Volume 03 Chapter 02
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Upon arriving at the Integrated Guild, I opened the menu to check the time.

7:26 am. Looks like I'll have some time to spare after checking in.

Closing the menu, I headed to the Adventure Department counter, but before I could reach it...

Um, excuse me, are you Elaina-sama?

For some reason, a staff member from the Integrated Guild approached me, calling out my name.

Could it be... they want to discuss the exam in the reception room?

Yes, that's correct. Do you have something to discuss regarding the D-rank promotion exam?

The guild staff, with a relieved expression, began to speak.

Yes, that's correct.

My assumption was on point.

Aide-san is waiting in the reception room. Please go there to hear the details from him.

I see. Understood.

Well then, let me guide you to the reception room. Please follow me.


I replied without thinking and followed the female staff member. When she stopped in front of the reception room, she knocked on the door.

I've brought Elaina-san.

Alright, let her in!

Hearing the words of Instructor Aide from beyond the door, the staff member opened the door and ushered me into the reception room.

Good morning, Instructor Aide.

Ah, good morning. No need to stand around. Please, have a seat on the sofa.

Ah, yes.

I replied and sat down on the sofa, but I couldn't help but wonder if this was an appropriate way to explain the exam.

I'm sorry to say this so suddenly, but... your D-rank promotion exam scheduled for today has been canceled.

Eh!? Canceled?

The exam being canceled... why?

That's right. I was called away two days ago to deal with a large horde of zombies, leaving me no time to conduct the exam. Furthermore, there's a shortage of manpower for the investigation, so staff from surrounding towns have also been called in to assist.

It was that serious? Wait, wouldn't it be bad if this got out?

So your D-rank promotion exam is canceled. We'll inform you of the new date as soon as it's decided.

...I understand, Instructor Aide.

Oh no... I was so determined to pass, and now it's canceled...

Seeing my disappointment, Instructor Aide looked at me with a wry smile.

Well, I understand it's disappointing, but don't you see this as an opportunity? A chance to plan even better?


Don't you think you can prepare even more thoroughly?

I should consider his words. But realistically, all the preparations I made for this exam will have to be carried over to the next one... It's disappointing, but maybe if I change my mindset, I won't feel so down.

...As you say, Instructor Aide. Perhaps it's best to see it as an opportunity to prepare more thoroughly.

Exactly. So don't be too disheartened.

Yes, thank you, Instructor Aide.

Yeah, I'm grateful to Instructor Aide.

Do you understand? Alright! My part is done, so you can come in now!

Huh!? Who is Instructor Aide talking to?

As I pondered this, the door opened without a knock, and someone I knew entered the room.

