Volume 03 Chapter 11
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Phew... I'm back."


After parting ways with Aid-san and the others at the shop, I walked straight back home, aiming for the Silver Dragon Pavilion.


"Welcome back. Well, I'd like to say that, but this isn't your home!"


Hmm... the usual response as always. Honestly, it's quite impressive that Grandma has such a personality and still managed to get married and have grandchildren. I hope Lima-chan doesn't turn out like this.


"So, you're done with your exams already? How did they go?"


This person cares about the exam results; deep down, they're a good person.


"The exams were canceled due to events around the capital."


"Oh, canceled, huh..."


"Well, it can't be helped."


"Yeah, it's disappointing."


Well, while it's truly disappointing that the exams were postponed, if you think about it, with the postponement, you can use the extra time for preparations. So, it's not something to be too down about.


"Well, for me, I'm disappointed because the outcome of the bet got delayed."


"Huh! ... A bet?"


"I bet on whether you would pass the exams or not."


Grandma, you were doing that kind of thing?! You really are the worst!!




I want to pull out my handgun right now and go for a headshot! But that would make me a criminal, and above all, I don't want to make Lima-chan sad, so I won't kill her.


"Don't make that face! I bet on you passing!"


... It might be pointless to get angry with this person.


"Well... more importantly, could you display this on the counter?"


I took out the lavender from the item box and for some reason, Grandma looked surprised.


"Are you planning to owe me with that?"


"No! I just thought the counter looked too plain, so I thought I'd decorate it!"


"Is that so? Then I'll take it if it's free."


After saying that, Grandma took the lavender from my hand and went to the back of the shop.


"... She left without even saying thank you."


"If you thank her, you'll just blush again, won't you?"




Grandma, you hit me right where it hurts.


"Well, it's better than it was before. Here's the key to your room."


"Thank you very much. Then, I'll go back to my room."




After thanking Grandma, I returned to my room and locked the door just in case, then took off all the equipment I was wearing.


"Now then, let's take a look at the new abilities I received from the goddess. Since it's a robot, it should be in the storage room. Um... let's see..."


As I said that, I brought up the menu and searched for the humanoid.


"Not this... not this either... ah, there it is!"


Having found the humanoid, I materialized it immediately, and it appeared before me.


"Master, please give me your command."


Oh! These guys who shouldn't talk spoke!


"Please give me your command."


A command, huh... let's try something.


"Shake hands with me."


"Yes, sir."


The humanoid responded and shook my hand, but my hand started making creaking sounds.


"Ow ow ow ow ow!!! Let go, it hurts!!!"




The humanoid immediately released my hand, saving it from being crushed.


"Ah, that hurt. Let's go easy from now on. That was dangerous for various reasons."


"Understood. Adjusting grip strength and recalculating target human parameters... Calculation complete. Master, it's safe now."


Really? Let's try it out.


"Shake my hand again."




"... Oh!"


It shook my hand again, but this time it didn't hurt. Looks like it's adjusted properly.


"Master, how is it?"


"Yeah, it's fine. I just called you today for greetings. From now on, I'll be counting on you!"


"Likewise, I'll do my best."


With both of us exchanging greetings, I stored the humanoid in the storage room and sat down on the nearby chair to take a break.




A communication? It's from Meltina. I wonder what it's about?


"Hello, Elrina-san."

Though her tone held a hint of irritation, was something amiss?

"What... what's wrong, Miss Meltina?"

"Elrina-san... You forgot, didn't you?"

"Forgot... What do you mean?"

If it was just something left behind in the room, it should be fine.

"You forgot to wash your face this morning."

"Wash... Ah!"

Oh no! I promised to wash my face before going to the Guild. Could it be that what the Goddess mentioned as a secret back then was this?

"Oh, um, sorry! I just completely forgot..."

"No need for excuses. Get down on your knees there."

"Huh? Um..."

"I said, sit there!"


Overwhelmed by Meltina's fierce expression on the screen, I immediately dropped to my knees on the floor.

"Listen, Elrina-san. I understand that you used to be a man, but that's in the past! As I've said before, you are now a woman, and you must learn to behave as such! Moreover, what I am teaching you is..."

Oh, here it goes again with Meltina's rapid-fire lecturing. And to top it off, the Goddess is grinning mischievously behind Meltina, which irks me to no end!

"Are you even listening!?"

"Yes! I'm fine!"

"Anyway, from now on..."

"Elrina! It's me! Would you mind opening the door for me?"

Phew! That's Lady Aiena, the wife of Duke Valdek! Saved by the bell!

"Ah! A guest has arrived. Let's leave it at that for today. But remember, I won't tolerate this again."

