Chapter 3: Intensive Care Part 1
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"Come on… come on… Where the bleedin' is it?" Tristan muttered out of frustration, yet he kept his concentration to find the missing spot he's looking for. But after a moment of struggle, he finally found what was right under his nose. "Aha! There you are!"

He placed a jigsaw puzzle in its correct place, having managed to fit a picture of a cute little kitten playing with a yarn ball.

"Great, I only have to put five-hundred more pieces together and my work is complete." Tristan said, smiling at the progress he was making. That wouldn't last long when he felt his back aching after spending much time hunching over his seat. "Ugh, I think I really need a break."

Tristan stood up off his couch and cracked his back, before making his way across the living room and to the kitchen, all while hearing his favorite song, Son of a Preacher Man by Dusty Springfield, playing from the music player. He opened the fridge to take out a jug of lemonade before serving himself a glass of his beverage.

After taking a sip of his refreshing drink, he thought he could grab a little snack since working on the jigsaw puzzle worked his appetite. But before he could get something from the pantry, he heard the door knocking.

Raising an eyebrow, Tristan checked the time on his cellphone to see it's past noon. He left his glass of lemonade on the counter and went to answer the door. When he opened it, he grew a small smile once he saw who's on the doorstep. "Oi, good to see you again. I didn't expect you'd come to knock on my door."

"Yeah? Well, well apparently this is the only residence we find in this big-ass forest. Can we come in or not?" Blitzø asked while tapping his foot on the floor. However, he didn't come alone. Millie waved friendly at him as Moxxie just greeted him with a reluctant smile. The hellhound, also known as Loona, was standing behind them with the grimoire under her arm. When she made eye contact with Tristan, Loona only glared at him icily before focusing back on her phone.

Tristan stepped aside to let them enter his house. "Sure, sure. You're now welcome here."

"Whoa… Nice place you got here. Kinda reminds me of the house my parents live in!" Millie said while looking around in amazement at the cabin.

"Thanks. I'm not the type who wants to live with nature but it's great to have a place where it's rent free. My mom knew better." Tristan chuckled wholeheartedly as he closed the door.

"Do you even have wifi in this shack?" Loona asked with a faux annoyed look as she looked around, probably to find the wifi device.

"Oh yeah, sadly A.R.E.S doesn't let me share the password to anyone who's not an agent. But since we're now working as a team, the password is written on a notepad inside the desk over there." Tristan pointed at the desk that was on the far side of the living room.

Loona blinked a few times, as if she was surprised Tristan would actually hand over some confidential info to her, even though he didn't seem like he's trying to be friendly with her. She shrugged off to not think too much and went to find that password, though she hoped her phone won't be traced.

"Um… Is it okay if I take a seat?" Moxie asked politely as he and Millie stood in front of the couch.

"Of course, make yerself at home." Tristan waved nonchalantly with a smile as he went to turn down the volume of the music so it wouldn't deafen their whole conversation.

Moxxie and Millie smiled back at his gesture and sat down on the couch. It was then Millie let out a gasp when she noticed the jigsaw puzzle on the coffee table. "Aaaawww, do you like kittens? That's so cute!" She said with her puppy dog eyes, while Moxxie only quirked an eyebrow at the puzzle.

"Don't touch them! It's not completed yet!" Tristan gave a warning, making Millie sit still before she would move the pieces. Letting out a sigh, he made his way back to the kitchen. "Anyone need something? A snack? Maybe a drink?"

"Alright, you can drop the act now." Blitzø interjected as he got out of the kitchen with the glass of lemonade, which also Tristan was drinking. "The only reason we're here is because Stolas told us we have to bring you along with our missions as part of the deal he made with those men in black. But let me be clear, just because we'll be off the hook as long as you're our supervisor, doesn't mean you get to be in charge. I'm still the boss of this company, which means your job is to do what I say." He prodded his finger into Tristan's torso with a disdainful look on his face.

The tension creeped in the entire room as Tristan looked down to see Blitzø not removing his finger off his chest, before staring back at him with a scowl. Moxxie was nervous as he was about to intervene, only to stop when Millie placed her hand on his shoulder and shook her head at him, telling him that it's a matter that can only be settled between the two guys. As for Loona, she looked away from the phone to watch the scene, as if she liked to see how this argument would escalate.

Both remained silent for a prolonged moment until Tristan pushed the imp's hand away from him. "Okay, first, I was drinking that glass, so I hope you don't mind me putting my lips around it." He said with a neutral tone. "Second, I had no idea that Stolas was cooperating with my superiors. I didn't even know he helped my great-great grandfather to defeat Dracula! So you're not the only one who's pretty pissed about it."

Blitzø brushed past Tristan and sat down on a stool next to the bar. "Oh yeah, and would that make us even?"

"I mean, you did punch me in the face. Don't you think we already are?" Tristan eyed at Blitzø quizzically.

Loona suddenly let out a snort, as she was now sitting in an armchair after she managed to connect the wifi. "Who the hell is Dracula?" She asked, finding it funny just by how silly that name sounds.

"Uh, he's a vampire? You know, immortal nocturne creatures who can only survive by drinking human blood?" Moxxie shot back at her, a little annoyed that Loona wouldn't even know the most famous name, yet he continued. "He's also supposed to be a fictional character, or at least that's what I thought."

"He is. Or rather, it's best to let the public think that monsters like Dracula only exist in the books." Tristan replied as he went back to the kitchen to pour more lemonade in another glass.

"I just don't understand. If Stolas is their ally, why they wouldn't tell you about it from the beginning?" Millie asked as she relaxed herself on the couch.

Tristan shrugged as he drank his lemonade. "Guess they didn't expect I would wind up in Hell all of a sudden. That or just some confidentiality bullshit, my only job is hunting vampires, werewolves and leprechauns. Actually I haven't hunted down one of them yet, but if I would, do you think they would spill Lucky Charms if I blow them with a gun?"

Blitzø let out an exaggerated groan. "Look, I'm all for random conversations, but can we just get to the point already?"

"Alright, alright." Tristan sighed while shaking his head as he stood in front of Blitzø. "Listen, I know you still don't like me for almost killing you and your employees and your adoptive daughter, and potentially fuck up yer hitman business. But this whole deal will end once you and your little assassins convince them you're not targeting the wrong people. And after that, they will leave you alone and we'll part ways, each to their own. Would that be good for all of you?" He turned to the two little imps and the hellhound.

"Honestly, I don't see anything wrong about it. So sure." Moxxie said, forming a small smile on his lips at the idea about picking the right targets.

"Hey, as long as we can still kill more nasty humans, that's fine by me!" Millie added with a nonchalant shrug.

