Volume 02 Chapter 11
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"Huff... huff... phew..."


Standing before the Silver Dragon Pavilion now, I couldn't help but realize something belatedly—did I really need to sprint at full throttle all this way?


"What on earth was I thinking? Feels like I've been toyed with by the gods... oh well, nevermind. Let's just go in and get a room," I mused aloud.


Pushing open the doors of the Silver Dragon Pavilion, I was greeted by an elderly lady behind the counter who looked at me and spoke, "Welcome. Welcome to the Silver Dragon Pavilion. Could I see your card, please?"


Ah, so she was the attendant.


"Ah, yes," I replied, handing over my comprehensive guild card.


"Thank you," she said, inspecting the card briefly before returning it with a smile. "No issues here. Will you be resting or staying overnight?"


"Staying overnight," I confirmed.


"Staying overnight? It'll be three copper coins per day, five copper coins with meals included. However, if you book for a week, it'll be twenty copper coins with meals included. How would you like to proceed?"


Twenty copper coins for a week plus meals did sound like a good deal.


"I'll take the week, please."


As I handed her two silver coins from my inventory, the attendant took them and hung a numbered tag on the wall behind her counter. It seemed to indicate whether rooms were available or in use.


"Understood. Here's the key to your room. If you're heading out, please leave the key at the counter before leaving. We might have to report to the guards in some cases."


"Got it."


"Please make yourself at home. Lima! Show our guest to room 203!"


With that command, the elderly lady disappeared into the back, followed by a cheerful "Yes!" from a sweet voice. Before me stood a young girl with a ribbon tied around her head.


"Dear guest, I'll guide you to your room! Follow me!"


"Hey, Lima! You got the last bit wrong again! Come on, follow me. Quickly!"


"Oh, sorry! Grandma!!"


"What are you saying in front of a guest! Honestly! Even after being told to mind your manners!"


"Waaah! What's happening to Grandma's tone? Is that how she usually talks? And this kid looks like she's about to cry... oh well, can't be helped."


"It's okay, really. She's just a child. I don't mind."


Lima looked at me with a bright smile, but the elderly lady glared at me.


"...Guest, this child tends to take advantage if she's spoiled too much, so try not to spoil her too much."


"Alright... duly noted."


With a wry smile towards the old lady, I turned to Lima and extended my hand.


"Alright, Lima. Lead the way to my room."




Lima cheerfully replied and grabbed my hand, pulling me along.


"This way! Follow me!"


"Alright, alright. Oh, excuse me. *Cough* *Cough*... ahem! *Cough*! ... I'll follow Lima properly, so please don't rush."


Feeling the weight of disapproving eyes behind me, I let Lima guide me to my room, her grip surprisingly strong.


"Here's your room, miss! Feel free to use it as you like, but be careful not to break anything. If you need anything, just call for assistance."


"Got it, Lima. Thanks for your help. You're such a good girl."


As I patted her head and she closed her eyes in delight.


"Hehe, tickles..."


This kid is too adorable! What is this feeling? Is this maternal instinct kicking in!?


"Lima! How much longer are you taking!? Hurry up and help me here!"


"Yes, Grandma! Okay, Miss! Lima's off now!"


"...Yeah, Lima. Do your best with your chores."


As I withdrew my hand from hers, I waved and she waved back before dashing off energetically. Watching her go, I felt a surge of anger towards the old hag at the front desk.


Damn it! That old hag! She's ruining my moment of happiness... I'll make sure to get her out of the way next time!


"Ugh... but there's no use getting angry here. I need to think about my plans for the future."


For now, let's sit on the bed. Hmm, this bed is so soft! It's completely different from the last place I stayed at! Let's lie down and check it out.


"Wow! It's so soft and comfy! And it smells nice too! I'm in heaven..."


Hmm, it feels lonely without someone to crack a joke. I just realized that.


After relishing the comfort of the bed for a brief moment, I sat up and started thinking about my future plans.


"Now, my plan was to earn money and buy a house in the capital of Reedgalm after some activities in Reedgalm. But thanks to Duke Valdeck, that plan got accelerated."


After the Grubeld incident, I spent some time poring over maps and documents and came up with a plan of my own. I intended to establish a base in Reedgalm, located almost in the center of the Lebland continent, before venturing into various other places.

"Once we've seen various parts of Liðgarðr during our travels, we'll move on to visit the neighboring Empire, Republic, and Magic Country."

Deciding on the order based on our feelings at the time is fine, but first, we need to establish a base, meaning we have to buy a house. So, what would be my ideal home?

