Chapter-38: A Long Night-3
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Ben could precisely remember the time when he had been scared shitless, and today was one such day. The creature standing before him was giving him chills as if it were a demon from hell. The creature was twice the size of the biggest bear that he had ever seen, although that creature didnt have any eyes or nose, it felt like it was looking straight at him, making him more nervous.

He gulped some saliva and started thinking about what he should do, but at such times in crises his brain tends to stop working, he could not think of anything other than the size of the creature and how immense it was. He gulped some saliva and started praying to the Lord Tibba for mercy.

The creature then got on its four legs again and slowly started heading towards him, seeing the creature approaching slowly, he started praying hurridly and close his eyes, he didnt want to die with his pants unzipped and his dick out, but as the creature advance didnt stopped, he closed his eyes, he was too much of a coward to stare the death in its eyes.

From the sounds of the crinkling of leaves and snapping of dried twigs on the ground, he knew that the monster was slowly its way toward him, and there was nothing that he could do. Then came a time when he could tell, the monster was just beside him, but as he was still alive, he decided to open one of his eyes to see why the monster have not attacked him yet.

The monster was standing just in front of him, the gills on its neck were fluttering rapidly, trying to breathe in the air around him, he felt that the creature was smelling him like a dog, and when he thought that the monster was about to pounce at him, the creature simply ignored him and went past him.

It is only when he stopped hearing the monster’s steps did he sighed with relief, immidately his legs lost power, and fell down on his butt, trying to catch his breath. After sitting there for some time, he realized that he had sat down in a puddle of his own urine, but he didnt care, he was just happy that he was alive.


Hearing the scream he turned back, it came from the camp, the monster had attacked the mercenaries near the carriage, he pushed himself up, his legs were still shaking from the encounter from before, but he somehow pushed himself up.

The screams of men fighting were getting louder and louder, making him more nervous. ‘Why the hell did that monster didnt attack me? Why did it leave me alone?’

It is then he suddenly remembered that black liquid that Adui made him drink, he started remembering that he told him that this would protect him from something called the bampus or something. ‘Wait was that thing the banput? The monster that those pale bastards brought with them?’

The more he thought out it, the more it made sense that the monster from earlier was the bamput.

But didnt Adui said that there was no way that these monsters would be here? Man, he would be pissed when he would realize that he was wrong.’

After realizing what these monsters were, he immediately decided what he had to do, he immediately started running towards the village, he needed to warn Adui about them, and he had to do it fast…


After closing the box, Adui sighed, he had nothing else to do, he was feeling sleepy, but he could not sleep, he knew that. So to power through such an ordeal, he decided that maybe he should start walking around the room, it would be good for his health. But soon he dropped the idea when he realized that his crutches would create a lot of noise, that would wake up the girls.

Instead, he went and sat down beside the window of the room, the full moon looked very beautiful, combined with the serene forest area surrounding the village making the view before him very enchanting. While leaning by the window, he enjoyed the gentle breeze on his face, although the breeze was chilling, still he quite enjoyed it. It is then he heard it…


He peeked out of the window, he definitely heard something loud crashing in the village and followed the crash was a pin-drop silence, when he heard nothing more for a few seconds, he figured that someone had had an accident or something, he was about to brush everything aside when he heard.


Now he was quite concerned, this didnt seem like an accident to him, and villagers also figured as much, most of them came out in the street with lanterns in their hands, to see what the ruckus was all about, villagers started looking around, he on the other hand stuck to his window as he had a vantage point.

It is then he saw something, a beast-type creature jumping on one of the roofs of the houses on the outskirts of the village, he instantly recognized the creature, it was the same as the pictures that he saw in the books of Franc Ulaspas, it was a Vampas.

Immediately he peeked out of the window and yelled “EVERYONE RUN!” he then went back inside, as fast as his crutches could carry him. He didnt know whether villagers would heed his warning or not, but he could not do anything for them…

Wrapped in soft silky sheets, Clair and her daughters were fast asleep, he had to shake Clair to wake her up. She got startled as she saw him standing in the dark, but he didnt let her scream, he grabbed her mouth. “SHH,” he shushed her.

“We have to go now!” he said in a low voice. She pushed his hand out of her mouth. “Why?”