Loona only grumbled without glancing away from her phone, making it clear that she doesn't care about the matter, but at least she didn't disagree.

Tristan then turned back at Blitzø, almost giving him a boastful smile after he got the undivided approval from Blitzø's own employees, even though he's not looking to take over I.M.P's operations. After learning more about how Blitzø picked up their targets, Tristan was actually surprised that A.R.E.S would let their operations up and running, with a few conditions of course. Sure, he didn't like the idea of letting them kill more people, at least those who don't deserve it, but that's why he accepted the assignment to make sure they don't make a bloodbath. Furthermore, he needed to find out who put a price on his head.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't think for a fucking second that I'm buying this benevolent bullshit you're serving. So you want the briefing or not?" Blitzø retorted when he was now getting impatient, not to mention irritated by the human's stubbornness.

"Sure, let's get down to business!" Tristan nodded as he went to his desk to pick up his laptop. "So who are you dealing with today? A drug lord? Or is it a serial killer?"

"Oh, even better. We're going after a priest!" Millie said, punching her fist in the palm with an excited grin.

Tristan blinked without showing a reaction, but an eyebrow raised was a clear sign that he was interested. "Go on." He said as he took another sip of his lemonade.

"We have a client who claims she was killed by some sort of cult led by that priest. She said she was trying to expose them, something about what they're doing to the other people." Moxxie explained, very engaged with the briefing he's giving to Tristan.

"And what happened?" Tristan inquired, his tone became grave when he knew the worst part was about to begin.

"She got caught after they found out what she was doing. Next thing she knew, they took her to some kind of a crazy ritual where she saw the priest. And… well, you probably know the rest." Millie finished with a grimace, feeling a little uncomfortable when she knew the details would be too gruesome for Tristan to digest.

Of course, Tristan knew exactly what Millie meant. After all, it's not the first time he had to deal with cults who torture innocent people just in the name of their religion or their so-called 'God' "Poor woman…" He sighed while shaking his head.

"Oh come on, don't be a sad clown." Blitzø jumped off the stool and approached Tristan with a smirk. "What really matters is that she has the chance to give some payback to that priest psycho. And that's where we come in. We find that piece of shit, give him and his men some divine punishment, and our client will rest in peace. I mean, not that because she's now in Hell, but you get what I mean."

"Hmm, for the first time I agree with you." Tristan said as he sat down on the dining table and opened his laptop. "So, did your client tell you where we can find that priest bastard?"

"Well, she said the priest is the owner of a hospital called St. Boniface Sanatorium. Why do you ask?" Moxxie asked with his head tilted sideways.

"I just need to check out something before we go." Tristan typed the name of the hospital on his laptop.

"Ugh. Look, we have that book that can take us literally anywhere we want. That's why we brought Loony with us." Blitzø pointed to the hellhound next to him.

"Not exactly was my choice to go with you guys." Loona rolled her eyes while resting her head on her fist.

Tristan wasn't listening to him as he was now reading the background info of the St. Boniface Sanatorium, until he read a paragraph that made him chuckle in amusement. "Hohoho, now this is getting better."

"What? What did you find?" Millie asked as she hopped off the couch and went to see what Tristan was reading.

"Okay, get a load of this. The hospital used to be an asylum that was built in Germany back in the 50's, but it was closed down after it was revealed that the Nazis conducted shady psychological experiments during the war. In the 90's, the asylum was reopened, but once again, it became infamous for the rumors of the neglecting and abusive behavior from the staff towards the patients. But five years later, and you're gonna like this, it was bought by a Christian-affiliated organization who remodeled the asylum afterwards and turned it into a psychiatric hospital."

"Wow, where did you get all that info?" Moxxie wore a mixture of surprise and awe expression on his face.

"Um, the internet? Seriously, it's like an open book about everything unless you wanna take a dive into the deep web. Wouldn't recommend it though." Tristan said as he turned the laptop around so the others would see everything was on a public website.

Blitzø rolled his eyes, folding his arms as he was getting impatient. "Alright, teacher. That was an interesting history lesson and all, but how exactly would that help us with the mission?"

"Two things. One, if those inhuman experiments really took place in that same building, then that should mean there must be some kind of a secret room where we can find that priest. Second, and this is personal, there's nothing that I hate more than scumbags who think they can do what they want in the name of a religion." Tristan stood up from his chair with his brows furrowing deeply and his fingers scratched the table. He then walked around the table while taking off his robe and went to pick his trench coat that was hanging in the hall.

His words not only surprised Moxxie and Millie, even Blitzø was almost stunned that he brought a question. "Hold up, didn't you just say you only hunt monsters?" He said, shooting a questioning glare at Tristan.

Tristan let out a chuckle as he put on the gun holsters. "You're right Blitzø, it is my job, but it's also yours. We all know a man can be as vicious as them." He said as he slipped on his favorite coat and faced the puzzled imp. "So if that means that this priest is the real monster… Then I'll join the hunt with pleasure."

"Did… Did anyone else get the goosebumps?" Moxxie asked, completely stunned that he couldn't deny Tristan's words were nothing short of audacious, something that was worth to respect.

Millie was about to answer she also had, but then noticed Loona was sitting upright with her fur standing on end. "Holy shit! You too, Loona?" She said, trying to hold back a laugh.

"W-What? T-The hell I am! It's just… it's getting cold in here, okay!" Loona stood abruptly off the couch and walked away with a growl.

Blitzø however remained silent as he kept staring suspiciously at Tristan, but to the surprise of his employees, he began to chuckle and then burst out a laugh. At first Moxxie, Millie, and even Tristan thought it was just a mocking laugh, but soon it became clear that it was rather an amused one.

"You know, I still think you're a piece of shit, but now I'm starting to like you." Blitzø said with a genuine devilish smile, stepping closer towards Tristan to give him a nudge. "Well, that settles then! M&M, gather your stuff. We're moving out!"

"Loona isn't coming with us?" Moxxie asked, looking at the hellhound with a critical gaze.

"Not gonna happen. She's gonna stay here with the book until we finish the job. I'm sure you don't mind if she sticks around in your shed for a while, do you?" Blitzø asked Tristan with his arms folded, clearly expecting to not get a 'no' for an answer.

He glanced at the gothic hellhound as she was sitting by the window with her phone, before Loona scowled back at him while baring her teeth. Of course, Tristan't wasn't fazed by that hostility, but he wasn't sure if he could trust her to behave in his own house. If anything, he believed that she should be part of this assignment after witnessing what she's capable of in their last encounter. On the other hand, he can understand Blitzø just wants to keep her safe and she doesn't seem to mind that.

