Volume 02 Chapter 00
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Two weeks after the incident in Gozess, I, Duke Nelson Dear Valdeck, found myself organizing the documents related to that event.

"No discrepancies in the documents. Just need to stamp them," I muttered to myself.

Taking the seal in hand, I made sure to apply enough vermilion ink to ensure a clear impression on the paper. Slowly and meticulously, I pressed the inked seal onto each document.

"...Phew, with this, the work regarding this incident comes to a close."

After stamping each document, I double-checked them one by one to ensure no seal was missed. Once satisfied, I bundled them together and placed them beside another stack.

"My brother mentioned continuing the investigation on this matter at the national level. He's probably just as busy as I am," I mused.

After arresting Grubert and ensuring the integrity of the Gozess branch of the Comprehensive Guild, I returned to the capital city for report writing purposes.

Within these two weeks, judgments had been passed on the three main culprits apprehended in Gozess.

According to the international law established in intercontinental agreements, Grubert Langutt was sentenced to death for the crime of illegal slave trading, regardless of his status. However, considering his cooperation in the investigation of this case and his sincere confession, his sentence was mitigated to the revocation of his title, confiscation of his assets, and exile from the continent of Relevante.

During the trial, Grubert himself pleaded for the death penalty, stating, "I've gone this far; I deserve to be executed." To which the judge responded, "If you truly feel remorse for your crimes, live a righteous life without forgetting that conscience, and strive not for yourself but for others." It was reported that Grubert kneeled on the spot, expressing gratitude through tears upon hearing the judge's words.

The former chairman of the Bleuma Slavers Association, Razves Bleuma, who had collaborated with Grubert in illegal slave trading, was sentenced to death for the same crime. Despite protesting, "Why am I sentenced to death when Langutt is only exiled?!" and attempting to appeal, he was unable to do so due to lack of funds. All his ill-gotten gains had been seized by the state, leaving him penniless, and thus his death sentence was confirmed. He was scheduled to be executed along with his accomplices the following weekend.

As for the third culprit, the former Adventurers Guildmaster, Debtor, he was stripped of his title and sentenced to hard labor in the dangerous mines for attempted assassination of the Relevante Comprehensive Guild chairman, previous lord of Gozess, and numerous other crimes. However, a problem arose.

"It was unexpected that the remaining members of Debtor's group were found dead in the woods with their throats slit," I remarked.

According to our soldiers' records, they were killed by bandits, but... could it be true? Would Elrina say the same thing as the Reitgalm soldiers if I asked her?

"...I should tell Elrina about this," I decided.

Come to think of it, when we parted ways, she was invited by Guerl to join the Knights in the capital. She declined, saying, "I appreciate the offer, Guerl, but... I want to live freely for now. But don't worry, I plan to come to the capital once I've saved up enough money."

"Freedom... She probably prefers adventuring over becoming a knight. Hm... Alright!"

I retrieved a blank sheet of paper from the drawer and picked up a pen. I decided to send a letter to Elrina in Gozess to inquire about the opinions on the demise of Debtor's remaining members. Perhaps she would offer a different perspective from the soldiers.

Once I finished writing the letter, I rang the bell on my desk to summon a servant. After a brief wait, I heard a knock on the door.

"Enter," I called out.

The door opened, and Meldein, the butler, entered the room, bowing respectfully. "Do you require something, Lord Nelson?"

"I've written a letter to Elrina in Gozess. Please arrange for it to be delivered through the Comprehensive Guild in Gozess," I instructed.

"Gozess, you say... Just earlier, we received a letter from the Guildmaster of the Gozess Comprehensive Guild addressed to you," Meldein informed me.

"What? Is there something else happening?" I inquired.

"I haven't read the contents of the letter myself, so I'm not sure, but I believe it's not an urgent matter. Unlike the previous letter, this one is neatly written, not hastily scrawled," Meldein replied.

"I see."

I accepted the letter Merldin handed me and broke the seal to confirm its contents.

"Oh! So, Elraina is coming to the capital. Excellent! I should inform Guer and the others. They'll surely be delighted!"

"So, should I cancel the letter to Gozus earlier and inform Lord Hondou that Lady Elraina is heading to the capital?"

"Yes, please do, Merldin."


With those words, Merldin excused himself at the door and left the room.

Now, when Elraina arrives, should I inquire about the remnants of Debtor's faction before expressing gratitude for that time? Also, my wife expressed a desire to meet Elraina. I must arrange for them to meet. But... is it okay? My wife and I...

Knock, knock.

"Hmm? Come in."

"Excuse me."

Huh? Merldin. He just left a moment ago... Did he assign the task I requested to another servant? No, but he's too meticulous to do such a thing.

"What is it?"

"Lady Amy Lister of the Second Knights just informed me that Lady Elraina has arrived at the capital."

So Elraina has already arrived! Huh? Hm?

"She will attend to her matters at the Guild before heading here."

"I see... understood."

"Is everything alright, sir?"

Merldin looked at me with concern.

"It's alright. No need to worry. But isn't it unfortunate that this happened at such a bad timing? Is today an unlucky day? Well, it's good that it saves us some trouble."

"There's nothing unfortunate about it. If you think of it positively, Lady Elraina coming to Lord Nelson's mansion is rather fortunate, isn't it?"

"Well, it's all about perspective."

"Indeed. Well then, I'll bring some tea."

"Ah, please do."

After saying so, Merldin left the room again.

But is it just my imagination that Elraina arrived at the capital quite early? Didn't we just receive this letter?

I took out my pocket watch and checked the time.

"It's half-past nine. If she came by a shared carriage, it would take a bit longer... but what if she didn't use a shared carriage and went to the stable to borrow a horse?"

Borrowing a horse is a bit expensive, but it's faster than a shared carriage.

"Huh? Come to think of it, when we parted ways, she said, 'Besides, I can't ride a horse, so...' with a wry smile."

Then how did she come all the way from Gozus to the capital, which takes almost four hours on foot?

"Did Elraina lie to me about not being able to ride a horse?"

I concluded so. Besides, if she managed to come here without any issues, then how she got here from Gozus to here shouldn't be my concern.

"Well then, after I finish my tea, I should prepare to greet her."

Nelson leaned back in his chair, gazing out of the window at the garden scenery, awaiting his tea.