Good morning, El-chan.
Rizurina-san!? What are you doing here?
Well, I came here because I have something to discuss with you.
Guel-san is here too!?
Thank you for the other day, Elraina. Thanks to you, I wasn't violated by the orcs.
And even Myurina-san is here?
She really does have a cute reaction.
Hey, hey, Keith-kun, don't tease Elraina like that.
Keith-san! And even Duke Valdeck is here!?
Mi, miaowster... W-what's going on... h-here?
Although I can't seem to get my words out, I need to find out why everyone is here.
Guel-san begins speaking while looking at me.
I came to the Comprehensive Guild because I have something I want to ask Elraina.
Me...? What do you want to ask?
I can't imagine... They don't know, right? There's no way they know, right? It'll be okay, right!?
Did you defeat the horde of zombies the other day?
No, I didn't.
For a moment, my face almost stiffened, but I calmly respond to Guel-san and the others.
I see. So it wasn't you, huh?
It seems like they aren't onto me. Maybe they're just speculating if I defeated them? That's probably it.
But now, Duke Valdeck addresses me.
Actually, Elraina, we investigated your actions at that time.
What!? Duke Valdeck and the others investigated me without my knowledge!! This is seriously bad!!
I-I see?
The day before yesterday, you left the inn at four in the afternoon after enjoying a meal with Guel and the others, right? What were you doing?
Oh no! I just realized I fell right into their trap! They called me to the reception room of the Comprehensive Guild and then interrogated me. Keith-san is standing in front of the window next to the door, and Myurina-san is standing in front of the door, keeping an eye on me. There's no way to escape from this situation without raising suspicion!
I get it now. Duke Valdeck and the others didn't come to the inn where I was staying yesterday to ask me directly because they thought if they approached me strangely or said they wanted to hear the truth, I might run away. So, they brought me to the reception room on the day of my D-rank promotion test and surrounded me like this!
Uh, I... I went to the grasslands for training at night.
Training, huh? Come to think of it, the innkeeper said it felt odd for you to go to the grasslands at night. And when you came back, you looked quite exhausted. Isn't that right?
What!? Did they ask that old lady behind my back!?
I went out for training with my usual equipment.
And you know that the horde of zombies was defeated to the west, right?
Yes, I'm aware.
Then why did you go to the grasslands from the west gate?
T-That was just a coincidence. I returned home immediately after training.
Calm down, me. If I show any agitation or anger here, it'll only raise suspicion! Stay composed.
...I see. Understood.
I managed to pull through... or did I?
Aide, bring the Crystal of Truth here.
Understood, Chairman Valdeck.
As Instructor Aide gets up from the sofa and leaves the reception room, I start to panic. If I don't do something serious now, it'll be bad!!
Umm... Duke Valdeck?
Hmm? What is it, Elraina?
I honestly think it wasn't necessary to go that far, I said.
Oh, really? Would you still say that after hearing Guell's report?
Guell's report?
Ignoring the look on my face that seemed to ask, What am I talking about? Guell began speaking.
The night before last, there was a commotion in the west, so the palace contacted us to conduct an investigation. Our Second Knight Order hastily formed an investigation team and headed west.
So, the ones we saw on the UAV at that time... were Guell's team?
When we arrived at the scene, there was a horde of zombies scattered about. I was genuinely shocked when I saw that sight.
Is that so?
Yes, and upon investigating the scene, three things became apparent.
The first is that most of the zombies had injuries that seemed like parts or all of their bodies had been blown away, but some of them were different.
Different? How so?
They had wounds resembling holes. I recognized those wounds.
Are those hole-like wounds from arrows?
No, they weren't. It didn't look like they had been pierced by arrows. Let me continue.
Tch! He's not sticking to the point!
The second is that there were footprints of someone. The footprints were those of shoes, but they had strange patterns. Normal footprints wouldn't have any patterns, right, Erlina?
I inadvertently looked at my combat boots. Seeing my reaction, Guell and the others looking at the scene became convinced.
The third is that there was a faint scent of you lingering among the zombie horde. So I began to wonder, Erlina... did you defeat the zombie horde? Can you honestly answer that?
Oh no... I'm completely exposed, aren't I!?
What should I do... how can I escape from this situation!?
As I clutch my head and look down, Lizrina comes and sits next to me.
Hey, El-chan. We're friends, right?
Huh!? Y-yeah.
Since when did we become friends? I reflexively nodded.
I believe in you, El-chan.
Lizrina smiles and takes hold of my hand.
Stop it, Lizrina! Don't look at me with a 100% smile after saying you believe in me! I feel guilty about what I said earlier!
As I'm feeling that way, there's a knock on the door, and Aide enters.
Excuse me. President Valdec, I've brought the Crystal of Truth.
I see, leave it here.
After Aide's response, he places the Crystal of Truth on the table and then, for some reason, gives me a nasty smile.
Now, Erlina. Place your hand... right here. After that, just answer our questions honestly.
While smiling, Aide points to the Crystal of Truth with his finger, making me feel irritated! He's wearing a smug expression! No matter how you look at it, it's annoying!
Hmph! You're naive, Aide. You may be showing a face that says you've completely won, but I still have one last trump card!
...I have the right to remain silent.
Decided! With this, you can't interrogate me!
You don't have the right to remain silent, so just put your hand here already!
Is this even allowed!?
After that, I was forced to answer all their questions truthfully, with no room to evade.