"Alright, she can stay, but she better don't touch my stuff while I'm gone." Tristan said after putting on his fedora and went to a nearby table.

"Oh, I'm so gonna touch your stuff." Loona muttered with a taunting grin.

Tristan only sighed as he pressed a hidden button below the table. A hissing sound was heard before a hidden compartment was open to reveal his Beretta handguns and ammo. He took his weapons out of the case and slid them into his holsters, before picking some magazines too. "Alright, I'm ready to go."

Blitzø smirked before turning to the hellhound. "Loona, would you do the honors?"

Loona rolled her eyes casually before she took out the grimoire and opened it, making it glow with some sort of strange light that caught Tristan's attention. Suddenly, a portal was opened inside the cabin and on the other side was some sort of forest with the sun setting on the horizon. However, Tristan immediately recognized it was the Black Forest, a famous forest of Germany, where the mental hospital is located.

"Man, I wish I could have one of those…" Tristan whistled, amazed to see how easy it was using that book to travel wherever they wanted.

"Alright gang, let's go find that crazy priest guy and drag his sorry ass to where he belongs!" Blitzø exclaimed with a toothy smirk as he loaded his flintlock pistol.

"You're the boss, Blitzø!" Millie cracked her knuckles with a widened smile, as she and Moxxie followed Blitzø into the portal.

Before Tristan would follow them, he exchanged another glance at Loona. "Stay out of trouble, wolfie." He pointed his finger at her accusingly, or rather playfully before he crossed the portal.

Loona clicked her tongue bitterly, but she calmed herself down as she stood up and stretched herself. She had to admit, this whole place looks more cozy than her and Blitzø's apartment. Sure it would've been nice to own a place like this, but maybe this was her chance to get that feeling at the very least.

"Eh, what the hell." Loona said as she went to the kitchen to see if there's something good in the fridge.

Standing on top of a rocky hill, Tristan and the imps were looking over the building at the foot of the mountains near the plain fields; Cut off from the rest of society's ills and full of a welcoming aura. The hospital was built from brick and wood and looked like a countryside rehabilitation lodge with two large wings and vast green gardens. Trees and tall snow covered the top of the mountains. Some of the chimneys and towers popped out of the rooftop giving it the sense of the hospital being closer to a medieval country manor than a lodge.

"So this is a mental hospital these cultist freaks are using in the middle of nowhere? Hmm, I gotta hand it to them, good spot to do some nasty shit without many eyes around." Blitzø said as he looked through his binoculars.

"It's gonna be difficult to find our target with many people inside, let alone getting a clear shot from here." Moxxie added with his eye on the scope, but unable to get a clear view from the building's inside.

"Aye, but the good news is that the night's falling, meaning the hospital must be now on curfew. So we could try to sneak in." Tristan replied knowingly with his arms crossed.

"Can't we just barge in and kill all those cultists? They're as guilty as that crazy priest." Millie suggested as she flexed herself.

Blitzø raised up to his feet and kept his binoculars in his jacket. "As much as I love the idea, they're not our targets. The client specifically told us we have to kill that priest and let's leave it at that." He then turned at Tristan with a query expression. "You sure we would find him in a secret room, rookie?"

The young man looked at Blitzø almost with a surprised look, though at the same he felt a little annoyed when the imp called him a newbie. Tristan quickly shook it off and answered. "That would be my best guess, but he could also be in his office considering he's the hospital's manager. With any luck, he might be keeping the files about where we could find his ritual chamber."

Blitzø raised an eyebrow as he still had doubts about Tristan's logic, but since he can't think of a better idea, he thought he might as well go along with that plan for now. "Well, let's hope you didn't come up with that shit from horror movies."

And so, the I.M.P assassins and Tristan went all the way down the hill until they reached the gardens that were behind the hospital building. The assassins sneaked their way to the backdoor since it would be the least guarded spot. But just as they were near to the back entrance, the doors were suddenly opened.

"Shit! Hide!" Blitzø hissed before everyone hid behind the bushes and peeked out to see who was coming out.

It was a couple of men in white uniforms rolling a stretcher with a body of a female covered in a mantle Something that caught Tristan's attention, as he found it very odd that there would be a dead body in a mental hospital, but he could already tell that this poor soul became another victim of that cult.

"Where are they taking the body?" Moxxie asked with a frown.

"Eh, probably gonna bury it, fuck it, it doesn't matter. Let's just wait until they pass by and then we'll make our move. Got it, rookie? … Rookie?" Blitzø muttered, only to not get a response from Tristan before turning to his side and saw Tristan was heading towards a small building where the men were taking the body. "Oh for fuck sake!" He hissed through his teeth before he and the other imps went to catch up with the human before things would go south.

Tristan stopped by the window and raised himself up to take a peek inside, spotting the nurses getting into the incinerator room with the body. But he also saw there were a few more corpses lining up in each stretch across the room, and most of them were females. It didn't take much longer for him to realize what these devious men were about to do. Suddenly, he almost jumped when a hand grabbed his shoulder and was pulled down. Tristan whipped his head around and saw it was Blitzø.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" Blitzø growled with an irritated look.

Tristan sighed before pulling his hand away from him. "Calm down, I just needed to see what they're doing." He said while pointing at the window with his thumb. This made Blitzø raise an eyebrow, but the curiosity just got the better of him before he took a peek along with Moxxie and Millie.

Looking back inside, Tristan saw the nurses carrying the corpse by the limbs and suddenly threw it into the incinerator. They didn't stop from there as they proceeded to pick up another of the bodies and repeated the same action.

"Damn, they're throwing the bodies into the fire? That's hardcore." Millie said with her voice slightly dipped in surprise.

"And all of them are women. Too much good of a good thing for a place managed by Christians, ain't it?" Tristan added while glaring at the nurses as they kept throwing the dead bodies of the patients into the incinerator.

"So the client was right about what this place is really doing to the patients. Who knows how long they've been doing something like this." Moxxie's bitterness could be heard in his tone.

While Blitzø had to admit it was something worth watching, it doesn't change the fact that they still have a job to do. "Okay, so that solves the little mystery. Now can we get into the hospital?" He asked while tapping his arm impatiently.

"Yeah, yeah, lead the way." Tristan sighed before they sneaked away from the building and went to their original path to the hospital. Once they reached the backdoor, he slightly opened the door and peeked through while the imps made sure they're not being watched or followed. "Looks clear."

Pushing the door open, Tristan and the assassins finally entered the hospital and found themselves standing in an empty hall with dimming lights barely lighting the entire room. At that moment, Tristan and the imps became slightly rattled by the utter silence that gave them an eerie feeling.