"An ideal one-story house in a safe area."

In any case, we must buy a house during our stay. Let's go to the real estate agent to get some property recommendations.

"Hmm? Come to think of it..."

I've never seen a real estate agent in this world before. What should I do?

"Ah! The Comprehensive Guild should know!"

If that's the case, tomorrow, along with the rewards for the orcs, I'll ask the Guild Master where I can find a real estate agent.

Whirring sound

"Come to think of it, I haven't had lunch. Since I can't borrow a kitchen, should I just have some cup noodles?"

After opening the menu and navigating to the food section in the store, I purchase some cup noodles along with an electric kettle and mineral water.

However, even though the gods have modified this world to be usable, it still feels strange that there's no outlet for the electric kettle. If this existed on Earth, how much cheaper would the electricity bill be?

While pondering this, I fill the electric kettle with water from the mineral water bottle, close the lid, and switch on the electric kettle. As I'm about to open the cup noodles, the door suddenly swings open.

"Big sis! There's a guest here who wants to see you!"

I'll have to teach Lima-chan about manners later.

"What's the guest like?"

"Yeah! It's Sir Kishidan!"

The knights? Probably here to meet Guerl-san and the others.

"I know them, so I'll go meet them now."

"Yeah! Huh? Big sis, what's that?"

Lima-chan points at the cup noodles.

"Oh, these? They're food. It's a convenient dish that you just need to open and pour hot water into."

"Wow! That's cool! Are you going to eat it?"

"I was planning to, but I need to meet the knights first. Lima-chan, come with me."


Lima-chan takes my hand and starts pulling me.

"I'm here!"

"Hey, Lima-chan. Remember, I'm a guest. Is it okay to treat a guest like this?"

Lima-chan stops abruptly and looks at me with a strangely anxious expression.


"In that case, do you have something to say to me?"

"I'm sorry."

Well, if she can apologize sincerely, then I'll let it slide.

"Alright, since you've apologized, I'll forgive you. Just be more careful next time, okay?"

As I say this, I ruffle Lima-chan's hair.

"Yeah! Lima will be careful."

"Alright, now take me to the knights' place."

While holding Lima-chan's hand, I don't rush her this time, but she guides me to the entrance of the store.

As I turn to look towards the counter where I hear voices, I see Guerl-san, Amy-san, Keith-san, and Lizlina-san standing there.

"What on earth did you do?! If you're going to arrest this guy, do it quickly!!"

Wait a minute! Why is this old lady treating me like a criminal!?

"That's not it. We just came to meet her because we know her."

Keith-san backs me up. I'm really grateful for that...

"I see, then I'm relieved. If you're not causing any trouble here, then do as you please."

The old lady turns away and starts reading her newspaper.

Where did that sales smile from earlier go, old lady?

"Long time no see, Erlaina."

While I'm thinking about that, Guerl-san approaches me and extends his hand.

"Nice to see you again, Guerl-san."

I shake the hand he's offering.

"We heard about what happened with Begar's group. Thank you."


I stiffen at those words.

"Erlaina-san is still as bashful as ever. But, that's one of your charming traits, you know?"


This time, I slump down and sit on the floor.

"Keith! You can't tease Erlaina-chan like that!"

"I was just honestly complimenting her, you know?"

"I-It's okay... it's not your fault..."

I managed to stand up, shaking my head from side to side.

"H-How did you find me here...?"

"Ah, well, you see. I asked Lady Anya about your whereabouts. She mentioned that you might be here."

Keith replied, turning towards me.

"Ah, I see."

"Hey there, El. Have you had your meal yet?"

"Lisrina-san, I was planning to have it later."

"Then why don't you join us? It'll be fun, right?"

An invitation for a meal... Well, I don't see any reason to refuse.

"Sure, I'll join you. I have some things I want to discuss with Guerl-san anyway."

"Alright! If that's settled, let's go together! I'll take you to a great place! Oh, and don't worry about paying for yourself, I'll take care of it!"

Huh!? Guerl is treating us?

"Guerl-san, that's not necessary. I can pay for my own meal."

"No, you owe it to me for what happened with Beiga."

"I see. In that case, understood. Here's the key, Granny."

I handed the key that I had kept in my pocket to the old lady, who took it with a bored expression.

"Alright then. Have a good time."

"Let's go, Guerl-san."

"Yeah! Follow me!"

Elraina left the inn with Guerl and the others, heading towards the restaurant, unaware that danger was slowly closing in on them, unnoticed by anyone.