“The monsters that I spoke about, they are here. They are raiding the village as we speak.”

And on cue, screams and loud crashes of the villagers started reverberating outside, which was enough to answer her question. Immediately she started shaking her girls, to wake them up. The girls were although a little groggy, they woke up as well.

While rubbing their eyes, both the girls looked at them and then looked towards the window, they could hear the screams and ruckus outside, it is then Julia asked. “What happened?”

He smiled as he looked at her, he then tucked Julia, hair behind her ears. “We have to leave sweetheart, come on let's go.”


Hearing a rather loud scream from outside the girls got startled, Diane looked at him. “What was that Uncle Adui?”

He instantly replied, “Nothing dear.” He then immediately brought a large vial of blue liquid from his spatial pocket. “Clair, take a sip of this, and let the girls have some as well.”

Immediately she took the vial out of his hand and drank some, after that, she passed some to the girls as well. He was half expecting her to throw some question about what was in the vial, but it seemed that the screams of the villagers had somehow compelled her to follow his every command without question, which was a good thing.

It was then he fished out another vial from the pocket and then turned towards the girls who were curiously looking outside, all the screams and loud crashes from outside had gathered most of their attention. He could see it in their eyes that they were getting scared, he had to do something.

“Girls, let's play a game. Do you wanna play a game with Uncle Adui?” he couldnt gather their attention, so he had to shake his hands in front of their eyes, which got their attention.

“Good. I will be giving you this potion, drink it quickly.”

The girls meekly nodded. He then made the girls drink the potion, and then both of them became unconscious and fell on the bed. Clair looked at him for answers, which he was happy to give.

“The potion that you and the girls first drank, would alter your body odor, and make you smell like a rotting corpse, something that the creatures avoid. The second potion knocked out girls, I think it would be best for them if they do not see the horrors of tonight.”

“WHAT THE FUCK?” he glared at her, she then remembered that they have to keep their voice low. “Why did you do that? What if some monsters find them when they are unconscious? They would become an easy snack.”

Adui then saw that tears had started trickling down her cheeks, the noise from outside was making her very nervous and scared.

Before he could console her...


The door of their room broke open, the mercenaries came in with their sword already drawn. “Mr. Hampshire, we need to go!” one of them yelled.

Although it was commendable that they barged in to save them like this, they just signed off their death warrants. And on cue, a white creature came crashing into their room from the window, decimating a wall in the process…

One of the four mercenaries valiantly raised his sword and charged at the creature with a downward swing, he swung his sword, but the creature was fast, it dodged the attack by jumping backward, it is then one of the mercenaries fired an arrow which lodged itself on the creature’s face.


The creature cried in pain and stepped backward, only to plunge down from the broken wall from which it came. “COME ON!” one of the mercenaries cried once again at them.

But before they could move, another one of the creatures came from the door, ambushing the mercenaries from the back side, this small Vampas started mauling the neck of the mercenary nearest to it, killing it instantly, one of the mercenaries swung the sword on the creature, cleaving its head cleanly.

It is then the creature with the arrow lodged in its head jumped back into the room and immediately launched itself at the three remaining mercenaries, toppling every one of them, the creature then went for the one that shot at it, the creature used its teeth and started mauling the stomach of the said mercenary, killing it ruthlessly.

As the last two mercenaries got their bearing, they immediately got up and raised their swords and lunged toward the creatures…

He shook Clair's hands, she then looked at him, and he then signaled her to follow him. Although she was so scared that her legs refused to move, with sheer willpower, she picked up her girls and started following him, the fight between the mercenaries and creature took them to the adjacent room, so they could simply pass from the front door undetected.

As they got to the stairs, he started telling her the plan in a low voice. “The black liquid that I gave you before, it altered your body’s blood which would make it harder for the creatures to distinguish between us and their kind.”

A ray of hope lit up on Clair’s face, and he noticed it. “But dont even think that this would give us the edge that we needed. If the monsters get a feeling of being threatened by us, they will attack. That is why I gave you this potion changing your body odor to that of a rotting corpse. If you come across any of them, do not scream or move. Just lie down on the floor like a corpse.” And with that they started making their way outside.