"Boy, this place sure gives me the creeps." Moxxie said while looking around the empty corridor.

"Alright, any idea where we'd find the priest's office, rookie?" Blitzø turned at the human with an eyebrow raised.

Restraining a sigh at hearing that nickname again, Tristan took out his phone and checked the floor plans of the building A.R.E.S sent it over to him as he requested. After all, they're aware about this mission and reminded him to make sure I.M.P do it as stealthily as possible. "Well, according to the maps, the office should be at the west hall on the top floor. We only need to find these stairs, and as soon as we don't bump into someone, the better."

"Well, then let's not waste our time jacking off." Blitzø said as he led the team ahead as the sounds of their footsteps stepping on the tiled floor echoed across the hall.

They reached what appeared to be the ward where the patients are inside their rooms and were not allowed to leave during the night. Even so, Tristan and the others were making sure not to make a sound or else the entire hospital would be alerted. One could wonder if all the patients were being manipulated by the hospital staff or they're being kept against their will. Either way, it proved that nothing had changed in this place.

Suddenly, Blitzø let out a snort that almost caught everyone's off guard. "Is there something funny, sir?" Moxxie asked in a deadpan tone.

"No reason, I just found the irony of all this." The boss said as he looked around the hall. "We're literally sneaking into a sacred place where the preacher and his sheeps think they're safe inside. Now imagine his reaction when he sees us demons who aren't supposed to be here."

"Oh, I would love to see the look of that prick's face." Millie said with a smirk.

"And there's also you." Blitzø glanced at Tristan standing next to him. "I'm still surprised you're fully on board to kill a human who's also a servant of God, or at least that's what he pretends to be. I mean, aren't you supposed to be on the good side with those groomers?"

Tristan was about to make a remark, a clicking sound broke the ensuing silence before he looked forward and saw one of the doors was opened. "Quick! Hide!" He hissed before he stood behind a wall with Moxxie while Blitzø and Millie hid on the other side.

Coming out of the door, another couple of nurses were seen rolling a stretcher out of the room. At first they were expecting to see them carrying another body, but then they heard the sounds of grunting and growling before peeking out and saw that another patient was alive. However, he appeared to be one of the violent ones as he was restrained with straps and was writhing around violently, trying to break himself free.

"Sehen? Ich habe dir gesagt, dass er nicht lange durchhalten würde." A blond-haired nurse said with a dry chuckle.

"Das passiert diese Woche bereits zum fünften Mal. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob wir das noch lange geheim halten können. Glaubst du, es könnte die Zeremonie sein, die-" The other nurse was cut off when he was grabbed by the collar.

"Schweig! Möchten Sie, dass der Meister hört, wie Sie seine Methoden in Frage stellen? Es gibt so etwas wie Versuch und Irrtum und die Leute werden diesen Scheiß immer noch glauben. Und wer wäre außerdem dumm genug, einigen Christen vorzuwerfen, sie würden Menschen mit psychischen Problemen misshandeln?" The blond-haired nurse spat while releasing his partner.

"Du meinst, wie die Schlampe, die wir vor ein paar Tagen geopfert haben?" The other nurse asked with a scoff.

"Ja, diese Hure."

Both nurses laughed venomously, ignoring the patient's constant inhuman roars as he kept thrashing his body around the binds, before they took him away from the ward and when they reached the end of the hall, they took a path on the right.

Once the coast was clear, Tristan and the imps came out of their hiding. "So… Anyone have any idea what in tarnation these guys were saying?" Millie asked, clearly confused at the language from these nurses.

"How the fuck should I know? I don't speak gibberish." Blitzø argued while shrugging his shoulders.

"That's because they were speaking German." Moxxie knowingly, furrowing his brows after catching up some of the words he heard from them.

"Wait, you speak German too?" Tristan glanced at the small imp with a look of surprise.

Moxxie rubbed the back of his head with a modest smile. "Well, sort of I guess. Only I learned that so I could read some novels, but I never practiced before."

"So, you know what they said?" Millie asked while looking at her husband in amazement.

"Actually I couldn't catch their entire conversation, but the only thing I could hear from them was something about a ceremony. I don't know what that means, but I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with what they're doing to the patients." Moxxie said with a serious look.

"Did you hear anything about that patient they were taking? 'Cause that lad sure sounded like he went ballistic." Tristan inquired while looking back at the end of the hall where the nurses went.

Before Moxxie could respond, Blitzø interjected. "Whatever that is, it's not our business. We're only hired to find and kill that fucking preacher, so you can save all these questions when we find him."

While Tristan wanted to disagree with his remark, he knew they didn't have the time to look for answers until they reached the priest's office. So he and the imps continued their way to the end of the hall, and as they looked in both directions while wondering which way they should go, Tristan checked the map on his phone once again to check where was the right path to reach the stairs.

"Over there." He pointed to the right and led the imps across the next aisle. This led them to a courtyard where in the middle stood a large pool with dark water. Surely this was supposed to be used as some kind of therapy exercise for the patients, or maybe something disturbing in this case. There were also stalls with curtains standing both in the lower and upper floors that are used as changing rooms.

"Hmm, if I knew they had a pool in here, I wouldn't mind taking a dip all naked. Wouldn't you like that, Mox?" Millie cast a sultry look at her husband, mostly with the purpose of breaking the tension they're feeling right now.

Moxxie blinked in surprise before a blush grew on his face. "Um… I uh…"

"Calm down, you lovebirds. This is not the time for you both to do some gross couple stuff in the work hours." Blitzø responded as he aimed his sniper rifle up and down around the courtyard.

"Says the one who's obsessed with spying on me and my wife…" Moxxie muttered while rolling his eyes, which drew a snort from Millie.

Having heard that, Tristan chortled a laugh in disbelief as he stood behind one of the columns. "He does? Then you should probably get a restraining order on him."

"Joke's on you; that doesn't exist down there, that's why they call Hell." Blitzø shot back a smug smile at the human and Moxxie.

Tristan waved it off to focus back on the mission and looked around the empty pool room. He looked into the GPS once more and saw that the next room should lead them to the staircase. "Over there."

The imps followed the human and pressed on to the adjacent hallway, only to stall for a moment when they saw one of the guards patrolling, so they had to hide behind the wall again and waited until the guard disappeared from sight. After that, they continued and finally found the stairs and proceeded to move up to the next floor. As Blitzø took point, he pressed his back behind a wall and peeked his head out to see no one was around down the hall. Stepping away from the wall, the imp continued to take the lead as the others followed him.

"We're almost there to the west hall, we just need to take the next left and the office will be at the end." Tristan said after taking a look at the map to make sure they were heading in the right direction.