With that, she abruptly ended the communication.

Whew, that was intense! But more importantly, why did Lady Aiena come to see me?

"I-I'll open it now! Please wait!"

With numb legs from sitting, I made my way to the door. As soon as I unlocked it, Lady Aiena burst in and embraced me.

"Hehehe, caught you! Now you can't escape from me!"

"Uh, I didn't plan on escaping. Could you let go, please?"

"It's better like this. Hyah!"

"Huh? Uh, woah!"

She suddenly lifted me up and carried me to the bed, forcefully laying me down before climbing on top of me.

"W-Wait, Lady Aiena! Please get off!"

I couldn't shake her off! She's too strong!

"I have no intention of moving. Also, I came here to thank you, Elrina. Will you listen?"

"Yes, I'll listen."

Maybe if I just listen quietly, she'll let go?

"I heard you scattered the zombies from Nelson and helped capture the Ulb Trading Company. Thank you."

"Eek! Uh, th-thank you..."

Blushing furiously and covering my face with both hands, I squirmed uncomfortably.

"Haha! Such a delightful reaction! Should I praise you more?"

"Y-You're too kind..."

Ignoring my flustered state, Lady Aiena continued speaking.

"Also, I must thank you properly."


"Yes, you. As a token of gratitude. We owe you big time. So, we've decided to fulfill your wishes. What do you desire?"

"I have something I want, nyaAAAAAAHHHHH!"

A sudden tickle from Lady Ainya made him let out an odd noise.

"Ellyna, cut it out. If you say that again, I'll... alright, I'll play with your breasts! If you dislike it, just be honest."

"N-No, please stop. Get away from meeeee!"

Lady Ainya firmly grabbed his chest with both hands and began kneading them in circles.

"St-Stop it! Ahh!"

"It's your fault for saying that. I'll thoroughly enjoy this as punishment."

"Huh!? Wait... sto- AHHH! Nnnnghhh!"

Why does this feel so good?

"You make such delightful sounds. Shall I get a bit more serious?"

"P-Please... let go... I... can't... breathe..."

"I refuse! Ahhhhh!"

After enduring Lady Ainya's thorough massage, he felt completely drained of energy and spirit.

"Pant... pant... alright, I give up. I surrender, Onee-sama."

Sweaty and teary-eyed, he pleaded with the person who had just massaged his chest.

"Just be honest. If you don't speak up next time... I'll do something even lower."

The moment Lady Ainya loosened his belt, his body tensed up.

"Eek! I-I was going to buy a house!"

"A house? ...Were you planning to live in the capital?"

"Not just live, but make it a base! So, I've been looking for a good house for myself!"

"I see... in that case, leave it to me!"

She said before moving away from him and sitting on a chair.

Phew, saved by the bell!

He thought as he sat up and looked at Lady Ainya.

"Are you sure it's okay? To prepare a house for someone like me?"

"Compared to what you've done for us, it's nothing. Look forward to it!"


Can I really trust her with this? Nothing strange will happen, right?

"That aside, Ellyna."


What's with Lady Ainya's serious expression?

"It seems there's a hero from the Luxlard Empire heading towards this capital. Do you know the reason?"

A hero heading towards the capital? Could it be!

"Are they coming to investigate the defeat of the zombie army?"

"Exactly, to find out who defeated them. They might even try to join our party. Currently, they're heading here on a wyvern and should arrive by tomorrow... But, since our country is in its current state, we won't be able to meet them right away. So, it's scheduled for the day after tomorrow."

"So, you want me to tell the heroes that I defeated them?"

"No, everyone else will keep quiet about it, so don't worry. What I want is for you to be cautious and avoid meeting them tomorrow."

"I understand."

Well, tomorrow, I'll just be diving into the dungeon for the exam, so I won't meet them anyway.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me, Lady Ainya?"


Is there still something else?

"Your... chest isn't padded, huh? I doubted it because it didn't move much."

Wait, my chest was suspected to be padded!?

"Since it feels good, let me touch it again. This time, directly."

After saying that, Lady Ainya stood up from her chair and approached him with lewd gestures.

"Wait! Please wait! You just... massaged my chest thoroughly earlier!"

"Well, touching it made me feel... excited. Oops! I won't let you escape!"

He tried to run towards the door, but Lady Ainya caught him with both hands.

"Let go! This is already considered cheating!"

Before he knew it, he was pushed onto the bed by Lady Ainya and was now being straddled.

"Cheating is when a man and a woman are involved. Touching each other without love between women is just playfulness. Now, accept your fate and surrender to me."

"That's not a valid reason! Where are you touching, ahhhh!?"

After that, he was thoroughly enjoyed by Lady Ainya, needless to say.