a moment before sighing and shaking his head with a smile, 

“It’s that game I told you about, remember?? The one I plan on making when I’m older.”

‘I miss you so much, ya asshole.’


“Annnnd. I’ve based some of the characters on the people around me! Look, you're there too!”


The kid’s finger points to one of the characters and I watch his face brighten up. 

“Look! I’ve based him off you, his name’s –”



I open my eyes and they immediately sting under the pinkish water, my lungs are burning and I wildly grab at the soft hand on my shoulder and sharp nails pull me up.

I start hacking up gulps of the bath water and I feel a hand rubbing my back as I do so, I lazily glance over at who’s doing it and I see the blurry image of Violet staring at me with worried eyes. 

Behind her are the twins from the eastern empire, sniffling as they watch me with tears in their eyes. 

I’m handed a blue towel that I use to wipe my face with my aching hands and I groan as water leaks from my open mouth onto the marble floor.


I felt the urge to cry a little as I remembered my friend too vividly. 


He was so young.

“W-what’s wrong with you?”

Violet’s face went from angry to worried as I kept fighting to keep my face neutral. 

I nod my head burying my face in the soft towel as I let out a deep sigh, I had been trying too hard to push him out of my head by distracting myself. 

Violet’s voice rings in my water clogged ears, 

“You can sleep over, just relax.”

I nod again, biting my lip. 


I led the two twins who had distracted me while I was walking to my room. They were crying as they screamed for help and I watched as they wiped their eyes with their wet arms. 

Apparently they had woken up and wanted Marcus to continue the story when they realised he was underwater. 

My brows furrow a little as I hold the twin’s by the hand to my butler, the scene of Marcus asleep under the water still ingrained in my mind.

Ahh, that Trash. 


I focus on my head butler, the man who had served me since I was a child. Even when my mother couldn’t pay him. 

“...Get these two a change of clothes.”

I look down at my damp hands and the nightgown that had been soaked. 

“And me another gown.”

“Yes Ma’am. And for Master Marcus?”

“Leave him alone, that Trash needs some time by himself.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Milady…” (Milady…)

“Yes?” My face goes a little awkward as I try my best not to intimidate the children standing next to me. Even my neutral face looked like I was scowling. 

“Is Uncle okay?” (Is Uncle okay?)

I think about how the usually grinning Trash looked and my brows furrow. He knows how to cry?

“….Not sure. He’ll be okay so just go back to sleep when my Butl- Grandpa Sebas fetches you some new clothes.”

“...okay.” (...okay.)

They wipe their eyes again and I hesitantly pat them on the head like that Trash had suggested I do. 

‘Kids need headpats afterall.’

I stare at the bathroom door in thought and mutter to myself as I hear Sebastian coming back with spare clothes. 

“Ahh that Trash, he made a mess in my bathroom…”