"That priest better be fucking there. This place is now starting to freak me out…" Blitzø replied as they got closer to the priest's office. But suddenly, he heard the sound of the footsteps getting closer, and when he turned to the other side, a blurred figure just crashed into him and both fell to the ground. "OW! What the fuck?!"

Tristan and the other imps were surprised when they saw a pale, frail-looking man in hospital gowns, and he looked completely shocked the moment he bumped into these strangers, but then like he was about to freak out after realizing he was spotted.

"W-W-Who are you? G-Get away from me, you hear me?!" The patient shouted as he sat up and scrambled away with a panicked look. Unlike the nurses, this man was speaking English, which Tristan could recognize from his British accent.

"Hey, hey, calm yerself down! We're not with them." Tristan stepped forward while raising his hands disarmingly, as he immediately knew that this civilian was another patient who just sneaked out of his room and surely was trying to escape.

Despite his attempts to reassure him, the patient burst out a manic laugh. "Hahaha… Do you really think I'm gonna believe all that shit?! I know everything what you're doing here, and I'm sure as hell you're not even bloody Christians!"

Blitzø as he stood back to his feet and dusted off his jacket a deadpan look. "Listen asshole, unless you got shit stuffed in your ears, we have nothing to do with whatever is going on around here." He turned around and took a few steps forward before glancing at his crew. "Come on everyone, this guy is not even a problem for us. After all, who would ever listen to a madman?" The imp cast a mocking grin at the patient.

"You think you can get away with it after what you've done to that woman?" The almost sane man scoffed, which drew a surprised reaction from Tristan, Millie and Moxxie. "You're dead wrong! No matter how much you'll try to hide it, people are gonna find out the truth one day! What you're really doing to those poor women… and what you're really turning us into!"

"What are you talking about?" Tristan asked with a frown as he approached the patient.

"Oh, are you really gonna waste time listening to this jackass?" Blitzø groaned in disbelief.

"Yeah, I have to side with Blitzø, cause it sounds to me that guy is really going cuckoo bananas." Millie said with a nonchalant shrug, giving an apologetic expression to Tristan.

"Just hold on and give me a minute" Tristan held up his hand before turning back to the prisoner. "What do you mean by what they're doing to the women? And what exactly do you mean what they're turning you into?" He asked with a grave tone.

There was a tense moment of silence as the man grew hesitant to answer Tristan, maybe because he was starting to realize that maybe this young man is not even a nurse. His mouth opened when he was about to answer…

A feral scream suddenly broke the deafening silence and bounced off the walls of every corner of the hospital. Everyone was startled by the disturbing sound and brought their weapons out by instinct.

"Satan! What the hell was that?!" Moxxie yelled while his fingers tightened around his gun.

"It's them…" They turned back at the patient and noticed he began trembling in fear, as all the alleged 'bravado' just crumbled. "They know I'm trying to escape… They're gonna kill me!"

From that moment, Tristan began to understand how much horror this man and the other victims were going through, and while there's so many answers he wanted to uncover, the first priority was the safety of the civilians. "Alright listen, we can get you out of here. You just have to-" He reached his hand out to help the patient, but it was swatted away.

"Get away from me! I'm getting the fuck out of here!" The patient shouted before he stood up and ran away in panic.

Heading to the other end of the hall, the man turned to the left as more footsteps could be heard, only to be stopped abruptly, followed by the same blood-curdling scream that this time sounded much closer.

"Oh God… NO! NO! WAIT-" The man's words were suddenly cut off when they heard a loud growl and then there was the sound of a furniture crashing. "AAAAHHH! GET OFF ME! NO! SOMEONE HELP ME- HELP ME- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh…ggghh… gaaahh..."

There was an agonizing scream that echoed throughout the floor until they died out in a few seconds, only what remained was the unnerving sound of flesh tearing and chewing. Suddenly, they could see a pool of blood coming out of the corner, before some of that splattered on a wall before them. At that moment, they began to realize something was seriously wrong and this wasn't something the imps would expect in a mission.

"Rookie… what the fuck?" Blitzø glared at Tristan, demanding for an explanation as he, Moxxie and Millie stood petrified like they're having a hard time to pick the fight or flight response.

Tristan restrained an exasperated sigh when he already knew the answer but doubted it was something the imp would want to hear. "We might have… a little problem up ahead. Just don't make a sound and let's get into the office right now. He responded in a low tone and backed away. While Blitzø and the others wanted answers, they decided to follow the human's lead and walked backwards slowly.


Everyone froze at the sound of a ringtone and they looked straight at Blitzø, as the boss just blinked before taking the phone that was vibrating out of his pocket and saw Loona was trying to call him. "Well… FUCK."

Before anyone would tell him to turn off the phone, they heard another frightening scream. They turned their sights back to the hallway, and at this very moment they saw a grey-skinned man with blood all over his gowns and his mouth stumbling into view. But what proved Tristan's claim was that it had sharpened teeth and his eyes were reddened with blood coming out of the sockets and the nose.

Upon spotting the human and the imps, the madman let out another screech before dashing towards them while waving his arms wildly.

"Shite! Shoot him down!" Tristan shouted, taking out one of his Beretta guns and aimed at the deranged man.

Without any hesitation, Blitzø and Moxxie aimed their weapons at the three of them unloaded round after round at the madman, which stalled him in the process. The psycho could withstand some of the bullets hitting him as he kept closing distance with them. Nevertheless, they continued firing until the maniac slumped to the ground before Tristan and the imps stopped shooting. However, almost to Blitzø and Moxxie's shock, the madman dragged himself closer to them while gurgling blood out of his mouth.

Suddenly, an ax was thrown and pierced into the psycho's skull, finally killing him instantly. It was Millie who delivered the coup de grace, as she approached the bloody corpse and pulled her ax off the skull with a sickening crunch.

"There, now he's as good as dead." Millie said with a boasted smile as she twirled her blade.

The imps and Tristan surrounded the corpse to take a closer look. "What in Satan's name was that?" Moxxie said with a bead of sweat rolling down his temple.

"Yeah, I gotta agree with Mox. I was expecting to see some crazy shit in this madhouse, but this one wasn't on my bingo card." Blitzø said with an annoyed look as he rested his sniper rifle on his shoulder.

Tristan sighed through his nose as he knelt down next to the corpse and inspected its teeth and its eyes just to be sure, but at this point he already knew that this man was already dead. "Alright, I wish I could make a joke, but I'll just get to the point. It's a fecking Ghoul."

"A ghoul? You mean like a zombie?" Millie asked with a surprised reaction.

"While they might be the same, the ghouls are actually stronger than the average zombie. But this one right here is the real bastard; they're aggressive, resilient, and even they can tear you limb from limb like what it did to that poor lad." Tristan explained as he raised back to his feet and glanced at the corner where he could still see the pool of blood. Looking back at the corpse, he continued. "I don't know if it's the same man we saw him restrained by the nurses, but I would be worried if there's more of them roaming around here."

Moxxie blinked his eyes when a realization hit him. "Wait, isn't that what that guy meant earlier? The hospital is turning their own patients into ghouls? That can't be possible…" He said with a deep frown.

"What did you expect? It's not the first time we've seen cults who try to do some voodoo shit to turn people into mindless freaks!" Blitzø argued as he placed his foot on the ghoul's head.

"Actually, that's not how that works." Tristan countered, earning a confused look from the imp. "The ghouls come from an unchaste man or woman who have been devoured by a vampire, or somehow infected by the blood of a vampire. Even so, there's no way this bloody cult would know how to make a ghoul without a vampire among them. Unless…"

(Play Song: Payday 2 OST - Backstab)

Just when Tristan was about to solve the puzzle, the sound of the alarm suddenly filled the entire building that caught everybody off guard.

"Well, there goes our stealth mode." Blitzø sighed as he heard the footsteps coming closer to them.

"And doesn't sound like they're gonna make us walk out the door." Millie added with a relaxed tone, as they could hear some clamoring from the hospital's staff, meaning they're now alarmed after hearing the gunshots.

Her claim would soon be proven to be correct when a group of nurses showed up at the other side, armed with submachine guns. One of them yelled with his finger pointing at the intruders, before the nurses began firing at them without a second thought. Tristan and the I.M.P assassins hid behind the walls as dozens of bullets hit the concrete.

"What do we do now, sir!" Moxxie said with a raised voice as he flinched when a bullet almost grazed him.

Blitzø growled vexingly before turning at Tristan. "Alright, Mr. Supervisor, this is it! Are you gonna let us off these fanatic pricks or should we try to reason with them?"

The young Van Helsing looked at the imp for a moment, before he pulled out his second handgun and pulled the hammer back, letting the imps know that he already made up his mind from the moment they entered the hospital. "Nah, permission granted."

His answer was like music for Blitzø's ears as his smile spread across his cheeks. "Fuck yeah! Let's do this shit!" He shouted with his sniper rifle ready.

The imp threw himself to the ground and fired a round towards the nearby cultist, blowing his head off. The other cult members were completely shocked that they stopped shooting, not only because they saw one partner's head exploding, but also because they witnessed a strange red-skinned humanoid with big horns. This gave Tristan the chance to get out of his cover and shoot some of the fake nurses with his dual handguns, taking down two of them.

"Scheisse! Geh in Deckung!" One cult member shouted as he and the other one took cover behind the walls.

"Moxxie! Millie! Get rid of these pricks!" Blitzø yelled as he just shot the other cultist's head before the latter tried to return fire.

"On it!/You got it, boss!" Moxxie and Millie dashed forward while dodging the bullets from the two remaining cultists who were trying to shoot them desperately. Once they closed the distance, Moxxie went ahead and slid across the floor and shot one cultist in the leg, making him howling out in pain as he fell on one knee, only to be shot in the head by the small imp.

The last nurse aimed his gun at the demon, but before he could pull the trigger, Millie pounced on him and pushed him to the ground before hacking him in the face with the ax, leaving his face split with blood plastering the floor.

"You're okay, sweetie?" Millie asked softly as she retrieved her ax from the cultist's severed face.

Moxxie stood back to his feet before giving his wife a reassuring smile. "Yeah. Thanks, honey." He replied.

"Come on, we gotta push on to the west hall!" Tristan said as he and Blitzø caught up with the little imps and the four continued to move forward.

Another cultist suddenly came out of a room and tried to ambush the assassins, only to receive a bullet to the face by Blitzø. Suddenly, Moxxie heard a door opening from behind, before he whipped around and saw another armed nurse about to shoot them in their backs. The imp with the bowtie reacted quickly and pulled an assault rifle from his back before shooting a burst of bullets, killing the nurse.

"Watch your backs!" Moxxie shouted, spotting another door opening and fired another burst at it, before he saw a body of another cultist hitting the floor with holes on the torso.

"Yeah, yeah, just keep them off our asses then!" Blitzø said and looked to his side where he spotted another bunch of cult followers going up the stairs. He took a grenade out of his jacket, pulled the pin with his teeth and threw it down, making it bounce downstairs until reaching the feet of the nurses. The grenade exploded and a few limbs flew off as the smell of burnt flesh hit his nose. "Ha! Eat shit, you bigot assholes!"

"Fucksake! Did you really have to bring a grenade with you?" Tristan yelled, startled by the explosion that shook this part of the building.

He heard the sound of a door getting kicked open, which made him snap his head to the side and saw two more guys, who appeared to be security guards, going through the double door. He fired his dual M9 guns to take down one of them, but to his annoyance both of his pistols ran out of ammo, which was giving the other guy the chance to shoot him back.

"Coming through!" Millie passed Tristan before leaping forward, bouncing off the word and sliced the armed nurse's throat with a knife.

"Thanks, little one!" Tristan said while reloading his pistols.

"I have a name, you know!" Millie replied with a pout, only to notice the cultist twitching before ending his suffering with a stab.

Meanwhile, Blitzø and Moxxie took the lead with their backs sliding on the walls while they were getting closer to an intersection, but Moxxie was almost hit by a volley of bullets that came from the lounge area, forcing the little imp to step back.

"Fuck!" Moxxie yelled, coughing when the concrete dust flew up in his face.

"Does anyone have a grenade? 'Cause I only brought one and I was supposed to use it to blow the preacher's head!" Blitzø said as he tried to take a look at the lounge, only to pull back when a bullet almost grazed him.

"Forget about grenades! I have a better idea!" Tristan went through a room that looked like an office, where there's a window. Keeping his head down, he sneaked to the window and raised his head slowly to have a clear view of the lounge area.

There were two men hiding behind a reception desk, and three more were taking cover behind some furniture as they kept pinning the imps by sending a barrage of bullets to them. While Tristan didn't have the good spot to flank them, he could at least distract them to help the imps. So he smashed the window with his weapon and returned fire to the cult followers, which surprised them before he ducked for cover when they fired back at him.

Seeing the opportunity, Blitzø aimed his rifle and killed one cultist by firing a bullet to the head. The others hiding behind the reception desk were about to retaliate, but Moxxie soon jumped in and forced them to duck. Little did they know that Moxxie was just doing a covering fire so Millie could rush in. The nurses who were trying to shoot Tristan noticed the small imp and tried to fire at her, but before they could pull the trigger, Tristan leaped out of the window and shot in mid-air, taking down both of the gunners.

Gripping both the ax and the knife, Millie jumped on top of the reception desk that surprised the last two cultists, and lunged one of them to stab the neck with the knife. She jumped up just before the other tried to shoot her, only to hit the dead partner. When she descended, Millie brought her ax down and cracked the cultist's skull with a loud crunch and blood gushed out gruesomely as the body slumped down in a heap.

"Anyone else want a piece of us?! 'Cause the devils are knocking your motherfucking heaven's door!" Blitzø shouted with a manic grin as he reloaded a new magazine into his rifle, finding himself enjoying the carnage they're creating.

"Sir, one of them is still alive!" Moxxie said while he and Tristan were watching over a wounded cultist who was groaning in agony while clutching his chest where he was shot. Blitzø raised an eyebrow and strode towards the wounded nurse, while taking out his flintlock pistol.

"Okay, you said you can speak gibberish, do you? Ask this piece of shit where the hell is he and maybe we can make him go to Heaven, if he still believes that shit." Blitzø said while glaring condescendingly at the nurse.

"Um, okay, sir." Moxxie cleared his throat and spoke in German. "Verzeihung, Herr. Können Sie uns sagen, wo wir den Priester finden können, der auch der Besitzer dieses Krankenhauses ist?"

The wounded nurse blinked at the imp's question, but then a disdainful frown grew on his face and spit a glob of blood to the side. "Warum fickt ihr euch nicht selbst, ihr verdammten Hölle Freaks!" He barked between coughs.

"Um… He said…" Moxxie was about to translate to his boss, only to hesitate when he knew that response wasn't anything positive.

"Oh, I think I got an idea what he said…" Blitzø sneered contemptuously, stepping closer to the nurse and then put the barrel of his flintlock into the mouth, making him widen his eyes in shock. Without sharing a farewell message, he pulled the trigger and painted the floor with the cultist's brains.

"Christ, man. For a moment I thought you would make a witty remark before you'd kill him." Tristan said, grimacing at the brutality display from Blitzø.

"Meh, he wasn't even worth giving that." The imp shrugged and slid his flintlock back into his jacket. "So which way was the office again?"

Before Tristan could respond, more cultists appeared at the end of the lounge area by the hallway. He, along with Moxxie, shot them down until none of them was left standing. Suddenly, Millie saw a door being kicked open, before she took the handgun out of Moxxie's jacket and shot a security guard who just came out.

"Shit, just how many more are in this bloody building? We really need to find the target fast before more of these gobshites show up."

"Right, right, you do that while we can take more of these assholes. We didn't have much fun for a while! Come on, guys! Let's pop more fucking heads!" Blitzø laughed and recklessly rushed forward to find more cultists to kill.

"Sir! Don't just… run away." Moxxie sighed while running his hand over his face.

Tristan noticed the frustration on the imp's face. "Not the kind of boss you're proud to work with, do you?" He asked as he holstered his guns and picked a submachine gun from one of the dead cultists.

"Oh, he can be rash, but he's really a nice guy after you get to know him!" Millie stated, waving her hand reassuringly.

"Yeah… Pretty sure he still hates me for almost killing him and all of you. Sorry about that by the way." The young human voiced his doubts.

"We can talk about that later. Let's just catch up with him before we lose him!" Moxxie said before running as Tristan and Millie followed him, as they heard more gunshots far ahead, meaning Blitzø must be dealing with more of the dangerous cultists.

Unbeknownst to them however, was that their movements were being surveyed by the security cameras.

A couple of security guards were watching the massacre through the security feed as they were arguing about how many of their partners were being killed by those monsters and a guy, which still came as a shock to them that a human was with the red creatures. One of them suggested trying a new strategy, but the other was against that for a number of reasons.

Despite their initial disagreement, both have concluded there was no other way and nodded their heads to each other. The second security guard glanced at the red button before slamming it with his fist.

Tristan and the I.M.P continued to push forward and take down more cult members they'd find on their way. Of course, he had no choice but to follow Blitzø wherever he goes even though they're supposed to find the target, but at the very least they're getting closer to the office little by little as long as they have the upper hand.

(End Song)


All of a sudden, an unnerving loud siren wailed in the entire building that everyone stopped shooting.

"Oh for fuck sake, what is it now?!" Blitzø groaned loudly as their fun was suddenly spoiled, and he thought that the last alarm they heard was annoying.

When Moxxie noticed the cultists didn't shoot them back while they were distracted, he faced back to the end of the hallway and saw them running away, much to his surprise. "Guys, they're retreating!"

"Aw, come on guys! We're just playing nice!" Millie jested as she tried to call them back, but they were already gone.

Tristan, on the other hand, was on the edge the moment he heard that kind of alarm, which doesn't sound like anything a hospital should have. After watching the cultists fleeing, he looked around to realize they're now all alone like they were from the beginning. His instincts warned him that something was not right here.

"I have a bad feeling about this…" He said gravely without lowering his weapons.

"Oh, you really think so, Obi-Wan? Please, tell us something we don't actually know!" Blitzø responded with a tone of sarcasm.

"Wait… Does anyone hear that?" Moxxie said alarmingly before everyone heard the sounds of groans and gargle began to fill the air.

Hearing a crashing noise from behind, they turned around and saw the door from the corridor was knocked down and then a group of patients walked out of the room. But once he noticed their dismembered bodies and the unnerving red glow in their eyes, everyone knew they were the same ghouls like they encountered earlier.

"Great, now they're using the ghouls against us?!" Moxxie cursed as he aimed his assault rifle at the incoming undead.

Blitzø let out a scoff. "Calm your tits, Mox! These walking dead people are so goddamn slow this time, we'll just bust their heads like pumpkins!" He said to the thespian before he fired a shot at one of the zombies, blowing up the head. "See? Piece of cake!"

"Eh, Blitzø… I don't wanna be a buzzkill, but we got more trouble over there." Millie said and the other saw she was pointing at another group of ghouls blocking their exit on the other side.

"Well, this is starting to get better…" Blitzø gritted his teeth while checking how many bullets he had left in his rifle. "Let's just take down these fucking ghouls then!" He fired around to another ghoul, tearing off one of his arms, but the undead continued to walk like it was nothing.

"Make sure you shoot them in the head or in the heart! And for goodness sake, don't let them get near you!" Tristan shouted before he and the imps stood back to back and shot in both directions to take down the horde of ghouls.

The bullets tear through flesh and tissue of each ghoul as some of them dropped to the ground after getting their heads or hearts blown, but the ghouls still had the superiority number as they began surrounding Tristan and the imps, forcing them to shoot more rounds at the cost of accuracy.

"They're getting closer!" Moxxie yelled as he reloaded his assault rifle under pressure.

"Dammit, I'm out! Moxxie, you brought something else with you?" Millie asked after she emptied the magazine of her pistol.

"I got a shotgun, here!" Moxxie pulled the shotgun out of his jacket and threw it to Millie as she caught it.

"Thanks, sweetie!" Millie said before pumping the lever and fired a buckshot, blowing one of the ghoul's legs.

Tristan cursed under his breath when he was also out of ammo, and when he went through his pockets to reload his gun, he found out that he only got one magazine left. He knew that under these circumstances their weapons will go dry and they'll end up getting devoured by those ghouls unless they find a way to escape from the horde.

"Blitzø, we need to get out of here or we'll be cornered!" Tristan suggested as he slid the last magazines into his pistols.

"I fucking noticed, you don't need to scream into my ear!" Blitzø retorted as he looked around for a way out, until he found a door that was only a few steps away. While he didn't know where this led. "Fuck it, let's go over there!"

The imp kicked the door open and went through the room with the others following him. After that, he slammed the door closed as Tristan blocked it by dragging heavy furniture with the help of Moxxie and Millie.

"Alright, that should hold them off for a while." Tristan said, huffing out his breath as he turned around and found out they're in a large room with tables sitting between rows of bookcases filling most of the main room

"You think we're in the clear here?" Moxxie asked between gasps, a little shaken after encountering an uncommon anomaly he never thought they'd exist, and he was sure he didn't want to end up being food for the zombies.

Unfortunately, they would soon get the answer when a new set of groans was heard before spotting more ghouls coming out into view.

"Oh, you just had to open your fucking mouth!" Blitzø flared up in anger and he charged towards a nearby ghoul, before bashing its head when he swung the butt of his rifle like a bat.

"There has to be a door that could take us to the other side of the wing!" Tristan said as he put the barrel of his gun into the mouth of a ghoul and blew its rotten brains out.

Fighting through the ghouls on their path, Tristan and the imps dashed across the library, passing hall after hall while looking for an exit, even though it was very possible that's where the ghouls could get inside. While he was on the lead, Blitzø shot another round of his rifle to the head of a ghoul that was blocking their way. Next to him, Tristan just put another bullet into a ghoul's eye socket, painting the bookcase with its blood.

Millie jumped up and landed on the table, before dashing to another ghoul and cut the head of another ghoul. When the ghoul's lifeless body slumped to the floor, Millie spotted the door at the far other end. "Guys, there's the exit!" She said, as the little imp girl jumped off the table and cut the other ghoul's leg.

"Alright, you heard the lady!" Blitzø said as he, Moxxie and Tristan jumped over the table and headed hastily towards the door.

"Millie, look out!" Moxxie shouted before shooting the shotgun to blow the ghoul's chest that almost jumped on his wife from behind.

"Thanks, sweetie!" Millie said with a smile, deeply grateful for her husband's courageous action.

Moxxie smiled back at her as he pumped the shell out of his weapon. The imp turned around and walked backwards while he continued shooting his shotgun at the ghouls to cover the rear. At first Moxxie was unable to comprehend that they were now facing undead people, but now it had become much fun to make their heads explode. After all, they're already dead to feel some regret.

However, it was too late for him to realize he's making a mistake when he heard a growl next to him, before he whipped his head and saw one ghoul just sneaked to his side.

"SHIT!" Moxxie tried to shoot it, but the ghoul grabbed his shotgun and made him miss, before the zombie knocked the imp to the ground and was now on top of him. Moxxie tried to fight back, but the creature proved to have an incredible strength.

"Moxxie! No!" Millie cried out, making Blitzø and Tristan skidding to halt and looked behind to see one of their partners was in trouble.

Blitzø took out his flintlock pistol and aimed at the ghoul trying to bite his employee. When he pulled the trigger… there was the unlucky clicking sound that made him realize it wasn't loaded. "Oh for fuck sake! Moxxie hold on!"

Mille tried to rush forward and save her husband, only to be stopped when another couple of ghouls blocked her path. "Get out of my way!" Growling like an angered beast, she began slashing furiously at the ghouls, cleaving the skull of one of them. But when she sunk her ax into the shoulder of the other, the ghoul grabbed her arms and threw her into the nearest bookcase. "AGH!"

"Millie!" Moxxie yelled, feeling now helpless to save her while the goddamn ghoul had him pinned.

Tristan aimed his weapons at the ghoul and shot it in the head before it was going to attack Millie while she was stunned, but it was the last bullet he had left before his pistol was now empty. "Oh fucking shit…"

Groaning in pain, Millie opened her eyes before they shot wide open and looked back at Moxxie, only to gasp in horror when she saw her husband unable to push the ghoul away as its teeth was about to bite him. "NO!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" Blitzø began to panic as he tried to reload his flintlock in a hurry.

As for Moxxie, he couldn't do anything but glare at the ghoul with a twinge of fear in his eyes, feeling his arms trembling as he was being overwhelmed by the undead's strength. He tried to kick his legs around to break himself free to no avail, but his struggle came to a stop when he watched the ghoul bringing its teeth down on his neck.

A sickening sound was heard… followed by the blood started to spew all over the floor.

To Be Continued…

N/A: Man! What a way to start all the supernatural action, doesn't it? I inspired a lot from other works like Hellsing Ultimate, Resident Evil and Hellboy, and not sure if you guys noticed, but I inspired the mental hospital idea with Outlast. But I can assure you that everything you read it's just the tip of the iceberg, so expect to see more secrets to be revealed in the next chapter!

I also hope that some hints I left about Stolas and his relation with Tristan's organization might answered some of your questions, but I can assure you there will be more information yet to be revealed and trust me, it might surprise you with how Stolas knows more about the Van Helsing family.

A couple of things I wanna let you guys know before I take a break. First, I created my own Twitter account where I'll share the updates and some sneak peaks from my new stories, as well some Patreon announcements. Oh! And even some commissioned art based on my fanfics! If you wanna follow me on social media, just find me as francis_witcher, I'm sure you'll be able to find me.

And speaking of Patreon,  I just posted a little exclusive sneak peek of a lemon scene between Tristan x Charlie and Vaggie, you just need to subscribe for $2 and you'll get access for the fun stuff that's gonna happen in this story!

Alright, I promise you will see the second part of this chapter soon enough! And I'm so excited to bring more good-old fashioned action!